From The Moon and Back

by MrEShy

From the Moon and Back

Year one, year one on this dark, deserted celestial object called the moon. The very thing that I ruled over by the night before my sister rose the sun in the day. My very own moon is now my new home of solitude away from the planet I once knew. Down there, the earth sits in my line of sight, but I am not able to return. I can only see through the eyes of darkness, I can only feel my body struggling to get free from the chains that held it in place. The feeling of want to destroy the one who sent me here fills my darkened thoughts as I battle against the dark force for control over my body. I can’t hear what it is trying to say as it looks to the earth with resentment and the want for eternal darkness to shroud the lands. There is another feeling, my head, the horn that pierces towards the stars; it glows with all its might as the creature starts to drain my magic fast. It tries desperately to call upon the stars to help free it, but none come to its aid. I feel it lift its head to yell, but it is all mute to my ears.
Year 358 and I feel a presence heading in the direction of the moon. I look out onto the earth, but as my body laughs with evil intentions, I sit there and I sob. To see the earth, my home, just sitting there with all my friends and family. The though of my sister races through my mind and I imagine how she is down there all alone to govern the world on her own. I want to pound the ground in my despaired of doing this to my sister, for destroying my life I once had; the time that we could have spent together if only everypony could have just paid me a little more attention. I feel the creature that I have become speak towards the heavens; the feeling of it is glee as I see a star slowly heading toward the location of our prison. I shake my head as I scream out, as I beg for it to not go back, as I cry wanting it to stop from attempting to return. It looks to the earth with no recollection that I am even still conscious in its mind.
Year 593; this time, only four stars had answered the call to the creatures want for freedom, though they can only do so much to free It. I try to call to them, to tell them to stop, to tell them to not help the beast so it can create chaos on the land, but they don’t listen. The stars are only loyal to the virus that calls itself a pony. I try to punch, I try to kick, I try to blast it with my magic, but nothing works as I am bound and stuck without any hope of escape. I can feel my sister as I look to the earth as it turns on the side that she resides on. I try to reach out as I can feel her looking up here towards me. I wonder, does she know that I am looking towards her? Does she know how much I long to be free from this nightmare? To be free from this curse that holds me to this rock that I rule over. I don’t want to have the attention of anypony else anymore; I just want to see my sister again! Yet, that isn’t possible, isn’t plausible, as I am trapped in the mind of a tyrant.
Year 845 and the first star slowly comes into the orbit of the moon; the creature laughs in excitement at the thought of its plan going into effect. It looks to the others as they try their best to quickly come to free It. I begin to cry hard as I realize that the creature is going to return soon, to return and kill my sister for revenge of sending and chaining it to the moon for so long. I try to send some sort of sign to my sister down on my home where I belong. I try to tell her to be ready, to be prepared for when and if the creature comes to destroy everything that my sister and I worked so hard to build up. I look away from the gaze of the earth as I scream loudly, with all my might, with all my want; I only to pass out from exhaustion.
Year 900. It has begun; the stars are in full orbit of the moon as I finally wake up. I shake my head screaming the word “no” as I look at them slowly descending towards the creature. I can feel the roar of the beast as it gazes towards the earth. The first star goes to the right hoof and I can feel a chain breaking to the impact of the star. Year 923 and the second star hits the back left hoof, breaking that chain as well; the creature growling and snarling towards the earth as it realizes that it will be free very soon. I tried even more desperately to take control of my body to stop the beast from taking to the skies once more. Year 967 and the third chain breaks off with a blast from the third star. The creature gazes and only watches for the fourth star now. Year 1,000 and finally, it has become the longest day of the 1,000th year. I watch in horror as the star starts chipping away at the last chain and the beast gets its wings ready to blast off towards the earth. In one instant, one single thought went through my mind as the chain broke off and the beast shot towards my home. The thought of despair was large, but that one thought that broke through it was that I was finally, after 1,000 years stuck on the moon, going home.