My Brave Pony Starfleet Magic: Season V

by DakariKingMykan

Episode 15: Passing the Crown


All the friends were going through intensive training to beef up their strengths and improve their speeds. Saber, or rather Shining Armor was already tough enough form their first encounter, and they were more than confident he’d be a lot stronger and fight more ruthlessly when they next met. Not to mention, the Insectos themselves were becoming stronger and more devious.

Lightning even trained in his Enticorn form in hopes of being able to use it just right in battle, for his strongest form could only destroy evil, it could neither heal nor capture, just destroy! So he was trying to learn to control is in case he had to use it.

The problem was, it wasn’t like holding his normal strength back. While training the dojo, even his weakest of punches went clear through twenty feet of thick solid steel, Most creatures in his path would had been vanquished after an attack like that.

He tried and tried to hold back as much he could, but he was unable to hold back anymore, and he ended up transforming back to his normal form.

“It’s no good…” Lightning said “If I use my Enticorn powers on Shining Armor, it may destroy him.”

“Well, we’ll just have to come up with something else.” said Starla.

The others all agreed, and training continued.

The girls even trained in the Valkyrie forms, Rhymey and Spike, with their expert knowledge of the sword, showed them some neat fencing moves to improve their skills, and the girls even showed them a couple of moves that impressed the boys too.

“If only Cadance could fight by our side…” said Rarity “With her love magic, she could probably help counteract the brainwashing waves on Shining Armor.”

“Rarity, she can’t, you know that.” said Artie. “Remember her magic still isn’t working right due to her pregnancy, and she was told to stay in bed anyway.”

“Besides, we’re not even sure if magic will help anyway.” said Dyno.

“Si, until we know more about what brainwashing was used, we dare not try anything.” added Myte.

Everyone felt very concerned, but they had to keep their faith and believe they would succeed.

“Come on, back to training.” said Lightning.

While they were all training, Celestia and Grand Ruler were training as well. Princess Luna trained with them as well.

All three of them were in the dojo and using magic-simulators to simulate powerful enemies they had fought in the past. Including Nightmare Moon, Discord, Sombra, even Titan!

All their levels were set to maximum, which made them top contenders.

The two sisters fought vailiantly against their enemies. Princess Luna especially fought hard against Nightmare Moon, having programed it to be able to taunt her.

“Look at you and the spineless efforts you show. You could have had so much had you remained as glorious as I am.”

Luna clenched her fists “I was like you once... but I will never forgive myself for it, and that goes double for what you are!”

She fired a huge burst of magic at her opponent, and actually struck her hard, destroying her in a pixelated explosion. “I am not evil.” Luna said.

Celestia battled, again, the evil alien that once possessed her and all the ponies, and sent them to attack the human world and invade Equestria of old. (Yugioh Spiez: Operation Duel: Final Season)

Evil Celestia snickered, and held out a power spell card “I activate the spell “Megamorph” which doubles my power!”

With that, the simulation grew in size and strength and fired a huge burst of magic at her, but Celestia was not intimidated “I remember how this works, and I know how to counter it!” she said. She cast a powerful spell of her own from her horn “I use the power of “Mirror Force!” which will deflect your attack right back at you.”

With that, she fired her own power at the simulation, destroying it with ease.

As for Grand Ruler, he was literally on fire, ruthlessly attacking every simulation waged against him, and he looked very sweaty too, but his anger only seemed to rise with each victory he claimed and he wouldn’t stop…

…until finally, Celestia and Luna, realizing he would knock himself to bits, shut down all simulations.

“Celesto! Please… that’s enough.” said Celestia.

Her husband was panting furiously, and dripping enough sweat to fill up a glass.

“I have never seen you so disturbed.” said Luna “Is it Pinsar?”

“Yes… it is. I know how ruthless he is, and yet I never actually fought him face-to-face. I only know so much of him now, but not enough to actually simulate him as an opponent. He will be unlike most enemies that I or either of you has ever faced. I just fear for everyone’s safety.”

That’s when his memories flashed at him again; the time when the Insectos killed many of his warriors, his good subjects and people… and especially Starlight Braveheart. He could still here his voice in his final moments.

“It was an honor to serve, and fight for you. To protect our world, and help others…

…Goodbye… my… friend…”

“Starlight… NO!!!”

Grand Ruler angrily punched his fist hard into the floor, making a huge hole; he could hardly feel the force from the blow as the pain from his memories was too strong. “What I would give to meet Pinsar face-to-face, even for one moment!”

“Oh, Celesto…” Celestia said as she held him close to her, comforting him. Luna did the same.

Meanwhile, a squad of Stingars made it to Kakkara, and found the missing craft from the mothership. They took as a great sign that Princess Phoebe had to be somewhere on the planet, but they had to find her first, and after several days, her scent was not very strong.

They split up into groups and went off to search.

Meanwhile, in that same town, and that same saloon, those three aliens that whooped Phoebe before were enjoying their drinks and cracking jokes with one another, when Phoebe burst right through the doors.

The entire place went quiet again as everyone stared at her, but the three aliens whispered to one another…

“Look… it’s that same wimp we trounced the other day.”

“You’d think she’d have learned her lesson by now.”

Phoebe made her way to the bar and ordered another cup of sugar-water.

The aliens got up from their seats and walked over to her.

“Well, look whose come crawling back.”

The other snickered, but Phoebe didn’t even respond to them.

“What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?”

Phoebe’s drink as placed right before her by the barkeeper, and she eyed it, but also eyed the aliens, suspecting trouble.

Ever so slowly she reached for her drink, and just as her hand was millimetres away, one of the aliens purposely knocked over the glass. “Aw, look at that… all over the counter.”

He laughed and laughed, and Phoebe finally stood up and punched really hard, sending him flying across the room and into the wall.

The other two gasped in shock, and other people in saloon got up and fled, not wanting to get caught. The barkeeper had had enough of this. “Get out of my bar you…!” he snarled at Phoebe while pointing a shotgun at her.

Phoebe snarled, and in a swift movement, she yanked the gun from the bar keeper and actually tied it up in a knot, making it useless.

The aliens could now see Phoebe wasn’t kidding around, especially when she held her quarter-staff threateningly and sneered “I’ve a score to settle with you punks.”

“Bring it on, you little tick!”

All three of the aliens charged at Phoebe, and she actually dodged all their attacks, and then punched, kicked and swatted them back hard.

“Hey! How did she get so strong?”

Phoebe sniggered at them, angering them greatly, and the brawl continued.

While all that was happening, Jetar watched from outside through the window, and he was very impressed by how well his training had paid off for Phoebe. The way she showed those brutes no mercy and really gave them the beating they deserved.

“She has come a long way in such a short time.” he said to himself.

Meanwhile, on the Insecto mothership, Pinsar was in Phoebe’s room, which had not been occupied since his daughter jumped ship.

As he gazed all around at everything, memories began to play back of Phoebe, ever since she was a little larva; all he ever did was concentrate on rebuilding his armada and training his soldiers for revenge against Starfleet.

Even though he did his best to provide for her, he hardly spent much time with her, and was hardly there for her while she was growing up…

When she first learned to talk…

When she grew her wings and learned how to fly…

Even when she went through puberty…

The only times he ever did spend time with her was she allowed her to watch him march the soldiers, build the ships and test weapons, but he wouldn’t actually allow her to learn to too much of this as he didn’t want her to get hurt.

He never even allowed her tutors to teach her too much about warfare and how to be a proper Insecto warrior.

All he ever did was shelter her, take no interest in things she did, and scold her whenever she would talk back to him.

All this because she was his only child, and he didn’t want anything bad to happen to her; but all it did was teach her to resent him and runaway.

“What have I done?” he said sadly.

Ladybird saw him, and walked into the room, missing her daughter just as much. “You did provide for her, but deep down you were always busy.” she said to him.

Pinsar gripped his staff tightly in misery.

Stag and Slick were walking down the corridors.

“This is it.” Stag said “The perfect plan to get that windbag, Pinsar out of our webs for good.”

“I still wish you would reconsider.” said Slick “His majesty does not deserve this.”

Stag’s featured hardened “No, he deserves worse! For so long as I can remember, we spent many centuries serving under that parasite, and all he ever gave us was attitude and grouchiness, even when we did something right it never pleased him, and now he has that Saber character, and acts as if we don’t matter at all! Well, I’m not going to put up with this any longer. You and I could be so much more without following that fool’s below-average dictatorship. Now, are you with me?”

Slick hesitated, still very keen with this, but true he didn’t like the way he was always treated by Pinsar, even if he was in the right too. “Fine… I’ll say nothing.”

“You better not, or we’d be sent to our dooms before we could even react!”

Slick gulped.

The two then found their majesties as they exited Phoebe’s bedroom.

“Your highness!” cried Stag. He was acting all worried and concerned “Thank goodness I’ve found you. I have disturbing news.”

“What is it?!” growled Pinsar.

“Your highness…” said Slick “We have found your daughter.”

Pinsar and Ladybird gasped.

“Phoebe!” cried Ladybird. She felt faint.

“Where…? Where is she?” Pinsar asked in a rather demanding voice.

“The ponies, sire…” replied Stag “They are holding her captive in the New Crystal Empire, and the refuse to release her.”

Pinsar growled loud and angrily.

“Darling…?!” cried Ladybird.

“No mistakes this time. I’ll go down there and get her back myself. The two of you and Saber shall accompany me.”

“Yes, sire.” said Stag

“Of course your majesty.” added Slick “Shall inform General Saber to join us as well?”

“Yes, do that. I’m going to need all my best hands for this assignment.”

The generals bowed and ran off. “Great, he’s taken the bait.” Stag whispered “It won’t be long now.”

“Darling, I wish to go with you.” said Ladybird.

“No, my dear; you must stay. Someone must be here to help manage the armada. I promise you, I will get our daughter back.”

The two hugged warmly, and then Pinsar ran off.

Ladybird was still very worried and fear not only for her daughter’s supposed safety, but her husband as well. It had been a very long time since either of them had actually battled.

Meanwhile, Lightning and the gang had long since finished their training and most of the gang had gone back to New Ponyville to resume their regular jobs.

Buddy Rose and Applejack worked at the farm…

Artie tended to his art gallery, giving public dedications to new submission…

Rhymey had to manage his café, while Fluttershy tended to feed the animals…

The twins had gone back to their mines to begin as directors of a digging project for more jewels…

Rarity and Spike were busy re-planning their wedding…

And Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were both maintaining weather control. Ever since Pinkie became a Pegasus, it was one of the many things she had to learn.

Lightning and Starla both were feeling a bit homesick and wished they could return to their little house in New Ponyville. Staying in the Crystal Palace was fun, but it just wasn’t home to them, especially with so much to worry about and ten times the work they both had to do.

“I never thought I’d say this…” Lightning said “…But for once, I’m actually bored.”

“Tell me about it.” said Starla “I can’t even begin to imagine how regular royals do this every day.”

“You just get used to it… I guess.” said Krysta “It’s even harder when you’re a parent. Trying to balance work, duty, and kids-- It happened to me, it’ll happen to you two.”

Lightning and Starla both blushed. “I don’t think we’re ready for kids yet, Krysta.” said Lightning.

“Right, defiantly not.” agreed Starla.

They both gazed into each other’s eyes, thinking one day perhaps it would be a nice idea to have a child of their own, but for now, they brushed it off. They hadn’t even been married for a year and their duties and Starfleet lives were rather dangerous.

For them at the moment, children were out of the question.

“Still… that doesn’t mean we can’t be affectionate.” Lightning said.

His wife smiled lovingly at him.

Krysta turned round, so as not to peek.

Lightning and Starla were about to kiss, when suddenly something came right through the window like a meteor, surprising the both and causing them to bock heads.



Krysta looked down at the object. “It’s a note… from the Insectos!”

“What’s it say?” asked Lightning.

Krysta read the note…

“Attention, Commander Lightning Dawn, this is an ultimatum…

Bring Princess Phoebe to the New Crystal Empire power plant in one hour, or we will march our forces through every city, every village, and there will not be much standing left when we leave.


As concerned as the friends were, they were most confused. “What does he mean “Surrender Phoebe?” asked Starla.

Even Lightning had no idea, but he couldn’t risk the safety of so many. “Krysta, go round up the others and bring them here. We’re all going to have to check out the power plant.”

“Right…” said Krysta and she whisked off.

“Shouldn’t we inform their supreme majesties about this?” asked Starla.

“We should, but I received this letter earlier from the queen.” he held up the letter “She said that Master has been feeling really feeling stressed out, and she’s trying to help keep him calm. I really don’t think it would be safe to tell him.”

“Lightning… you know you have to.”

Lightning was aware, but he really didn’t want his master to suffer much more. So rather than writing a direct letter to the Royal Palace, he informed one of the guards to alert their majesties if things started to get rough.

“Remember, you’re only to inform them if the situation is absolutely dire.”

“Yes sir.”

Once Lightning had arranged for the guards to watch over the palace, he and Starla flew off to the power plant on the far side of the empire. Near the very edge where the warm comfort of the Empire border the snowy mountain regions.

From here, the wind was very strong and blew the windmills constantly to generate electricity, but the plant also harnessed sunlight and moisture to produce vast amounts of power and energy to supply the entire empire with extra power for homes, schools and other buildings.

But Lightning had already informed the director of the plant that danger was imminent at the very location, and all hands were to evacuate the entire premises. Only he and his entire team would remain to investigate.

The team all met outside the plant and walked inside.

Fluttershy felt her legs quivering at how quiet it seemed. “Oh, I don’t like this.” she whimpered.

Pinke’s Leg felt pinchy “Uh-oh… that means something scary is about to happen.”

This made Fluttershy whimper more, and Rhymey held her close, but he too felt a bit nervous.

Suddenly, everyone heard a loud screeching noise, and they all jumped, but it turned out just to be a mouse running scared when he saw them all.

“EEK!” cried Rarity, and she jumped into Spike’s arms. The others all gawked at her. “What…? I can’t stand mice.”

“First bugs, then mice… what else don’t you like.” said Artie.

“We’d all like to know…” teased Applejack.

Rarity felt insulted.

“Okay, okay, knock it off.” scolded Lightning.

They came into a big room where many of the plant’s generators stood. Soft humming sounds were heard-- the sounds of the power flowing-- but the rest of the room was big and wide like an arena, with windows high up in the roof.

“There’s no one here.” said Dyno.

“Wait…!” snapped Myte “You feel that?”

The ground began to rumble softly and the roofs above were busted wide open as Stingars leapt into the place.

The team looked ready to brawl, but suddenly, Stag, Slick and Saber appeared.

“We meet again.” hissed Saber.

“Shining Armor!” cried Lightning.

“I told you, my name is Saber!” he snarled “But never mind, allow me to introduce his royal majesty; head of the Insecto Armada, and soon-to-be ruler of this universe… King Pinsar!”

That’s when he appeared in the center of the room, right near all three generals and the Stingars.

The ponies could hardly believe their eyes “It’s him…” said Buddy Rose, and he looked real mad as he glared furiously at all the ponies. “So, finally we meet.” he growled “You ponies have changed much over the centuries, but enough of that. Hand over my daughter to me or face the consequences.”

“We don’t have your princess.” said Lightning.

“We haven’t seen her in a long time.” added Starla.

“Sire, they lie…” said Stag “You must not believe a word they say.”

Pinsar sneered angrily at the ponies “This is your last chance! Give Phoebe back to me.”

“We just said we don’t have her!” snarled Spike.

“GRR… VERY WELL!!” shouted Pinsar, and he poised his staff and fired jolts of lightning at the team without even shouting out his attack.

Sparks and small explosions flew everywhere, and the alarms at the plant sounded. At once, all the transformers were sealed off by barriers-- as part of the emergency system-- so as not to get damaged.

The gang all could see Pinsar was a real hot head.

“A small sample of how powerful I am…” hissed Pinsar “Since you refuse to give Phoebe back, I’ll just have to break you all limb-from-limb.”

“Are you hard of hearing!” snapped Rainbow “We… don’t… have… Pheobe!”

Still, Pinsar did not believe.

“It’s no good,
We’ve said all we could.” said Rhymey.

Lightning agreed “If that’s how it has to be, so be it. It’s time we got back at you for invading and blasting our world anyway!”

Everyone stood, and they all nodded signifying they were ready, and they all transformed.



“Dragon Power!”

Lightning stood at the head of the group and declared “Now, Pinsar, you and your Insecto army will answer for your centuries of wickedness!”

Pinsar laughed almost hysterically “That’s what they all say, and in the end they end up as ashes spreading along the breeze. GET THEM!!”

The generals and the Stingars all charged forth.

“GO!!” shouted Lightning.

Everyone rushed forth.

The twins, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie dealt with the Stingars; punching, kicking, and flipping them all over and knocking them to bits.

“One, two, three and kick!” shouted Rainbow as she kicked two Stingars down.

“Ever play bouncy?” asked Pinkie “I’ll show you…” and she hoped along the Stingars’ heads, conking them out.

Rhymey, Fluttershy and Artie fought against Stag. The evil general swung his blade, but Rhymey and Artie countered him with their weapons, allowing Fluttershy to kick him hard in the gut, but he wasn’t done by a longshot, and fought back ruthlessly, slash at them all.

Even when the boys managed to block his sword, he just hit them with his other free arms. “Quite handy, wouldn’t you say.” he teased.

“Now we’re mad!” growled Artie.

“We’ll mess you bad!” rhymed Rhymey.

Fluttershy growled, but very softly, not very threatening at all. “I need to work on my confidence.” she said.

Applejack and Buddy Rose fought against Slick, but the sly praying-mantis proved to be quite a foe with all his martial arts skills. Every time the ponies charged at him, he karate-chopped them hard…

Finally Applejack got her rope, and Buddy Rose held his Vine Whip, and the two lassoed all six of Slick’s arms together. “Let’s get him!” shouted Buddy.

Even with his arms tied up, though, Slick was still fast on his feet and dodged their every lunge, every attack. Applejack tried a buck-kick, but Slick flipped up and spun round and around, and kicked her hard.

“Dagnabit, this guy’s nuts.” groaned Applejack.

Slick, using his pincers to slice the ropes off his arms, glared at her “Am I… or are you the ones who are crazy for challenging us.”

Buddy and Applejack sneered angrily and lunge at him again.

Spike and Rarity fought against Saber, and he proved to be just as ruthless as ever, swinging his sword, and dodging their attacks. Finally, Rarity managed to grab onto him and hold him down a bit “Please, Shining Armor, you’ve got to try and remember.”

Saber growled and groaned trying to ignore her words, and he punched her clear off him, throwing her to the floor.


He fired his beam straight at her, but Spike leapt in the way, striking the energy hard with his sword, canceling it out, but got hit with recoil. “Are you okay?” he asked Rarity.

His wife nodded and got to her feet.

“There goes a saying…” hissed Saber “Those who stay together, pay together!” and he threw a number of his shuriken-blades, which Spike and Rarity dodged and evaded, just barely.

“Not to worry, I’ve got plenty!” snarled Saber, and he threw more blades, but Krysta showed up and created several warp portals which sent the blades back at him. Saber defended himself easily by slashing each blade down with his sword.

“Shining Armor, this isn’t you.” Krysta said “You’re not an Insecto, you’re one of us.”

Saber growled annoyingly, and then he actually began to have very small flashbacks play in his memory, but they were too blurry and strange for him to understand at all. “Silence!” shouted Saber “You are messing with my mind! I know who I am, just as I know you’ll all be destroyed!” he lunged forth to battle it out more.

This left Lightning and Starla to face Pinsar alone, and you could bet he was every bit as powerful and formidable, and was merely only using half his power and skills to block all their attacks and stick them hard with his staff and free arms.

He threw them both to the side and then zapped them with power from his staff, knocking them down hard.

“U’rgh… I’m getting old for this.” he groaned.

“Whoa!” groaned Starla “He sure is tough.”

“It’s worse than that.” said Lightning as he scanned him; Pinsar was so powerful, there was zero-percent chance of capturing him.

“Where is Phoebe?!” snarled Pinsar.

“We don’t know where she is!” shouted Lightning.

“YOU LIE!!” screech Pinsar, and he began to power up, and fired an even bigger shockwave form his staff, hitting everyone in the room, even his own generals, and damaging the room itself.

The force as so strong it could see all the way from the Crystal Palace, and the guard Lightning had warned could tell this was an extremely dire moment. So he sent warning to the Royal New Canterlot Guards.

Captain Emerald Shaina received the message and practically burst into the throne room in panic. “You’re majesties!” she cried “Word from the New Crystal Empire; Lightning and his unit are being attacked… by the Insecto King!”

Celestia gasped in horror.

“PINSAR...!!!” Grand Ruler shouted “I won’t let you hurt Lightning!!”

“Celesto… Don’t!” cried Celestia, but her husband, no longer able to hold back his emotions, had already teleported away. “I’ve got to follow him!” cried Celestia “Take over, Princess Luna.”

“Yes sister, but please, do be careful!”

Celestia nodded, and then vanished.

All the friends felt really weak after that shot, and the generals finally got to their feet. “Sire, please try and control yourself.” said Saber.

Pinsar was panting angrily and heavily, and he looked ready for more.

The friends managed to struggle to their feet, getting their second wind back. “Pinsar…! You’ll find we’re a lot tougher than we appear to be.” Lightning said, and he concentrated hard and good and managed to transform into his Enticorn form.

“What is this?!” snarled Pinsar.

Lightning snickered and remarked “It’s us coming back from the depths of defeat.” Then he uses his power to give a little more energy to his friends, restoring them back to full strength.

The Equestrian girls all thought now was a good time as ever to unleash their power. They concentrated hard and their cutiemarks began to glow.

“VALKYRIA…!!” They all shouted, and donned their Valkyrie forms.






“Impressive!” hissed Pinsar “But then again, I’m full of tricks too!”

He raised three of his free tentacles and struck all three of his generals, giving them some energy back form himself, and then he powered up a lot unleashing his full might.

“This feels wonderful!” said Stag.

“I feel I could take on a whole army.” added Slick.

Saber gripped his blade tightly. “Let’s go!” he shouted.

The full charged forces all dove at one another, fighting and brawling more fiercely than before.

Lightning and Pinsar took their battle to the skies outside.

Pinsar swung his staff, and Lighting zipped out of the way.

Then Lightning attempted to punch him, but Pinsar zipped out of the way.

The two kept exchanging them same moves back and forth, until finally they managed to strike each other at the same time. Lightning got struck across the chest and Pinsar got socked hard in the face.

“That must be the first time in a-thousand years anyone actually hit me and it hurt.” hissed Pinsar.

“And I’m just getting warmed up!” said Lightning and he let out a thunderous roar, changing up his power even more, and lunges straight at him, striking him hard in the chest, but Pinsar managed to grab him his tentacles, punch him several times with his remaining free tentacle, and throw him down to the ground really hard, making a huge crater with rocks.

Pinsar hissed and snarled at the rock pile, but Lightning burst right up through the rocks, punching him hard in the chin, sending him soaring high up, and then he blasted him hard with multiple uniforce-pulses.

As Pinsar got hit form all ends, he managed to point his staff at Lightning and zap him.

The two were still nowhere near ready to give in and continued to brawl.

While the generals faced all the others down in the plant.

The fight seemed perfectly even this time, even for Saber. With the supercharged Starfleet fighters and the Valkyries, attacks went all over the place.



Stag tried his best to counter all the attacks, but the explosives combined with the leaves caused a large veil of dust to appear. “Where are they…?!” snarled Stag, but he got his answer when the boys lunged through the veil and kick him hard.

In the midst of it, Stage lunged his sword through the wall, exposing high voltage wires and other transformers that were unshielded.

Slick faired a little better, with his multiple arms and slickness he managed to make several hits on some of the Valkyries, only for them to hit him many other times in return.

Pinkie screeched like a warrior as she charged forth and struck Slick clear across his chest, knocking him down.

“You… got… me…” he groaned, and keeled over.

“Did we get him?” asked Applejack, but it turned out he was only playing dead, and punched all of them upwards “That answer your question?” snapped Rainbow.

The rest of the team went after Saber, in attempt to try and hold him down and get him to remember, but it was no use.

“You can’t hold me down!” Saber growled, and he forced everyone off of him.

“Get him!” shouted Spike.

Everyone rushed on. Saber managed to block and repel them all one-by-one, only for them to get back up and strike him by surprised, actually managing to knock him down.

He got right back up again.

“Now’s our chance!” shouted Starla “PULSAR LASER!”




Saber managed to dodge most of the bombardment, but he still got hit by the rest. “I… mustn’t… give up! I must fight for the king!”

He got back up in an instant.

“I’ve never seen such determination.” said Rarity

“If only we could make him remember.” added Fluttershy.

Saber roared and lunged at them all again.

Meanwhile, Lightning and Pinsar were still brawling hard, and though Lighting was holding him at bay well, but he was beginning to tire out and he really needed some help.

“You will suffer immensely for having toyed with me!” snarled Pinsar “Not to mention all the other soldiers I’ve lost because of you and your kind.”

“Hey! What do you mean?” snapped Lightning “You’re the one who keeps destroying them. Don’t blame us for something that you did.”

Pinsar only blasted Lightning for that remark.

The huge bolt of energy flew straight at him, and he shielded himself with his arms trying to hold his stance, but this gave Pinsar the chance to lunge forth and hit him hard in the gut with his staff, throwing him off balance, causing the blats to shoot right down the to the ground.

Lightning got to his knees and looked way up at the evil insect.

Pinsar laughed and pointed his staff right down to shoot again, when he got blasted at by two strong magical beams.

He looked just ahead of him and there was Celestia, in her own Valkyrie form, and her husband was fluttering alongside her.

He glared deeply at his enemy.

“King Pinsar!”

Pinsar glared back at him “Grand Ruler Celesto. So finally we actually meet face-to-face. I can tell you are real, ever since you blew up my ship and nearly stranded me in deep space!”

“I too have very angry memories of you, and what you did to my people, especially Starlight Braveheart.”

“You are truly evil, Pinsar…” added Celestia “We will not allow you to continue with your treachery.”

Pinsar roared and tried to zap at them, but the two dodged and lunged at him.

Even though Pinsar had already been through a lot, he fought well, and blocked all their assaults and struck them both hard, but their majesties would not give in, and Lightning, having found more strength, joined them in the brawl.

“Master!” shouted Lightning, and he formed a huge ball of uniforce in his hands, and kicked to him like a soccer-ball, Grand Ruler kicked to Celestia, and she bounced it off her shield straight at Pinsar, but he swung his staff like a baseball bat, knocking the ball into the sky where it exploded harmlessly, but that’s when the others all rushed in from many sides and angles and struck him hard, really damaging him.

“Give it up, Pinsar!” shouted Lightning.

“Never!” shouted Pinsar “First I shall eliminate all of you, and then my armada will march in, and reduce this pitiful planet to dust! I will be the most powerful creature all the dimensional universe!”

“Not if we defeat you first!” shouted Grand Ruler, and he lunged forth engaging in a huge rush with Pinsar; both of them punching and kicking like crazy.

Celestia and Lightning could hardly believe this, but eventually, Grand Ruler missed a shot, and Pinsar slashed him hard in the arm!

His blood gushed forth.

“NO!!!” Celestia screamed.

“MASTER!!” shouted Lightning.

Everyone gazed up and saw it all, and Pinsar, being ruthless, slam kicked Grand Ruler down, down, crashing him to the ground.

Celestia was so outraged that she charged forth with everything she had, hitting Pinsar’s staff with her sword engaging in a struggle of extreme power, and of course, she managed to overpower and stuck him hard, and then kicked his staff out of his hand.

The staff whirled as it tumbled and slammed right into the open walls near the wires and transformers, but nothing happened.

Pinsar then struck Celestia hard in the gut and sent her crashing into Lightning. The two fell down and crash near Grand Ruler, who saw everything.

“You see, ponies!” Pinsar snarled “You can’t destroy my dreams, but my dreams can destroy you!”

He soared down back into the plant retrieve his staff, and the second he laid his hands on the metal, Grand Ruler stood up right, glowing furiously. “Have I got a shock for you…!”

Pinsar turned swiftly and saw Grand Ruler flaring with power as if he were on fire. “…YOU MISERABLE BUG…!!!!” and in his rage, he shot a huge beam that hit the wires and fuses boxes, starting a power electrical current that conducted through Pinsar’s staff.


So much voltage, Pinsar lit up, sparking and exploding like a lone firework show, and he couldn’t let go of his staff.

Still glowing furiously, Grand Ruler began to rush forth.

“EVERYBODY OUT!!” screamed Starla.

Everyone, even the Generals rushed out of the plant.


“Oh, my!” cried Celestia, and she quickly summoned a huge spell from her horn, shielding everyone inside protective domes of light, even the insectos, and formed a huge force field around the entire plant.

Grand Ruler launched his powerful force right at Pinsar striking him hard, resulting in a huge explosion that carried to all the other transformers in the room, blowing them out in an even bigger explosion that could be seen all across the entire planet.

Thanks to Celestia’s force-field, the explosion did not spread, but the power plant was blown to bits causing a blackout in the entire New Crystal Empire.

Celestia disarmed the barrier, and everyone was okay.

As for Grand Ruler, having blown out all that strength, and loss of blood from the gash on his arm he fell over on his back panting very deeply.

As for Pinsar, he lay there amongst the rubble of the plant. Every inch of him was scared and bruised, two of his tentacles were cut short, and one was cut off entirely. His cape was all tattered, and he looked very badly scorched.

“Sire!” cried Saber.

“Your majesty!” shouted Slick.

Stag said nothing, but pretended to be concerned, when really he was delighted; everything went exactly as he had hoped.

The generals helped their ailing King up. In his weakens state, Pinsar wearily gazed at the team. “Curse… you… Curse you… ALL!!!” he thundered “Know this… I have lost… but where I have failed… my forces… shall… succeed!”

“Sire!” cried Slick.

“Quickly, back to the mothership!” said Saber, and they all vanished.

Grand Ruler could only think triumphantly. “I’ve done it…” he said to himself “I’ve won the revenge of Starlight, and all those from way back.”

Celestia came and scooped her weak husband in her arms.

“We better get him some help.” Lightning suggested.

Celestia nodded.

Meanwhile, Phoebe had already ultimate thrown those three aliens out of the saloon, the same way that she had been thrown out before.

“Do you wish to continue to try me?” she hissed at them.

The aliens cowering like scared cats, ran for the hills.

Jetar applauded. “Wonderful, a grade-A performance, Princess...”

“Only thanks to you, Jetar. Perhaps I can return now, and show my father how strong I’ve become.”

She remembered all the times her father ignored her, and was hard on her. The same things she had thought every day since her training began…only, now she was fully beginning to realize “He was trying to protect me. He really did care for me.”

Jetar nodded “All true fathers care for their children.”

Phoebe made up her mind and decided to go back to the armada, and Jetar decided to go with her, now swearing his allegiance to her, and wanting to be there for support.

That’s when the Stingar crew, waltzing into town saw her, and were more than willing to escort her and Jetar to the armada.

“Shall we go then?”

Phoebe nodded.

A long time later, Grand Ruler was in the Royal Sickbay in the royal palace, his arm had been stitched and bandaged, and all he needed now was rest.

“I can’t believe it.” said Krysta “He really did it. No more Pinsar.”

As much as the others were delighted, they knew fully well this meant that the armada would only be madder than ever, and would spare nothing to get revenge.

“Guys, we’re still not through this yet.” Lightning said.

Everyone agreed, and then Celestia asked them all to leave. She wanted to be alone with her husband.

“Celestia…” he groaned wearily.


He looked very ashamed, and tears were forming in his eyes. He had let his emotions run wild and it turned him into a raging and careless monster. “What have a done? I could’ve caused so much damage.”

“Shh, it’s alright, no one else was hurt.” she said to him “The power plant is being rebuilt as we speak, it will not take long, and I’ve already converted emergency power to the New Crystal empire.”

Her husband smiled, but his tears were really falling now. “How could I have let this happen? I’ve never lost such control of myself in my life. I just wanted to beat Pinsar so bad, I wasn’t thinking of anything else.”

Celestia felt her own tears coming now. “It’s alright…” she said “You behaved just as anyone would hand, you can only stand so much, and this is just what I was scared of. I tried to make you control yourself, but it only made things worse. I’m so sorry, Celesto.”

She bent down and hugged him warmly, and he hugged her back with his good arm, both of them softly letting out their emotions together.

“I’m sorry… Celestia…!”

Meanwhile, Pinsar’s injures were far too severe, and his energy was fading fast.

“Oh, Pinsar…” his wife sobbed “I should never have let you do that.”

Pinsar, though weak, still managed to hold his wife’s hand. “I’m so… sorry Ladybird… my emotions got the best of me. I wanted to bring Phoebe back to you, instead… I’ve now made things worse.”

Ladybird could not bear this.

“I can’t lose you my love! Please don’t leave me all alone!”

“You won’t be alone.” said Pinsar “See to it, that she is well cared for, my generals.”

The three generals nodded, but Stag silently held his hand behind his back with the crossed fingers.

(Skip to 1:46: Picture it like this)

“Daddy!” cried Phoebe.

Ladybird looked up “Phoebe!”

Her daughter ran up to her and her mother hugged her dearly “Oh, honey, you’re back!”

Jetar stood where he was at the door, shocked by what he was seeing.

“Is it… really you… Phoebe?”

Tears were streaming down Phoebe’s face as she knelt by her father’s side, stroking his hand. His grip felt very weak.

“Daddy… I’m so sorry. I’m sorry I ran away!”

“It is me who is sorry. All those ages I neglected you, and I ignored you as you grew up. I should never have tried to keep you so sheltered.”

“It’s okay…” sobbed Phoebe “I know now. You did for me. You were only trying to protect me.”

“But I can protect you no longer. You and your mother must go on without me.”

“Oh, Pinsar!” sobbed Ladybird.

“Stag… Slick… Saber… reassure that both my wife and daughter… will be well cared for.”

“Yes sire.” Saber said sadly.

“As you wish, my king.” added Slick.

Stag merely nodded without saying anything; though he was secretly disgusted.

Pinsar could feel his time was now, yet he held both his wife and daughter’s hands dearly “With the… powers I now pass onto you both. The dimensional… universe will be yours… and Starfleet will fall… be powerful rulers my dears!

…I… love… you… both…!


“Father?!” cried Phoebe.

His eyes closed, his hands and tentacles dropped down.


“…Pinsar!” sobbed Ladybird. She and her daughter held each other began to cry deeply. Slick and Saber hung their heads low, clenching their fists.

Many of the Stingars were crying as well, as Pinsar’s body vanished into a million of sparkling lights, and he was gone.

However, around Ladybird’s neck appeared a black and yellow beaded necklace with large amber pendant, and Pheobe’s quarter-staff transformed into a powerful sceptre with a shiny amber dome atop it.

Inside the amber pendant and the amber dome were small figures that represented Pinsar. His power now resided in them.

“Goodbye, my love…” said Ladybird.

“Father…” Phoebe sneered “I promise, I will not let you down!”


In our next episode: Phoebe and Ladybird test their newfound powers out by giving a powerful spell to an insecto that bites Lightning causing every girl pony to fall in love with him, but all the males to turn against him, making it extremely difficult to avoid the actual threat when Phoebe tried to avenge her father.

Can Lightning overcome the obstacles set against him?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Bitten by the Love Bug”)