
by Blue_Hearts_Belle

Shadow story is told

Wouldn’t you know it, Shadow showed up. Peace attacked him thinking Shadow was trying to hurt me and Shadow was about to burn her to a crisp. “Shadow! Stop! Stop!” I yelled over the commotion. “She’s my dog. It’s okay, calm down.” I turned my attention to Peace. “Peace, bad girl, bad girl. Go lie down. Bad dog.” I said sternly. I said running up to Shadow. I hugged him to get him to focus on something other than my precious puppy. I stroked his head. “It’s okay.” I said calmly.

After a while he calmed down and I asked him if my animals could stay. I wondered why I hadn’t asked this earlier. At first he looked a little leery but he nodded his head. I hugged him again and said “Thanks.” Somehow it felt like I was talking to a pony. I led Shadow into his room. He got onto his bed, I tucked him in and said good-night. I went into the bathroom; I took a shower, used the toilet and brushed my teeth and hair, and went to bed. Tomorrow was going to be a big day. I was going to teach Shadow how to communicate.

The next morning, I woke up first, or so I thought. Shadow was up and strangely he was playing with Peace. I told him that I was going to help teach him how to communicate with me. He nodded. So I asked if he could write the alphabet in the dirt with his claw. I thought he would shake his head like he didn’t know what I was talking about. But he wrote the alphabet with great precision. Astounded I asked him how he knew all this. After I thought about this for a while I kind of figured he was unsure of people I mean being a dragon and all I understood.

He wrote, 'Faith, I am a pony.' He looked down at me sadly, his emerald gaze telling me that this was no lie. Slightly taken aback by this, I asked, "Is there anything I could do?" 'Come with me,' he wrote, 'to find out who I was before this. The
pony who did this wiped much of my memory of the event.' Shadow dipped his head, filled with sadness. 'All I remember is that I was once a pony, and that my parents were killed a day before my transformation.' "Why can't you talk if you were a pony, then? Can't dragons speak?" I queried, tipping my head a bit. The mighty black dragon turned to look at me with a great sigh. 'In order to keep me this way, without help, I was made mute. I learned how to write over the years in order to seek help.' Shadow laid down, seemingly exhausted from simply telling a story. "I don't think I'll be much help," I wavered, "but I can try. I'll help you, Shadow." Carefully, I reached and put a hoof on his side as a reassurement. He seemed to brighten up, perking and looking at me with a joy I have never seen before. With great excitement, he scrawled 'Thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means to me!' in the dirt nearby. The drake nuzzled my side affectionately. Smiling on the outside, I replied, "No problem, I'd do it for anypony." In my mind, however, I felt like I had just taken on a burden too heavy.

“When do want to leave and what should be packed?” He shrugged so I pack the necessities and we headed off later that evening. We only made it a couple miles until it got so dark I couldn’t see the muzzle on my face. I told Shadow to land and he made a little campfire while I made the shelter. Later on that evening after we had dinner and we were in bed, I told Shadow how scared and sorry I was for him.

I couldn’t fall asleep that night so I stayed up and made sure we had enough food to last us awhile or until we found a way to catch and kill food for ourselves. I finally decided I had gotten all of the worry out of me so I went to bed. After what felt like ten minutes, Shadow prodded me awake.

“Is it time to leave already I just went to bed.” I complained.

The look he gave me told me that it was my problem.

I guess that I was asleep for a while because Shadow had made breakfast, rabbits and eggs I assume his version of bacon and eggs. “Shadow, where did you live before you got turned into a dragon?”

In the soft dirt he wrote, ‘Do you remember the day I dropped you? Well, I was planning on taking you that day. My town was nice and peaceful but that was before the witch showed up. She took little filly and made them slaves and if they didn’t obey her they were turned into dragons. I was the first one she turned into a dragon. Once the other ponies knew what she did to me, they all did her bidding.’

I was flabbergasted “How could someone be this cruel? Does she harm animals please tell me she doesn’t harm animals?” He didn’t answer.

This is the end soo far and this hasn't been edited so stay tuned