//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 the Foal from tarterous // Story: The Nightmare Chronicles // by Shadow-Aura //------------------------------// Several years past since that night link took in the little pegasus filly by the same name and it was smooth sailing. Oh boy let me tell you that never lasted because this young foal was impossible to predict as she was up before the first howl of the watch wolves returning to welcome them home before genuinely being a kid annoying the elders and fight with the cubs. However there was days that was special, days that was unique and baffling to the Wolf pack. It was the days when Night learned to fly with her wings and take off the highest rock before diving at any member of the pack as she used her wings to pull up just to scare the poor wolf. Today was such day. "Night are you sure about this Alpha has warned you about your flying and Is genuinely ready to snap!" a voice came behind the filly known as her best buddy snow that was the let's say runt of his litter and shuned just like night was until she began pranks on the elders but that wasn’t important what matters is this white cub would be there whenever night needes him. That is what mattered. "My dear Snow don't worry Dad was cool about this one... Grandaddy Alpha listens to him most of the time." Night said spotting her target a young female wolf who was known as the pack's private princess because she got her way every time. But the little princess wasn’t anything of the sort she was a bitch, literally and figuratively, as she bullied the minority. Night and her was bitter enemies as Night was her favourite to bully for obvious reasons. Well you probably can guess what happens between the two often but no matter in what scenario Night was the one punished. Even if she didn't retaliate so she made plans. Plans of revenge starting with a good old scare. "Night please reconsider Princess is close with Alpha being his neice whilst you are usually in his bad books." snow said with a worried tone as he shook in place as Night got ready to jump the wolfess. "Snow I'm doing this because she needs to learn respect we are a pack we work together not alone to survive her friends saw that and left her but yet she blames me for her attitude to them Pah..... So I'm going to teach a lesson!" Night said before diving down towards the unsuspecting pup. "Oh no I better tell Link!" Snow sad heading towards links part of the grove as fast as his paws could go.