
by Vennyr Pony

Chapter 4: A Choice


By: Vennyr assisted by: Flippord


Chapter Four:

A Choice

Part One:

Return Home


A shrill scream pierced the air. A few doctors and a pair of nurses began to rush in the direction of the noise. In their haste they came upon the room of which the sound had emitted; the group made their way into the patient’s room. What they found inside was a violent and horrible scene as well as an unconscious pony lying on the floor with a mortified expression embroidered upon her face.

The doctors immediately began to check the vital signs of the newly injured patient. As hastily as they dared, they rushed her out of the room and into the deeper confines of Canterlot General. The two nurses stayed behind and carried the unconscious mare to another hospital room.


Bonbon’s eyes shot open quickly. They were wide and wild as she scanned her surroundings to find that she was in another hospital room, except she was the one lying in the bed. She was hooked up to an IV drip stand. It was dark, she gazed over at an alarm clock that was on a desk next to her; it was midnight. She whimpered loudly as she tried to remember what had happened. When it finally came to her, she screamed.


The door to the hallway creaked open and a nurse pony walked in with a distressed look on her face. “Oh you’re awake! What’s the matter dear?” She asked kindly towards Bonbon.

“L-Lyra…” Bonbon stuttered as tears began to fill her eyes.

The nurse pony gave her a mildly saddened look as she shook her head. “I’ll be surprised if she lives passed tonight…” she sighed. “Do you have any idea of what happened to her?”

Bonbon shook her head. “I-I was just c-coming to visit h-her, and then…” she began to cry.

The nurse nodded. “I understand, dear… You are free to leave whenever you would like to. Do you need any help getting home?” She said in an understanding and soft way.

Trembling slightly, Bonbon shook her head and began to get out of the bed. She trotted slowly out of the room, with the nurse following closely behind. The nurse followed her until she had gotten to the waiting room. She saw her off and went back into the confines of the hospital while Bonbon made her way out of the hospital and into the streets of Canterlot. Still mortified; she walked the streets at a very slow pace, tears rolling down her cheeks as she tried not to make any noise that would alert somepony of her presence.


 She made it home in seemingly less time than her trip to the hospital despite her slow pace. Trotting up to the front door of her home she sighed softly and tried to gain some composure. Surely by now her parents have noticed that she was gone. Swiftly and quietly she opened the door and slipped inside.

She walked through the living room to find her mother sitting on a solitary chair that was placed in the center. Bonbon muttered incoherently before walking past her mother.

“What did you say?” her mother asked glaring slightly at her daughter. Bonbon stopped and turned back to look at her. “What’s wrong dear?” she asked in surprised and motherly tone.

A solitary tear slipped over Bonbon’s eyelid and over her cheek as she lowers her head. She opened her mouth in order to reply, only to be cut off by her mother.

“You went to see that friend of yours didn’t you!?” her mother spontaneously snapped.

Bonbon’s eyes widened in surprise at the sudden lash of anger, she opened her mouth to say something but merely began to whimper before her mother grunted angrily, and sent her up to her room. She galloped at full speed towards her room where she slammed the door behind her and began to sob into her hooves as she slumped down with her back against the door.


Chapter Four:

Part Two:




I sat quietly in my room. The sun was setting, that meant that I would be able to talk with Phoebe and Hurricane soon. However, that is not what my mind was fixed upon. Ever since I had pushed the vase off of the desk and gotten the attention of Octavia; I had been attempting to plan out some event of which I could induce that could grasp my family’s attention so that I could inform them about the current situation. Unfortunately, however, I was unable to come up with one due to the fault of distraction. Phoebe and Hurricane made their way into my room, breaking my concentration.

“What are you thinking about?” Hurricane asked with curiosity as he entered the room.

“Just… things…” I replied with distance in my voice as I turned toward them. The two of them gave me a simultaneous quizzical look.

“What kind of things?” Phoebe asked in her adult voice as she took a curious step towards me.

I sighed before replying, “I was thinking of a way that I could alert my parents… you know… so that they would know what was going on…” Phoebe sighed and looked at me in a way that made me feel as if I were a foal.

 She motioned for me to follow her, so I did. While the two of us left my room, Hurricane stayed behind for some reason that was unbeknown to me. The two of us walked for a little while before ending up in a section of hallway with a large window that over looked the twilight-lit streets of Canterlot.

“Why did you bring me here?” I asked. I didn’t understand why she couldn’t just talk to me in my room, if that was even what she was going to do.

“Don’t inform your parents…” Phoebe said in a cold monotone.

I gave her a questioning look, as well as taking a step backwards before asking. “Wh-why not?”

“Because even if they understood what was going on; there’s nothing that they can do. That alone could cause them to become hopeless and irrational; I don’t know your parents but… I-I do know what could happen…” her monotone had faded and become saddened.

“Wh-why did you bring me here to tell me this, why not just in my room?” I asked in a mixture of curiosity and disappointment.

“B-because… after I died… I tried the same thing… I didn’t know that I had died. I was scared… and afterward…my mother…” Phoebe’s voice began to falter; she looked at the floor for a moment before continuing. “She jumped out this window… she broke it first… there wasn’t anything that anypony could do to stop her…”

“Wh-why did she-” I stopped abruptly. My chest had all of a sudden burst with unbearable pain. ‘What’s going on!?’ I thought, I was wondering what I could have done that would have caused it before another wave hit me. This time I crumpled to the ground, I could hear Phoebe’s voice, it was distant and muffled, I couldn’t understand her. I was struck by another onslaught of pain before finally blacking out.


Chapter Four:

A Choice

Part Three:

Evening Tragedy


Cerulean-cure and her husband, Model-sire sat emotionless as well as silently in their kitchen on opposite ends on the table. Neither of their dinners had been touched, their appetites were the furthest thing from their minds. It had been two days since their daughter was admitted to the hospital and pronounced to be in a coma. They both stared at their dinners in a completely uninterested manner when there was an unexpected knock at their front door.

Slowly, Model-sire got to his hooves and made his way to the door. His eyes widened in surprise as he opened the door; there, standing before him was a member of the town guard. He was dressed similar to the Princess’ own Royal Guards only with far less spectacular armor and no helmet.

“May I come in?” he asked in a calm and pleasant tone, this surprised Model-sire even further; even still however, he motioned for the guardsman to enter while opening the door wider than it was previously.

“What’s the matter officer?” He asked, his voice was almost completely devoid of emotion, save for an under-laying hind of sadness.

“Is your wife at home, ‘Sire?” The officer asked in a more serious tone. “If so, could you please call her in her? She’ll need to hear this as well…” his tone had drifted to being more of a regretful one. Surprised yet again by this out of the ordinary question; he nodded and called his wife into the living room.

Cerulean-cure made her way into the living room of her home to find her husband sitting on a couch talking with a peacekeeper. “Wh-what’s going on?” she questioned the two upon entering the scene; her voice was tired and sad.

The guardspony turned toward her, he wore an apologetic look upon his face as he motioned for her to join her husband on the couch. “Mr. and Mrs. Heartstrings, I regret to inform you that your daughter has been placed into intensive care,” he began. “Earlier in the evening somepony made their way into her room and assaulted her in a similar manner to how she was when you two first brought her to Canterlot General,” his voice was both apologetic and stern.

“Wha-” Cerulean’s voice faltered and went silent as she sunk to her haunches as disbelief embroidered itself upon her face.

“Didn’t the security cameras catch anypony?” Model-sire asked; his voice shaky.

“I’m afraid not… the only thing they were able to catch was a pair of black blurs before the cameras were broken,” the guardspony finished before excusing himself from their home.

Model-sire stared at the door for several minutes after the peacemaker had left. His eyes were distant and his face pale. He looked over at his wife; who had sunk onto the floor and began to sob.


Chapter Four:

A Choice

Part Four:

Intensive Care


My eyes opened to find both Phoebe and Hurricane looking down upon me. The two of them were sporting worrisome looks. My eyes were slightly blurred but clear enough that I could make them out, however my head was spinning. I was barely able to get to my hooves in order to look them over. Their stares had become even more worried. “Wh-what?” I asked through my state of confusion.

The two exchanged glances with each other before Phoebe finally spoke up. “You fell to the ground while we were talking a couple of hours ago…” her voice was gentle and concerned. “Do you have any idea what happened?” her words didn’t reach me. I stared helplessly at the two of them as if they were speaking in a foreign tongue. They simultaneously glanced at one another before once again training their attention upon me.

“Can you hear me?” Hurricane questioned while moving his left fore-hoof in a side to side motion, this motion blurred across my vision.

A small groaning noise escaped my muzzle in reply; their stares had seemed to intensify afterward. I heard Hurricane say something else but, as before, I couldn’t make out the words. “Wh-what’s going on?” I groaned while stumbling over to the two of them.

“You fell and went unconscious. Neither of us has seen anything like it. Do you have any idea of what happened?” Phoebe asked me in her adult voice as she took a cautious step forward.

“I-I can b-barely… understand you” I breathed heavily. Never in my life had it been so hard to utter a sentence that was so simple. My words seemed to have caused them to worry even more; even if my head had been clear at the time I doubt that I would ever understand their reasons.

“Are you okay?” Phoebe asked; her voice was soft with a hint of concern yet again.

“I- don’t know…” My voice trailed off. My head was beginning to clear slightly; I remembered large waves of pain overcoming my body. My eyes widened in fear. “Where’s my Body?!” I yelled clearly; abolishing my previous impediment.

The two were startled by my sudden outburst; each of them took a step back, in different directions; most likely to escape whatever madness that I intended to cause. I looked at them helplessly and pleadingly as if to ask for their help. It appeared as if Hurricane was going to answer my question. However, he never got the chance for I had bolted in the direction of my hospital room before he could say anything; or at least before my ears could register what was said.


I had reached my room in under a minute; only to find a member of the town guard talking with one of the doctors that worked on this floor. I paid no attention to them as I walked in expecting to find my body lying helplessly in my bed. Unfortunately all I had come across was an empty, blood-stained, bed and several disconnected and unplugged machines; the very machines that had been connected to me. Frantically I bolted out the door, but before I had gotten too far I heard the doctor pony tell the gaurdspony that;

“She’s in intensive care.”

It didn’t make much sense to me, but curiosity ended up taking dominance over my mind. I sat on my haunches next to the two ponies and eavesdropped on their conversation. I mean what point would there be being invisible, un-hear able, and intangible if you couldn’t at least listen in on somepony’s conversation.

The two were talking about me. Apparently I had been assaulted while somepony was visiting me. When I had gained this information, my mind had instantly gone to those two ponies that had put me in this situation to begin with. After the assault I- my body had been taken to intensive care, where it will remain until I’m in a stable condition.

My ears perked up when I had heard that it was a young mare that had alerted the hospital staff to the situation by screaming loudly. My eyes grew wide for the only pony that I could think of at that very moment was Bonbon. I couldn’t believe that I hadn’t thought about her since I had ended up in this situation. I kicked myself because I knew that she must have been worried sick when she heard the news. I left the two colts in a rush. I had to make it to my body; if there was any chance that I could still be alive I would take it.


        I reached my destination in a matter of minutes. In fact it wasn’t too far from my original room; despite being on the other side of the hospital, it was on the same floor. I reached the doors and swiftly made my way through them. When I had gotten inside I saw my body connected to several more machines than what it had been previous.

My body was covered in bandages; the only recognizable features being my body shape and a small cut out where my closed eyes could be seen. On top of that I was also connected to multiple monitors; each of which read some kind of results, of which I had no comprehension of. Several more tubes (each connected to a separate apparatus of some kind) were sticking out of my body in the bends of all my legs.

I stared at the broken pony before me in a similar manner to when I had originally come in contact with my injured body. Except this time there was hardly any resemblance (at least in look) to the two images. I stared for a few moments before slowly making my way towards it. I hadn’t got within four hooves of the bed before collapsing to the ground.


Chapter Four:

A Choice

Intermission One


Bonbon was curled into the fetal position in the center of her room. Tears were streaming down her face as she sobbed uncontrollably. Her world had almost literally come crashing down around her ears. “I-it’s my f-fault… I-I shouldn’t h-have g-gone…” she blubbered to no pony in particular.

For several hours she laid there; whimpering and sobbing. Her emotional state had severely dropped to the point of depression within the past three days. Not only were her parents acting out of the ordinary; but the love of her life had slipped into a coma or possibly even died. “Why did it have to be her? Wh-why n-not me?” she sobbed bringing her legs ever closer to her body.

A few minutes had past; she had calmed down to the point of silence. Her tears had dried, for there was nothing left. She laid there in the same position for a few moments longer before slowly getting to her hooves. The tears had stained her cheeks. Dark circles had formed underneath her eyes from lack of rest. Ever so slowly, she made her way to a writing desk near her bed. She already had a piece of parchment and a quill in a ready-to-use set up.

She took the quill in her mouth and began to jot down several words upon the parchment. She sat at her haunches scribbling away word after word. It did not take long for her to finish the task that before her. She folded the parchment horizontally and set it back on the desk before lying in her bed. A single tear slipped over her cheek before sleep found her.


Chapter Four:

A Choice

Part Five:

The Black Room


I awoke in a room absent of light save for a small pin prick of white that appeared to be an enormous distance away. I couldn’t tell what it was and my curiosity was driving me to find out; however I stood still, abiding a nagging voice in the back of my head that warned me to stay. Suddenly however, the light began to approach me at a rapid pace. I shut my eyes tightly as the light reached a blinding intensity.

When I opened them again I was once again in that dark room, except I wasn’t alone. There was a shining mare (who was much taller than I) standing before me. She appeared to be staring at me; I couldn’t gaze at her visage for very long without blinding myself temporarily.

Lyra Heartsrings,” a loud voice bellowed as she looked down upon me. Her mouth hadn’t moved; it was as if she was speaking directly through my mind. “We stand before thee because thy hath either died, or nearly experienced death…

Tears began to form in the corners of my eyes as this information had began to sink in. “Wh-who are you?” I stammered looking up into where I assumed her eyes were.

The light that encompassed the mare began to dim, revealing a tall, magenta eyed alicorn mare with a white coat and a flowing pastel-rainbow mane. I did a double take, standing before me was none other than the regent of the sun Princess Celestia. “Princess,” I said while bowing before her.

She simply waved off the formality of my greeting. “No need for such greetings, Lyra,” she spoke softly.

“Wh-what are you doing here?” I hesitated, afraid of insulting the princess.

“I’ve already told you,” she informed me in a soothing voice. “However, if you wish to know why it is I that is here to guide you through your predicament; it is because I am the one who guides ponies after their time on this earth has past. A ‘Grim Reaper’ of sorts,” she explained to me.

“I’ve always thought that you’d be the one who created life…” I thought aloud; soon after realizing what I had said I covered my mouth with my front two hooves.

The princes simply sighed and took in a deep breath. “When I was born I had ended up inheriting the ability to converse with the dead along with the representation of the objects of which I symbolize. However, death cannot exist without life and following suite, my sister, Luna was born. She had inherited the ability to create life as well as the representation of the moon and stars,” as she told me this her voice was empty and monotonous.

I contemplated her words for several silent moments. As I did so I grew angry towards the white alicorn that stood before me. She raised an eyebrow in curiosity towards my facial expression. I exploded, my words coming without thought. “So it’s your fault that Phoebe can’t pass on to the next life!”

As soon as the words exited my muzzle I found myself wishing that I could grab them from mid air and return them to my mouth because of the now hardened expression embroidered on the Princess’ face. “Do not put fault on us for the laws of the universe and of all things! We are but a messenger and guide for the dead; we cannot brake it!” her voice was loud, angry, and overlaid by a separate archaic and unnatural voice. Her eyes had changed from magenta to a searing red; her mane and tail into bright white-hot wisps of flame.

Fear penetrated my body like an iron rod being driven through my chest. I did everything possible to make myself smaller and less noticeable to the divine being before me. I laid in the fetal position shaking uncontrollably. My eyes were shut tightly; the brightness had died down, but I didn’t dare open them to view the horror before me.

“Oh dear… I am sorry my little pony. I didn’t mean to let myself loose like that…” I heard a soft voice come from above me. I opened my eyes and looked up at the Princess, her visage had returned to that of her normal self.

I had gotten to my hooves then sat, with the Princess next to me. The two of us sat in the dark seemingly endless void that I had come to be used to. We sat in silence for what seemed like an eternity, though it could have been even longer within this timeless space of existence. “So… what happens now? Wh-what will happen to Bonbon if… if I die?” I broke the silence; my voice hollow and sad.

“Well… you’re not quite dead yet. There’s a chance that you can survive and awake from your coma. The only way though is that you’ll have to find out who did this to you, and stop them however you can… But, don’t sleep. Every time that you become ‘unconscious’, your body is that much closer to death…” she left me with these words of advice before standing and disappearing from the void.


The next thing that I knew I was lying at the foot of my body’s bed. I stood to see that it had not been moved ‘not that it could have moved’ my thought accompanied by an annoyed grunt escaping my muzzle. I returned to the hallway to find both Phoebe and Hurricane waiting patiently at the door.

“What’s the matter?” Phoebe questioned smiling up at me; her innocent eyes connecting with mine. The two of us were locked in each other’s gaze; her expression had become more serious as this took place. “Is something wrong?” her adult tone again… even now I still don’t understand the little filly standing before me.

“Um… no… I’m just… thinking; that’s all…” I broke her gaze and began to sluggishly walk in a separate direction. My mind was a mess of questions that pertained to exactly how I would be able to stop my assailants if I can’t touch them… ‘Hell, I don’t even know who they are’ I had become annoyed with myself. I cursed a few times to myself as I tried to remember the voices of the two ponies and who exactly those voices belonged to. At this point however, all I could remember was that the voices were all too familiar.


I had spent the rest of the night trying to remember those voices; but to no avail. The sun had come up; I had lost the ability to contact the only two ponies that could interact with me knowingly. A few hours past dawn I had given up on trying to access my unconscious memory and began to aimlessly roam the seemingly endless hallways of Canterlot General Hospital.

Several more hours past; I guessed it to be somewhere around midday. I peered outside to find it to be the typical beautiful day in Canterlot. After a few moments of staring at the wonderful scenery outside, I had decided that a walk might clear my head and help me think.

I stepped outside the large double doors that lead to the hospital’s waiting room. It was sunny out, not a cloud in the sky. Being stuck in a hospital for the past three days and four nights had made me come to appreciate the beauty of the outside world; more so than before. Though I couldn’t feel it, I had guessed it to be the perfect temperature outside; not too hot nor too cold. My expression had become content as I set off on my walk.

Everypony that I came across had smiles embroidered brightly across their faces. I had become mildly envious of their happy content lives; none of them had to deal with the situation that now had me in its clutches. However, I tried to shake the feeling because if anything, it would only hinder the entire purpose of this walk.

Several minutes passed by and I had ended up at the “Two Sisters” park in Canterlot; which had been built soon after the return of Princess Luna. I trotted through the wooden arch entrance and headed two a tall pine tree that, soon after the park was built, had become a favorite spot for the picnics that Bonbon and I would frequently endeavor upon. When I came upon that particular spot however, it was occupied by Octavia and a miss Vinyl Scratch. I drew ever closer to them to find that they were having a picnic of their own. They were talking, at first I couldn’t understand what it was about but then they mentioned her.

“Bonbon must be really sick; she hasn’t come out of her house for days…” Octavia remarked.

Vinyl Scratch simply made a confirming grunt-like noise in reply as she chewed on a bite of sandwich. “Her mother has been acting out-of-whack lately as well…” she commented after swallowing. I had partially tuned out their conversation after gaining the knowledge of Bonbon’s physical condition. Without thinking I bolted off in the direction of her house; worried for her.


Somehow I remember Bonbon’s house being closer to the park than it was, because as I rushed in that direction, the minutes felt like hours. Time almost ceased to exist at its slow rate of passing; however, it didn’t take much actual time for me to reach her front door. I stepped onto her front porch and took in deep breath. Slowly and quietly I entered the home, closing the door behind me, even though I did know that I couldn’t be seen, I still felt like I shouldn’t utter a sound.

I wandered through the house; I wasn’t extremely familiar with the layout of her house because Bonbon usually met me at mine. I had only been inside of her house once before. I found myself in her kitchen; her mother busy at work cooking their family’s meal for the evening. I don’t know what, but something had possessed me to watch her intently; not on what she was doing, but on her.

Shaking my head from my stupor I proceeded down the hall to where I believed Bonbon’s room to be. I peeked in the door way to find her lying on her bed. That’s when I heard it, she was sobbing into her pillow. My heart sank as I entered her room; it was a cluttered mess; crumpled papers, articles of clothing, pillows, and a smashed alarm-clock were but a few things that were scattered.

“Bonbon…” I whispered and choked simultaneously as a few tears began to slip over my cheeks. I tried to embrace her but, that damned polar force wouldn’t allow it and simply pushed me back as soon as I had gotten within six inches of her. I started to carefully climb into the bed next to her when a sudden noise threw me off guard.

“Bonbon! It’s dinner time!” the voice of her mother called out to her. My eyes grew wide as the memory of its familiarity filled me;

“You see, we all make mistakes. We’re here to fix yours…”

I threw myself off of the bed and slammed against the wall as the words swam through my brain. The voices… they… they were the same. I began to hyperventilate; I tried to make sense of it, tried to convince myself that it wasn’t them… but her voice was unmistakable. Through my hysteria I barely noticed that Bonbon had gotten off of the bed and sat at her writing desk. My hyperventilation had begun to catch up to me; I fainted, though I don’t know if I could actually faint.


Chapter Four:

A Choice

Intermission Two


Bonbon moaned in depression and irritation as her mother called out for her to join the rest of the family for dinner. Suddenly however, she jumped to her hooves out of surprise as a spontaneous and loud thud of a noise sounded against one of the walls. She looked over in the direction of the noise, but found nothing out of the ordinary.

Slowly she made her way over to her writing desk at which she sat and began to scribble down words at mildly slow pace as a depressed expression made its way upon her face. She was only able to write a few more moments before her mother called out to her once again. Frustrated, she tore up the parchment and scattered its remains by tossing them into the air before making her way out of the door and down the hall to join her family.


Chapter Four:

A Choice

Part Six:

The Note


When I came to the room was dark, I could hear Bonbon’s breathing as she lay unconscious in her bed. I got to my hooves and walked over to her. “Bonbon…” I whispered to myself as if she could hear me. I turned away from her and began to trot towards the exit of her room when I noticed a folded piece of parchment with the words ‘Final Apology’ scrawled across the top, lying on her desk. Despite the possible invasion of privacy I levitated it to my eye level, opened it and began to read;

My beloved friends;
        I don’t even know why I’m writing this... However, by the time anypony finds this I will have left this world by my own will. These past few days have been very difficult; I know that sounds like a severely small reason to commit such an act… but it’s much worse than what I can truly explain.

        Lyra, my only reason to keep living has most likely died by now… And worse yet, my parents won’t allow me to visit or even find out if she’s still alive… I talked to a nurse last night after breaking my parent’s rules while they went out… she said… she said that she’d be surprised if Lyra lived through the night.

–Tear stains caused the ink to run and the words to be unreadable for the rest of the paragraph-

        I have to do it… if it’s the only way that I’ll see her again. I hope that my friends can forgive me… Bonbon;

April 4th, 1003 CM

Tears filled my eyes as I read the note. I let the it fall from the grasp of my magic. It floated gently to the ground and slid under the desk. Quickly I grasped the quill on her desk with my magic. I hesitated; the ink slowly dripped off its tip and onto the parchment.

A sudden cold feeling ran razorblades down my spine as the voices of her parents filled my ears from outside of her room. The words were muffled and incomprehensible. At first I didn’t think much of it but then the voices began to speak in more intense tones. I dropped the quill and swiftly galloped over to the door and pressed my ear against its wooden body, however as I did so I heard their door shut and their voices fade away.

Slowly and silently I opened the door, the hinges creaked slightly causing me to jump. You would think that by now I would be used to the fact that I couldn’t be seen, I guess not. I creaked open the door a bit more and squeezed my way through. After that task had been completed I pressed my ear against the wooden body of the door to what I assumed to be Bonbon’s Parent’s room.

As soon as my head was settled against the door I heard Bonbon’s father ask;

“So how are we going to do it?”

The room was quiet for a moment, save for the sound of shuffling. Without warning her mother’s voice could be heard;

“I work at Canterlot General; I’ll sneak into the ICU and inject her with a lethal dosage of sedative.”

“What about her mother? Isn’t she your co-worker?”

“She works in the Maternity Ward, a different section of the hospital. No pony will notice a thing…” A sinister laughter filled the acoustics of the room. I Jumped away from the door as quickly as I could when her laughter had started. I was in shock. Unable to process what I had just heard; without thinking I dashed for the front door.

As soon as I made my way outside, I absent mindedly galloped in the direction of the hospital. I hadn’t gotten more than thirty hooves from her house before tripping over my own two hooves. I hit the ground and everything went black.


Chapter Four:

A Choice

Part Seven:

Between Rope and Friends


Bonbon awoke the next morning at around noon; groggily she made her way from her room into the bathroom. There she prepared for her day as if it were any other. She bathed and groomed herself before stepping out into the halfway. From there she trotted into the kitchen to prepare her first meal for the day; she had a simple bowl of cereal before placing the bowl in the sink and heading back to her room.

As soon as Bonbon entered her bedroom her pace slowed to a sluggish shuffle. At that pace she, made her way to her closet. She fumbled around inside the closet for a few moments before pulling out a rope. It was about three hooves long with a malicious loop a tied at the end. She stared at it for a few moments before sighing loudly as she began to fasten it to a hook in the ceiling.

Without warning, the doorbell rang. Partially startled, Bonbon quickly untied the noose from the ceiling and tossed it back into the closet. Quickly she trotted down the hall and into the front room of her house. She opened the door to reveal her friends Octavia and Vinyl Scratch waiting for her.

“Hello, Bonbon,” Octavia greeted with a smile. “Are you feeling well?”

With a semi confused look she nodded. “What are you girls doing here?”

“We were-”

“-We thought that you’d like to join us for lunch today.” Vinyl interrupted Octavia; earning herself an angry glare from her companion. Bonbon smiled and nodded before stepping outside to join them.


        The three of them had ended up at a small diner just a few blocks away from Two Sisters Park. Bonbon sat a table outside the diner; she examined the shaft of a large parasol that shadowed the table from the sun’s heat. She smiled slightly, staring it in reminiscence of fond memories of dates as well as the casual day where she would come to this particular diner and have a simple meal be it alone or with Lyra. The word burned itself into her brain. Tears rolled down her cheeks, then she began to sob quietly to herself so that no pony else noticed her.

        “Here’s your sandwich, Bonbon.” Vinyl said, setting a plate down in front of her. She and Octavia had been waiting inside the diner to pick up their order.

        “What’s wrong?” Octavia questioned setting a gentle hoof on Bonbon’s shoulders.

        “I-it’s nothing… Just… a memory… that’s all… sorry girls…” Bonbon replied, her voice was quiet and tired.


        About a half an hour later the trio separated to go about their own personal agendas. It was mid afternoon by the time Bonbon had made it back to her house. She entered her home silently and unnoticed, her parents were not home. Quickly she rushed up to her room; swiftly and smoothly she entered closing and locking the door behind her.

        Drawing in a deep breath she slumped against her bedroom door. She sat there for a few moments before sighing and getting to her hooves. She walked over to and stared at a small CD player that resided on her writing desk. She hesitated for a moment, and then pressed the ‘play’ button.

        She slowly walked into the center of the room dragging a small stool with her. Gazing upwards, she saw a small hook that protruded from the ceiling. When her family first moved to this house, she had been perplexed by the purpose of it. She still didn’t know. However this day she would give the small thing a purpose that most definitely was never the intent of such a thing.

        Trotting over to the closet, she once again grabbed the hang-mare’s noose from inside. Trotting back to the center of the room, she tied the ghastly thing to the hook. She stood upon the stool and slipped the rope’s loop around her neck. Gazing down at the ground, a tear running down her cheek, Bonbon took a deep breath, and kicked the stool from underneath her.


Chapter Four:

A Choice

Part Eight:

My Choice



I opened my eyes to find that the world was black. Beside me was a tall white equine figure, it was the princess. She gave me a grave and worrisome look. I only looked back in confusion.

“Your time is running out…” she whispered as soon as I had opened my mouth to speak. “… If you don’t find your assailants soon, you will die…”

I took a step back in surprise at her statement. “B-but, what about Bonbon?” I asked looking into her eyes. “She’s planning to kill herself!” I sobbed looking up at her.

The Princess merely sighed and looked down at me as if she knew this beforehand. “She’s doing it because of her love for you; her time is short as well. I wouldn’t be able to-“

“But you’re The Princess! You could stop her somehow!” I cut her off in mid sentence.

She simply lifted her hoof to silence me. “I can merely give you a choice and nothing more… You can save yourself from your imminent death, or your love, Bonbon, from dying at her own hooves… however, in doing so you will surely die yourself. The time-frame to decide is much too short to dwell on, lest both of you die. As well, the time-frame will not allow both of you to survive, for time is much too short to attempt such a feat, even with outside help. Make your choice wisely, Lyra Heartstrings…” And with that, the blackness of the world swirled away.


I awoke dazed and confused on the sidewalk at what might have been midmorning to the sound of familiar voices.  The sound of two familiar and muffled voices moved past me. Of course, it was Octavia and Vinyl Scratch. I found it strange how often I had been seeing them lately, I mean really; now that I’m practically dead I see these two more often? How does that even work? I’ve never really gotten to know Vinyl outside of simply meeting her, and then there’s Octavia, normally the two of us never got along, most of the time we would be competitively in one another’s faces….

The two were walking in the direction opposite to which I had been running last night; they were walking towards Bonbon’s house. I watched them; my ears had flattened backwards to the sides of my head with a mixture of frustration and uncertainty. Frustration at the same detail of my predicament that had hindered my ability to communicate with other ponies, and uncertainty at the choice that lay before me… I could never live without Bonbon, the only pony that I had ever loved aside from family… But… I didn’t want to die, nor did I want to make Bonbon herself hurt in any way… I sat in the grass; watching the two for a few moments before absent mindedly getting up to follow them.

It really wasn’t that much of a walk. As I had said before, I hadn’t gotten too far from her house before blacking out. I stood behind them as they knocked on Bonbon’s front door. I began to sweat profusely… can projections like me even sweat? I didn’t care… the only thing that mattered to me was the hope that Bonbon had not carried out what her note had warned.

Anxiety filled me as seconds droned onto minutes. I was just about to burst through the door out of worry when Bonbon herself emerged from the confines of her home. A breath of relief left me as I saw her face. She looked confused at a remark that Octavia had made regarding her health. The three of them made a quick conversation, and before I knew it I was following them to some place that they were going to have lunch.


I followed them for several minutes before we came upon a small little diner. At first, I thought nothing of it, then it hit me… tears formed in the corners of my eyes. This was the very same diner that I would take Bonbon out to on several of our past dates. I shook the tears from my eyes in order to catch up to Bonbon and the others (who had gained a surprising distance away from me in the short moment I stood in stupor).

For about half an hour I sat on the ground a few yards away from Bonbon and the other two. I couldn’t bring myself to be near the three of them. The feeling being nothing more than heartache at Bonbon’s decision… I had hoped that being with the other two would cheer her enough that she wouldn’t go through with it, but… her mood did not seem to improve past what appeared to be forced smiles and laughs.

Finally after an eternity of wallowing in my own self-pity; I had noticed that the three had separated, and Bonbon had begun to make her way back to her home. I watched Vinyl and Octavia for a moment. When I had turned from them I found that Bonbon was several yards ahead of me; I galloped towards her in order to keep her in my sight. I tried to keep my mind off of what I thought she might do while at her house as I continued to follow her.


Several minutes of silent walking later, the two of us had finally made it back to her house. The distance was not really all that great, however the two of us were moving at a very slow pace. The moment we had reached the general vicinity of her home she galloped for the front door, opening and closing it quicker than I could react. I galloped up to the door and opened it; she hadn’t locked it, thank Celestia.

Once I was inside I caught a glimpse of her tail zipping down the hall towards her room. I followed in pursuit but was stopped short by another door slammed in my face. I attempted to open the door… but… she had locked it this time. I stared at the simple wooden board that abruptly denied my access to Bonbon’s room. Without warning a haunting melody began to fill my ears. It was the sound of strings being gently amplified through a hollow wooden body accompanied by the distinct sound of a cello undermining the melody.

My eyes grew wide as I began to bang violently on the door. For several moments I banged uselessly on the door; the music was too loud. After realizing this I furiously attempted to open the door via the doorknob. I had just about given up, fearing that it was too late when I remembered my horn; I could still use magic. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the lock feeling around with my magic in an attempt to unlock the door. Suddenly there was a faint clicking noise.

I jumped with joy as the confirming noise sounded. My mouth hung agape in shock as I opened the door to reveal Bonbon standing upon a stool with a rope tied around her neck. The melody playing on the stereo made the scene more surreal and unbelievable. I screamed as I watched her kick the stool out from under herself.


Chapter Four:

A Choice

Part Nine:



Bonbon fell to the ground; the wind had been knocked out of her. The noose hung loosely off of her neck as she sat on the floor. She frantically gazed around the room, expecting somepony to jump out and grab her for one reason or another. She turned around and faced the door to find that it was wide open, however the doorway was completely vacant. Her face became white and she dashed for the opening, only to have it shut in her face by an unseen entity.

Confused and frantic she attempted to open the door to find a force, similar to the weight of a pony of similar size to herself leaning against the door, that denied her any chance of opening the door. She was becoming more confused as opposed to frantic towards the situation as she turned around.

There, on the wall facing her were the words:

“Bonbon! Please! Stop This!”

She stared at the words, of which appeared to be written in marker. Her mouth hung open in shock and confusion; still unsure as to the situation. Tears began to find their way trickling down her cheeks as she began to mutter incoherently to herself.


Chapter Four:

A Choice

Part Ten:

My Decision


I sat slumped against the door; fighting back the tears that had began to accumulate in the corners of my eye. I looked over at the marker that was lying on the floor in front of the wall and enveloped it in my magic once again. I brought it up and began to write.

“Bonbon… I need you to stay here… with your family… and our friends… They’ll need you…”
“Wh-who are you?” I heard the confused and frightened voice from the side of me. It felt both comforting and saddening to hear her voice.

“It’s me… Lyra… I’m sorry that this had to happen, Bonbon…”

“B-but, I-I saw you… You were m-murdered in your bed… h-how can you… I… Can you really be here?” she spoke softly and sadly, her voice faltering as her words turned into soft sobs.

“I’m here… and I need you to stay here as well… Bonbon, please.”

“I-I don’t w-want to live without you, Lyra… I… I can’t…” she began to bawl.

“I wouldn’t be able to pass on knowing that you wouldn’t be able to live your life… I’ve made my choice, Bonbon… I chose you… I want you to live on… with or without me… I... I’m sorry Bonbon… But I have to do this… it’s time for me to say goodbye…”


The walk to the hospital was long… My heart ached, but I wouldn’t be able to bear the thought of Bonbon dying… even if she were to join me I still couldn’t the idea of her not being able to live a full life… even if it meant that I couldn’t live it alongside her.

I walked in through the front doors of Canterlot General Hospital; as usual, no pony noticed me. I didn’t care too much, if at all… I had lost all concern for anything within the past half hour. The only thing that I cared for now was safe… that’s all that mattered. I walked up the stairs to the second floor.

 I looked out the window to find that the sun was setting. Suddenly a sharp pain struck my heart and chest causing me to collapse to the ground. The pain was horrible, but ended quickly. I felt cold… the only sensation I could feel was an empty cold. My eyes widened and I began to race down the hall towards the room where my body was kept.

I arrived to find the heart monitor that was connected to me giving of a steady single tone. I looked down and let a tear slip over my eye as I gazed at my, now lifeless, body lying in that bed… “It almost looks peaceful…” I snickered a bit but it was still half hearted.


The cold sensation had become stronger, but just barely bearable. Staring out the window I had failed to notice the presence of a small filly standing behind me.

“You’re dead…” Phoebe said flatly as she stared at me in disbelief.

I turned and looked back at her with a few tears in the corner of my eyes. “I-I know… but it’s okay…” I said; my voice was soft and sad, conveying the very emotion that filled my body.

“What are you going to do now?” she looked up at me with a quizzical look in her eyes.

“I’m… I’m going to pass on if I can… I wouldn’t be able to take existing in such a way that I couldn’t be seen or heard by any of my loved ones…” I said softly.

As soon as I had uttered the words the world twisted away into that black expanse of existence except instead of just myself; I found that Phoebe and Hurricane were there with me. I found myself wondering when Hurricane had gotten there. That however was the least of my concerns for, as if on cue, The Princess arrived. This caused the three of us to bow in her presence.

“Lyra…” she spoke softly. “I know that you know why I’m here… Have you made your decision?”

“I have…” I said almost flatly, while taking a gentle step towards her. “I don’t want to exist in a form that cannot be seen or spoken to… so I ask that I may pass onto wherever it is that we go after death…”

She gave me a look that I couldn’t distinguish the origin; it wasn’t sad nor was it happy either… “Very well… Is this your final request?”

“No… it isn’t…” Hurricane and Phoebe looked shocked at my reply, but I dismissed them and stepped towards The Princess to whisper into her ears.

When I had pulled away she gave me a small smile before asking gently “Are you ready?”

I nodded and witnessed a flash from her horn. I looked down at my body and watched it as it shimmered and became transparent; the cold sensation being replaced with a warm and cozy one. My body was disappearing, even from my own vision. I then turned my attention away from myself and towards the others.

“Thank you guys… If you two hadn’t of found me… I wouldn’t know what to do. I would have lost my mind… Even though I didn’t know you for very long I’m glad that we go the chance to meet… goodb-”




I walked down the dark streets of a sleeping Canterlot. I hadn’t uttered a sound for the last few hours... Even when my parents returned home from their jobs, I had remained silent. I didn’t know my destination… I was just merely walking.

I found myself treading on grass. I simply sighed and continued staring at the ground the whole way. It wasn’t until I had walked into a tree that I had gotten a good look at my surroundings. I was in the Two Sisters Park… the tree I had bumped into was the very one that my lover and I had spent several moments together underneath its branches. I began to sit down when suddenly I felt something underneath me.

There, lying in the grass at the base of the tree was a yellow ‘u’ shaped wooden instrument with a note attached. Tears of joy escaped my eyes as I smiled down at the objects. I looked up into the starry night sky and whispered under my breath;

“Thank you… Lyra…”






I do not own the rights to neither My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic nor Hasbro Inc.

Thank you to all the patient readers who waited for this last update, and I apologize in advance if this story made no sense at all, or offended in any way.