My Brave Pony Starfleet Magic: Season V

by DakariKingMykan

Episode 22: Big Bad Beetle


A whole week had passed, and Shining Armor was still not ready to get back into action. Cadance’s magic was much stronger than the Insectos realized and took that long to counteract.

“Is there anyone willing to lead the next attack?” Ladybird asked.

“No…” groaned Phoebe “Those miserable ponies have defeated most of our best soldiers, many of our other soldiers are cowering; every last one of them, worthless!”

“Your majesties…” said Jetar “If you will allow, I will gladly lead another attack on the planet.”

Ladybird suddenly had an idea “On second-thought, Jetar… you may have just given us a singular opportunity.”

“What are you thinking, mother?” asked Phoebe.

Ladybird snickered and huddled the other close to explain her plot, which they both agreed to.

Stag and Slick were listening in from behind the door.

“What are they saying?” Stag asked.

“I can’t hear.” said Slick.

When the royal party returned to the throne room, Ladybird summoned the two generals to appear before her.

Playing it cool as usual, the generals bowed to her.

“Stag… Slick…” Ladybird said “It has come to our attention that the two of you have been neglected lately, and haven’t had much action in the field. Therefore, we’d like the two of you to lead the next attack to the planet.”

Stag and Slick bowed.

“Your majesty, this is a task we take with full respect and honor.” said Stag.

“But wait…” said Slick “What if all the ponies were to gang up on us at once. Even without Lightning at their side, they have proven to be powerful adversaries.”

“No duh!” said Phoebe “That’s why we’re giving you these…”

She raised her scepter and both it and her mother’s necklace began to glow. Two beams of light were fired at the two generals, and when the light faded, the two of them looked and felt much stronger, and were wearing armored suits consisting of chest plates, gauntlets, boots, shoulder pads; Stag’s sword had also changed into a double helix sword.

“This feels… incredible!” cried Slick. He was able to move much faster, and even break solid rock just by tapping it with his hand without giving it much force.

Stag was impressed by his new sword, and felt it had very special abilities his other sword didn’t.

“Thank you, both of you.” Stag said, yet he secretly thought “First we’ll destroy the ponies, and then we’ll destroy you!”

“Now, on your way…” said Ladybird “We have given you these gifts. Do not make us regret it.”

Stag bowed and swore “We shall not fail you, my queen. Starfleet is as good as destroyed.”

The two generals headed for the door…

“Oh, Stag…” Phoebe said.

“Yes, your highness?”

“Have you had any luck in locating that traitor yet?”

Slick said nothing, as Stag had warned him previously, though he really wanted to confess.

“I assure you, Princess. We will find that scoundrel, and make him pay for what he has done.”

“I should hope so…” said Ladybird “If there one thing I do not tolerate, it’s traitors.”

After the generals left, Ladybird hissed softly “And one thing I hate more than traitors… is a liar.”

Phoebe grinned, and she gazed at Jetar, and Jetar couldn’t help but snicker softly.

As Stag and Slick walked down the corridors, Slick wondered “Why would their majesties give us all this wonderful power?”

“Who cares…” said Stag “With this, how can we lose, and besides, our gain shall be their loss.”

Slick stopped where he was, still very uncertain to go through with all this.

“Are you coming or what?!” snapped Stag.

“Okay, okay…!”

Meanwhile, the blueprints were being studied more than ever, and the ponies now had practically the information they needed about the alien mothership; which doors lead to which room, how powerful the ship was, how it operated, and things like that.

Unfortunately, there were still two vital things left.

1: How were they to even get aboard the ship?

According to the blueprints, all the Insectos wore special teleportation devices on their belts, which served as their main means of transport. Sadly, these devices were not included in the package, and without one, the ponies had no way to replicate the teleportation.

2--An even bigger issue: Shining Armor was still on that ship, and they could not risk attacking the armada until he was safely returned.

Still, they didn’t let this discourage them. They had gotten this far, and they would find a way… hopefully soon!

For now, life continued.

Krysta had some proclamations to make back on her home planet Luminous to keep her fairy guards ready for action when called to duty.

Meanwhile the gang was at the New Crystal Empire, giving Cadance a hand with chores and other duties. Despite her ethics, it was still hard to run the place by herself.

The others spent their time sweeping the floors, tending to the gardens, helping out in the kitchens, and helping Cadance organize events for the citizens of the empire.

Cadance seemed okay, and was actually smiling from time to time.

Pinkie Pie even told her a few jokes she planned to say at an upcoming festival for a comedy hour.

“Did you hear about the thief who was reformed?”

“No, what happened?”

“He got rehabbed and now he only steals things beginning with A. “A Watch” “A purse” “A wallet.”

Cadance giggled almost uncontrollably, and even fell over kicking her feet in the air along with Pinkie.

The others could hardly believe how she was acting, but then again there would be a few moments when she would stand by an open window and just stare off into space.

“Poor dear…” said Starla.

“She’s still all upset about Amando.” added Rainbow.

Artie covered her mouth and scolded her “Shh! Don’t let her hear you. It’ll break her up.”

“It’s okay, Artie...” Cadance said “I was thinking about Amando anyway. I always do.”

“I’m still sorry…” said Rainbow.

Cadance turned and gave a soft smiled “I know you are, but it’s okay. I’m trying my best.”

“Good for you.” Starla said “He would want it this way, for you to try and be brave and strong.”

Cadance nodded and she walked off to visit her stillborn child, which was being kept frozen in suspended animation, so the body would not decay and stink up the place.

The ponies still felt awful for Cadance.

The others came in from their outdoor duties.

“What did we miss?” asked Buddy Rose.

“Not much.” replied Starla, but the others could read her like a book.

“Oh, I feel so dreadful for the princess.” cried Rarity “I wish there were something we could do.”

Spike shook his head “Rarity, you know just as well as we do there isn’t.”

“At least we can be there for Cadance when she needs us.” said Dyno.

Myte nodded “I can hardly wait ‘till we get our hands on those Insectos! They’re to blame for all this.”

Everyone agreed with that completely, each and every one of them wished nothing more than to see the armada vanquished along with every last insect that came with it, even though that wouldn’t bring the baby back to life.

“Come on!” Applejack suddenly said “We’re acting like paper-plates in the rain. There’s work to be done.”

Rarity snorted “Really, Applejack? Have you no consideration for others.”

“Course I do, but ya know, Granny Smith always said “Just because a loved one died, don’t you have to stop livin’.”

“Um, actually I agree with Applejack, Rarity.” Fluttershy said.

Rhymey nodded and said…

“Applejack does feel sad too,
But still live our lives, we do.”

Rarity hated to admit it, but everyone was right, and she, too, didn’t like to be sad and grieving all the time, especially with her and Spike’s upcoming official wedding ceremony, which everyone was looking forward to.

Even Cadance was looking to attending that, once she got the upcoming unpleasantness out of her way.

As she gazed at her suspended child’s corpse, she couldn’t help but sing a soft song to her child in her thoughts, and imagined how different things would had been had he survived, and Shining Armor was back, and they’d be a real family!

A single tear fell from her eye, and she just stood where she was, all silent and still, almost as if she had forgotten how to move.

Little did she realize, a mysterious shining figure was watching her directly behind, but she was too wrapped up in her sadness to notice.

Suddenly, the alarms sounded, snapping her out of her trance in a shock.

The mysterious figure vanished at once!

The team heard the alarms as well, and dashed out the window to the ground, and ran straight into Stag and Slick.

“So, we meet again.” Stag hissed.

“This time, it shall be for the last.” added Slick.

Pinkie gazed at them deeply “Something sure seems different about you two.”

The others could hardly believe she said that when it was obvious.

“What? Just wanted to make sure I wasn’t seeing things.”

The others sighed irritably.

Stag and Slick snickered and exchanged wicked looks at one another.

“Let’s go!” said Starla.



“Dragon Power!”

Once they were all transformed, the team charged forth ready for the attack, but about halfway, the two bugs zipped right across and through the barrage of fighters.

A split second after they stopped in their tracks did the sparks fly and all the fighters fell all over the place.

“What was that?!” cried Applejack.

“They moved so fast we could hardly react.” added Buddy Rose.

“Then we’ll just have to get a little faster ourselves.” said Starla.

Pouring on that extra bit of agility, the team lunges for the generals again, only for them to zip out of the way once again.

“Watch out for them!” shouted Artie.

The ponies kept their visions wide open, and Rarity could see Slick coming at her from the side, and she leapt up in a backflip out of the way.

(Matrix Motion)

Then she dove at him, but he zipped out of the way causing her to miss, and then she looked up too late as he came up to her and kicked her hard, sending her rolling along the ground, blowing several of the others down like pins.

“You’ll have to be faster than that to catch me.” Slick taunted “This new power has increased our speeds ten-fold.”

“I believe… we have noted that.” Rarity groaned.

Stag snickered and his sword began to glow.

“Let me guess… you’re powers have intensified too.” said Artie.

Stag struck his sword hard into the ground shouting “STATIC SHOCKSTREAM!” and he sent a wave of energy along the ground, hitting all the fighters opposing him really hard with jolts of power.

“Who’s next?” hissed Stag.

The team all huddled together, and Rainbow suggested “I think it’s time we showed them some Valkyrie Power.”

The others all agreed, and Starla said “We’ll try and keep them busy while you girls transform.”

With that, the Starfleet ponies lunged into battle against the two generals, with their weapons at the ready.

Artie with his staff, and Spike and Rhymey with their swords; all of them clashed with Stag, but Stag managed to parry them all their weapons extremely hard, and kick them away.

“I can’t believe this guy!” growled Spike.

Stag snickered and gripped his sword tightly.

Here we go!” cried Rhymey.

Stag then charged forth and ran straight through the ponies, knocking them all away hard without giving them a chance to defend themselves.

Starla, Buddy Rose and Spike weren’t doing so well either.




Such a barrage would have worked easily on most creatures, but Slick, with his upgraded skills and speed, waved all four of his arms like crazy, shouting karate cries, and actually chopped each and every single one so none of them actually hit him.

“You’ve got to be kidding!” growled Dyno.

Slick snickered and charged forth, all four of his arms were glowing and he shouted “WIND CHOP!”

The ponies dodged him and he ran right past, but then he stopped immediately, turned round and karate chopped at the air, sending powerful cutter-like waves of energy at them. Sparks flew everywhere and they all fell down.

The two generals were feeling very pleased with their results.

“This is too easy.” said Stag.

“We haven’t broken a sweat yet.” added Slick.

That’s when a bright light shone, followed by the sound of the Equestrian ponies shouting “VALKYRIA!!” and they all transformed.

Rainbow poised her sword at the bugs “Say your prayers, bug bozos!”

Then she and the other Valkyries charged forth.

Stage and Slick exchanged looks of humor, and all at once, the girls jumped all over them, stirring up a dust cloud, and the girls went crazy, attacking and brawling, only to suddenly realize the generals were gone.

“Where’d they go?” asked Fluttershy.

“Keep your eyes peeled.” said Applejack.

“Right…” said Pinkie and she kept really focussed, in a crazy sort of way.

The Starfleet ponies couldn’t see the generals either and began to scout for him with their visors, and Spike sniffed the air “I got nothing.”

Suddenly, without much warning, the two generals leapt down from the skies, and unleashed their fury upon the team before they could react.



Such power, such mercilessness, the team practically went down for the count. Their suits were all dented and torn a bit, sustaining more than ninety percent of damage.

The two bugs were very content now.

“My, how the tables have turned.” said Slick

“How does it feel to fail, Starfleet?” hissed Stag.

“You… should know.” growled Starla as she struggled to try and get up.

The two generals could only laugh wickedly.

“First I’ll destroy you, and then the royal Insecto party will be next.” hissed Stag.

Slick’s features changed to worried. “I can’t believe you’d still think that…” he scolded “After all they gave us. Why the team wouldn’t be at our mercy if not for these powers.”

Stag’s features hardened “Don’t give me that. I said I would destroy them and that’s that. You want to rule the armada don’t you.”

The team could hardly believe what they were seeing, as the two generals quarrelled with one another.

“Look up there, Slick!” snarled Stag “It’s a whole armada. Some of those ships can and will be yours, once we get rid of the Queen, the Princess and all those loyal to them!”

Slick was finally pushed over his limit. “First the king, then the queen and the princess, and now half the army?! I won’t do it!”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean I won’t do it! As much as I love doing monsterous deeds, I’ll never be a party to this!”

“Last chance, Slick! If your not with me, your agianst me!”

“Then I guess I’m agianst you!” shouted Slick, and the two generals began to fight each other.

“I don’t believe this!” cried Spike.

While the two generals brawled with each other, one by one the ponies and Spiek were scopped up swiftly, and taken to a nearby warp portal.

The two generals were too furious with each other to notice.

“Slick, I can’t believe you, after everything we’ve been through together!” snarled Stag.

“Some of which I didn’t even like!” protested Slick.

“WRONG ANSWER!!” Stag shouted as he raised his sword, but then, he stopped and his body began to flare up in red flames. “What’s… happening… to me?!”

Slick was frightened and backed away from him.

While on the mothership, Pheobe’s scepter and Ladybird’s necklace were both glowing brightly.

“It’s time…” Ladybird said.

Pheobe grinned cheekily “You wanted power, Stag? Take it!”

Stag screamed and roared as his body began to expand and transform, and suddenly he was about fifty feet tall, and a snarling, roaring beetle creature with heavy pincers, tentacles and even a horn.

He roared loudly as the skies filled with evil clouds of darkness.

Slick had never been so freaked out in his life, and nearly forgot how to move, except when Stag glared at him and aimed his tentacles ready to squash him.

“Oh, no!” cried Slick “I’m getting outta here!!”

He vanished just in time, but now Stag was free to really do some serious damage, and he began to snap whole forests with his pincers, make huge craters and earthquakes by smashing his tentacles into the ground, and then, his horn began to glow and he let out a spining streak of red-lightning waves that hit all the force-fields around the buildings.

The sheilds did not break, but the houses did shake a lot, and all the civilians in side trembled and cried in fear with the quakes.

Meanwhile, the gang had been teleported to New Canterlot Palace-- Cadance transformed into her ninja form and rounded everyone up as Krysta, having recently returned from Luminous, warpped them all to the palace to safety.

Once there, their royal majesties renergized them all back to full power.

“Looks like you all had a close shave there.” Celestia said.

The team felt a little ashamed, but at least they were back to full power and still alive, thanks to Cadance and Krysta.

Cadance removed her ninja mask and smiled rather strangley at the gang.

“I guess we owe you big.” said Starla.

“No, we’ll say we’re even.” Cadance said “You all helped out today in the empire.”

“Speaking of the Empire, we should get back there quickly!” said Artie.

“At once!” Grand Ruler said “Things have gotten much worse…” and he used his magic to show them all images of the giant Stag making a mess of the empire.

“My empire!” cried Cadance!

“Those poor forests, the animals!” added Fluttershy.

“Sister! Brother-in-law!” Princess Luna called as she came into the room holding a chest that once contained the Elements of Harmoy “I believe you will need these.” She opened the chest to reveal the two halves of the Rainbow Rod. Once Lightning’s weapon, now their majesties’ key to their fusion power.

Their majesties each took their respective half of the rod, but realize. “We can’t.” Celestia said.

“She’s right.” Grand Ruler said “The sheilds would have to come down so we each can have enough energy to transform.”

The team gasped at the thought.

“But if you drop the shields…” cried Dyno.

“…The New Crystal Empire be smashed ot bits.” added Myte.

Cadance shuddered fearfully as such a thought.

There was only one option! The team decided that they would have to try and lead Stag out of the empire and into the outer regions where it was wide-open and there, their majesties would be able to step in and really let Stag have it.

“It’s our only chance.” said Cadance.

“Well, shake a leg everyone.” Krysta said, and she formed another portal “All aboard for the next big battle!”

“Good luck, everyone.” said Celestia.

“We’ll join you when we can…” added Grand Ruler “But please, be very cautious.”

The friends bowed to their majestes and then they all transformed again, and Cadance re-donned her mask as she followed them through the portal.

“I know they will be successful.” said Luna.

Her sister and her brother-in-law agreed. They didn’t want to think of how serious it would be if they failed.

Stag had really laid serious waste to the empire. Never had their been so much destrutions and dilapidation. Yet the buildings were still all in one piece, on the outisde at least, but even their with the shields, and the reinforced special construction of each building… inside the civilians were all panicking and running about.

Stag peeked through the shields right into window of a small house, frightening the family and their friends inside!

He was about to smash at the sheilds some more when got zapped by a swarm of tiny, but powerful zaps from behind.

He looked up and saw all ponies and Spike soaring towards him through the darkness.

“All right, he’s spotted us…” shouted Starla “We’ve got to try and get him to follow us.”

“Right… let’s move!” shouted Rainbow, and she and the Valkyries soared up ahead, all holding out their swords, and unleashing their binding-beams at him.

They pulled and pulled with all their might…!

“It’s no use!” cried Rarity.

“It’s like trying to ask a baby to move a mountain!” added Applejack.

Pinkie tugged and pulled all she could until she was out of breath “Nope. Not working.”

Stag glared angrily at the valkyries and posied his glowing horn at them.

“WATCH OUT!!” screamed Fluttershy.

The valkyries just managed to let go of their grip and swerve as the red-lightning blasts were fired, nearly missing them all, and all the friends. Instead they struck more of the sheilds, frightening those inside.


Starla fired her arrows like crazy, but it was like throwing a toothpick against a brick-wall.

“Not even a flicker!”

“Let’s shoot all together!” said Artie.

Everyone fired their attacks and pulses together; Cadance even threw her magical ninja-pulses.

It seemed to work, but Stag still didn’t seem like wanting to follow them, and he swung his many tentacles at them.

The team swerved and dodged all over.

“This isn’t working! We need more power!” cried Pinkie.

Spike tried and tried, but despite the darkness around them, he couldn’t transform into his majestic dragon form. “It’s no good, I can’t trigger it off. The situation isn’t dire enough.”

“What? Why that’s ridiculous.” grouched Rarity.

Luckily, such power was on its way, as the sound of war trumpets echoed, and tons of other Starfleet ponies came soaring and rushing over the hills.

“Look, the Wonderbolts!” cried Rainbow.

“CHARGE!!” shouted Spitfire as she and her squadron came soaring through the darkness.

Stag roared angrily as he found himself surrounded by many ponies from all ends.

“GROUP FORMATION!!” shouted a Starfleet leader, and he and his team all huddled together, actually forming a giant fist. They launched themselves right at Stag’s huge head, hitting him full-force and actually knocking him down.

“Our turn!” said Spitfire “Squadron, Wind-Storm positions; ATEN-TION!!”

The Wonderbolts all stood in a line, and waited for Spitfire to signal.


At once, the squad zoomed forth at such a speed, blasting a huge gust of wind at Stag, blowing him back hard, but the shields protected all the homes.

“Keep it up!” shouted Starla.

She and the others joined the rest of the ponies to charge up their powers into a huge Thunderous blast.


Such a huge combination of magic, energy, and power, such a powerful blast send the huge bug flying out of the empire, direct to the outer regions.

“After him!” shouted Starla.

Stag was now in the wide open fields, far from any major city. He was raging mad and looked ready to incinerate all the land around him with his power…

…When a bright flash of light shone behind him.

He slowly peered round while snarling, and there he saw The Grand Celestial Ruler, glowing brightly and glaring deeply at him.

“You have done many horrible things, Stag…” they said in their dual voice “Its time you learned what real power is all about and what it can do if used correctly.”

They held their magic scepter up high, and began to absorb power…

All the ponies had gathered together and were offering their available energies to The Ruler, powering them up until they were glowing brightly.

Stag was outraged and dashed over to strike The Ruler hard, only to receive a nasty jolt from all that pure energy, which knocked him back hard.

The Ruler then soared up high, and flew round, and around in circles. Going faster and faster, and then they dove, and punched Stag square-on in his chest... and again… and again…

Several times over, and finally, they raised their scepter up high as its tip began to glow and recited the magic chant…

“Cosmic powers, hear our call
Come forth now, and make evil fall
Nevermore will darkness reign,
Let peace and harmony replace the pain
Now let be finished what has begun
And through the darkness shall light now run
Let hope shimmer burn bright…
We summon forth the… MYSTIC LIGHT…!!!”

(Skip to 9:02)

The Ruler blasted Stag hard with their powerful magic.

The giant beetle roared and screeched as his body began to jolt and spark, and in a colossal explosion, he was gone, or at least that part of him was.

The Darkness lifted, and The Ruler then used their power to magically repair all damages as if nothing had happened. Then they defused back into Celestia and Grand Ruler.

Nobody cheered though, all they did was gaze in the center of the field, and there was Stag, in his normal form. He looked badly beaten, and was covered in dirt and bruised from head to toe.

Fluttershy felt nervous “Is he…?”

A soft groan escaped from Stag’s through as he slowly began to stir.

“After all that, he’s still goin’?!” cried Applejack.

“I don’t believe this guy!” snarled Spike.

Stag managed to get back to his feet. “You… haven’t… heard the last of General Stag!” he thundered “I’ll gather my strength and strike again.

He found his teleporter lying undamaged on the ground near him. He picked it up and was able to activate it, but he was so weary from his ordeal that he dropped it, just as he vanished, leaving it behind.

Everyone gazed squarely at the device, and Cadance stepped forth and picked it up as she pulled off her mask. “This is it…” she said with delight “This is what we need.”

Her aunt and uncle levitated it over to their possession.

“She’s right.” said Celestia “With this; we can finally plot an attack against the mothership.”

Her husband agreed and looked up at the armada “The time for the final battle is near.”

Everyone agreed hard, still not noticing that same mysterious spirit gazing at them afar.

As for Stag, he made it back to the mothership, outraged that he had dropped his teleporter, but he was too weak to care much as he limped forth.

He finally reached the throne room, and there was everyone else including Slick, and he finally collapsed.

“I take it your battle did not go well, Stag?” Ladybird said, almost in a mocking tone.

“Please…” groaned Stag “Help me…”

Phoebe walked over to him and took his hand, and then she grinned wickedly and threw him straight at the wall.

“What are you doing?!” cried Stag.

“What do you think I’m doing; TRAITOR!!”

Using her scepter, Phoebe cast Stag in a binding stream of energy. He tried to deny everything, but it was no use.

“You have a very big mouth, Stag, as well as very little intelligence.” hissed Jetar.

Stag gasped and growled angrily, and he finally began to realize that their majesties gave him and Slick the power, knowing they couldn’t win, and after everything else, Stag would be weakened, too weak to defend himself.

Ladybird stepped forth glaring at Stag. “You lied! You lead my husband right into a trap which lead to his doom, and then we hear you planning mutiny against us?!”

“No!!” cried Stag “I… I can explain! Slick, please, tell them!”

Slick only joined the ladies by their side.

“What are you doing?!”

“Something I should have done… a long time ago! I’m going to watch you get what you deserve!”


“Who’s the traitor around here?!” snarled Phoebe.

Her scepter and Ladybird’s necklace glowed brightly.

“General Stag…” shouted Ladybird “You are hereby discharged!”

“No… NO!!!”

Stag’s screams could be heard even from outside the ship as he was obvious executed.

Deep down, a part of Slick felt remorseful, and he remembered all the times and all the battles he and Stag had together before he went crazy with his idea of takeover.

“Don’t think you’re off the hook.” snapped Phoebe.

“My daughter is correct.” snarled Ladybird “As honourable as it was for you to turn against Stag, you should have done so sooner, then perhaps my husband would still be with us!!”

Slick groveled as he bowed in fear and shame. “I realize my error, and that there is no excuse, but I promise… I will do everything in my power to make up for my own foolishness!”

Despite the temptations to destroy him as well, knowing he could never really make up for Pinsar’s death, they decided to let him live, but his actions would be monitored every second.

“And…” snapped Ladybird “This, by no means lets you even remotely off the hook. After we have successfully conquered United Equestria, and depending upon your behaviour and services… Then we shall decide your fate.”

For now, they stripped of the powers they had given him.

Slick never felt so relieved and backed away thanking them over and over as he exited the room.

“Ahem…” Jetar said “I hate to interrupt, but you both are aware of the seriousness we are in now. I have had many battles in my travels, and I know when a great brawl is about to commence.”

“He’s right, mother.” said Phoebe “The ponies will now have more than what they require to infiltrate us.”

Ladybird clenched all her fists, but grinned wickedly “Well then… I think we can look forward to a well worthwhile battle, for the first time in centuries…and don’t forget, we still have our trump-card.”

She referred to Shining Armor, whom at this moment was nearing his full evil capacity again, and nearly ready to be sent back into action.


In our next episode: While Starla celebrates her eighth wedding anniversary with Lightning, while he still sleeps so. Rhymey and Fluttershy then remember a time on their own Wedding anniversary when things went awry.

Meanwhile, the mysterious spirit connects with Lightning’s inner conscience in attempt to help him realize his true will to live.

Just who is this mysterious spirit, and how did Rhymey and Fluttershy’s anniversary go?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Happy An-Awry-Versary !”)