Cinnamon's Journal

by Mocha Star

Day 6 and 7... Uh oh.

Day 6
Friday January 15 2016

The day started with us waking up and closing the windows in the middle of the night and all joining on the children’s bed to warm up and be close.  Lilli woke us up as she scrambled to the bathroom to go first and then we all spent a while going because the Taco Bell didn’t sit right with us and we had to use the toilet on the first floor that was really small and that only one of us could get into at a time.

After we had gone we ate our breakfasts quietly and did our best to ignore the smell in the house that we’d made but we decided the best thing to do was go for a morning trot and leave the back door open to air it out.  

We made our way to the same path on the other side of the river and as a family took a long canter, since the foals could never keep up with us if we galloped, and carried the foals back home on our backs since they had become very tired.  Amber was going to use her magic but we decided that she should save it in case we needed it for something important, like a river monster.

She scoffed at us and told us there were no monsters on Earth and we said that just because they didn’t tell us didn’t mean there weren’t any.  She was a little worried crossing the bridge with the foals that time but we told her we were joking and that even if there were river monsters they couldn’t get through the ice without warning us far in advance.

We stopped and looked at Subway, but it was closed because it was so early and we passed by some people walking and greeted them and they greeted us back.  It was a good morning and we made it back home and closed all the doors and turned the heat on a little higher just to warm the house while we showered.  We still couldn’t get us all in but Amber and me showered with Timber and then Lilli and Blueberry showered and we all groomed and brushed each other well before breakfast.  

We skipped eggs and stuck with oats and canned fruits that we pulped with a blender and had kind of a smoothie, but a poor quality one with our meal.  We went to the bathroom again and it didn’t smell the house up and that was celebration enough for us to turn on the TV and listen to some human music while we wrote in our journals and then practiced our human alphabet.

Rock and roll is good on earth!  They have so much variety that we couldn’t decide and stopped on a rock and roll station and it was exciting to work to.  Melody came over and Amber let her in while the rest of us were dancing to a fun song that she said was by a band called Shinedown.  We liked their name because that’s what the sun does and the moon, too!

We turned off the TV and she practiced a little Equestrian before we started our English lessons and by the time we were done with our two hours she said we were talking like five year old humans, which was amazing for such a short time.  We told her we studied and practiced a lot because we didn’t want to seem ignorant and she gave me and Amber a hug and ruffled Blueberry’s mane with her fingers and usually he’s upset getting his mane messy so early but he just blushed and smiled at her.

I couldn’t help but worry about him and his intentions because he was an attractive cold back home and who knows how women see equines here!  We never really covered cross species mating so we’d have to ask someone that would tell us.  Amber and I spoke about it briefly while Melody went to the bathroom and we decided we’d ask at the ‘Kay tonight when we met our friends.

We invited Melody but she had other plans and we understood, so when she left we asked our Facebook friends for a ride in a car or wagon to the tavern and we got dozens of replies so we picked one and said we’d be ready at nine o’clock and for us to be picked up then.  We washed our clothes in the laundry machine and the drying machine saved a lot of time and made a nice sound that we all kind of drifted off into a light sleep to, until is screamed a buzzing noise and scared us all awake.

Nothing is better than warm clothes from a drying machine, that’s for certain.  We had access to them back home, but why waste bits when there’s a clothesline in the alley?  We bundled up and got cozy in the living room and talked about what the night would have in store and Blueberry was excited to be at a human pub and see what it was like and so were we so we kind of talked and wasted the rest of the day around the house.  

We didn’t really do anything productive but we did play with the foals a lot and since we couldn’t really go out to play we just did it all over the house.  We played tag, hide and seek, wagons and bandits, and even cutie cards until it was suppertime.  Us adults ate a lot of oats and bread and we each had a raw egg for our stamina while the foals ate peanut butter and jelly on toast and went to bed early because of the long day they’d had of playing with us all.

We took a nap ourselves and woke up in time to get our winter coats and scarves on and the people that were driving us were early by a few minutes.  It was two men and they smelled of herbs that we knew very well!  When we asked them for some they said they could but were cautious of giving us any and when Amber ate some they scolded her and smoked it!  

We had never smoked herbs before so we tried it and my head started to spin and everything looked clearer at first then after I stopped coughing they started to drive us to the pub and we shared more herbs all the way there.  Blueberry was the least used to them because he usually ate his and never had smoked anything before but he did fine.

We got to the ‘Kay and it was full of people waiting to meet us and we didn’t really know what to say because the herbs made us a lot slower but we still shook hooves with every person we met and greeted them all as our heads cleared a little.  There was a pitcher of what we thought was mead but was actually what they call beer and it was stronger than what we thought it was going to be.

Us ponies thought we were tough drinkers, but after a couple glasses of beer and the herbs all we could do was laugh and tell jokes in Equestrian and we forgot where we were and the customs and me and Amber went out of the way to have sex and we were caught and they cheered for us while we did it.

Amber finished really fast and said I felt bigger than ever before and I didn’t get to finish but some women that were drunk said they’d help but I didn’t want Amber to be upset with me so I politely declined and went back to our booth and ordered some food to help clear our heads and balance our tummies.

I don’t know how much food we had, but we couldn’t eat enough it felt like and when we were full we went to the bathroom and threw up some and went back out to eat and drink more.  It was a ton of fun and we were happy to make everyone so happy and we knew we’d all have stories to tell because some people were having sex in their chairs too and we liked the ‘Kay because it felt a lot like home.

We got home somehow and fell asleep in the living room and slept all night and in the morning we really regretted having so many drinks and smoking the herbs since we usually just ate them and we couldn’t really remember the night but we knew it was fun so we had to go back sometime.

We got an angry call from our helpers but we couldn’t understand them because we didn’t want to think in English and Written Letter got in the fohn call and told us there were photographs of us all over the human internet having sex at the bar and that was not okay to do in public places on earth and that we weren’t allowed to go out to pubs anymore because it was a public relations nightmare that she and the helpers were going to have to try to fix over the next few weeks.

We did feel kind of bad about making fools of ourselves and forgetting human customs so we apologized and said we’d be more mindful in the future but didn’t tell her about the herbs because we didn’t want anyone thinking that played a part in our fun.  I just can’t believe they have herbs here and they smoke them, I wonder what else they have here.

We brushed our teeth and tongues very well and skipped breakfast, only having coffee while the foals ate dry oats and water because we couldn’t cook at all and they didn’t mind too much and they understood because they know we like to drink socially, but whatever happened last night couldn’t happen again.  

The more I thought about it the more I wondered what was going to happen and if we’d lose friends for being so aloof and out of our minds so I told everypony that we weren’t going to use anymore herbs or drink hardy again while we were here because it was insulting to ponykind and they agreed, also that the headaches weren’t worth it, either.

We looked on Facebook and there were photos of some women holding my erection and smiling a lot while Amber was asleep for a few minutes after her orgasm and Blueberry didn’t look too good laying his head on the table with a pitcher of beer in his hooves.  

We looked like idiots, town drunks, fools.  

We are going to have a lot of explaining to do and then have to apologize a lot, so we apologized to our friends on Facebook for our behavior and then went for a trot around the block and didn’t shower after we got back because we were so tired.  We napped while the foals played and when Melody came over she felt bad for us because she saw the photographs online and knew we were embarrassed about the events so she passed teaching us and took us all in her esyouvee to a mall to walk about.

There were a lot of shops and it wasn’t long before we forgot our drunken adventure, what we could remember, and started looking through stores at clothes and toys!  There were shops that sold clothes that wouldn’t tailor for us but told us who could, locally, and that made us happy because we wanted more variety in our outfits than just winter clothes and a couple dress outfits.  

We sized some boots, too, and there was a man who knew a farrier that could give us horseshoes and that was nice to know so we got the information and put it in my saddlebags.  We found a pet store and we wanted to buy a small dog, but we couldn’t because dogs weren’t allowed in our house here and we decided we’d make a place outside for it so we could have one starting the spring and take it home with us.

We were told that we couldn’t take the dog to Equestria because it may carry a sickness that would affect the other dogs back home.  We said it was silly but we couldn’t argue the point in English because we didn’t speak it enough so we relented.  We did but some small toys for the children to chew on that made noises and looked like fun to tug of war with and we found out we could buy some hay and straw so we got a bag of wood chips and straw from the petshop and snacked a little.  

It wasn’t very good and made a mess on the carpeted floor, but it reminded us of home so we decided to buy more to take home.  We left and made our way back out, stopping for a pretzel as we passed and a couple soda’s that Amber carried in her aura and we sipped out of.

The foals had a fun time, too, and while we were leaving they saw a video game arcade and played some games there and won a lot of tickets and traded them for some human stuff.  I think it’s all junk, but they’re happy so I won’t complain while they lose or break them.  

We left and went to a restaurant called Olive Garden and it was just opening and we got a nice table with comfortable enough chairs and we all got salads and waters and potato soups until we were full to bursting.

We thanked them and paid with our credit card and left a few bits on the table to tell them they did a great job and when we were leaving the manager stopped us and tried to give them back to us but we refused and told him they were golden bits and they’d earned them.

He thanked us and we explained to Melody that bits are solid gold with some diamond chips inside and she said that the bits we left them could probably buy a small house, if she did the math right.

We thought it over and we decided to let Amber do the math on bits to credit card ratio when we got home and then we left for home.  Once we were home we unpacked our goods and put them away in places they wouldn’t make a mess and used a tote for our wood chips and straw and all took a bite of the stuff.  It tasted better than it had at the store so that was nice.

We said goodbye to Melody and Amber did the math with some help from the internet and our 300 bit allowance would easily buy us a house, several houses, if we transferred our bits to human money over the next couple months.

We called and talked with our helpers and they were a lot calmer now and said that they’d have to get back to us, but there wasn’t a law against buying a house that they knew of but to wait until they found out and to not go ahead and do it or we might be in big trouble.  I understood what he meant even before Written Letter had finished translating it.

I thanked them and we were very excited to be able to buy a house here and maybe the next ponies to come over would be able to live in it and it could be a pony house, of sorts.  We started looking for houses to buy and there were so many that we started looking at them just for fun and decided on several houses to buy.

We ate dinner and planned our house buying almost all night until the foals went to bed and Amber and I stayed up talking about how huge human houses were and if we got one we’d need a couple pony families or pets to make it feel more like a home than just our family since there’d be so much space and we decided we’d just cross that bridge when we came to it because we needed a house, first, before we could make any real plans.