//------------------------------// // Episode 17: Desperate Efforts // Story: My Brave Pony Starfleet Magic: Season V // by DakariKingMykan //------------------------------// EPISODE SEVENTEEN One morning, it was very cloudy after the night’s rain, but the pegasi were scheduled to soon clear things up and be a warm and sunny day, but to Lightning, right now he just didn’t have a care about it. This was the single worst day of the entire year for him; one that he despised more than any other… …His Birthday! He did not wish to celebrate, be given any gifts; he didn’t even want anyone to wish him “Happy Birthday” at all, and everyone knew exactly why. Eighteen years ago, on the day of his fifth birthday, the evil Serpentari invaded his home-planet, Harmonious, searching for the Star Stones to gain more power. When she didn’t find it, she decided to obliterate the planet to ensure that the stones would not wind up there later. She unleashed her fury upon the planet. The Harmonian ponies didn’t stand a chance. They had no magic, no weapons, and their world was far outside of the Starfleet zone and unprotected. Lightning’s mother, in her dying moments, shoved her five-year old son into a warp portal which transported him to another planet to safety, and then… young Lightning watched helplessly as his planet exploded into space dust, leaving him all alone. Despite he was fortunate to be where he was today, he still could never forget the horridness he witnessed, and he could never celebrate his birthday again; for that would mean celebrating the death of his family, his people… his entire world, and how he was helpless to save them! Every day on his birthday, he would take just a little bit of time to mourn the loss of his loved ones. In one of the many cemeteries within New Canterlot, there was a large special monument wedged into the ground, Lightning had requested it as a memorial to all those of Harmonious, especially his parents. He went there today with two wreaths of flowers. One he placed by the Harmonian monument, and then… just nearby it was another monument, that to honour Twilight Sparkle; yet another he couldn’t save, and never forgot how she died in his arms. That’s where he placed the other wreath. It really wasn’t his fault that they all died, but still, the feelings ate away at his very soul. He removed his cap, and bowed his head as his tears began to flow. “I’m so sorry…” he said to the monuments “If only I could’ve helped more. I miss you all so much.” A very sad and haunting song began as he stood under the cloudy skies, and a soft breeze blew. He began to sing… His past was gone, but his memories remained. They would never disappear, no matter what he nor anyone else did. The song ended, and a tear fell from his eye, splashing on the ground. Starla and Krysta, who had come with him that morning, stood at the entrance to the cemetery. Both felt like crying after hearing the song and seeing how miserable Lightning looked right now. It reminded Starla of how she missed her folks, even her father, though he was never all supportive. In the Royal Palace, Grand Ruler and Queen Celestia could see and hear Lightning, even from there. Both of them knew exactly how he felt; being royal supreme leaders, they lost so many friends and soldiers over the ages. Even though they had recently defeated Pinsar and won the revenge of many that changed nothing and never would bring their friends back. Grand Ruler held his wife close. “He has lost so much. I can’t help but worry about him.” Celestia sighed “Oh, Lightning… Just know that you’re still loved by many, and you’ll be alright.” Soon, the weather cleared, and it was sunny and warm. Lightning went back to the New Crystal Empire to resume his duties as acting regent. Krysta had to return to Luminous to attend to her own royal duties, but the rest of the gang had come that day, worrying if Lightning was okay. “I’m fine… really.” Lightning said with a sad… a sad smile. “You sure about that?” asked Buddy Rose. “Yeah, I mean I go through this all the time, I’m practically used to it. Right now I’m more worried about Cadance.” “Why? What’s wrong with her?” asked Rainbow. Lightning explained that she had been having a few stomach cramps, which the court physician said was natural, only it made Cadance very uncomfortable, and she was having a few mood swings, again, this was natural. “Oh, just think…” said Fluttershy “In a few more weeks, she’ll have a new baby.” Pinkie couldn’t help but bounce with glee chirping “I’m so excited! I’m so excited! I’m so excited!!!” The others were happy for that, but they were more unhappy that such a blessed event was coming and things were still not A-Okay, especially with Shining Armor still in the hands of the Insectos. Shining Armor, or Saber, was training hard to get stronger and swifter. He had not felt the same ever since Pinsar was struck down, and was determined to avenge his king. However, today he was feeling rather strange. Those blurry images were constantly playing in his mind, yet they were still so blurry that he couldn’t make them out. “What is happening to me?” he wondered “Why do these images play around in my mind? I must focus. I must avenge the fall of the king!” He continued to train, and was getting his groove back, but he was suddenly interrupted when the Stingars came in, and buzzing in their native language told him that Queen Ladybird and Princess Phoebe had summoned him. He picked up his sword and followed them out of the dojo, but his head began to ache again as those same blurry images flashed in his mind again. They left as quickly as they had come, but Saber was growing quite annoyed. Once the court was all assembled, Ladybird announced her plan to launch an all-out attack against Lightning’s unit. “We are going to test them to the outmost limit of their strengths. Should you defeat them, that is fine as well…" Phoebe, you shall go and take charge of this attack.” “It’ll be a pleasure…” Phoebe said as she stroked her sceptre “I’ve wanted to get back at those ponies for some time.” Slick and Stag were excited. “We shall accompany you.” said Slick. “Together we shall be victorious.” added Stag. But Phoebe scoffed at them both “As if I’d take you two bunglers along, which is why I choose Jetar and Saber to accompany me.” Stag and Slick were livid, but Jetar and Saber felt honoured. Jetar was especially anxious to meet these ponies that had caused the armada so much trouble. “I have heard of Starfleet before, but never had the privilege to encounter them.” Phoebe grinned wicked at him “Then you’ll also probably have the privilege of breaking them all into bits.” Jetar bowed to her “Anything for you, Princess.” …he tried his hardest not to blush. Saber, well aware of Jetar’s obvious feelings, was not amused. Stag took note of this though and began to formulate it into his plan of mutiny, much to Slick’s discomfort. “Let’s go.” hissed Phoebe. As the team left the throne room, Saber felt another flash in his mind. “Saber, is something wrong?” asked Ladybird. Saber shook himself out of it. “I am alright, my queen.” he said, and then he left with the others. Ladybird, however, was not convinced and began to have doubts about the brainwashing. “Perhaps it is starting to weaken.” she thought “We will have to keep a close watch on him at all times.” She clutched her necklace-- the pendant with the likeness of Pinsar inside. “You will be avenged, my love!” Cadance was sitting upright in bed, stroking her large belly, and practicing her deep breathing. She couldn’t wait for her child to be born and hold it in her arms, but she still wished that Shining Armor was with her. There was a knock at her door. “Enter!” she called in a rather snappy voice. Lightning came in “Well, sounds like somebody didn’t have a long enough nap.” Cadance felt sheepish. “Sorry.” “Just came to see if you were alright.” Cadance admitted she was alright physically, but she didn’t have to say; it showed well enough she was worried about Shining Armor, and really wished he could be there for that blessed day. “We’re doing the best we can, Cadance.” said Lightning “If only he would just give us a sign, something that could tell us if we can undo the brainwashing.” He stopped when he could see his words were upsetting her. “Oh, I’m sorry…” She hesitated for a moment. “Lightning…? I know this may seem weird to ask but… if Shining Armor doesn’t come back in time for the birthing of my baby. Will you… be there by my side to help me?” Lightning felt his cheeks turn pink “M-M-Muh- Me?!” Cadance figured he’d react like that. “It’s just; this is so strange, and a little scary to me. I would like someone brave and strong by my side to help me through it, and I know my aunt or uncle could also do but, well… I thought I’d ask you first. You’ve done so much to help by running the Empire.” As flattered as Lightning was, he was still very skeptical about it. He had never seen a foal being birthed before, and traditionally it was the father’s role to be there. Then again, giving the circumstances, and seeing as Cadance really was asking him for support… “…Alright. I’ll do it.” he promised “I won’t let anything to happen to you or the baby.” Cadance smiled warmly at him. Then the alarms sounded. “Uh-Oh, I better go!” Lightning said “I’ll send the guards to look after for you.” Cadance nodded and watched him take off at a fiery pace as the force fields around the palace energized. Lightning dashed to the throne room and asked “What’s going on?” “Take a look.” Starla said. Lighting saw a large army of Stingars invading the village below. There were really a lot of them, more than a simple swarm than they usually faced. “Thank goodness everyone was evacuated in time.” said Artie. “Let’s go down there and swat those buggy-eyed creeps!” sneered Rainbow. “Right!” said Lightning, and they all transformed. “STARFLEET MAGIC!!” “HARMONY HOUR! FRIENDSHIP POWER!!” “Dragon Power!” The Stingars were marching through town, breaking everything in their path; lampposts, benches, mailboxes, stands, displays, anything that was not shielded by the barriers. When they looked up and saw Lightning and his entire unit soaring down into battle. Many of the Crystal Guards and other Starfleet officers in the near area joined in the fight to even out the odds. “ATTACK!!” shouted Lightning. Stingars and fighting ponies everywhere; what a horrific sight it was. Blow after blow was exchanged, and the Stingars managed to overpower a few guards, only to then be defeated by the Starfleet ponies. Rainbow saw a whole swarm of Stingars gathered in one place, and she soared way up high, then came crashing down, down, down!! “SONIC RAINBOOM!” KAPOW!! All the bugs were blown away. Rainbow flipped for joy “Yeah! I’m lovin’ this!” “BOOM-BOOM FLARE!!” Dyno and Myte activated their finisher, and wiped out another good portion of the army. Rarity and Spike were surrounded by a ring of bugs, but they nodded at one another and decided to try a new move they had come up with. Spike grabbed hold of Rarity’s arms, and began to swing her round, and around like a hammer-throw, and Rarity kicked each and every one of the Stingars right in the face and down they all went. Rarity and Spike smirked at one another. Starla fired her arrows at each Stingar as they approached her, and even showed off her masterful skills. A straight forward shot! A backward shot! A double shot! Then there was her favorite; the septuplet bank-shot, in which her arrow banked off many objects and around many corners, seven times until it hit the Stingar right in the chest. “It’s all in the wrist.” she teased. The battle waged on, and half the Stingars were wiped out, when suddenly, magical blasts bombarded the area. “Look!” cried Pinkie. Everyone could see Phoebe marching through the smoke, along with Saber, and Jetar was by their side, holding a ray-gun. “It’s Phoebe…” said Buddy Rose “But, who’s that with her?” Everyone scanned him with their visors; he wasn’t an Insecto, but he didn’t register in the database. “So these are the Starfleet fighters you told me about.” said Jetar. Phoebe snickered “Yes, soon to be piles of ash blowing across the wastes of this planet.” The guards promised to deal with the rest of the Stingars so Lightning could deal with the Insectos. Lightning and his team stood, eyeing the three evil invaders furiously, and Phoebe glared just as angrily back. “It’s time you answered for what you did to my father!” “We had to defend ourselves!” snarled Lightning “Perhaps if you and your family weren’t so wicked, you wouldn’t be having this problem.” “Silence!” snarled Phoebe, and she fired a powerful blast at them. The gang all scattered out of the way, and the fight was on. Saber jumped into action against Fluttershy, Rhymey, Rarity and Spike. Saber held his sword in one hand and his sickle and chain in another. In his spare arms, he held his shuriken blades. “Shining Armor or not, Let’s give it all we’ve got.” Rhymey said, and he held his sword tightly. The others sadly agreed. “Very admirable…” hissed Saber “But it will vail you naught!” he jumped up high in the middle and three his blades, hitting all four of them at once. Sparks flew everywhere. “Get him!” shouted Spike. The four of them punched, kicked, and Spike and Rhymey slashed their swords while Saber blocked their every attack with his weapons and his free hands and strike them back. “Just as I figured; you’re all as pathetic as ever!” he hissed, then suddenly “Argh!” he clutched his head as if he were in pain. “What’s happening?” cried Rarity. “It looks like he’s got a headache.” said Fluttershy. “Hey, do you think maybe it’s his memories?” said Spike. Rhymey was positive it was and tried to reason with him… “Shining Armor, I know you can hear me. Try to fight strong and set yourself free!” The images in Saber’s head became slightly clearer, but hardly enough to make out. “No!!” he thundered “STRIDENT SHOCKWAVE!” “Look out!” shouted Rarity, and she and the others dodged. “I don’t know what sort of trickery this is!” growled Saber “But they, and you… will plague me no longer!!” While that fight went on, Jetar stood glaring at Buddy Rose, Applejack, Artie, and Pinkie Pie, and he motioned for them to come at him. “Go!” shouted Buddy, and then all lunged forth, while Jetar simple sidestepped, ducked, and swerved out of the way. Applejack threw a huge punch at him, and he caught it in his hand. “Impressive!” POW! He socked her hard across the ground, right into Pinkie, outraging the others. “COLOR KICK!” shouted Artie as he leapt up and thrust his glowing feet forth. Jetar put his arms out front, catching Artie and bouncing him right off, then shoot him with his ray-gun. “Amateur!” Buddy Rose then used his whip to lasso his arm and yank him in close, and kick him hard causing him to drop his gun. “Maybe we’re not as amateurish as you think!” Jetar only could laugh “No, you’re even worse. I don’t need a gun to fight you.” He pulled out a pair of plasma daggers and rushed forth. Slashing at all the fighters and knocking them down before they even had a chance to try and throw a single punch. “Wow! This guy’s intense!” groaned Applejack. “Yeah, and he’s tough too.” added Pinkie. Jetar only laughed “That would be one of the many reasons I have avoided capture for so long! In the dimensional universe, only the strong will survive.” “It takes more than just strength to survive!” said Buddy Rose. “Yeah, it takes heart and it depends on what you fight for.” added Artie. Jetar scoffed at their bleating “Puh! I’ll take ruthlessness and cunning over goody two-shoes any day.” The others growled and lunged at him for more. While Phoebe was facing against the remaining teammates all at once, and her new powers as well as the training she learned from Jetar, she was more vicious than ever. She kicked Rainbow hard, batted Starla with her scepter and then used it to blast the twins. Now Lightning was going at her, punching, kicking and sending his own zaps of the uniforce at her, but Phoebe actually countered it with her own power and was able to force it right back at Lightning, resulting in a huge explosion! “LIGHTNING!!” the others cried. Phoebe laughed maliciously “That’s one less of you to worry about.” Suddenly, a huge burst of light blew the smoke away as Lightning stood in his Enticorn form. “You were saying…?” he hissed. Phoebe growled in outrage. “Don’t you ever stay down?!” “No, he doesn’t!” shouted Dyno. “As long as we have a reason to fight, we’ll just keep coming right back again.” added Myte. Phoebe had heard enough and lunged at Lightning, and he zipped out of the way causing her to miss, and then he reappeared behind her and bashed her hard, sending her right into Rainbow. “Catch, Starla!” and she kicked her hard towards Starla. “STARLIGHT ARROW!” Starla fired her shot, but Phoebe was actually able to swerve and avoid it, and hit Starla hard with her fist and sent her crashing into the twins. “I think I’m warmed up enough now.” she snarled, and her scepter began to glow, along with her body as her power increased and her muscles expanded. The force of the power surge was so great that it caused a small earthquake that loosened a lot of rocks inside the palace, and Cadance could feel the surge from her bedroom. “What’s happening?!” she shouted. Bits of dust and small rocks began to fall from the ceiling. “Princess, we’ve got to get you out of here!” cried one of the guards. Then both he and his colleague helped Cadance out of bed and ran her out of the bedroom. While down below, Phoebe now look viler than ever as her body glowed orange with vigor. “Try attacking me now, if you can.” she teased. “This cannot be good.” said Rainbow. “Get ready!” Starla said. Phoebe lunged forth. “PULSAR LASER!” “BOOM-BOOM ROCKETS!!” Such a barrage of attacks, not a single shot missed, but not one did so much as a speck of damage. Phoebe lunged out and slammed her fist into the ground causing a huge explosion, knocking the ponies away hard. “Take that!” shouted Phoebe “Thanks to this new power, my strength has increased ten-fold.” Lightning began to charge up as well, increasing his own power. “So be it then, power-to-power!” Both he and Phoebe glared at one another, and then lunged forth in an extreme brawl. Their attacks collided with such fury, such power; they caused miniature explosions upon contact. Jetar could hardly believe what he was seeing himself. “I’ve traveled all across the cosmos and never seen such power.” “LEAF SWARM!” shouted Buddy Rose and he unleashed his razor-leafs. Jetar held out his arms in from again trying to withstand the bombardment. “PAINT BOMB!” Artie threw his explosives in, which blew right at Jetar, actually knocking him back, allowing Pinkie and Applejack to soar in hard and give him a double-punch to the face, knocking him over and causing him to drop his knives. “Had enough yet?” asked Pinkie. “Or ya thirsty for more?” added Applejack. Jetar growled and sneered “Jetar never gives up!” and he bolted upright ready for more. Saber was still proving to be a very tough cookie as he slashed and bashed the fighters down several times, while they hardly managed to even scratch him. “I don’t see why you continue to try when you know it’s hopeless to defeat me!” “That’s because we know no bounds. Whatever happens, we stand our grounds!” said Rhymey. “We’ll never give up! Not while we can still fight.” added Fluttershy “And I can’t believe I’m actually saying that.” Saber admired their courage, and suddenly his head began to ache again, as he remembered hearing these phrases before, only not with the Insectos, but from some other place and time! “Quick, get him while he’s distracted!” shouted Spike. “Right!” snapped Rarity. The friends all lunged forth and attacked Saber mercilessly, finally dealing him a good amount of damage and sent him soaring backward right in the barrier round the palace, which shocked him upon contact! He landed with a huge thud on the ground, right directly on the secret panel causing the emergency remote box to pop out on its pillar. He gazed at the box, and despite never seeing it before, it looked rather familiar, and the emergency code actually ran through his mind. “Strange, why do I feel like I know this?” he said silently. Realizing he needed refuge to heal from his sudden shock, he actually managed to break the code and disarm the palace’s barrier. “Oh, no!” cried Fluttershy. “He’s going to enter the palace!” shouted Rarity. “What?!” cried Lightning as he watched the whole thing and fearing Cadance was still inside. “STOP HIM!!” Many of the fighters, even he tried to rush for the palace, but Phoebe and Jetar blocked their way. “We’re not through with you punks yet!” snarled Phoebe. Jetar snickered wickedly, and the gang was forced to fight with all their might to try and break free. While Spike and the others were only ones who managed to make it inside. “Where did he go?” asked Spike. “Let’s spread out and look.” suggested Rarity. The other agreed, and split up. As Saber ran through the corridors of the palace, the alarms sounded warning the guards of the intrusion. The entire army ran into action and found Saber, but he managed to bash, pummel and knock out any and all guards that dared to cross his path, and he continued to run along his way hoping to clear his mind…. But actually, running through the palace only made the aching stronger. “Why do I feel like I know this place? I’ve never been here before, yet it’s like part of me always has.” Finally he emerged in the throne room, and took one glace as Cadance’s throne, and the throne next to it. This caused more images in his minds to become clearer, and he swore he could almost see someone’s face. Still… it wasn’t good enough. As the guards rushed Cadance along the way in attempt to get her to safety, they had to pass through a walkway directly over the throne room, and Cadance looked down and she saw him. At once, she froze up with mixed feelings coursing through her, knowing that was him… her husband down there. “Princess!” shouted one the guards. This alerted Saber, and he looked up, and their eyes met. “Awe…?” He just stood where he was, gazing right at her, feeling he knew her somewhere before, or rather her face was the one that seemed most familiar. Then he saw as the guards dragged her along to rush her away. Saber quickly leapt up high, smashing through the floor right in front of them. All three of them stopped and inched backwards away from him. The two guards stood out in front to defend Cadance. “Come no closer!” shouted one of them. “We warn you!” cried the other. He just grabbed both their lances and gave them each a shove hard into the wall, knocking them unconscious. Cadance was now totally unprotected. She could not use her magic to make so much as a flicker, let alone save herself, and her heavy stomach made it too hard to fly. Saber continued to slowly step forth, gazing into her eyes confused and yet astonished. “Who are you?” “Shining Armor, it’s me, Cadance.” “…Ca… Dance…?” She reached out to try and touch his face, but he inched away from her. “Shining Armor, honey, please, you’ve got to remember me?” The images in his mind we’re becoming more and clearer by the minute. Flashbacks of the Royal Canterlot Wedding, and all the romantic times they had. He reached out, and actually touched her face “Cadance?” “Yes… yes.” The others all made it into the throne room, and saw them, but were astonished the way Saber was acting. “He’s starting to remember!” cried Spike. The others all gazed with hope returning. Saber was starting to actually smile as he caressed his wife’s face. “…Cadance.” While Ladybird could already see what was happening from the mothership. Her fears were correct; the brainwashing was wearing off. “Oh, no you don’t!” she sneered, and activated her magic pendant, and it glowed brightly, sending power down to the planet… …right to the Empire, into the palace, and striking his head. “D’AAA-AAARGH!!” “Shining Armor!” cried Cadance. The others all gawked in fear. Saber’s evil began to show again. “I am not Shining Armor, I am General Saber!” he snarled wickedly. “And you… you are starting to bug me!” He raised his sword, ready to strike her, but Rhymey leapt right in the way blocking with his own sword. “Princess, Do as I say! You must get away!” Cadance ran for the way she came in, and Fluttershy came to escort her down into the main throne room, off the bridge, leaving the others to face Saber. While outside, the others were starting to lose steam, even Lightning was, but so were Phoebe and Jetar. “This has been amusing, but now it’s time we said our goodbyes!” snarled Phoebe. “After you, my princess.” said Jetar. Even with all their powers combined separately, they wouldn’t stand much of a chance. “Guys, quickly…” cried Lightning “Transfer all your available power to me! I think I’ve got a shot.” Feeling it was worth it, the others transferred what energy they could spare, causing their suits to de-energize, and all of them to sink to their knees in fatigue. “Let’s take ‘em down!” growled Phoebe as she and Jetar lunged forth. With the power he had in him, Lightning summoned up all he could, and lunched forth with his fist glowing brightly, and he punched Phoebe super hard in her gut, sending her soaring, tumblinf backward hard. Still, she managed to get just enough focus to fire a huge burst of power at him, which collided into him and sent him crashing straight for the palace. “Lightning!” cried Starla. “Princess Phoebe!” cried Jetar as he raced to catch up with her, Phoebe was okay, but she was exhausted and very injured. “Princess, we must go back to the ship!” “No! Not when I’m this close to avenging my father!” As much as Jetar wanted to help her, he knew she wouldn’t survive if she pushed herself too far, and so he activated her teleporter, and they both vanished. Lightning had crashed right through the walls of the unshielded palace and landed right in the throne room. He was now in his normal form in his normal uniform and felt very weak as if he was going to pass out with hardly too much power left in him. Yet, he could see the battle waging on. Saber struck Rarity hard, causing her suit to de-energize and she collapsed from exhaustion. “DRAGON FLAME-WHEEL!” shouted Spike. He bashed straight into Saber and sent him slamming into the walls which loosened more rocks and supports. One the boulders fell smack onto Fluttershy’s head as she and Cadance passed by. WHOMP! She was out cold! “Fluttershy!” cried Cadance. Now she was totally backed into a corner with no place to run to. “Cadance…!” Lightning cried as he struggled to get up. Saber saw this, and thought it the perfect opportunity as he charged up all the power he had into his antenna and aimed it straight at her. “What?!” cried Lightning. *Slow motion* “STRIDENT SHOCKWAVE!!” The blast fired directly towards Cadance, and she still was helpless to defend herself. She gasped as the blast got nearer. “NO…!!” shouted Lightning, as he found just a tiny boost of energy left to spring himself forth, leaping in front of the blast just in time to take it! Cadance, Spike and Rhymey gawked in extreme shock. As Lightning endured the immense pain, his determination actually kept him strong. “I’LL… PRO… TECT… YOU!!!” The blast was finished, and Lightning, ever so exhausted and sore, collapsed onto the ground. *Regular Speed* He was not dead though, just extremely weak and could hardly move at all, much to Saber’s shock and outrage. “Such determination!” he grumbled, and while he was distracted, Rhymey and Spike came in with their weapons glowing, and the struck him hard, resulting in powerful explosion right there in the room. All three of them were thrown in opposite directions, and Rhymey and Spike were now de-energized, and very weak. Saber lay on the ground, weak and frail. “You… have not seen the last of me!” he thundered, and he disappeared. The throne room was in a huge mess, and Cadance was the only one left standing. Yet all she could do was gaze at Lightning ever so thankfully. If he hadn’t defended her at the last second, she would have been destroyed for sure. Lightning weakly gazed up at her and smiled… …but out of the corner of his eye, he could see a large stone column teetering over right behind her. “CADANCE………!!!” She looked behind at the very second… WHOMP!! It crashed right on top of her, knocking her out cold, and she began to bleed. “NOOOOOOOOOOO…………!!!!!” Lightning screamed so loud he could heard for miles, and the others didn’t like the sound of it at all! Hours later, every single one of them was brought to the sickbay at New Canterlot Palace. Dr. Penny was summoned to help try to stabilize Cadance especially. Lightning was in bed and hooked to many machines to heal his injures and restore his strength, while some of the others were in other rooms, recovering from their attacks, but they would be okay. As for Starla and the gang from outside, they were very fortunate to have escaped with the least serious injuries. A lot of them were just resting, but Starla was with Lightning, by his side. Their majesties were there with them, while they anxiously waited for word on Cadance. That was all Lightning could think about as well “Please… please be okay!” he cried “Lightning!” cried Starla “Don’t, you need to take it easy.” “She’s right, you’ll only hurt yourself more.” added Celestia. Dr. Penny finally came in. “Doctor, is Cadance alright?” Grand Ruler asked. Penny sadly nodded “She’s stable now. She was very lucky; we were only barely able to bring her out of it.” Celestia stepped up and was almost afraid to ask “And the baby…?” Penny remained silent and looked very sad. “Is it…?” Grand Ruler asked with deep concern. Tears were flowing down Penny’s face as she softly shook her head. Everyone expressions sank into extreme and painful shock and despair. “No!” cried Celestia. “It’s not true! Tell me it isn’t?!” cried Grand Ruler. Penny could hardly hold in her emotions. “I’m so sorry, but the shock from the impact caused premature birth defects. The child was… stillborn!” Lightning literally felt his heart painfully shatter to bits. “Oh, no…! No!” Tears were cascading down his face. Starla’s too. Even their majesties couldn’t hold her. “May we see Cadance?” Celestia asked tearfully. Penny nodded while dabbing her eyes with a hankie “She really needs you now. Excuse me!” and she went off to cry by herself. Their majesties left, and Lightning and Starla could see them going into the room ahead, and they could see Cadance through the window… bawling like there was no tomorrow. Her aunt and uncle came in, and held her tightly, joining her in the sorrow. Starla and Lightning gazed at each other through their tearful eyes, and Lightning buried his face into his wife’s chest, letting out the deepest and most sorrowful sob he had ever sobbed, and she cried right along with him! (Promo) In our next episode: As the planet bewails the loss of the infant, Lightning’s condition worsens as falls ill with grief, and plunges into a total standstill, rendering him completely out of action, and the others all in deeper despair than ever. This gives Ladybird the idea to kick them while their down, by sending the dreaded Buzz Saw to dispose of them while her warriors heal. How serious is Lightning’s condition, and will the team have the courage and stability to fight for their world? Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!” (Next Episode: “The Day Lightning Stood Still”)