//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: The Trip of a Lifetime // by Royale With Cheese //------------------------------// The four ponies step out of the blue phone booth. "Seems like a normal day to me" Dash looks around. "It's the same day, but different things happened in your life without you knowing, thus the name 'alternate universe'" Doctor Hooves explained. "It'll be pretty cool to see Soarin or Fleetfoot as Wonderbolt captains" Spitfire said. "Who wants to go to the academy and see if anything has changed?" "Sure! It's been awhile since I've been there" Derpy said "I'll trot along, I haven't even stepped inside of the said academy before, it'll be a good experience" Doctor exclaims. "You want to come Rainbow?" "Nah, I'm gonna head to my friend Twilight's to see if she knows me still or not" Dash chuckled. "Okay. If you need us, you know where we are then" Doctor said before walking off with Derpy and Spitfire. Dash nodded before flying off to the Ponyville Library. -At the Wonderbolts academy- Doctor Hooves and the two pegasi walk into the academy "Lead us the way through the corridors, Miss Spitfire" Doctor said while looking around. Spitfire lead the two ponies to the practice facility. She opens the doors which lead to an outdoor practice arena was. She is then stopped by two pegasi. "Excuse me ma'am, how did you get in here? You are brea..." Soarin then looks behind her. "Unless if you know the captain of the Wonderbolts, Derpy Hooves" "W-what?! Oh, um, yes, I'm a good friend of hers" Spitfire said while shocked. "I, uh, brought two close friends of mine to watch!" Derpy said while walking up to Soarin and High Winds. "She is Spitfire and this is Doctor Hooves" "Nice to meet you guys, and captain, you're a little late to practice, and why aren't you wearing your uniform?" High Winds asked. "Because I just got here. I'll be ready in a few minutes!" Derpy says before getting nudged by Spitfire. "Do you think that they're supposed to flying instead of standing around?" Spitfire whispered. "Oh right" she then turns to the two pegasi "Once when I come of the locker room, you two better be in the air and not on the ground" she shouts. "Yes captain!" both shouted in unison before taking off in the air. Derpy walked off into the locker room to put the uniform on. Spitfire and Doctor sit at the bleachers. "That was surprising" Spitfire said. "It seems like the alternate universe theory actually is real, I thought you were joking." "You'll notice when I'm trying to make a lie or a joke, I'll make a goofy face when I say a lie" Doctor explained. "How does it feel not being a captain or even so, a Wonderbolt?" "Feels weird, but hey, I gotta experience it somehow" Spitfire said. "How do I look?" Derpy said while hovering in front of them with a Wonderbolts uniform on. Spitfire with a shocked expression on her face. "It just got more interesting and weird." "You gotta experience it somehow" Doctor chuckled. Spitfire nods "I should've said good luck to Dash" -At Twilight's library- "Lets see if this stupid alternate universe theory works" Rainbow scoffed to herself. She opens the door to the library and greets Twilight who was facing away from her. "Hey Twilight. I'm looking for a book on alternate universes" she smirks "Oooh, alternate universes! A very interesting topic. Did you know tha-" she turns around facing Rainbow and screams at the top of her lungs. "D-d-Dash.... w-what are you d-doing h-here?" Twilight says backing away all frightened. "Uh, Twilight, what's going on?" Dash says now realizing that the theory might be true. "You're supposed to be in Canterlot Prison, y-you disgusting murderer!" Twilight said with anger and fear mixing in on her face. "I-I didn't murder anypony! Look Twi, you don't understand, I..." "You murdered my best friends sisters! You are gonna go back to that cell and rot!" Twilight says as she fires a magic spell but Dash avoids it. Dash quickly flies out of library while being chased by the still magic shooting Twilight. Luckily, Twilight is still a beginner flyer and isn't as fast as her yet. Dash dives down into Sweet Apple Acres to lose Twilight in her trail which was successful since she didn't follow her down into the orchard. She catches her breath then she hears a pair of hooves hitting the stump of an apple tree. Dash walks out from behind the tree. "Applejack..." Applejack turns around and furious anger rose into her eyes, and starts running towards Dash. "Yah bitch! Aren't ya supposed to be rotting in the prison cell fer murdering mah sister!" "W-what?! I-I..." Dash didn't have any time for words as Applejack getting closer too her, so she flew. But she didn't get very far as she felt the loop of a rope tug at her around the abdomen which lead her to lightly crash on the ground. She then heard hooves stop in front of her and she looked up to a furious Applejack with tears forming in her eyes. "Applejack, I can explain..." Dash lightly said as she got up. "Explain what?! You murdered mah fuckin' sister ya son of a bitch!" Applejack then gave her a cold hoof across the face, which sends Dash to soar couple feet away. Dash ran a hoof on her nose which was bleeding already. "A.J... I-I didn't do it..." "Ya didn't do it?! There was evidence that ya fuckin' did!" She then takes the end of the rope, she twirls it around and lets go, which sends Dash flying almost hitting her head on a tree. "Ah've been waiting to put my hooves on yah since the date of February 17th, 2016" she angrily said while running towards Dash. Rainbow gets up but then is quickly tackled to the ground by Applejack. Rainbow Dash is flipped onto her backside and a pair of orange hooves squeeze her neck. "Don't worry, ah'm not gonna kill ya, ah'm just gonna hurt ya really bad" Applejack menacingly said. Applejack started to squeeze her hooves harder and harder around Dash's neck. Dash then started trying to gasp for air but Applejack let go for a few seconds and then kept on choking her Dash waved her legs and felt a bucket of apples a leg length away. Applejack let go and then Dash had her chance. Rainbow took the handle of the bucket and smashed the bucket of apples over Applejacks which caused her to be dazed. Dash untied herself and flew off. "Come back here!" Applejack said in the distance Dash was about to say something back but then is interrupted. "There she is!" Twilight said with a whole group of Pegasi and royal guards following behind her. "Get her!" Says one of the guards. Ponies in the air and on the ground started to chase her down. She flew quickly towards the Wonderbolts stadium Doctor was cheering on Derpy watching her practice. Spitfire was watching too but then slightly looked up and sees a commotion in the sky. She squints her eyes at the sudden laser beams and then focused on the pegasus in front. "Is that Rainbow Dash?" Spitfire said Doctor looks too and widens his eyes. "She looks like she's in huge trouble" "GET THE POLICE BOX!" Dash shouts, enough for Doctor Hooves to hear her "Derpy! We have to get going!" Doctor shouts to Derpy Derpy flies towards Doctor Hooves and Spitfire. "Oh, do we have too? It's fun being captain!" She then hears magic beams and yelling. "Hey, its Rainbow Dash!" "Yes, I know, and she's in trouble!" Doctor says pulling out the remote. The Wonderbolts stopped to see what the commotion is all about. "Oh my Celestia! Is that the pegasus who murdered three fillies?!" A Wonderbolt shouts. "What?!" Spitfire shouts in shock Dash lands in front of them almost out of breath, nose covered in blood and in tears. "Get the damn police box!" Doctor presses the button on the remote and the police box appears in front of them. They quickly get inside and Doctor presses the green button. The box disappears in front of the ponies from the alternate universe where Derpy Hooves is Wonderbolts captain and Rainbow Dash is a murderer. Meanwhile, inside the police box, whirring sounds occur and lights flash. Three ponies surround a hurt Rainbow Dash. "Dash, what happened?" Spitfire worriedly asked "Didn't you hear the Wonderbolt? She killed three fillies." Derpy exclaims. "Yes, yes I did, and I might know who those fillies are, a-and I got beat up by one of my best friends, f-for killing her sister" Dash then breaks down into tears. Doctor Hooves comes back with a first aid kit. "Let's get you fixed up..." Spitfire and Derpy sit down at a table. "Rainbow would never do that" Derpy sadly said About a silent ten minutes later, Dash comes back with a bandaged nose along with Doctor Hooves. "I can't believe I murdered three fillies" Dash burrowed her hooves into her face and sobbed. "Dash" Spitfire called. Rainbow Dash kept on sobbing. "Dash, look at me" "Look at me, Dash!" Rainbow then looked up at her with watery eyes. "You didn't murder three fillies. That was in a universe where things were different. It only matters what happens in the universe where we are from. In our universe, you wouldn't murder anypony. And no offense to Derpy, she wouldn't be on the Wonderbolts or even be a Wonderbolts captain." Spitfire explained Rainbow Dash calmed down and stopped crying. "T-thanks, that helped Spit" "Good, now I hope that the next alternate universe isn't as bad" Spitfire said. Rainbow nods and asks "So Derpy, how did it feel to be a Wonderbolts captain?" "I felt like... the boss of a aerial acrobatics group!" Derpy said as she took off the Wonderbolts uniform. "Oh wait, I was..." The four ponies laughed. Just then the whirring inside the machine stopped and the door opened. But then Doctor closed the door. "I think we all need a rest after that, we'll continue to find our universe when we wake up"