//------------------------------// // Episode 16: Bitten By The Love Bug // Story: My Brave Pony Starfleet Magic: Season V // by DakariKingMykan //------------------------------// EPISODE SIXTEEN Hearts and Hooves Day, a time to celebrate the joys of passion and love for one another, be it family or that someone very special in your life. Cheerilee had already decorated her school-house with pink streamers, red hearts, and had a nice little banquet ready for the children; heart-shaped cookies, and pink peppermint milkshakes, cupcakes, and she even went as far as to make Hearts and Hooves cards for all her students. “There, I think everything’s ready.” she said. *Mykan’s POV* That’s when I came into the classroom. “Morning, Cheerilee.” “Good morning, Mykan. What do you think?” “Oh, this looks marvellous. The kids are really going to love this.” As I helped Cheerilee with final setups, we talked a bit, and she told me the story of the time Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo gave her and Big Mac a love-poison, turning them both into baby-talking weridos. I couldn’t help but laugh with Cheerilee “Well, at least their hearts were in the right place, they were only trying to help Me.” said Cheerilee. “Ah, sometimes you don’t even need help from stuff like that.” I said. I told Cheerilee about Valentine’s Day, celebrated on my home-planet Earth. “My father used to tell me, “This was the time of year everyone gets bitten by the Love Bug." I didn’t believe in it of course, I was just a kid, not very fond of the whole thing…” “And then… you changed?” I nodded “When I met my Michelle, I didn’t know how it happened but, I just didn’t care. I was in love for real, and I never forgot that feelings; my first, and only love. You don’t ever love anyone quite like that again.” That’s when my sadness began to show. I missed Michelle so much… ever since she was killed by Titan and his goons; and she saved my life. My hung real low, and I did my best not to let my emotions out. “I’m sorry, Mykan. I didn’t mean to make you feel…” “It’s alright…” I said “I can’t ignore what happened. It’s part of who I am, and I have to live with it…. every single day.” I thought of all the times I had with my lovely Michelle, as a very deep and haunting song played in my mind and my inner voice sang to it. …it all ended at the memories of her funeral, which really broke my heart. “Are you okay?” asked Cheerilee. I took in a huge breath and felt my joy returning “Yeah, I’ll be fine.” Soon the children arrived, and the party began. Cheerilee was almost skeptical to sip her milkshake, until the crusaders assured her there was no love poison this time. They learned their lesson from before. *POV Ends* All around town, the magic of Hearts and Hooves day was going around. Spike was actually serenading Rarity like something out of a fairy tale as she stood atop their place like a princess in a tower. Rhymey and Fluttershy were walking with their arms wrapped about each other’s wastes. “I love you…” she said to him. “I love you too.” he rhymed All around, many ponies and their special someone’s were really going steady, and those that didn’t have special someone’s, they just seemed too happy to care, and it was soon revealed why… Pinkie Pie had spent a really long time making so many Hearts and Hooves for every single pony she knew, and even ones she didn’t know. “Nobody should feel sad or lonesome today.” she said. As many ponies passed by the Café, they all thanked her wonderfully. Some of the children even came up to give her a flower, and she would respond by giving them hugs. Cranky Doodle and Matilda passed by and thanked Pinkie for the sweet thought. Dyno and Myte thanked her too. “¡Muchas gracias, Chica” said Dyno. “I’m beginning to love these Equestrian customs.” said Myte. Pinkie and all the others were well aware that back on Unicornicopia, the space alicorns didn’t have Hearts and Hooves day, or Hearths Warming, or any of that stuff. Those were strictly Equestrian holidays, not theirs. Plus they were always too busy fighting bad guys and saving the galaxy to have time for that stuff, and those who had lost their loved ones; it would just make them feel really hurt and sad. “Never mind…” said Pinkie “Now it’s time to celebrate and have all the fun in the world.” That’s when Lightning and Starla appeared at the café, via Krysta’s magic. “Hey, so you finally managed to get a break?” asked Dyno. “Or did you beg Cadance for mercy?” teased Myte. Lightning shook his head and said that Cadance practically demanded Lightning take a little time off to spend time with his wife that day, and she could handle small bits of work. “I hated to leave her all alone, especially today…” he referred to the fact that Shining Armor was not with her “But she insisted I come out.” “Now, that’s enough…” Starla said “Busy body or not, it’s my Hearts and Hooves day too, and I plan to make the most of it with the one I love most.” and she pecked him deeply on his cheek, making him blush, and the others giggled. Meanwhile, Phoebe was gazing down at the planet, knowing fully well what was going on, and it made her sick to her stomach. “Look at that!” she groaned “All that lovey-dovey mush!” The real reason she was upset was because she hadn’t gotten over her father’s death, neither did her mother. “Steady, honey. We’ll get them for what they did, I promise you.” Jetar came up to them “Begging your pardons…” he said “I think I may have just an idea.” “You, Jetar…?” asked Ladybird “How is that…?” “It’s quite simple really; since they all just love all the love and much they give, why not give them all they want and worse.” Phoebe liked the idea and knew just the Insecto to help them. “This will be a perfect opportunity to test the magic Father left me. Thank you, Jetar.” Jetar bowed to her “I just feel I owe you so much. If only I had returned you here sooner…” “That will do, Jetar.” said Ladybird “I am pleased to have you in our services, and I know my husband would have been grateful too.” Jetar bowed to her, and left. But Stag was not growing fond of any of this, and now he was secretly plotting how to get rid of anyone else still loyal to Pinsar, and then he would fully takeover the armada. Slick, however, was still very skeptical about all this, and deep down was infuriated with Stag for leading into that trap, but still…. He said nothing. A few minutes later; La-Diva, a ladybug like Insecto, that resembled Ladybird, but shorter in size and instead of spots on her shell, they were heart-shaped. “Forgive my asking your majesties, but why would you call upon my services? Except for my fighting ability, the only power I have is to make other fall in love.” “We are aware of this…” said Ladybird “Which is why we intend to give an enhancement using the magic that my beloved Pinsar left with us.” With that, both she and Phoebe cast small beams of light on La-Diva, and when the light faded she didn’t feel or even look any different. “Just wait until you bite someone, then you will see.” said Phoebe “And I think I know just who the first unfortunate victim should be.” Later on, La-Diva made it down to the planet, but kept well out of sight to avoid being seen. “Aha, there’s the commander…” she hissed softly as she saw Lightning heading into the outdoor restroom cubicles. She hid in the trees nearby and waited for him to come out, and when he did La-Diva held out her hand, and fired a soft shot into Lightning’s neck. “Ouch!” groaned Lightning “What was that?” “Bullseye…” hissed La-Diva, and then she vanished. Lightning thought her heard a voice but he couldn’t see anyone, as he left the restroom area, he ran right into Cupcake as she was passing by with a tray of food, spilling it everywhere. “Oh! Oh, I’m sorry, Mrs. Cake.” “That’s quite alright…” said Cupcake, but when she looked up at him “Huh…?” her cheeks went red. To her, she felt as if she was gazing at a world class baker and confectioner and very handsome too. “Uh… Mrs. Cake, why are you looking at me like that?” Lightning asked. “I… I… just never realized how handsome you are.” She acted in a warm daze, and reached up to touch his face, which crept Lightning out. “I’m going to go back to my table.” And he walked away from her rather quickly. “Oh, what a shame…” Lightning could hardly shake himself awake by what just happened. “What was that all about?” Then he saw Pinkie coming up to him. “Hey, Pinkie is Mrs. Cake alright?” “Last time I checked she was.” replied Pinkie, then she took one look at him and gasped “But I think something’s wrong with me! You look so… so…” To her, Lightning looked like a circus ring master; ready to show all the fun in the world. Pinkie acted like lovesick zombie and was moving in close and reaching out for him and began to hug him by the legs “So handsome, so cute!” “Pinkie…!!” Lightning snapped as he tried to shake her off him, and he lurched free, and almost fell right into Starla at their table. “Lightning, what’s happening?” she asked, but she took just one look at him “Ah?!” To her, Lightning looked like a handsome astronaut in a helmetless spacesuit with a cape flowing amongst the stars. “Why are you looking at me like that, Starla?” “I can’t help it, you’ve gotten so incredibly handsome!” Starla practically shrieked “You are so totally my type now, honey!” “What? You’re saying I wasn’t before?” Starla grabbed Lightning and pulled him under the table in attempt to make out with him right in the middle of all that public. She was really out of control, and Lightning could hardly break himself free. Krysta appeared to escort Lightning back to the Crystal Palace. “What in the dimensional universe?!” she freaked. Lightning poked his head up, “Krysta, you’ve gotta help! Get Starla off me!” But Krysta gasped, and screamed in delight when gazed at him. “So young…! So handsome! So fresh! Come here, I won’t bite, at least not too much.” Lightning finally freaked out, and ran for it, but the girls and even Mrs. Cake began to chase him. “Come back, my love!” cried Starla. “Come back and try this shortcake I made for you!” shouted Pinkie. “Lightning, please! We just wanna love you!” added Krysta. “I didn’t properly apologize to you. Please let me make it up!” said Mrs. Cake. Lightning managed to give them the slip by hiding behind a tree as they ran right past. He was relieved to have gotten away, but never had been so baffled before. “What’s gotten into them?” Then he saw Rhymey and Fluttershy passing along. “Hey, guys!” he called out and dashed to catch up with them. “Lightning…?” said Fluttershy, and when she saw him, she fell for him too. “Oh, no… not her too!” groaned Lightning. Fluttershy saw Lightning as calm, and quiet male version of her, and equally as timid. “Oh, don’t be afraid…” Fluttershy said “I’ll take really good care of you.” she was acting little rougher than usual. Rhymey was confused, and when he gazed at Lightning, he saw him as rude and snobbish guy taunting him. “Hello, Rhymey. Going to speak in lame rhymes again? It’s no wonder Fluttershy is ignoring you and would much rather prefer me.” Rhymey felt his rage boiling… “You dare you say such a thing! I’ll teach you, Lightning!” Before Lightning could question, Rhymey punched him hard across the face. Lightning was only knocked back a bit as Rhymey wasn’t as strong as he was. “What was that for?!” Rhymey was growling furiously at him, and drew out his sword. “You think it’s funny to steal my wife?! I’LL END YOU AND YOUR MISERABLE LIFE!!” He thrust at Lightning, but Lightning dodged it. “Rhymey, what are you--Stop this at once! I’m not trying to steal Fluttershy!” Rhymey didn’t seem to care and just continued to attack him, while all Fluttershy could do was ogle at Lightning in a romantic daze. Rainbow Dash was soaring overhead with Applejack on patrol, and they could see the problem. “What in the name of Nellie?!” snapped Applejack. “Let’s get down there.” said Rainbow. They raced down to the field, and Rainbow kicked Rhymey’s sword clear out of his hand. “What in the hotel bill has gotten into you, boy?!” snarled Applejack and she lassoed him up. “Lightning, you okay?” asked Rainbow “Whoa…!!” To her, Lightning look like a cool wonderbolt saluting as the sun shone behind him “Affirmative soldier! Carry on.” “What a hunk!” cried Rainbow. Applejack gazed at Rainbow wondering what was up with her “You look like you swallowed a bug.” Then she looked at Lightning and fell under the same spell. To her, he looked like a proud farmhand, with big muscles. “Reckon everythin’ looks fine with you.” “Well, hello there sugar-cube. Goin’ my way.” “GALLOPING GALAXIES…!!” Lightning shouted as he ran for it. This alerted the attention of other ponies in the area; all the girls fell head-over-heels with him, while all the men suddenly acted like Rhymey and threatened to beat him to the ground. Dyno and Myte kept throwing their fireballs at him Even the Cutiemark Crusaders, though very young, fell for him too. “Come with us, Lightning.” “Let us make you an honorary Crusader!” Even Cheerilee went gaga for him and held out a huge bouquet of flowers to him. “Please, accept these as a token of my undying love, snuggy-wuggy sugar-bear!” As for Mykan, he saw Lightning as a version of Titan who was laughing and taunting at him that Michelle was dead, and he threatened to cut him in half with his sword. “I’VE GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE!!” Lightning shouted, and he zoomed away at full speed. All the men were still under the heavy influence, and all planned to track him down and finish him off, while all the girls threatened to find Lightning first and make him theirs. As for Lad-Diva, she appeared in the middle of the empty school yard cackling wickedly. “Oh, wow, this is turning out better than I thought. With all the ladies fawning over him, and all the men hunting for him, the poor fool won’t have a chance when the real fun begins.” She laughed wickedly. As for Lightning, he was hiding inside a cloud high over New Ponyville. It was the only safest place to be where no one could find him, or even see him. “What is with everyone?” he wondered “All the ladies love me, and all the men hate me so much that they want to destroy me?!” His neck felt a little itchy from where he felt that little sting earlier. “Wait…!” he tapped his energizer in a sequence which activated his visor without him actually having to transform completely. He removed his visor from his face and made it scan the bite on his neck. Then he replaced his visor and read the data. “Awe…” According the available data, he was bitten by La-Diva; a ladybug Insecto who’s powerful sting was well known; for when it struck someone every one of the opposite gender would fall madly in love with, but nothing about why it made all those of the same gender hate him. “…It’s gotta be a spell.” Lightning further examined the bite, and magical qualities were detected within. It had no effect on the Insectos, but all other creatures-- All the ladies would love him, and all the men would hate him; Sort of a scramble of the emotions. Reason being: There was always only a thin line between love and hate! “So, anyone who sees me will either love me to pieces, or want to smash me to pieces. I’ve got to find a way to break this spell.” Suddenly, he had an idea “The spell only works if they can see me.” He also remembered Professor Brain’s old invention, the invisible spay-paint. The one thing that would help him, but the problem was it was kept in the lab in the palace in New Canterlot, and he wouldn’t dare show himself around there if anyone saw him. He didn’t even want to begin how it would feel if the entire royal guard army saw him; half were stallions and half were mares. The Professor… even their royal majesties. He wouldn’t have a chance. There was only one other alternative. He floated his little cloud over Spike and Rarity’s place. They were two whom still hadn’t seen him and weren’t under the spell. Spike was still serenading Rarity with a lute and she was still enjoying, when they both saw a little cloud settling down into the yard. “Psst… Spike, Rarity!” “Lightning, is that you?” Spike asked as he tried to reach into the cloud, but Lightning inched away from him. “Lightning, whatever are you doing in that cloud?” asked Rarity. “Shh! I can’t let either of you see me, but I need Spike to do me a favor.” and he passed Spike a letter he had written. “I need you to send that to the royal palace at once.” “What?” asked Spike “What for?” “Just do it! I’m in a big trouble and that’s why I can’t let you see me.” After Spike sent the letter, he told his friends what was wrong and why he couldn’t let them see him. “Now half the village is after me, and if either of you take as much as one glimpse of me you’ll fall under the spell too.” “Oh, my!” cried Rarity. “That’s just crazy.” added Spike “There’s got to be a way to break this.” “There is…” said Lightning “According to my data banks, we’ve got to find and stop that Insecto, but I can’t make a move until I get the spray paint. What if the mob sees me?” Rarity and Spike immediately agreed to help hunt for La-Diva, and at the same time, keep Lightning safe from being seen. They had all just left the yard, and could already see Lightning wasn’t kidding about the spell. The mob had turned all of New Ponyville into a two-sided town. On one side, the ladies had built shrines, busts, and painted large pictures of Lightning, and were talking about how cute he was, but some were actually fighting over who would find him and be with him. “Listen! Lightning’s all mine!” snarled Pinkie. “Um, you mean mine.” growled Krysta. “No way…” sneered Starla, and she held up her left hand “Observe the wedding ring. I’m his first and only!” Fluttershy was panting furiously and shouted “He’s… going TO LOVE ME!!” Lightning shuddered from within his cloud. While on the other side of town, all the men had built Lightning Scarecrows, and set them to burn, chanting… “Down with Lightning, he will pay! He’ll never live to see another day!” All of them were sharpening weapons, lightning torches and preparing to really let Lightning have it if they found him. “We’ve got to find that bug and fast.” cried Spike. A sick laughing sound was heard, and La-Diva appeared right behind them “You don’t find love, it finds you.” she teased. “Guys, be careful. Don’t let her bite you!” said Lightning. La-Diva could only laugh at him, the way he was hiding in the cloud. “What’s the matter, too hot for yourself to handle. Personally I don’t blame you.” Spike and Rarity nodded at one another, and they both transformed. “Harmony Hour! Friendship Power!” “Dragon Power!” “Okay, bug-breath, let’s rumble!” snarled Spike. La-Diva snickered and summoned the Stingars “Attack!” Rarity and Spike lunged straight into battle. Spike hacked his way through the menacing bugs with his sword. Rarity, punched, kicked, and shoved every Stingar out of her way. She almost got jumped on from behind, but Lightning stuck his hand through the cloud and was able to blast the bugs with small uniforce pulses. “Even stuck in a cloud I can be dangerous.” Suddenly, a shock of energy hit his cloud, evaporating it exposing him. Spike and Rarity quickly looked away from him, but the mob heard the commotion and saw him. “There he is!” screamed Rainbow! “Get him!!” shouted Dyno and Myte! “Oh, no!” cried Lightning. Not wanting to hurt any of the ponies, he had no choice but to take to the skies, at least half the ponies wouldn’t be able to catch him. “So, we meet again my sweet.” Pinkie said as she fluttered alongside him. “Yike!” Lightning soared away from her and ran straight into Fluttershy. “You’re so cute when you’re terrified.” Lightning soared off again, “What’s the rush lover-boy?” Rainbow called as she tried to catch up with him. He zipped away before she could catch him, but then got lassoed by Applejack “Got;cha…” she cooed, but Lightning broke free. He dashed away from her, and ran smack into a crowd of angry boys, including Rhymey and the twins; all of them snarling at him and ready to club him. “No more Mr. Nice Guy! We’ll kick you in the fly!” growled Rhymey. The men all lunged at him, but Starla came rushing in. “STAR SHOWER!” She actually attacked them and stepped in front of her husband “Don’t any of you lay a hand on him, or I’ll destroy you all myself.” Then she turned to Lightning and caressed his face with her finger “Don’t worry, darling. My love will protect you.” Though this was creepy, he did need protection, but he really wasn’t keen on her attacking the men. “Starla wait… you don’t have to…!” but she already lunged into action, attacking all the men ruthlessly. “Starla stop!” cried Lightning. Some of the men managed to get through and lunged after Lightning, and he had no option but to at least defend himself. So he began to swerve, dodge, and if necessary, repel them off him. La-Diva laughed at all that she saw. “Looks like your friend is up to his ears in trouble; just as the two of you will soon be.” “Don’t count on it!” snarled Rarity. “Let’s party!” added Spike and the rushed into action, but La-Dive proved to be quite the fighter, and punched them both hard. Spike swung with his sword, but she blocked it, and kicked him in the gut. “You dare hurt my husband!” snarled Rarity, and she screamed like a mad-pony rushing forth like a bull with her horn poised way in front. “Toro! Toro!” La-Diva teased as she waved her shell like a cape, and swerved causing Rarity to miss, and she got hit from behind. “Rarity!” cried Spike. “Too bad, now feel my bite!” she launched her stings at Rarity, and she rolled along the ground out of the way. “This is making me nauseous!” she groaned. Spike suddenly had an idea, and just in time as Rarity got struck hard in the leg. “No!” she cried. “Yes!” hissed La-Diva, and she turned to face Spike. “Take a good look at your precious now. You’ll find her irresistible.” “Spike, do not look at me!” cried Rarity. Instead of looking straight at Rarity, Spike took his helmet and spun it round backwards covering his eyes. “If I don’t see her, the spell won’t affect me.” La-Diva growled and charged forth, “But you won’t see this coming!” and she aimed a powerful punch to him, but Spike swerved and slashed her hard with his sword. “I may not be able to see you, but I can still tell where you are with my other senses.” Rarity got onto her feet and sneered with a cheeky smirk “You see, my dear… you cannot outwit Starfleet.” La-Diva growled, and then managed to bite Spike in his neck, but thinking quickly, Rarity shut her eyes tightly and kept them closed. “Rarity, use your other senses.” Spike reminded her. His wife nodded, and the battle continued. Though using their other senses helped to avoid the spell, it still slowed them down a bit, letting La-Diva hit them more easily. As for Lightning, he couldn’t keep up defending himself much longer. Suddenly, a letter appeared before him with a small box next to it; from the royal palace. It was the spray paint, and the note read… “Use it well …Professor Brain.” Lightning wasted no time in spraying himself just as the mob lunged at him again. Almost instantly, he faded away and vanished into thin air. “Where’d he go?” asked Dyno. “I don’t know.” rhymed Rhymey. “He’s gotta be here somewhere.” said Myte. The girls were all frantically searching for him too, but Lightning, still holding the sprayer, flew down to the battle zone, far away from them. “I love this stuff.” He landed on the ground just as Spike and Rarity both got struck hard and knocked to the ground. “…And now to finish you!” La-Diva snarled, but before she could try, she got punched and pummelled by seemingly no one, but it was actually Lightning. “There goes an old saying…” Lightning said “Too much of anything, even love is not always a good thing.” La-Diva knew where he was by the spray-bottle and tried to lung at him, but Lightning just zipped out of the way each time. “Sorry, but you can’t fight what you can’t see or catch.” Lightning teased. He made his way over to his friends. “Hang on, guys. Here’s a little gift from Professor Brain.” Then he sprayed them both, and they vanished. Then Lightning threw the bottle down. Now invisible, Spike could turn his helmet back around and Rarity opened her eyes. “This is extraordinary.” Rarity said “Let’s finish this job.” added Spike. Without being able to see them, La-Diva didn’t have a chance. Rarity zapped her with magical pulses. “DRAGON FLAME-WHEEL!” Spike knocked straight into sending her skidding across the ground. “CAPTURE BLASTER!” Shouted Lightning, and he fired, hitting her full-force. La-Diva roared and snarled as she fell over and exploded, reappearing in a capture-sphere. Phoebe couldn’t believe her eyes. “No! How could they have won?” “I must vanquish La-Diva before they capture her brain-waves.” cried Ladybird, and using the power he husband left her, she managed to destroy La-Diva before much information was taken. “Whose idea was this?” Ladybird demanded to know. Jetar came forth and bowed in shame “I am to blame, my lady. I accept full responsibility for this blunder.” “No…” Phoebe said which surprised everyone. “We may have lost today, but we got to test our new powers. With a little more practice, I’m sure we’ll get it right, and smite those miserable ponies.” “Well said, Phoebe…” said her mother “In which case, we shall carry on.” Jetar thanked Phoebe for sparing him. “You didn’t have to do that, you know.” “I know, so what.” Phoebe said, and she left. Jetar began to think very deeply. “What is happening to me? I haven’t been my usual tough self. I trained Phoebe, perhaps I could overpower her and yet…I-- …Oh, no… could it be? Is this love I am feeling towards her?” He couldn’t deny it was real, but he also shook himself back to reality feeling that Phoebe would never love him. …would she? Meanwhile, with La-Diva gone, the effects of the bite wore off. This was heavily evidenced by how all the affected ponies walked around all confused with what was going on, and why there were so many things resembling Lightning around. Lightning, Rarity and Spike were still invisible, having sent Professor Brian a thank you note and asking him to send the other spray that would make them visible again. Still, just because they couldn’t see each other, didn’t mean they couldn’t feel one another. “I can’t believe we acted so silly.” said Rainbow. “Actually, I can.” said Fluttershy. Rhymey felt very bad and said “Lightning, I am very sorry. I don’t know what came over me.” “We could’ve hurt you real bad.” said Dyno. “Can you forgive us?” asked Myte. Since they couldn’t see him, Lightning said “I’m smiling now. You guys weren’t yourselves; you don’t have to be sorry.” Applejack felt relieved it was over “After this, I don’t think I ever care to celebrate Hearts and Hooves Day again.” “But I can…” said Pinkie, and before anyone knew it, she had placed a huge cake on the table, and confetti and heart shaped balloons were everywhere “HAPPY HEARTS AND HOOVES DAY!” “Well, I guess a little never hurt anyone.” said Spike. He couldn’t see Rarity, but felt her kissing him deeply on the cheek. “Well said, Spikey Wikey.” The others didn’t need to see Spike to tell he was blushing. Suddenly, Starla felt Lightning holding her face. “What…?” “Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, my sweet.” He said, and brought his invisible lips to hers. Starla couldn’t help but close her eyes and kiss back, but it looked like she was kissing thin air. “Now that’s one for the books.” teased Krysta, and everyone agreed it looked funny. (Promo) In our next episode: The brainwashing on Saber is beginning to show signs of weakness, and in order to stop it, he is sent back down to attack the New Crystal Empire, along with Jetar, and Phoebe herself joins the battle. This puts the entire empire in extreme danger, including Cadance, and just when she is reaching a most critical stage of her pregnancy. Will the team be able to fend off against this onslaught without consequence? Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!” (Next Episode: “Desperate Efforts!”)