//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 - Frozen Feelings // Story: Follow the Twinkles // by Yosh-E-O //------------------------------// “Whoa-whoa-whoa!” Yosh sputtered as he tried to keep his footing. However, the apparent fall was too much for his disorientated body and he soon found himself falling flat on his bottom. “Who’s there?” called a soft, female voice. The beaked, duck-dragon gasped upon hearing the voice. Had someone come into his room? Was he still in his room? “H-hello…” he nervously replied. WHOOSH “Eep!” squeaked Yosh as a gust of icy wind blew over him. It was now that his body registered that he was apparently sitting upon a snowy surface that was quickly chilling his exposed legs. “Ah!” he cried while stumbling to his feet. Another icy blast greeted him in which caused him to pull his legs in tightly as he huddled in on himself for warmth. “I’m coming!” the female voice called out. FOOF-FOOF-FOOF The chilled duck-dragon heard soft steps quickly making their way towards him through what sounded like a snow-covered field. His instinct was to run, but he felt too cold to do more than let out a frightened whimper. “Are you okay?” the girl asked. Her voice seeming to be right beside him. “Why, is, it, so, cold?” shivered the dragon-duck. “Cold?” the girl wondered. “It’s not cold here.” Yosh was confused. He decided to try and feel around the darkness to see if he could find the girl . “Ah!” he screamed upon touching something that felt very soft that was no more than a foot away from him. “Oh,” the girl giggled as Yosh’s hand pushed through her mane. “That’s just me.” Yosh stumbled around with his arms wildly feeling about the void as his head looked aimlessly towards the direction he moved his hands. “”Who are you?” he asked nervously before feeling another bone-chilling gust of wind. “Oh!” she laughed bashfully. “Sorry. My name is Snowdrop. What’s yours?” “I’m Yosh,” chattered the cold, dragon-duckling. “How are you not cold?” “I don’t know,” she replied. “Perhaps it is the full moon tonight that is keeping me warm?” “Full moon?” wondered Yosh. “So you can see?” “Well…,” Snowdrop sighed. “No.” “Then how did you find me?” he asked. “How do you know the moon is full?” “I used my other senses,” she chirped. “You don’t need eyes to find your way, you know.” Yosh couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Don’t need your eyes?” he asked with a hint of annoyance. “How can you say that?” “Because,” she stated warmly. “I’ve learned to believe in myself.” The dragon-duckling felt another gust of frozen air brush over him. “Belief?” he asked with frustration. “Belief isn’t going to help me be useful to any pony anymore! I’m totally worthless!” The filly giggled. “I once felt the way you do,” she said while trotting herself alongside Yosh. “Come under my wing and I will show you the magic of the twinkling stars.”