//------------------------------// // New Home // Story: The Tank Hunter // by Lone Maus //------------------------------// Jack woke when Fang punched him on the shoulder. "What the hell was that for." He said as he rubbed his shoulder.    "You wanted me to wake you up when we got there but you never said how." Fang said with a smug smile and Jack rolled his eyes.    "Well now that everypony is awake it's time to go over how things are going to go." Clip started but stopped and grunted as the halftrack hit a crater then he continued, "When we get to the fort we will unload and be shown our new home likely tell the war ends ok." When he finished they all nodded. The haft track stopped and then the sound of metal grinding, then the halftrack started moving then stopped and the driver opened a small hatch.    "Here we are." The driver called back and they started filing out.    Jack looked around only seeing four warehouses and no barracks. He followed the rest of the squad towards the west wall, they got half way when he saw two ponies walk their way, one of the two had a rainbow mane and a cyan coat and wearing a heavy trench coat and the other pony had pink coat and a purple mane with a light blue stripe through it wearing a black uniform and a black and red officer's hat. The squad stopped as the two ponies drew closer.    "General I'm pleased to meet you." Clip said and when Jack realized a general was walking towards them he saluted and Clip laughed and said "General Starlight said we didn't need to salute her all the time." Jack stopped saluting.    "Good to see reinforcements have gotten here albeit not as many as I would like." The pink and purple pony said as she looked them over.    Clip smiled and said, "Sadly we are all that was sent, but here we are and we'll prove ourselves."    The rainbow maned pony rolled her eyes as the pink one responded, "Well I will see what you ponies are best for but for now let me introduce myself, I am General Starlight Glimmer and this" She pointed at the mare standing next to her, "is General Rainbow Dash and you will be under my command." She nodded at Clip.    "Well you know me but this is my squad." He said as he turned and pointed at them as he named them off.   "This is Camouflage, Glint, Raz, Fang, and our newest member Tank Hunter." They all smiled when he pointed at them.    General Starlight waved over a pony dressed in dirty overalls and shirt and said, "Would you please show these ponies to the open barracks, oh and Clip please  follow me."    Jack and the rest of the squad followed the pony towards the west wall as Clip followed the two generals towards the east wall. They stopped about thirty feet from the wall at the top of some stairs and the pony they had been following turned and said, "This leads into the trench system that goes all the way around the fort and your barracks are connected to the trench oh and the number is A8." And with that he turned and walked towards one of the warehouses.    They walked down in and right in front of them was the barracks A8. They went in and all found a bad and offloaded their gear and undressed which if Jack had just woken up he would have been confused but he had expected that being naked meant nothing to them.    Jack had just gotten undressed when Raz said, "Hey what does that mean." Jack turned to see what Raz was pointing at and he seen Raz was pointing at his flank. Jack must have looked confused because Raz said, "Your cutie mark, you know what you're good at or talent."    Jack looked at his flank there was a shield with what looked like a bullet going half way into it. He quickly came up with something, "Oh it means I'm good at shooting though armor." Raz seemed to accept that.    "Hey Tank Hunter mind if I see your gun?" Glint said and walked other to Jack's bed. The barracks was one room that was twenty feet long and ten feet wide with six beds and lockers and some tables.    "She is beautiful isn't she." Jack said as he set the Boys rifle on a table.    Glint nodded and levitated the gun up to his shoulder and looked down the sights. Jack didn't know Glint was unicorn tell now. "She is a nice piece of weaponry I'll say that." Glint said before he put it down.    Jack put the gun under his bed so it was out of the way and lied down and thought to himself. That was close, he thought, I need to come up with a story for if I get asked where I came from. After five minutes he was asleep.    Jack awoke to Raz shaking him. "Ah good you're up, let's go eat something."    Jack nodded and got up and followed Raz out. They had to walk down the trench to get to the mess hall. They went through the line and Jack got a potato and a fried hay paddy then went and sat at a table with Camouflage and, Raz.    Raz had the same as Jack but Camouflage had twice as much food. Jack finished before the other two and made his way to the barracks. When he got there and walked in he saw Derpy sitting at the middle table.    "I was wondering when you would be back but anyhow I would like to say I'm sorry about dropping the building on you." She said.    Jack was shocked but simply smiled and said, "I'm all healed up so no problem."    She stood up and walked towards the door and when she got to the door she stopped and said with a smile, "Then I can't wait to fight alongside you." And walked out.    Clip walked in and said "We have orientation tomorrow early so you might want to call it a night."    Jack responded as he got into bed with, "That sounds good." And he lied there for a few minutes before finally falling asleep.