The Return of the Ursa Minor

by MyMindrigUniverse

Chapter 8: The Ursa's Lair

This chapter now carries on with the story, following both Starlight and Trixie.

"Ms. Mare?" Starlight said, stammering. Shock had set within her, and certainly Trixie too. At first, she was faced with denial, believing what she saw to be a simple trick of some sort. However, she knew it to be stupid to assume such, as there is very little reason for her mind to be playing tricks on her so suddenly, and now of all times. So instead, Starlight had to fathom the fact a regular earth pony, known for being an expendable klutz, was controlling such an amazing amount of magic.

"Yes, that is this stupid ponies name, isn't it?" Mayor Mare said, oddly referring to herself as she calmly took a step towards the two ponies. She was close enough to be easily seen, even in the forest's darkness. "You know," she said, stopping and and placing a hoof to her chest. "You wouldn't believe how long it took me to get used to that name while keeping a straight face. I mean, it's so stupid. It's like naming a dog, 'puppy pet'; it makes no sense." Mayor Mare suddenly chuckled.

"Wait," Trixie said, confusion plain on her face, which had replaced her initial shock. "Why are you talking like that? Are you okay, Mayor?"

"Oh, silly me. I forget that I am the only one aware of my secret." Ms. Mare began to shake her head in disappointment, seemingly with herself.

"You're n-not making much sense, Ms. Mare. Do you mind explaining yourself," Starlight offered, fearing where this was going. "A secret, stupid pony names, insulting yourself; you are really starting to worry me."

"Am I?" Mayor Mare said, looking genuinely surprised. "With the lukewarm reactions I have been receiving from you, I would assume you thought very little of me; or possibly you were even annoyed and tried your best to ignore me. But of course, it is for that very reason I am using this form, those who are avoided; or ignored, are often the best to copy for what I have in mind."

"Wait." Trixie said in horror. "Are you a changeling?!"

"Oh god." The seemingly fake mayor slapped her face in frustration. "Think. You and your group of misfits have abolished the changeling colony from what they once were. Plus, I have definitely shown hints of magic, have I not?" The pony started waving frantically. "Just a few moment ago, I cast a spell of immense power. Earlier today, I showed multiple occasions where I demonstrated teleportation magic. I mean, how else would you explain my sudden appearances and disappearances." She pointed a hoof at Starlight. "I am utterly surprised you did not notice such a dead giveaway; for someone so versed in magic, I would expect you to have caught on. In fact, I was scared you may have done so, and that I had gone too far with my games." The fake mayor paused to catch her breath, showing signs of annoyance and anger.

The two ponies still watched in horrified confusion, each word that left Mayor Mare's mouth became increasingly more surprising. It was so unlike her, and they could barely comprehend that the being before them wasn't who they knew her to be. Even though it was being constantly confirmed with each sentence she spoke in her rant.

"So," Starlight finally said, ready to question the situation before her. "If you are not the mayor we know. Who are you; or what are you?"

She perked up at that. "I am a very powerful being who plans on using the six constellations to destroy Ponyville." She stated, rather bluntly. "Of course, that seems to have been halted. So I just cast a very powerful and ancient spell that will help the six on their quest for revenge." She pause, thinking. "Oh, I am also not female and I sport a legendary beard; like I said, this is just an appearance I decided upon to trick the residence of Ponyville so that I could do something without constantly being bothered, which I bet would happen as I apparently used to be famous." The fake Ms. Mare brought a hoof to her chin as if she were trying to remember something.

As she finished, silence had befallen the enclosed area of the forest. If the two ponies were struck with surprise before, now their minds were at a breaking point. It was one too many twist for the two to comprehend, let along deem as a reality.

While Starlight and Trixie processed this new set of information, the fake Mayor Mare, began to smile as she joyfully watched both of their minds freeze up. However, it was a short lived pleasure as a sudden roar echoed throughout the forest. Which had snapped the two reeling ponies out of their collective daze.

"What was that!?" Squealed Starlight and Trixie in unison.

"That," Fake Mare said, pointing to the skies. "Would be my spell taking effect."

"Your... w-what does it do?" Starlight stammered.

"Oh, you will find out soon enough." Fake Mare raised her hoof, pointing at the two ponies. "That is, of course, if you can find a way out of the Lair."

Magic began to spill from Fake Mare's hoof, and in a matter of seconds, Starlight could feel her presence begin to be transported elsewhere. Apparently, so did Trixie, who started to screech at the feeling of forced transportation. However, she still had so much to ask this impostor.

"Wait." She quickly said. "I still have questions for you. This is all not making sense."

"I don't care." Fake Mare bluntly stated.

Starlight felt her entire being shift as her surroundings instantaneously changed from dark greenery to an area filled with light blue rocks. However, they were barely visible in this musty and dark place.

She felt a moderate amount of pain fill her as this occurred, it wasn't too much, but definitely enough to cry out; just as Trixie did. However, something she noticed allowed her to ignore her own pain. That being the slight voice change of this impostor mayor. As Fake Mare was in the middle of her reply, Starlight heard it's baritone drop drastically. Giving away one big surprise. This mare was a stallion.


The two had been in this mysterious place, which Starlight quickly identified as some sort of cave, for 10 whole minutes, exploring the many branching paths. Both were hoping that they would soon find a way out, but Starlight was worried that they were only going deeper into the mystery cave.

"So?" Trixe asked, the darkness of the cave almost completely encasing her as the two ponies wondered down a path they were certain was the way out.

"He's a stallion." Starlight repeated. Waiting for her expected reaction from Trixie.

"Again," Trixie said. "So?"

"You don't get it, do you?" Starlight said in annoyance.

"Yeah. He's a stallion. Big deal. What does that have to do with the loud sounds, an earth pony casting magic, that very earth pony being an impostor of Ponyville's very on mayor, and the fact we can't use any magic right now?" Trixie said, fighting back Starlight's snark.

"Well," Starlight said, taken aback by the logic of Trixie's words. "It minimizes the wide area in which this impostor could be. Before, we thought it was a mare, but there are an immense amount of mare magicians that just knowing one simple fact would never be enough." All this was coming to Starlight as she talked, good thing it sounded logical enough. "But, knowing that he is in fact a stallion, and not a mare, helps us plenty. There aren't many well known, or powerful, stallion wizards."

"So who could this mystery wizard be, based on what we know right now?" Trixie asked.

"Well, a few who could possibly be stronger than Coppercorn, and are currently living would be..." Starlight paused and shut her eyes shut in concentration. "Quinn Top, Mad Marvel, Sunflare, and..." Starlight hesitated to say his name. "Sunburst."

The two stood in awkward silence as Starlight said the final stallions name. However, Trixie quickly asked another question before Starlight could dwell to long on the possibility.

"Would any of them actually do it." She asked.

"No!" Starlight quickly said. "All these wizards are known to be complete paragons who put others before themselves at all times. Plus, they have all been reported to be in their respective cities at the current moment."

"How would you know that?" Trixie asked.

"I read the newspaper." Starlight said, questioning whether or not Trixie even has the time to read. "In the latest issue of, Equestria Now, it mentions how they all recently performed an outstanding feat worthy of being the best of the best. I won't go into what it was as it matters very little. But I can assure you that they were all very impressive things."

"So they would be to preoccupied doing those things, and it can't be another impostor because these are only feats they can accomplish?" Trixie said.

"Exactly." Starlight confirmed. "So that leads us with nothing right now." She sighed.

"What about his mention of a beard?" Trixie asked, trying to open up an possible candidates.

"All wizards have a beard, Trixie." Starlight knowingly replied.

"But he said legendary beard." Trixie was trying her best to help. But her deductions were already well known facts.

"All wizards are very prideful of their beards, they all call them legendary; it's a trend started by Starswirl himself." Starlight sounded as if she was prepared for a lecture.

"Why is it that you know this before I do. It seems like common enough knowledge." Trixie was embarrassed at her lack of magical knowledge, even though it was her supposed profession.

"Well..." Starlight stopped herself before she went off into a unnecessary tangent. "Sorry. But that doesn't matter right now. We can find out who this pony is once we get out of here. Maybe Celestia, or even Discord can provide us with anypony who fits the bill." Starlight paused to let Trixie's disappointment come and go, before resuming. "I will however, answer your previous questions. The loud sounds are obviously the six constellations. Why would they suddenly roar? Well, all I know is that it has to do with our impostor."

"Okay," Trixie said, nodding. " I can already assume why our fake pony could use magic even though he seemed to be a earth pony. But why can't we use any magic right now? I mean, I can't even draw in enough of it to provide us with some light." Trixie stopped to demonstrate this. The only thing that her horn could produce was a small spark.

"Same reason why we are down here." Starlight confidently replied, turning around to address Trixie. "It must be because of him."

"You're wrong, little one." A mysterious and booming voice interjected.

At the sound of this new voice. Both Starlight and Trixie quickly shot their attention into the direction they were traveling towards, which seemed to only be more darkness. Surprised and a little scared, both mares stood frozen solid.

A small chuckle could be heard before being replaced by alarmingly rough coughs. When done, the mystery voice could be heard again. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you little ponies." The voice was surprisingly feminine in comparison to it's booming nature. Whatever the origin of this voice was, it was most certainly going to be female.

"W-What are you; w-where are you?" Trixie said, surprisingly before Starlight could.

"If you continue this path for another 3 minutes. You could find an answer to both those questions." The voice replied. Giving off no sign of joy or impatience. "Don't worry about me possibly eating you. There's little point."

The voice had answered a question that would have sparked a conversation between the two, considering their choices and whether or not the voice could be trusted.

However, not a hundred percent ready to take the voices word for it, Starlight bravely questioned it. "Why would that be?"

The voice gave another small chuckle, causing both ponies to suddenly jerk.

"There is little point in eating you both when I am already dead."