//------------------------------// // Episode 2 // Story: 6 Coloured Rainbow // by Dashi Lover //------------------------------// After a long day of napping, Dash began to head home when she saw a familiar dark blue pegasus. “You again?” Tornado walked up to her with a charming smile, “Sorry, we seem to have gotten off on the wrong hoof yesterday.” Dash sighed, “It’s fine.” Dash couldn’t understand why, but something about his smile made it impossible for her to stay mad at him. Just then it began to rain. Tornado looked around and smiled, “Oh dear, we’d better find shelter.” “My cloud-home isn’t far from here.” With that they took flight. --- The cloudhouse was above standard raincloud level so it was dry inside and actually quite cozy. It wasn’t until they reached her home that Dash realized she didn’t have anything to feed her guest save a couple of frozen meals in the fridge. Tornado seemed fine with this however. After they ate, Dash led him to the upstairs area, which mostly served as her lounge room. She turned on the fireplace to dry off while Tornado had a look around at her various medals and posters. “I see you’re a fan of the Wonderbolts.” Tornado said, chuckling, “I’ve always been a Windsoar fan myself… Who’s this?” Dash turned around to see Tornado holding a photo, “Just a memory… An old friend who died in a freak storm.” “I’m sorry to hear that.” Tornado said, putting the photo down. Dash turned away and began to cry. Tornado smiled, walking up to her and hugging her. “Hey… I’m here for you.” Dash turned to him and cried on his shoulder, just letting her emotions go. She just needed someone to hold, someone to keep her warm. She let herself go with him. She let him lye her onto the bed, she let him kiss her, he let him touch her. It wasn’t until it was too late that her judgment took hold. She lay there, with his arms around her. she stared at the photo on her bedside-table. The face of the red pegasus was smiling, but her eyes were stained with disapproval. “What have I done?” --- “Oi… Dash!” “Huh? Wuh?” “You haven’t touched your food, and it’s my shout remember.” Caramel looked at Dash concerned, “You seem a little out of it today.” “It’s nothing.” She said, taking a bite of her sandwich then looking back at Caramel. “I… Couldn’t sleep last night.” She watched Caramel carefully to make sure he wasn’t catching on. Caramel eyed her then returned to his own meal. “Maybe we should skip flying practice today, we don’t want you getting hurt again.” Dash signed in annoyance “This current repertoire of tricks is dangerous. I know I crashed the other day, but can you stop rubbing it in?!” Caramel looked at her, a little surprised at her sudden outburst. She sighed again, “I’m sorry.” Caramel smiled and put a hoof on her shoulder, “Don’t be. I can see the stress is getting to you. Listen… The competition is a month away, and you’ve already perfected most of the tricks you’re learning. Yes, this is a big one, but I know you can do it.” Dash smiled, “Yeah… The competition.” --- After eating breakfast they decided to goto the park. They lay at the edge of the lake, and listened to the flow of the water. Caramel wrapped his arms around Dash and licked her neck, only to be pushed away a little. Caramel gave a concerned look to Dash, “What’s wrong?” Dash looked pausing for several seconds, “It’s too public here.” “Well that doesn’t seem to be stopping anyone else.” Caramel said humorously. Dash looked around to see the lakeside seemed to be a popular make-out location for at least 3 other couples. She blushed heavily and Caramel stroked her cheek. He then looked at the fog-watch he’d brought with him. “Oh shoot, I’d better get to work. If I’m late Big Mac’ll kill me.” He kissed Dash on the cheek before running off. As Dash prepared to leave, herself, she heard a familiar voice, “Hello again Rainbow Dash!” Dash turned around to see Tornado with his usual smile. “What the hay are you doing here?” She asked quietly. “Aren’t you happy to see me?” He said as he nuzzled Dash’s neck. “No I’m not,” She said, pushing him away, “You’ve caused me enough trouble as it is.” Tornado chuckled, “You’re the one who’s been cheating, not me.” “Just leave me alone.” Dash glared at him then flared her wings and flew away. --- Dash sat on a high level cloud, somewhere in the mountains. “Rainbow? Rainbow!” A yellow pegasus flew up next to her. “Rainbow, are you ok?” Dash looked up at Fluttershy, “Yeah… Every-things… Fine.” Fluttershy gave her a knowing look, “You only ever come up here when something’s wrong.” “Fluttershy… There’s nothing wrong.” Her voice became a little impatient. Fluttershy nuzzled Dash, “It’s alright Rainbow, you can tell me.” “I’M FINE!” Dash pushed Fluttershy much harder than she intended. The timid pony squealed and was knocked over. Dash’s eyes widened and she helped her up, “Fluttershy!!! I… I…” “Its… Its fine.” Fluttershy said, slowly stepping away. Dash could see the fear in her eyes, “I… I… I can see you just want to be left alone.” Fluttershy reached the edge of the cloud and nearly lost her footing. Seeing there was nowhere to go, she took flight. As she left Dash could see the tears running down her face. Dash watched her friend fly away, “I’m so sorry.”