Midnight Dusk's Backstory

by rainbow2726

Chapter 2 - Meeting Misty

Midnight Dusk Pov

I woke up in a refreshed state…. Until I heard the sound of my sister. “Are you awake yetttttt!? WAKE UP!!!”

“SHUT UPPPP!!!” I screamed at my sister.

“Are you two mares up already?”Our mom asked in a sleepy state.

“uh yeah, sorry mom for waking you up.” We both said.

“Its ok. Go tour around the town or something.” Our mom muttered falling back to sleep.

“YES!!” We yelled-whispered to each other and started to get ready to go.


We opened the door and ran outside. “Where should we go first?” We asked in sync.

“How about The bakery? I heard they had the best sweets in all of Equestria!!” Silver Suggested.

“But, I heard there is this forest and any pony that went in has never come out!” I said.

Silver shivered, “Tha-at sound-s scar-y.”

“Scardy Cat!” I taunted.

“You go then! I’m going to the bakery!” Silver insisted.

“FINE!” I said.
“FINE!” Silver said.

After that we parted ways and went our separate paths.

Wait. Where was the forest anyways? I’ll go ask some ponies I guess.

I walked towards a clothes shop to see if anypony there would know.

“Hello? Anypony?” I asked in the shop.

“Why yes! Welcome to Carousel Boutique How may I help you darling?” A White pony with purple hair asked me.

“Um I was wondering if you could tell me where the forest is?”

“Forest? Oh you must be talking about the Everfree forest.”

“Um I guess?”


Well that wasn’t very helpful… At least I know what the forest is called now?

I walked out of the shop and walked to wards a pink pony instead.

I reached to the pink pony about to ask her, “I NEVER SEEN YOU BEFORE SO YOU MUST BE NEW!! I HAVE TO THROW YOU A WELCOME TO PONYVILLE PARTY!!!!!” The pink pony exclaimed jumping into the air and disappearing.

Well that was weird… Maybe I should just look for it myself. I looked around and instantly found it.

Maybe I should have just did that in the beginning…

I finally took my first steps into the dark forest.

It wasn’t that interesting. It was just like a normal forest what was even special about it?

“AHH” I screamed a wolf that was made of wood jumped at me. I immediately moved my hoofs to cover my face.

“Are you ok?” A white pegasus asked me.

“You saved me! Thank you!!! Thank you!!!” I said in graciousness

“I guess… I used this bow and just shot the timber wolf thats it.” The pegasus modestly said.

She saved me! I would have died without her!!

“Since you saved me, I must give you something! Please come back with me?” I suggested.

“uh ok then. If you insist. ” The pegasus said.

“Whats your name? I mean I wanted to know the pony who saved my life.” I said.

“Oh! I’m Misty Silvermoon. You?” Misty smiled at me.

“I’m Midnight Dusk. And uh I forgot how to get out of here… sorry…”

“I don’t know how to get out either… How are we going to get out?…” Misty asked.

“I don’t know… What if we get stuck in here… FOREVER!!!!??!” I whimpered.