//------------------------------// // Episode 20: Illusion and Confusion: Part 1 // Story: My Brave Pony Starfleet Magic: Season V // by DakariKingMykan //------------------------------// EPISODE TWENTY The New Crystal Empire was very happy to have their princess back, but no real celebration was held, due to the fact that everyone still felt sorry about baby Amando, and that Shining Armor was still not back yet. Still, Cadance was happy to be home, and eager to get back to her duties. She knew it was the right thing to do and she couldn’t spend every day moping. By her throne were several cute little gift baskets from her friends, all welcoming her home, and again, extending their sorrows for the tragedy. Cadance felt a little happy, but she couldn’t fight her sadness, even when she passed by the nursery, she couldn’t help but walk inside over to the crib, and look inside at how it would’ve looked so nice with her little son in it. She couldn’t help but cry softly, feeling so helpless and alone, but she knew she had to get herself together, especially for someone else… Before she had left New Canterlot she paid a visit to Lightning’s room, having heard what happened, and seeing he was still completely out of it. He did so much for her, and ran the Empire, and she’d never forget what he did for her the day of the tragedy. Had he not leapt in the way of Saber’s blast to save her, both she and the baby would have been destroyed. “Lightning, I know you tried your hardest, and you did save me.” She softly caressed his cheek, it felt so cold. “It’s not your fault, and I’ll never hold you in any disregard for what you did and what you tried to do. I know you can hear this… please come back soon.” She leaned down and softly pecked his head. Cadance snapped herself out of her woe, knowing she had to be brave. …there was work to be done. And so, the days went by, and there was no activity from the Insectos, thank goodness! Today however, the gang was invited to discuss recent viewings of the information collated from the Insectos. “The evidence surrounded these is become quite substantial.” Grand Ruler said and he held up the note that Rhymey had read the other day “Do you remember this?” “I remember it well, All the words I can still tell.” said Rhymey, and he recited the first part of the note… “If you want save your friend from the magic that was cast, Simply combine the power of love with images from his past.” “Exactly…” Celestia said, and she used her magic to show images of when Cadance almost saved Shining Armor with her love magic combined with his memories, just like the note said… …right up to the point where Shining Armor vanished and was taken back to the mothership. “I remember the rest of the note…” Starla said. “But this alone will not be enough to set him fully free. The source of the magic must be destroyed to release him entirely.” “…And Queen Ladybird is the one who is controlling the magic.” said Rarity. “Which means, we’ve got to get her to save Shining Armor for good.” added Spike. Everyone began to see the connection of how the note was accurate, which meant that the documents and blueprints were most likely legitimate. “There is more…” Grand Ruler said, and he opened a map in the center of the table “This was found only this morning. It’s a map that leads to two planets; Tiamo, and Hedra.” The gang had heard of those two planets. Tiamo was within the Starfleet juristicion of the galaxy, and well protected by other forces, which were obviously unaware of the maps. It was a planet where the inhabitants were humanoid like creatures, who lived like the Asian ponies in New Horn Kong; preferring to live in peace, but they did accept Starfleet’s services to help keep them well-protected and stave off evil. Then there was Hedra, a beautiful, lush meadow planet outside the juristicion. Starfleet had visited it before, trying to convince the inhabitants to allow their services to help keep them protected, but the stubborn creatures insisted they required none, for they put all their faith in a simple golden pinwheel, which they believed had magical powers and brought them good luck. “What do these planets gotta do with these blueprints?” asked Applejack. Grand Ruler held up another not that he found attached to the map. “It explains that on these planets, we will find those who can ultimately confirm the blueprints are accurate, but exactly how, we don’t know.” “That’s where you all come in.” said Celestia “You’ll divide into two groups and venture to these planets, and once there it will be your mission to locate those who can help us, but how is entirely up to you.” Rainbow bolted right up from her seat going “Whoa-Whoa-Whoa, hold on a minute! How are we going to even get past the armada?” “She’s got a point.” said Dyno. “Si, those ships will shoot anything that even tries to leave the planet.” added Myte. “Oh, not quite everything.” said Krysta “They never detected me; I’m too small for their trackers to spot.” “Exactly…” said Starla “I thought of that too, and I think I know how we can pull it off.” Before long, the entire gang went to New Ponyville to visit Dr. Penny at the hospital. She was informed of the situation from their majesties in a letter they had sent. “So, let me see if I understand this…” she said “You want to use my shrink-ray so you can travel to other planets?” “Yes.” replied Starla “It’s the only way we can sneak past the armada.” “Look, Penny, we wouldn’t be asking you into this if it wasn’t that important.” added Buddy Rose. All the others nodded in agreement. “I understand that…” said Penny “But even if it does work, how will you even get back? Remember the shrink ray’s effect is still only temporary.” “Don’t worry, we’ve got it covered.” said Pinkie “You didn’t think we’d just gallivant off without thinking this through would you? Huh? Huh? Huh?” Penny winced softly each of those three times. “Alright, I’ll do it; I just hope you realize what you’re really doing.” “Don’t worry, Penny. We’ll be okay…” said Fluttershy “…I hope.” Once everyone was shrunk down, Krysta, using her magic, created two powerful space-warps for the two teams to travel, while she remained behind for the creative idea for the return trip. Fluttershy felt a little scared to be so tiny, but Pinkie bounced and flew all about with glee and joy. “This is so amazing!” she cried “Look how big everything seems. It’s like a giant playpark.” Applejack grabbed her by the tell telling her “Not now, Pinkie. We’ve got work to do.” The teams were set… Heading for Tiamo were Starla, Artie, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Spike. Heading for Hedra were Buddy Rose Applejack, Rhymey and Fluttershy, and the Twins. Six friends on each team, and they were ready to go. “Are we ready…?” asked Starla. Buddy Rose nodded “Ready as we’ll ever be.” “Good luck guys.” Krysta said. The ponies bid each other farewell and good luck, and then off they went, right off into space. Just as they were all very tiny, so were the dimensional pathways that carried them across space, and it worked; they flew right past the vast armada of spaceships without being seen, and it was nothing but clear sailing from there. The teams flew off in different directions as the planets were each in a different system. In just a matter of moments thanks to the super speeds of the warps, they arrived safely at their destinations, and the effects of the shrink ray wore off. Starla and her team arrived on Tiamo. It was already late at night, and the stars were shining so beautifully. As for the land itself, there was a whole town miles ahead and very active for the late hours. The sight of it was almost exactly like New Horn Kong. Many ordinary buildings and stands were around, but also in the suburbs there were many pagodas like houses and temples all around. Many of the inhabitants were humanoid creatures. Men had blue toned skins, and women had pink. The colors seemed faded for those who were elderly, and they all wore kimonos, and other Asian like attire. Rarity’s eyes glittered like the stars “It’s all so beautiful.” she cried. “Uh, oh, here it comes.” Rainbow sighed. The others all felt the same, and sure enough, Rarity went off babbling about all the inspirational things she saw. “I could start a whole new fashion line with those types of outfits, and the Asian designs would add excellent textures.” “Think of how famous I could become.” Artie muttered. “Oh, think of how famous I could become.” “I can just see it now.” Spike grumbled. “I can just it now!” Starla had taken enough and whistled loudly. “Rarity, we’re here on a mission, not a shopping spree.” Rarity cleared her throat and re-focussed her attention. “Yes, of course.” “So, where exactly should we check out?” asked Rainbow. “Ooh-Ooh-Ooh…!” Pinkie cried as she raised her hand “Let’s just ask around town. Someone should know what we’re talking about.” The others agreed, and headed right to town. Meanwhile, the others had already landed on Hedra, and it was mid-morning there, and the skies were bright and blue, and the planet was every bit as beautiful as was described. “Wow…” Fluttershy cried as she admired all the beautiful fields of green grass, and the many wild flowers. There were even the same kinds of animals found in United Equestria; rabbits, birds, even insects too. Everyone thought it was so lovely here. “If we didn’t have to go back, I wouldn’t mind staying here.” said Buddy Rose. Rhymey felt the same, but he then said… “It doesn’t make sense though; this planet seems a place of bliss How could the Insecto Armada be linked to a place like this?” “Just what I’d like to know.” said Applejack. They all looked all over the place, and suddenly Dyno could see a village far ahead. “Maybe someone who lives there knows.” he said. “Qué estamos esperando? *What are we waiting for?* said Myte “Let’s get going.” They all flew towards the villiage… All the homes were giant trees made into houses, and tree-houses in the trees. Some were even oversized toadstools, about the size of Fluttershy and Rhymey’s cottage. As for the inhabitants… Some were pixies, only they were the same sizes as a normal being, not tiny. Others were furry dumpy little dwarf trolls. Covered from head to toe in fur, and not really ugly, but cute, and very friendly looking too… except… …all over the village there was not a happy face to be seen. Everywhere some of the dwarfs were groaning and moaning sadly, some of the little pixy children were crying, and others just looked plain-down hearted and worried as they loomed over their gardens, which had not yet sprouted or anything, it was all plain and barren. “Oh, my!” cried Fluttershy. Seeing all those sad faces brought tears to her eyes “I can’t stand to see such nice creatures upset.” Rhymey hated seeing his wife in tears, and handed her a hankie. “Be steady my dear, We’ll find out what’s wrong here.” Not looking where she was going, Applejack stepped on what turned out to be a green troll, sleeping in the grass. “Ow!” groaned the troll. This scared everyone else. “Hey, watch it!” snarled the grumpy creature. “Sorry, I didn’t see you there.” said Applejack “You look just like the grass.” The troll would have complained more, but he took one look at the gang and their energizer-insignias. “Hey, you’re all from that funny Starfleet place, ain’t ya?” “Yes…” said Buddy Rose “We’re here because…” “Let me guess, you want to offer us protection again, well we don’t need it… at least we didn’t before.” “That ain’t why we’re here.” said Applejack “And… what do you mean not before?” Fluttershy approached the troll and softly asked “Please, can you tell us why everyone is so sad around here?” The troll looked very grim “Everyone’s sad, because the magic golden pinwheel that watches over us and gives us all has been stolen!” He explained the whole deal… On Hedra, it was springtime all year around, and it never got any cooler or hotter, and just had regular weather patterns. “All that we have come to know; we owe it to the magic pinwheel. Whenever it spins, always something wonderful happens, it even helps the seeds we have sown to make our gardens grow, and it brings us the rains to keep our rivers and lakes full and clean, but now the magic pinwheel has been stolen. Nobody knows where it is, and today is the day when the entire village gets together for the great ceremony. Every year on this day, the pinwheel blows for the longest and strongest, and we all give thanks to it by singing our traditional song. It is only after then that the magic from the pinwheel makes our gardens sprout and the rains come forth to nourish the lands.” He pointed to a huge tall tree at the back of the village. Atop it was a resting place where the pinwheel once stood. …But now, as I said, the pinwheel is gone, and if it’s not returned by sundown today, our gardens won’t get the nourishment they need, the weather will not bring the rains, and our very way of life will be threatened by famine and sadness.” As much as the friends felt sorry for all the sadness, they couldn’t help but feel everyone was acting a bit silly over an object that obviously had no control of the weather, or the plant life or anything really… …but it was in vain they tried to convince the troll and the people of this. “Your weather patterns are natural.” said Dyno. “Si, it’s not the pinwheel that gives you all this.” added Myte. Many of the creatures heard what they had to say, and did not like it a bit. “How dare you scoff the magic pinwheel?” “The pinwheel gives us hope, and basks us with good fortune.” “Now that it’s gone, nothing has gone right, and our gardens don’t grow, and there has been no rain!” Buddy Rose tried to reason with them all, but the creatures weren’t interested and drove the gang out of their village and threatening them to never return. Now out in the meadows again, the gang was very cross. “That was very rude, They’ve put me in a bitter mood.” grumbled Rhymey. Fluttershy felt more concerned for all the creatures “How can they think this pinwheel of theirs will really give them all this? Maybe, it really is magical?” Buddy Rose shook his head “No, it isn’t. I’ve read about the histories documented into this. The so-called magic pinwheel is nothing more than a golden statue. It has no magical properties whatsoever.” “Well, obviously, they don’t believe that.” said Applejack “All they need to do is wake up and realize that they can do their own jobs better themselves, and they’ll still get the good they want.” Everyone agreed to that, but suddenly Dyno realized “A’rgh! Idiota! We totally forgot to ask anyone about the blueprints!” Everyone gasped realizing he was right. “Oh, no!” groaned Myte “That’s what we came for in the first place. Now we may have jeopardized the mission.” “Well we can’t go back to the village now.” said Applejack “There’s no way those guys will listen to us.” Just then, Fluttershy had an idea. “Maybe… they’ll listen to us if we bring back the pinwheel?” There was a long moment of silence, and Fluttershy felt embarrassed and hid her face behind her mane. “I’m sorry! It was a dumb idea…” “No… it wasn’t.” said Buddy Rose “I think it just might help us fix everything.” Everyone began to see the ideal, but Rhymey pointed out. “There’s just one problem that I still see, We have no way of knowing where the pinwheel must be.” Everyone held their heads low in dismay. Now what could they do? Meanwhile, the others had made it into town. They stopped to question a man, who was wheeling a barrow full of pumpkins, but all the man just stared at them with a shocked expression; preferably at Spike, and he didn’t say a word or even blink his eyes. Then he walked away with this barrow almost quickly. “What’s with him?” asked Pinkie. They continued to walk into town and tried to question a lady in a stand, selling fruit, but she gave the same expression; staring at them awkwardly, preferably at Spike, and did not answer them. “O-kay…” Rainbow said. They stepped deeper into town, and suddenly… everything went totally silent, and every single person stopped right where they were and gazed over at the gang, all with the same expressions of shock, or worry. “What are they staring at?” asked Starla. Spike looked one way, and then another and realized “They’re all staring at me.” “Well, what’s with them? Haven’t they ever seen a dragon before?” said Rarity. Suddenly, the alarms sounded, and just like back at home, everyone dashed for their homes or the nearest shelter. The barriers around the buildings automatically activated since neither Grand Ruler nor Celestia were present. The town square was totally deserted, leaving only the gang left. They looked high, low, and all around. “I don’t see any danger.” said Artie. Suddenly, they all could hear and then see a flock of Starfleet officers rushing into town and surrounded them all in a threatening manner; preferably at Spike. “Uh, guys…!” cried Spike “What’s happening?” Just as the gang were about to speak up… “Stop!” called a voice… one that Starla and Artie recognized. “Lay down your arms. They are not enemies.” They all looked up and saw the leader of the squad, an elderly purple space alicorn stallion with the code, VK6Y. “That’s General. Mac Speed.” said Starla. “He was one of our tutors at the Starfleet Academy back on Unicornicopia.” added Artie. The other three felt relieved that they were at least among a friend. Mac fluttered down to the group, and saluted to everyone, and then shook hands with Starla and Artie “It’s been a long time you two, and I’m very glad to see how well you’ve come.” “Thank you sir.” said Starla. “I must say…” said Artie “We remember you got transferred the day we graduated, but we had no way of knowing you were here on Tiamo.” “Well, thank goodness I recognized you, and we’ve avoided this little problem.” said Mac. Mac nodded, and then alerted his troops to be at ease, and cancel the emergency. Mac then saluted to the other three “I must apologize for the inconvenience, but someone sounded the alarm fearing there was trouble.” “Yeah, but what was it all about?” asked Rainbow. “And why did they all freak out when they saw me?” added Spike. “A simple answer…” said Mac “You see the people of Tiamo fear of dragons.” Spike felt shocked at those words, and the others felt the same. “I’m afraid so…” said Mac “To them, dragons are sign of ill-omen, and bringers of bad luck.” He explained a story of ten years ago, long before Starfleet discovered planet Tiamo… An evil dragon creature from another planet came and spread chaos and terror everywhere he went. For ten straight days the people of Tiamo lived in fear and panic, and many began to suffer the consequences of the destruction and chaos. This great event was thereafter dubbed as “The Ten Days of Darkness” and it all started with that dragon. On the night of the tenth day, a brave warrior of Tiamo, fought with all his might to slay the beast. The battle ended in suicide, but the dragon was defeated, and the people of Tiamo began to rebuild their lives, but to them, the sign of the dragon or anything resembling a dragon was considered nothing but trouble to everyone. This information was kept secret amongst Stafleet and not released to general public knowledge. If it got out, then more enemies of Tiamo would use this fear of dragons to their advantage. “Eventually, Starfleet explorers discovered Tiamo, and establish negotiations with the kind people. Realizing Starfleet’s reputation, they asked that Starfleet protect their planet against future attacks, and that’s pretty much all there is to know.” The others were in awe at such a story, but Rarity still found it outrageous “My darling Spike is not an ill-omen.” She said as she held her husband’s arm. “Yeah…” Spike said “I don’t mean them any harm.” “That was what we have tried to explain to the people over and over…” said Mac “But ultimately we cannot force them to believe or change their minds, but still you’ll find that once they all get to know you better, they are very kind and generous creatures.” “Speaking of which…” Starla cut in, and she explained about their mission. “I know someone whom you can ask.” said Mac “If you go back out through town and head over the hills just beyond the horizon, you’ll find the home of Ping-Lo. He is a very wise man, and knows many things of Tiamo. Perhaps he can help you. I must get back to tending to my forces. We must maintain watch over this planet for any signs of trouble, but if you need us, you know what to do.” “Yes, sir…” said Artie “And thanks again for everything.” They all saluted to him, and he saluted back “Good luck to you all…” and then he zipped off really fast. “Wow, that must be why they call him Mac Speed.” said Rainbow. “…Not really.” said Starla. It didn’t take long at all to reach over the hills by flight. “Hey, look…” cried Pinkie. Everyone could see a temple and a small home near it, which was obviously what they were looking for. A gong sounded as everyone landed near the front of the temple. “My goodness… this place is fabulous.” said Rarity “Why you could just do so much with it.” “Do you think anyone’s home?” asked Pinkie. “Well, gongs don’t just sound themselves.” said Artie. The door was open, so they all walked right in. Inside, were all basics they would find in an oriented temple; statues, columns, large talisman scrolls. “Awe…” everyone said together. “This place must be centuries of years-old.” said Starla “Hey, look at this.” said Artie. Everyone huddled close to him and they all viewed a tapestry splash-panel; a picture that told a story of action with the images, and it obvious was telling the toy of the Ten Days of Darkness. Spike looked at the drawing of that wicked dragon and sneered “It still makes me sick knowing most dragons were like him.” Suddenly, there was a soft sound coming from somewhere in the temple, as if someone were moving about. “Who’s there?” Starla called “Show yourself!” Out from behind a column, a pretty young girl wearing a red and yellow kimono stepped out and bowed to them all. “Welcome, strangers...” she said “Welcome to the temple of my father, Ping-Lo.” “Uh, thank you Miss…” Artie said. “I am Sango-Chi, daughter of Ping-Lo, whom waits to speak with you.” The others felt they could trust her, and she did say they were welcomed. Soon, they were all brought to the small house by the temple, where Sango’s father greeted them all. “Greetings members of Starfleet.” he said “I am Ping-Lo, wise and honorable man, and keeper of the temple. And I present my daughter, Sango-Chi.” Everyone bowed in the traditional greeting to the two. “We’re pleased to meet you.” Starla said. “I too am please, but I am also concerned…” said Ping-Lo “Your coming here and your entering of the temple with the company of a dragon means evil.” “The dragon is a sign of ill-fortune to us all.” added Sango. Rainbow sighed “We know, we’ve heard.” Spike stepped forth and said “You don’t have to be scared of me. I’m a noble dragon and I’m a member of Starfleet. I fight evil, not cause it.” Rarity looped her arm around him. “My husband speaks the truth.” Ping and Sango were shocked and somewhat amazed. “You have joined with this dragon.” said Ping “Very unusual, but Ping-Lo understand the bonds of true love.” Rarity and Spike smiled lovingly at each other. Spike then offered to show Ping and Sango what else he was capable of. “Watch, you’ll like this.” said Rainbow. Spike stood in the middle of the yard… “Dragon Power!” …and he began to transform! Sango held her father tightly as the lights shined whimpering “Sango afraid! The dragon is glowing.” “This cannot be good.” said Ping. “Oh, it’s good all right.” said Starla “Look…” The two saw Spike fully transformed and how handsome and courageous he looked in his armor, and his cape fluttering in the breeze. “What do you think now?” asked Pinkie, and she fluttered her eyes hintingly. “I… like your dragon.” said Ping “He remind me of the brave warrior that slayed the beast in the Ten Days of Darkness.” Spike them moved over to a large piece of wood near a pile of chopped blocks. With one arm he tossed the huge wood into the air, and leapt up high and gave a huge blow with his fist, chopping it all into a neat pile of little logs for the fires. Ping and Sango could not help but applaud. Spike took a bow and then untransformed. “And you use these gifts to bring good to others?” asked Ping. “Oh, sure…” said Spike “I help to fight off evil forces and protect the innocent, and that brings us to why we’re here in the first place.” “Oh, right…” Starla said, and she explained about the Insecto Armada, and handed Ping one of the blueprints she had brought. Ping confirmed it was indeed, legitimate. “My great, great grandfather was once a technician, working on another planet. Those evil creatures, they come, and they demand more parts and sources for their monstrous desires, or they would destroy him. My ancestor provided services, and then he runaway to Tiamo to live in peace, to forget.” “Our live in peace for many generations.” added Sango “Then came the Ten Days of Darkness, and we never feel the same again.” The friends were very sorry to hear that, but at least they had positive confirmation that the prints were accurate. Suddenly, a soft breeze picked up, and Ping looked worried about something. “What is it?” asked Starla. “A cold wind; that means danger is afoot.” The others looked around, and they couldn’t see anything, until two men entered the yard holding huge hydrogen-bazookas, powerful enough to blow up the entire yard. “All will stand still please!” said one of the men. “Honourable, Ping-Lo right.” Said the other “Disaster has fallen on you.” Not wanting to risk the safety of Ping and Sango, the friends did as they were told “Do you know these gentlemen?” asked Rarity. “We name, Chang and Chin.” said Chang “And yes, Ping-Lo know us both.” added Chin. “Indeed, I do…” sneered Ping “And had I known that these ponies and their dragon meant you would come, perhaps I have would have driven them away, though I like them all.” “Gee, thanks a lot.” grumbled Rainbow. “What do they want?” asked Artie. “They wish to destroy our temple.” said Sango. “Destroy it?!” snapped Spike “But what for?” The two bad men snickered, and Chang said “Tell them, honourable Ping, tell them of the treasure you keep.” “Treasure?” asked Pinkie “You mean like gold, and jewels?” “Oh, it is a mere legend, relating to the Ten Days of Darkness.” replied Ping. He explained how it was believed that during the Ten Days, thieves and looters hounding on strugglers and survivors concealed treasures they had stolen throughout the land, and over the years the villages were reformed and the homes and temples were built right on top of the very spots where said treasures were buried. “Tonight at midnight, we will blow up the temple.” said Chang “It is of little use to anyone anyway.” “But somewhere beneath it, we shall find the great treasures.” added Chin “We will be rich beyond our wildest dreams!” “But there is no treasure.” said Sango. “We say there is!” snapped Chang. “And to make doubly certain there is no interference, you’ll all be coming with us as our prisoners.” said Chin “Come this way, all of you, and try nothing.” Still not willing to take a chance and risk any damages to the house, the temple, or injury to their friends, the gang had no choice but to comply. Hopefully they could come up with a plan to make everything okay. To Be Continued…! (Promo) In our next episode: The team on Herdra have a lead to find the golden pinwheel, which leads them to an army of powerful mole-creatures that mistake them for enemies and rise to the attack. Meanwhile, Spike realizes it’s up to him to save the temple from disaster, but without causing worse than intended. How either team pull off against the obstacles set before them? Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!” (Next Episode: “Intrusion, Illusion, and Confusion: Part 2”)