
by Blue_Hearts_Belle

Faith falls through the air

I was finally caught. I grabbed hold of Shadows’ neck and I didn’t let go. Shadow looked at me almost as if to say ‘I meant to do that’ and then he chuffed like a tiger. “Don’t ever do that again” I told him sternly. I paused and laughed. “That was actually kinda fun. But do it again and I’ll kill ya.” I said jokingly. “Let’s go maybe we can make you a house over there. And I can work on my dive!” He nodded for some reason and then proceeded to fly faster. The day was pretty hot so the wind against my face and hair felt amazing. When we landed a couple of minutes later, we looked for the best place to start Shadow’s house. But Shadow ultimately decided where to set it up. He wanted three bedrooms, a few closets, a living room, a kitchen, and a mudroom, I would say a room that I have in my house he would nod or shake his head in disapproval. If he nodded I would ask how many rooms and he would blow smoke rings to equal rooms. When I asked him why he wanted all this he looked at me like ‘You’ll have to find out.’ After we, I take that back I had no say what so ever, he decided what rooms went where and how many rooms he wanted, I got help building from things and people other than Shadow.

“Faith, why are you planning to build a house?” asked one of my five year old twin sisters, Melody.

“This is helping me understand how to take care and provide for myself, you’ll understand when your older.”

“Don’t you like living with us?” questioned Harmony, the other snobbier twin.

“Yes, I love living with you guys but I would like to try living on my own.” I told them.

“Hun,” I love how mom always called me Hun. “close your eyes we have a surprise.” Moms southern accent made her sound funny sometimes. I didn’t know what else I needed. I had already bought the necessities that mom had and whatever I had forgotten mom remembered and gave me it. Dad was working on the plumbing and electrical things. My brother Mathew, was painting the kitchen, and living room a nice cinnamon color. Melody and Harmony were painting the bedrooms, my bedroom was going to be a teal turquoise color, the bigger room, Shadow‘s room, was being painted a sandy color. The guest bedroom was being painted purple because everyone in my family was born in February, it was so I could remember, suggested by Harmony. “Okay, now open,” I opened my eyes, and I burst into tears.

“Jude!” I sobbed. “Jude, what are you doing back so early? I thought you were in Canterlot helping with the war.” Jude, was my eldest brother, had gotten drafted into the war when I was a junior in high school. Reluctantly, he had to close his own business, he was a carpenter. I had hoped he was okay. My hopes were herd and I was glad he was okay. Jude had always been like a father to me although he was only nine years older than me. My dad had gone of to war when I was born. So Jude always looked after me.

“Faith, I had forgotten how tall you were!” Jude joked. I was always short but I had gotten a huge growth spurt in my senior year in high school. He hugged me and hugged back. It was so good to see him.

“Judie,” I sobbed hysterically, giggling at my baby nickname for him. “I’ve missed you so much.” I cried.

“I’ve missed you too Marie.” He used my middle name, I’ve always hated my middle name but now it didn’t so bad. Well, not as bad as the war.

“Jude,” I wiped away my tears. “not that I don’t love having you here. But,” I questioned. “Why are you here?”

“Mom sent me a letter telling me that you were moving out and looking for a carpenter. I told my captain what was going on back home with you and how I was there when you were born and took care of you when dad was in war and right there he said “Go home son, I understand. It was like that in my home. My sister died when I was in war. And I never got the chance to see her graduate or get married or have her first foal. She was only thirty-five.” Jude did the best impersonations. So I knew that’s what the captain sounded like.

“Thank you Jude,” I said solemnly. “for everything.” He finally let me go, I think that was the longest hug I have ever gotten.