My Brave Pony Starfleet Magic: Season V

by DakariKingMykan

Episode 7: Be Brave or Be Fool


The tight security was maintained, and the civilians were starting to grow used to it, though still hardly enjoying or approving of it.

It seemed to work, as there had hardly been any appearances from the Black Dragon Knight, though this was just dismissed as an eye-of-the-storm.

Aside from her and the Insectos, a new problem had arisen in the royal family.

Ever since the air was contaminated; Cadance had also suffered from the effects of the toxic air. Everyone, especially Shining Armor was concerned about what effects this would have on her pregnancy, and sure enough… it had!

The baby was still fine, but from lack of oxygen and passing out produced instability in the pregnancy.

Dr. Penny Sillon had visited with Cadance, and given her expert opinion, she ordered Cadance to be bedridden until the time of the birth, which was a month and half away.

“I am sorry, your highness…” said Penny “But you must avoid shock, stress, and major forms of activity. Otherwise you could cause further damage to yourself and the child.”

Cadance felt a little downhearted, but she reluctantly accepted.

“I’m sorry, honey.” said Shining Armor “I know it’s going to be hard, but…”

“You don’t have to say anything.” his wife said “I promise, I’ll be good.” She then stroked her large belly “…Especially for you.”

Shining Armor and Penny smiled.

Word of this had not gone public, their supreme majesties did not wish for the public to know and add to the stressful times. Only Lightning and the team were informed of this, even Pinkie Pie was informed, but she already solemnly swore not to tell a soul.

…Though this was very stressful for her, keeping something so incredibly serious to herself, like when she had to not tell anyone that Cadance was pregnant in the first place, but that was another short story.

For now, she was just enjoying having the privilege of serving tea to their majesties at the Cake’s café

Grand Ruler Celesto and Queen Celestia were visiting New Ponyville that day, on an unannounced visit, just for a short break. Celestia had highly and rather forcefully insisted on it, saying her husband needed a break from all the stress he was under and felt some fresh air and getting off work for a bit would do him good.

“Here’s your tea…” said Pinkie.

“Thank you.” said Celestia.

Grand Ruler nodded thankfully.

As Pinkie poured the tea, she whispered, “I haven’t told anybody about you-know-what.”

“Shh, Pinkie!” said Grand Ruler, and he whispered softly into her ear “No one should even guess about... you-know-what. So try not to even talk about it, okay?”

Pinkie pretended to zip her lip and said nothing. Then she walked off to wait on the other tables.

Though they were both exceedingly worried about Cadance and the baby, their majesties shrugged it off, and began to relax.

Just then, The Cutiemark Crusaders came along, being escorted by Applejack and Buddy Rose due to the escort law, and the girls couldn’t believe their eyes. “Sweet Apple Pie…! Their majesties are here.” cried Applebloom.

Applejack and Buddy Rose were surprised too. “Well I’ll be a hog tied to a red wagon.” Said Applejack.

“Must be one of their unofficial visits.” added Buddy Rose.

“Maybe we should interview them.” suggested Sweetie Belle

“I don’t know…” said DD “They might not be interested, or even have time.”

“Oh, I’m sure they will…” said Buddy Rose. “You won’t know until you ask anyway.”

“Go on, girls.” said Applejack, and she gave them a slight shove forward.

As the girls got closer, they all felt nervous. Scootaloo softly muttered to herself “Okay, relax…cool… calm…”

Suddenly, they were halted by the bodyguards.

“I’m sorry, but you may not go any further.” one of them said.

“But we just want to ask them if they’d like to take part in our census.” said Applebloom.

“Their majesties do not have time for such idle trivialities.” said the other guard.

“Let them pass.” Celestia said.

The guards were shocked, but the girls were delighted and walked right through. They bowed to their majesties as they reached the table.

“You’ll really let us interview you both?” asked Sweetie.

“But of course.” said Grand Ruler “Applejack and Buddy Rose already told us about your project, and how they helped you out. I think it’s very productive what you’re doing, also quite harmless.”

“You may do us both.” said Celestia.

The girls felt so giddy they almost forgot how to breathe, but they managed to pull themselves together and began asking the questions.

Applebloom: “Your names please?”

“Queen Celestia Galaxia Sunrise.”

“Grand Ruler Celesto Arron Goldenite.”

Sweetie Belle: “Address?”

“We live at the royal palace in New Canterlot.”

“That’s as best as we can put it.”

Scootaloo: “What are your favorite colors?”



DD: “What are your favorite words, and why?”

“My favorite word is “Harmony.” It’s what I fight for and live for, and I use it to ignite and enflame my courage and confidence in all things.”

“My favorite word is “Stars”. They’ve always been there to guide me, and I have faith in their wisdom.”

The girls were really getting giddy as they checked off and wrote on their clipboards, and then came the final question which they all asked at once “Do you know how to dance?”

Their majesties snickered softly, and got up from their chairs. Their horns glowed, and the area around them and all the other spectators at the café changed into the scene of a beautiful field at night.

(0:31) (I just really like the music)

Some drums began to beat in the distance, and a soft musical tune began.

Their majesties demonstrated by dancing along, and in a soft twirl, their outfits transformed magically in ballet wear.

Everyone watched as their majesties danced so gracefully, and seemed to be adding more stars to the sky, in a constellation of a large alicorn.

They took a bow at the end, and everyone applauded.

The images faded as their majesties returned to their table.

“That was marvelous.” cried Sweetie Belle.

“Way cool.” added Scootaloo.

Their majesties thanked the girls, and signed the census. “Keep up the good work, girls.” said Grand Ruler.

“We were glad to help you.” added Celestia.

The girls ran along feeling very excited and very pleased with themselves. Having just interviewed their majesties, they were entitled.

“See girls, that wasn’t so tough.” said Applejack “Getting’ yourselves all tensed up for nothin’.”

“I think we’re about done.” said Scootaloo.

“We’re going to have the best school report in class.” added Applebloom.

“If by best you mean lamest.” Scorned a voice the girls wished they hadn’t heard. They turned and saw Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

“Do you mind?” said Sweetie “We’re having a private conversation.”

“Too bad, this is public place.” scoffed Diamond.

“Yeah, besides, you have such big mouths, everyone within a ten-mile radius can hear you.” added Silver.

The girls felt embarrassed and blushed.

“That’s enough, from you two.” said Applejack “We got enough problems to deal with without you makin’ fun of others.”

“Shouldn’t you-two be working on the project as well?” asked DD “It’s due tomorrow.”

The naughty fillies sniggered and Silver said “Oh, we’ve got our project done, and it’s going to make you four look--” she stopped when Diamond held her mouth shut. “You’ll find out, soon enough, Cutiemark Crummies.”

Buddy Rose looked deep and sternly into her eyes and said “Mind your manners, young filly.”

Feeling a bit intimidated, Diamond walked off still holding Silver’s mouth shut.

The girls didn’t trust the two at all.

“Never mind them, girls.” said Buddy “You just stay focused on your own project.”

Sweetie Belle sighed “I wish I could, but it hasn’t been easy.”

She explained that ever since Spike and Rarity were forced to call off their wedding, Rarity hadn’t been feeling or acting well. She’d been spending a lot of time in her room sewing nothing in particular.

“She won’t even give in to orders for new dresses for her job. I’m worried about her.”

The others felt concerned, even Applejack felt sorry for Rarity. “How’s Spike takin’ it?”

“Not very well…” replied Sweetie “He’s just as upset, but he hasn’t withdrawn like Rarity has. They both still go on patrol, but then as soon as they come home it’s back in the corner.”

Now the other crusaders felt really bad for Sweetie. Scootaloo grunted “Urgh… that Black Dragon Knight! I really hate her for what she’s done.”

“I hear ya…” said Applebloom “I just wish I could meet her face-to-face, just once, why I’d--”

“Whoa, easy there, sis.” said Applejack “You’re gettin’ way ahead of yourself.”

“Applejack’s right…” added Buddy Rose “Leave the Black Dragon Knight to us officials. This is far too dangerous even for you girls to meddle with.”

“We understand…” said DD.

The other girls nodded; though deep down, all three of them were still thinking of how to get back at the Black Dragon Knight.

When Sweetie Belle was escorted home, she found Spike outside near his little monument to Twilight Sparkle. She didn’t like to pry, but she couldn’t help but overhear him praying to Twilight’s spirit for guidance.

“What should I do, Twilight?” He asked “I don’t to have to leave, but I can’t just put the others in danger, especially not Rarity and Sweetie Belle.”

Sweetie’s jaw dropped open and her heart go slightly off beat.

She swerved round the corner with her back to the wall of the house. She knew she just had to tell Rarity, now, but then she realized that in her emotional condition, this was probably the last thing she needed to hear.

But she needed to tell someone about this?

Later on, she and the other Crusaders met at their treehouse, after being escorted by Applejack and Buddy Rose, under the impression from Sweetie Belle that they were going to talk more about their school project.

Once the girls were alone, not really in danger being so close to home, the meeting began.

“Why are we havin’ this meetin’ now?” asked Applebloom.

“To talk about the school project…” said Scootaloo. “That… is it, right?”

“No, actually that’s a lie.” said Sweetie, and she explained to the others what she overheard from Spike.

“What?!” cried DD “He can’t just leave. That’s just what the Black Dragon Knight wants him to do.”

“And what about Rarity?” asked Scootaloo “She’ll be crushed!”

“I know, but I just can’t tell her, she doesn’t need it right now.” said Sweetie.

“Well then, what are we supposed to do?” asked Applebloom.

Sweetie thought about it, and suddenly she gasped in delight “We could capture the Black Dragon Knight ourselves.”

The others gawked at her, hardly blinking their eyes. “Say again…?” said Scootaloo.

“Don’t you see? We could lure her into a trap, and catch her. Then Spike wouldn’t be in trouble anymore and everything will be okay.”

The girls were now gawking at her with their mouths hanging open, then Sweetie realized herself “What am I saying?!”

DD shook herself to her senses and replied “You want us-- a band of ordinary school-ponies, with no experience, super-strengths, or super special skills to capture a demonic creature of such power and fury!”

“It’s crazy!” cried Applebloom.

“It’s nuts!” added Scootaloo.

“I know…” said Sweetie “But, it is for Spike and Rarity. They don’t deserve to suffer like this. I just want to help them.”

The girls knew she had a point there.

“And just how would we trap her?” asked Scootaloo.

Sweetie pondered a moment “Well… I uh… we could… um…?”

DD had already had more than enough and didn’t care whatever plan she came up with. “I’m sorry girls, but for once you can count me out of this.”

She turned to leave the treehouse.

“DD!” cried Sweetie “Don’t tell anyone!”

“Oh? And why shouldn’t I?” snapped DD “We’ve done some crazy things before, but this… this is…”

Sweetie’s features hardened “This is still the Cutiemark Crusaders, and we don’t tattle on one-another, remember?”

Applebloom and Scootaloo kept gazing back and forth as the other two exchanged protests.

“I don’t want Spike to leave! Rarity would never stand it.”

“She’d also never stand if we got hurt, or destroyed.”

The others felt their ears shooting with steam, and finally, Sweetie gave in “Fine! If you want tattle on us, go right ahead. But if you really want to help my sister, and my future brother-in-law, and really prove you’re a true crusader, then meet me tonight, in the open fields by the orchard, tonight!”

DD didn’t know what to say. Her mind was all tied in knots, and before she or even the others could say anything, Sweetie had already gone.

“What now?” asked Scootaloo.

“Do we do it, or not?” added Applebloom.

Poor DD still couldn’t find it in her heart to really tattle, but she knew she couldn’t just let Sweetie get into all this danger.

All three of them didn’t know to go for it or not.

All the rest of that day, they each pondered and pondered.

Applejack and Buddy Rose noted how tensed Applebloom and DD seemed as they all finished the day’s chores.

“You girl’s okay?” asked Buddy Rose.

The girls didn’t even respond.

“Hello…? Anyone home in there…?” said Applejack.

Still the girls, didn’t respond, and just walked off.

Applejack and Buddy knew those looks; something was bothering them; something very big, and possibly dangerous.

About an hour before sunset, Sweetie was busy, working hard to perfect the bait for the trap. Rarity and Spike of course were too wrapped up in their down-hearted moods to notice.

Soon she was called inside for dinner, the one of few times Rarity and Spike would actually talk to her without letting their moods slow them down.

Still, at eating time, they hardly touched their food much, and when Rarity and Spike looked at each other, it was with a very sad glance. Spike seemed even sadder than ever this time as he gazed deep into his love’s eyes.

“Are you okay?” Rarity asked finally breaking the silence.

He nodded sadly and said “I’m fine.” but in truth, he was still unsure of what to do about wanting to leave.

Only Sweetie could sense this, but she said nothing, still not wanting to cause more grief.

After dinner, she went to her room, and found a letter on her bed. It was a red letter that she and her fellow crusaders sent back and forth to one another using a secret code only they knew of.

The letter read…

“Great On Internship, Now Give All Heart, End All Doubts”

As they were school ponies, they preferred the only typical, method—taking the first letter of each word and seeing the real message “Going Ahead”

Sweetie’s heart began to race, but it was on for sure.

Later on, after it got dark, Sweetie snuck out of the house. Rarity and Spike were out on their night patrol.

She slipped out through the back of the house, to avoid being seen by all the guards in the street, and managed to make her way to New Sweet Apple Acres.

With so many guards out already, there was no possible way to put a guard everywhere.

She met up with Scootaloo on the way, and they managed to make it into the fields. “Where are the others?” Sweetie whispered.

“I don’t know, I thought they’d be here. You said they would in your letter.”

Sweetie was confused “My letter? But you guys sent me the…” she couldn’t understand it, and before she could say anything else.

“Psst!” someone said.

The girls turned round “Who’s there?” whispered Scootaloo.

“It’s me…” said DD, and she crawled out of the shrubs. “I couldn’t let you go through with this alone.”

The girls were somewhat grateful, but now all they needed was Applebloom.

“She said she’d be along later.” said DD “We didn’t say anything to anyone.”

“Okay, let’s set up.” said Sweetie.

…DD, smirked wickedly while the girls’ backs were turned.

Meanwhile, Applebloom was quietly tiptoeing down the stairs, which squeaked softly with her every step.


She jumped, and then sighed in relief. She finally managed to make it to the door, still not believing she was really going along with this crazy plan, but she too got a note from the others saying to go ahead with it, and she couldn’t let them just go at it along.

She finally made it outside the door…

…and three flashlights shone on her, making her gasp hard.

It was Applejack, Buddy Rose and Big Mac was with them, and they didn’t look at bit pleased. “Nice night, huh…?”

“Eeyup…if ya like sneakin’ out.” added Big Mac

“I’m not sneakin’ out…” Applebloom said, but her excuses didn’t fool the others a bit “We know what you’re up to.” said Buddy Rose. That’s when DD walked out from behind him with a guilty look on her face.

“DD…? You didn’t…?”

“…Sorry, I just had to tell.” DD said sadly. Both she and Applebloom felt so ashamed.

“Where are the others?” Applejack asked in a demanding voice.

The others had finished setting up the traps.

Sweetie Belle had spent the rest of the day creating a very poor, but life sized version of Spike in his Dragon Knight outfit, built from bits of scrap and metal, and old scarecrow stuff she had back home for arts and crafts.

A stronger net made from powerful diamond filament threads that she took from Rarity without her noticing, was all set near the dummy.

“How’s this going to work again?” Scootaloo asked.

Sweetie explained… “The Black Dragon Knight will see the dummy, think it’s Spike, and she’ll try and attack it, and when she does, she’ll trip the net, which will rise up and catch her. Even she shouldn’t be able to break through it.”

DD thought it was a very clever idea. “We should check to make sure that it’s perfectly set.” she said.

The others agreed, and looked the dummy and the net all over-- giving the dummy a little poke made the net quiver. The two gave a big thumb up, and that’s when DD shot the dummy with a magical pulse from her horn, trigging the trap, and Sweetie and Scootaloo were caught and tangled in the net.

“Hey!” shouted Sweetie.

“DD, what are you doing?!” snarled Scootaloo.

DD snickered and transformed; it was Black Dragon Knight all along.

The girls gawked in shock and fear.

“Did you honestly think you could deceive me with such trickery?” she scolded. She then revealed that she had been aware of their trap all along, having disguised herself as a little birdy, and listened in near the treehouse during their meeting.

She was the one who sent those letters, hoping they’d all buy it, and set up the trap so she could use it to her own advantage. “So, in a way, I should thank you. Once Spike hears about your predicament he’ll come.”

The girls struggled to break free, but the diamond threads were too strong for them. Sweetie’s magic couldn’t even put a dent in it.

“It’s no use, we can’t break it!” cried Scootaloo.

“HELP!!” Sweetie screamed.

That’s when Applejack, Buddy Rose and Big Mac came rushing over the hills, and more officers who heard Sweetie’s scream came soaring in.

“You better them go, ya hear?!” snarled Applejack.

Black Dragon Knight could only laugh at her. “And if I do not…?”

“Don’t try us!” snarled Buddy Rose.

The other officer’s began to move in closer.


Black Dragon Knight blasted them all down to the ground with such ease and swiftness. “When will you filthy creatures learn; no puny ponies can match my power!”

Applebloom and DD were forced to stay home, under protection of more guards, and they could see the whole thing happened through their binoculars.

“Sweet Apple Pie! She just creamed them all like a horse swattin’ flies.” cried Applebloom.

“I told you this was a bad idea.” said DD.

Both of them felt very worried for Scootaloo and Sweetie.

Big Mac whispered to Buddy Rose and Applejack. “If you two can distract her, I’ll try and bust the girls out.”

The others were dearly concerned about Big Mac’s own safety as well, but seeing no other alternative, Buddy Rose and Applejack transformed.

“Starfleet Magic!”

“Harmony Hour! Friendship Power!”

…And they charged into action.

“Fools!” snarled Black Dragon Knight as she slashed at them both with her sword.

The two managed to land on their feet and charged at her again, punching and kicking, only for Black Dragon Knight to evade and counter their every move.

While that was all happening, Big Mac made his way to the net where the girls were trapped. “Good thing I know my knots.” he said and he skillfully managed to untangle the noose.

Black Dragon Knight could see this, just as the girls made their way out. “No!” she shouted, and shoved Applejack and Buddy Rose away.

“Hurry!” shouted Big Mac, and he and the girls began to run for it.


“LOOK OUT!!” shouted Buddy Rose.

Big Mac saw the flames coming, and gave the girls a huge shove out of the way, but got hit himself, and fell to the ground.

Applebloom saw everything from the house. “BROTHER!!” she squealed.

“Oh, no!” added DD.

“Big Mac!” cried Applejack.

The smoke cleared, and Big Mac was lying on the ground. He was very much alive, but his leg hurt very badly; possibly broken.

Applejack and Buddy Rose were officially pushed over the edge.

“I’ve had it with you!” Applejack snarled “…Valkyria!” and she began to change into her Valkyria form, increasing her power and strength. As for Buddy Rose, he concentrated hard on all his inner strength and his body began to glow.

“Not, so fast!” snarled Black Dragon Knight and she lunged forth while they both were still powering up.

“They’ve gotta power-up faster!” cried Sweetie, but it was already too late.


The two got struck hard, and keeled over for the count.

“No!!” Sweetie and Scootaloo cried.

Black Dragon Knight snickered as she walked towards them.

Applejack and Buddy Rose were still alive, but very weak after that hit and could hardly find enough strength to move.

Black Dragon Knight reached them, and poised her sword at them, ready for the kill!

“NO, DON’T!!” screamed Sweetie, and just as Black Dragon Knight was about to strike, she got hit by a bombardment of fireballs and a beam of powerful light.

She looked behind and saw Rarity, in her Valkyrie outfit, and Spike transformed as well.

When they found Sweetie Belle wasn’t in bed after arriving home and the saw the brightness of all the attacks from the region, they figured something was wrong.

“Leave our friends alone!” Rarity demanded.

Black Dragon Knight hesitated and then cackled “Certainly, I have no need for them now.”

She approached the two, but keep her eyes fixed on Spike “So, what about my generous proposal? Are you in, or are you out?”

Spike clenched his fist angrily and declared “It’s you who’s out… out of your mind!”

“WRONG ANSWER!” snarled Black Dragon Knight, and she charged forth at the two. Rarity and Spike drew out their swords.

Everyone watched in awe, and fear, and much to their shock and amazement, even though it was two on one, Spike and Rarity didn’t seem to hold out too well. Black Dragon Knight was able to parry their blades with such expert fencing skills.

Rarity and Spike stood together and nodded at one another, both charging up their weapons.



Both slashed their powerful blades at Black Dragon Knight, and it seemingly worked as the sparks and explosions engulfed her, but when the smoke had cleared, they could see the only caused mere a few scratches, but nothing at all serious.

“I don’t believe this!” cried Spike.

“How can she possibly be this strong?!” added Rarity.

Black Dragon Knight snickered and sneered at Spike “This is your last chance, boy. If you want answers and more, say you’ll join me.”

“Never!” growled Spike “Get it into your head. I am a noble dragon, and always will be. I’d never turn against my friends willingly.”

Black Dragon Knight didn’t really seem angry, but she did look rather strange, as if she knew something they didn’t. “Then you have made an unfortunate decision.”

She began to fade away as she vanished, warning Spike “The next time we meet, I will spare no mercy, and that goes double for those who dare get in my way again.”

Then she was gone, again!

Spike angrily stomped his foot hard into the ground, making a soft quake.

Everyone felt very concerned now, but right now, though Applejack and Buddy Rose, as well as the other officers were okay, Big Mac needed serious medical attention.

Soon, everyone was at the hospital, and Dr. Penny came out with Big Mac, in a wheelchair. His leg was all plastered up. “You’ll stay off your feet for a few weeks.” Said Penny “And that means no farm-work.”

Big Mac sighed, and was not looking forward to weeks of boredom.

The crusaders felt very bad, and tried to apologize, but he angrily looked away from them.

“An apology isn’t going to cut it this time, girls.” said Buddy Rose.

“But it wasn’t our fault. Black Dragon Knight tricked us.” said Scootaloo.

“That’s not the point.” sneered Applejack “What were y’all thinkin’, goin’ against the Black Dragon Knight, You could’ve been killed!”

“Thank goodness, DD had the courage to tell us.” added Buddy Rose

Sweetie Belle finally decided to come clean. “We know, it’s just that... I didn’t want Spike to leave us.”

“What?” Rarity cried softly. “Spike…?”

Now it was time for Spike to come clean, and he admitted “I was thinking of leaving. I figured since Black Dragon Knight is only after me, and I don’t want the rest of you getting hurt. I just can’t stand anyone else getting involved in my problem. Now, after what I’ve seen… maybe I should leave for sure.”

“I don’t think it’ll matter now, Spike.” said Buddy Rose. “You’re forgetting… Black Dragon Knight now knows how loyal you are to us; she may try and use us to get to you, no matter where you went.”

Spike now realized that was true. There was no place he could run, not to protect himself, or his friends.

“Spike…” Rarity said, placing her hand to his face “Remember what you promised me, we’d face this together.”

He did remember, and he never broke a promise to anyone willingly. So, he ultimately decided “… I won’t leave.”

Still, that did not excuse the girl’s behaviours. “Sweetie Belle, if you were this concerned about Spike and I, why didn’t you just talk to us?”

Her sister’s features hardened “Why do you think? I’m tired of coming home and seeing the two of you moping around. You’ve been so distraught ever since your wedding was called off; you’ve both been neglecting me. I hate seeing you two like this, and I was just trying to help.”

Rarity and Spike felt ashamed, now realizing how ridiculous they had been acting.

“Still, Sweetie Belle, that’s no excuse for what you and the others tried to do.” said Buddy Rose “If you felt something was wrong or bothering, you should’ve come to us or any other grownup your trust.”

“That goes for all of ya…” said Applejack.

The crusaders held their heads down in shame, and were prepared to face any punishment they were going to be given.

“We’re disappointed in you, girls. Very disappointed.” said Buddy Rose.

For their actions, all four of the girls were to do all of Big Mac’s chores until he his leg got better every day after school and bright and early on the weekend, and while at home they were to go straight to their rooms, and no dessert after meals.

The girls agreed to this, though they weren’t looking forward to such harshness.

Still, at least Sweetie Belle was relieved, as she got what she wanted after all… Spike was going to stay, and both he and Rarity promised to try and snap out of their brooding.

She couldn’t help but smile.


In our next episode: Pinsar hatches a plan to gain information from Starfleet, by sending a tiny insect into Lightning’s brain, but the plan goes awry when the bug lands in Pinkie Pie’s brain instead.

So it’s up to Lightning to shrink down and enter Pinkie’s brain to save her from a horrible fate, but also avoid causing his friend more serious damage.

How can Pinsar turn this fowl up to his advantage, and what will become of Pinkie?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Pinkie and Brain Bug”)