Follow the Twinkles

by Yosh-E-O

Chapter 1 - Moon Eye

Yosh sat on his bed in quiet solitude.
“Why?” he thought while staring into total darkness. “How?”

The dragon-duckling thought back on what had happened a week ago. It was a normal day. All was as it always was until his eyes felt like they were on fire….


“Yosh?” asked his best friend, Dawnbreak Horizon. “Are you okay?”

The dragon-duckling removed his hands from over his eyes. However, the light quickly brought back a sharp pain that caused him to scream in agony.

“Don’t worry!” panicked the brown Unicorn as he lifted his friend onto his back. “Ponyville’s just a quick, teleport away!”


The very blurry figure of Nurse Redheart was the first thing Yosh was able to faintly see as he struggled to open his eyes.
“I know it hurts, sweetie,” she said. “But, the doctor needs to see your eyes so we can help you feel better.”

The pain he felt from forcing his eyes to open was beyond anything he had ever felt in his entire life. Tears streamed like waterfalls as he felt a wave of nausea that brought him to both scream and dry heave at the same time.

“close!” cried Nurse Redheart. The terror felt by the green-and-white dragon-duckling was far too much for her to bear.

“Well?” pressured Dawnbreak. “What’s wrong?”

“His eyes…,” the doctor said with disbelief. “They’re…”

“They’re what?” barked the Unicorn. “Tell me!”

The doctor shook his head.
“He needs to see Dr. Oculous in Fillydelphia as soon as you possibly can get him there.”

Dawnbreak wasted no time in using all of his magical power to teleport Yosh and himself to Fillydelphia. It was here that they quickly made way to Dr. Oculous’ office.


Blood-curdling screams could be heard throughout Dr. Oculous’ office as she examined Yosh. The pain the dragon-duckling felt was excruciating. She eventually had to have her nurses come in and administer sleeping medication in order to complete the exam and provide a diagnosis. This being that Dawnbreak’s friend and travel companion was afflicted by ‘Moon Eye’.

‘Moon Eye’ was a very aggressive condition that quickly clouds over the eye until the one afflicted loses every last bit of their eyesight. It is unbelievably painful as the condition transforms the eye from its normal luster into an ice-blue version of its former self.

Dr. Oculous immediately admitted Yosh to the hospital as the Pegasus and her team worked day-and-night to save the dragon-duckling from ‘Moon Eye’. They tried magic to no avail. They tried special, eye drops that did nothing more than add to the pain he was experiencing. They tried medicines that made him twitch, scratch, unable to sleep, and throw up. They even tried surgical procedures that involved cutting into the eye to attempt to rid it of ‘Moon Eye’. However, nothing worked.

Once all had been lost, Yosh was released from the hospital. His vision was completely gone. The only thing left to him were words of sympathy as Dawnbreak Horizon brought him back to their home in Canterlot.


“And this is where I am,” Yosh spoke somberly as he took in the pitch-black room. The sound of a songbird now coming from outside of the nearby window.

“Day, or night,” he said while lowering his head. “It’s all the same to me.”

Yosh got up from his bed and tried to make his way to where he knew his window was.


“Ouch!” he cried as his forehead slammed hard into a nearby wall.

“Ugh,” he moaned while stumbling back. It was then he suddenly felt as if the floor had given out from underneath him and he fell haplessly further down into the darkness.