My Brave Pony Starfleet Magic: Season V

by DakariKingMykan

Episode 4: Beetle Beating


Word of the Black Dragon Knight being on the loose was alerted to the public, even though she was only after Spike for whatever reasons, the ponies and others creatures were told be more cautious than ever while outdoors.

At least Spike was now fully cleared of all charges, but he still wondered who this creature was, and what did she want with him.

Unfortunately, it was nearly impossible to know where she came from, as Starfleet’s technology couldn’t seem to detect her, and Spike would sniff the air heavily everywhere he went trying to locate the scent, and that didn’t help either.

Best chance was to wait for her to reveal herself again, and then try to see what she was after.

In the meantime, there were still other things to worry about as well, such when and where Pinsar would launch his next attack.

Grand Ruler and Celestia were in their private office. Celestia was reading all the letters of friendship reports sent to her by ponies and replied to a few she liked most, while her husband was going over loan applications and tax rebate documents.

He would read them over and decide which were truly necessary to approve; be they for a good cause, or just plain needed desperately. All those that didn’t really seem to need it all that much were politely rejected and send back with a letter explaining why.

Once the papers were all sorted out, it was simply a matter of approving the pile of approved applications. He would stamp each one with a special seal he and Celestia always used as a symbol of the approval, and then send the letter on its way through the slot to be mailed back to the applicants...but while he was working, he began to have more flashbacks of way back when Starlight Braveheart was killed and all the other ponies in the first confrontation with the Insectos.

Then, strangely he felt he could hear Celestia calling him.

“Celesto…? Celesto…?”

He snapped out of his trance “Yes dear?”

“I think your hand is more than approved.”

“Huh…?” He gazed down to realize that while entranced he had stamped his own hand several times. “Oh…”

As funny as it looked, Celestia resisted any urge to giggle. It didn’t take much to know he was haunted by his past again. “Darling, I know how you feel, but it happened a long, long time ago.”

Her husband sighed softly “The past may be gone, but the memories remain. They will never disappear no matter what happens.”

His wife honestly didn’t know what to say to him. Lately he seemed to have been slipping off into his past at random moments the past week.

At tea time, he was pouring milk and accidently pour it into the sugar pot.

Then at meal times, he hardly seemed too hungry to eat.

At least when he helped Celestia with Castor and Leilani he seemed less agitated by the memories, but Celestia really wished there was something she could do to help him.

She even wrote a plain letter to Lightning explaining the situation and how she was a little worried about him.

*Mykan’s POV*

Lightning was with Starla, Krysta, Pinkie Pie and Artie at the café having breakfast. I was with them too and we all read the letter.

Pinkie sniffed sadly “Poor Grand Ruler…”

“I know how he feels…” said Lightning.

He never forgot when the evil Serpentari destroyed his home planet, Harmonious, and killed all his people. He couldn’t wait to find her and get revenge, and even after he did, it didn’t really change that much.

“Yeah, I can dig that.” I said “I felt the same way when Titan’s goons killed my girlfriend. Even though we won the battle, Michelle was forever lost.”

A small tear tried to leak form my eye, and I wiped it, trying to keep brave.

“Too bad we can’t go up there and actually give it to Pinsar full force.” said Artie.

“We’d never get past the armada.” said Starla “They’d shoot us to bits before we even had a chance to get close.”

“Besides…” said Krysta “Even if we did get onboard the mothership, it’s two miles wide, and the castle on top of it is twice the size of New Canterlot palace. Without any blueprints or information, we’d get lost.”

“All the information we have on the Insectos is hopelessly out-of-date. They won’t help us much.” added Lightning. “We can hardly use what little we can scan with our visors.”

“We all know what’ll happen if we try to capture them.” said Starla “Pinsar would just destroy them from within. There’s got to be a way for us to get what we need to know.”

Sadly, nobody had a clue,

“Well, I always think well when I make things.” Artie said, and he got up and picked up a brown paper bag that contained quarts of salt.

“Making another one of you big artworks today?” asked Starla.

“Yep, it starts in a few minutes, in town-square.”

Pinkie leapt for joy “I just love it when you make big things. What are you going to make today?”

“Come on over and I’ll show you.”

“What is this…?” asked Lightning “We’re supposed to be thinking of what to do about the Insectos.

“Ah, come on Lightning.” said Krysta “A little break never hurt, and maybe we’ll think of something by watching.”

Lightning sighed, but complied.

*POV Ends*

Meanwhile, Pinsar was gazing frustratingly down at the planet. It really aggravated him that his vast armada, capable of such destruction could do nothing as long as the barrier was shielding the planet.

“United Equestria would be ours now if not for that barrier blocking us out.” He grumbled, and then he turned to the others “Does anyone have any bright ideas of what to do now?”

“Calm yourself, my dear…” said Ladybird “As of now I have already commissioned Commander Brutus to lead the next attack.”

Stag and Slick shuddered nervously.

“Brutus?” cried Stag “But my queen, he is one of our burliest warriors, and very quick-tempered.”

“Exactly…” said Pinsar “Which is exactly what makes him an excellent choice to send down. Well done, Ladybird.”

Phoebe scoffed in her throne and softly grumbled “I could told you all that.”

“What was that, Phoebe?” her father sharply asked.

“Nothing, Father…” Phoebe quickly said. Her father was not convinced, but he had no time nor interest to deal with her for now. “I will brief Brutus myself before sending him off.”

Then he left.

“Mother, why… why doesn’t Father allow me to have the chances I desire?”

Her mother sighed “Honestly, Phoebe, not this again?”

“Well why not? I’ve been training well; I even have my own ideas that could really make a difference. I should be doing battle as well, but why don’t you or Father let me?”

“You are simply not as experienced, Phoebe. You might be confident, but you have never actually fought a full-fledged battle yet.”

“Your mother is quite right, your highness.” said Slick “Overconfidence is the first step towards all failure.”

Phoebe gazed at him sternly. “I don’t recall asking for your opinion, Slick.”

Slick said nothing more, and Stag was really annoyed by the Princess’ attitude, but no one said anything else after, and Phoebe went right back to sulking.

*Mykan’s Pov*

Meanwhile, lots of ponies had gathered in town square, eager to watch Artie’s new artwork.

A large clear box with a black solid floor was there, just right for what Arite planned to do, and there were photographers and reporters waiting to take pictures for the covers of articles and magazines.

Artie then took the contours of salt into the huge box with him.

“Well, here goes something…” he said.

Soft soothing music began to play, and Arite began to dump the salt out of its containers in neat rows and lines.


The box would prevent any wind form blowing the salt around, and everyone could look right inside as he worked.

He also used a soft push broom to help even out some of the lines, and to push away any excess salt sprinkled about to make things look neat.

While he worked, many ponies gazed in awe at how he worked, and Lightning… inspired by the box, and the way Artie filled in certain spaces with loads of salt… he began to have an idea of what to do about the Insectos.

By the time Artie had finished, he had produced a magnificent salt mural of Grand Ruler Celesto on the left, and Queen Celestia on the right, with their arms raised, both touching fingers together, with several stars around them, and blow them was words “Starfleet” and “Friendship”

Artie stood tall and took a bow, signifying that he was finished.

The crowds applauded, and took their photos of the mural. They had to make sure to get plenty, before all the salt had to be swept up and the box dismantled.

Artie was complimented by fans, and interviewed briefly by the reporters.

Finally, he managed to break from the crowds and get back with his friends and me.

“Wow! It’s tough being popular.” he joked.

“Not a bit…” Lightning said “You just gave me a perfect idea of how to deal with the Insectos.”

Everyone gazed at him with curiosity, and almost, using his ticket-book and pen he drew them up a rather poor but understandable ideal. “All we need to do is construct a new type of capture-sphere.”

“Of course…” said Pinkie “Why didn’t think of that… only-- what kind of sphere?”

Lightning explained briefly, that their best chance was to develop a special capture sphere that could actually record the thought-waves and brain-patters of each captured victim, which they could use to gain valuable information.

“But, can it be built?” I asked.

“In theory it could.” said Krysta “We better get this to Professor Brain. He’ll be able to do this.”

Suddenly, the alarm sounded, and Stingars appeared in the area.

Many of the civilians began to run in panic.

“Mykan, quick! Get the civilians to safety.”

“Right!” I said and headed off to help the ponies while the fighters rushed into battle against the Stingars, without even having to transform.

*POV Ends*

One Stingar punched at Lightning, and he blocked it with his hand, and then kicked the bug down.

Three Stingars shot their stingers at Starla, and she swerved and dodged all of them, then she spun and kicked all the Stingars down at once chortling “Triple-Play!”

Another Stingar stared Pinkie Pie down, and she put up her dukes and acted like a boxer. “Come on, come on, show me what’cha got.” she teased.

The Stingar punched her hard, and she just got right back up again. “You call that a punch?”

She got punched again, and she got back up. “Come on, I could barely feel that.”

The Stingar then aimed it’s stinger to fire at her, but Pinkie leapt up high and bounced directly on its head, knocking it out cold. “Gee… I wonder if I hit him too hard?” she joked.

Krysta hovered in midair as a swarm of Stingars bounded straight at her, and she just stayed where she was until the last second, and used her powers to create a warp portal the Stingars dashed right through, and they emerged through a second portal, several feet off the ground, and they crashed into a huge pile. “I forgot to tell them about that step.” she joked.

Arite leapt up and over, and two Stingars chased after him. One tried to jump him, and he ducked, causing the Stingar to crash, and he kicked the other one in the legs tripping it up.

The other Stingar then got up and grabbed him from behind, and threw him into a lamppost. “Whoa!” he groaned “Okay, that does it!” Artie growled, and he charged furiously at the bug, and gave it such a kick that he sent it flying back hard and right into a garbage can.

“Yeah…!” Artie cried for joy, but suddenly he felt as if someone was behind him.

He looked round behind him and saw a huge burly creature-- a Hercules Beetle-- he grunted at him and punched him very hard and sent him skidding up the road.

The others dashed over to help him up. “Artie, you okay?” cried Starla.

“In a matter of speaking.” groaned Artie as he got up, and all the friends stared the big bug down.

“So, you da ponies…?” he asked, and then chuckled tauntingly “Brutus has seen tougher courses of meat… when it’s dead.”

The friends were not amused, but then Brutus huge claws curled into fists and were glowing as he shouted “GROUND CLAW!” and drove his fists into the ground, sending a ground shaking shockwave straight at them!

“Jump!” shouted Lightning, and they all leapt up high just barely being missed.

Brutus pounded his huge fists together and growled and snarled like a huge ogre, hungry for more and snarled “Come down, silly ponies! Fight with Brutus!”

“Wow! Guy has some serious issues.” said Starla.

“Well, I’d say it’s time we toughened up.” said Lightning “Ready?”

“Ready!!” the other shouted.


Then Pinkie transformed; “Harmony Hour! Friendship Power!”

“Oh, pretty… lame.” taunted Brutus.

The group was growing annoyed with all his mocking them, but they knew they would have to be cautious. They didn’t even have to scan him to realize he was as strong as he looked, maybe stronger.

“I’ll go in first, you guys cover Me.” said Lightning.

“Be careful.” said Starla.

Lightning rushed forth, and aimed a powerful punch at the big bug, ad Brutus punched his fist back…


Both of them were forced back, but Lightning groaned and held his aching hand. “It’s like punching a thick iron-plate.

“Ha-Ha-Ha…” laughed Brutus “You silly, and weak…” and he swung hard at Lightning with his several fists.

Lightning dodged and back-flipped to evade them.

“Let’s try blasting him!” said Artie.

Starla and Krysta agreed, and launched powerful rays from their horns. Each shot hit Brutus head-on, but barely even made him flinch, but he did laugh at them.

“Brutus big burly beetle; Powerful Insecto Commander. Your weapons useless. Not make much dent.”

“And your speech leaves much to be desired.” spat Krysta.

Brutus’ eyes flared in anger “You no talk that way to Brutus! Brutus teach you!”

Pinkie bounced along with her dukes up “I’m not afraid of you.” she cheekily said.

Brutus then dug his claws hard into the ground and actually lifted up a huge chunk of it in a boulder.

“Uh, oh…” Pinkie said.

“Run!” shouted Starla.

The team dashed off as Brutus threw the giant boulder, over their heads, and it crashed down just in front of them, making the ground quake softly.

“Did you see how far he threw that?!” cried Artie.

Brutus snarled and slammed the ground again. “GROUND CLAW!”

The ponies all jumped up and hovered in midair, but unfortunately, a Hercules Beetle was also capable of flight, and Brutus leap right up there and began to punch and knock them all back down to the ground hard.

Each of them hit the ground so hard making small shapes of themselves in the dirt.

“Ooh, that hurt.” groaned Pinkie.

Lightning brushed the dirt from his face, and decided enough was enough, and he changed into an Enticorn.

Brutus was amazed, but all he did was laugh “You think simple lights can beat Brutus? You ain’t seen nothing.”

“It’s you who’s seen nothing.” Lightning sneered.

“Go get him, Lightning.” cheered Krysta.

Lightning zipped straight at Brutus, but Brutus’ horn began to glow brightly. “STRENGTH SAP!”

Lightning felt himself slowing down.

“Huh? What’s happening?”

He collided right into Brutus, but he grabbed him with all four of his arms, and began to absorb Lightning’s strength as if he were sucking sap from a tree, making himself stronger than ever, and Lightning weaker.

“No, Lightning!” cried Starla.

“We gotta help him!” added Artie.

They all dashed over, but Brutus, having had his fill already, threw, Lightning straight at them, knocking the gang down like bowling pins.

Lightning also de-energized back into his normal self and was now just wearing his regular uniform. “I can’t beat him even as an Enticorn?” he said in shock.

Brutus laughed loudly as his horn glowed with all the energy he had absorbed.

“I don’t like the looks of this!” cried Krysta.

Brutus then unleashed the energy he absorbed right at everyone, causing sparks and explosions all around them and they all fell over.

The others had taken such a hit that their suits were starting to run low, and about to de-energize.

Brutus’ horn began to glow again.

“Watch out! Don’t let it hit you!” cried Lightning.


Krysta warped them all out of the way just before they all got zapped.

“Stand still!” shouted Brutus, and he fired again forcing Krysta to wrap the ponies again, and again, and again…!

Krysta was starting to grow tired and groaned “I… can’t keep this up… much longer.”

Brutus began to stomp closer towards the group. “Brutus waste enough time with you…” and his horn began to glow again “…Time to say bye-bye.”

This looked as if it was going to be huge, and the others didn’t know what to do.

Brutus then fired a huge beam from his horn, and the others braced for the blast, but the blast never hit them.

*Mykan’s POV*

When the smoke cleared, there I was standing between the bug and my friends holding my shield up; thanks to its special ability allowing me to absorb certain types of magic and energy fired from enemies.

“You thought you were the only one who could absorb energy, huh?” I sneered.

Brutus growled angrily and then watched as I used my shield to transfer all that energy back into the others, thus re-energizing their strength and power.

“Mykan, way to go.” said Artie.

“Thank, Mykan. We owe you for this.” added Lightning.

I smiled bravely at my friends, and watched them all transform again.

“Now, let’s try this again…” said Lightning.

“Brutus not scared!” growled Brutus “Brutus smash you all pieces! GROUND CLAW!”

We all dodged those powerful shockwaves, and then Brutus picked up another huge boulder and threw it at us. “Not this time…” said Artie, and he leapt up high; “COLOR KICK!”

Now that he was fully re-energized, his powerful kick actually shattered the huge rock to bits.

Brutus roared angrily, and prepared to sap us all again, but Pinkie Pie had an idea and dashed around, and around and around him in furious circles making him dizzy.

“He may be strong, but he’s not too smart.”

Brutus shook off his dizziness, and now he was furious! “BRUTUS MAKE YOU SORRY!!” he shouted. “STRENGTH SAP!”

“Oh, no ya don’t!” snapped Krysta, and she teleported Pinkie out of the way, and I appeared--using my teleportation belt-- in her place. I held up my shield, absorbing the power, and repelled it right back at Brutus.

Brutus roared in anguish as he felt his own strength being compromised. Now he was weaker than before, but still able to fight.

The gang all rushed in, punching, kicking and bashing at him; now able to deal him damage.

Brutus then grabbed us all, some in two of his claws, and the rest in his other two claws. “UH-OH!” we all cried, and he slammed us all together hard, making our heads spin.

“This has gone on enough!” Lightning snarled, and suddenly he had an idea, and whispered it to me.

“Got’cha.” I said.

The others wondered what we were up to, but still they battled on, while I ducked out of sight.

They punched and kicked, and blasted at the big brute, but he managed to evade their attacks and knock them all down again.

“Does this guy ever quit?!” groaned Starla.

“Brutus never quit!” he snarled “Brutus finish you! Make King Pinsar happy! YOUR WORLD WILL BE OURS!!”

Suddenly…! “G’ARGH…!”

From out of nowhere, I had leapt in, and cut off his horn using my Sword of pure-soul, having enchanted it by believing my purity and in my friends.

“No!” shouted Brutus “Horn gone! Strength weakening…!”

“Aha! So that’s your weakness. Just as I thought.” said Lightning. “Go, guys!”

Now, without his horn, and his strength depleting, the friends and I were able to really do some damage.

Artie got out his Super Staff and really let him have it.

“Brutus not give up! Must fight for king!”

He summoned all the power that he could and picked up a huge piece of ground, larger than any other he had lifted, but it was so big and with his depleting strength, he was struggling to keep it up.

Starla saw this as her chance and armed her bow “STARLIGHT ARROW!” and fired straight at the rock, causing it to shatter and burry Brutus like an avalanche.

“Now’s our chance.” said Lightning.

“I’m ready.” Artie said as he set his staff on “Capture”

Still not afraid, Brutus foolishly charged forth, just as Lightning powered up “UNIFORCE!!”

Brutus stopped dead in his tracks and then put up his defenses trying to resist the power, but it was no use; the force began to blast away at his armor and leave him wide open for Artie’s finisher.


Whirling his staff like a propeller, the staff began to charge up with energy, and Artie rushed forth and struck hard.

Brutus growled and shrieked, and then he fell over and exploded-- and he reappeared trapped in a capture-sphere.

We all ran over, and I picked it up, but just as we all gazed down at tiny Brutus, his body glowed and then was vanquished within, which upset and outraged us all as we gazed up at Pinsar’s ship.

*POV Ends*

Queen Ladybird was fuming in frustration “It can’t be. It’s utterly impossible. A big and powerful brute getting smashed by a group of puny creatures…?!”

“I’m beginning to lose my patience as well.” grumbled Pinsar. As much as he knew his soldiers were expendable and willing to perish to keep the armada’s secrets safe, it really angered him having to destroy them himself… mostly due to their failure rather than loyalties.

“Now, now, let us try to keep calm.” said Slick.

“Agreed, getting angry will not defeat our enemies any faster.” added Stag, but Pinsar glared furiously at them “And who are the two of you to make any suggestions? If it weren’t for your insubordination we wouldn’t be in this situation now, would we?!”

“Some hired help they are…” Phoebe muttered softly. Then, she tried once again to appeal to her father to let her try and come up with a plan, but her father refused.

“But father…”

“No buts!” snapped Pinsar “I will let you have your chance when the time is correct and not before! Understand?”

“Yes, Father.” Phoebe sighed, but deep down she was really getting annoyed with the attitude she was given and said softly to herself “There’s got to be a way for me to prove myself.”

*Mykan’s POV*

Not too much damage was done, and several Earth Ponies had already patched up and refilled all the holes made in the battle.

As for us, we all settled down a good hearty lunch, and the guys promised me all I could eat plus a whole cake, and the tab was on them; they’re way of thanking me for helping in the battle and saving them.

I practically pigged out on nearly all my favorite foods on the menu.

“Wow, and I thought I had a ravenous appetite.” said Pinkie.

“Sorry… but all that fighting really made me famished.” I said with my mouth full.

The waiter came with the bill, and my portion was pretty shocking. “Galloping Galaxies!” groaned Lightning.

“Now, now… you guys promised.” I said.

“So we did.” Starla sighed.

“Maybe next time we’ll just give you a medal.” said Artie.

“It’ll be less expensive.” added Krysta.

Still, aside from all this, we had beaten another of Pinsar’s henchmen, but this war had barely begun. Hopefully if all our patience, planning, and maintaining vigil would pay off and we’d gain the upper hand.


The Cutiemark Crusaders are taking a census for a school report, but Spike is beginning to feel a bit distraught for not knowing his roots.

Things only worsen when the Black Dragon Knight returns to cause more havoc and battle with Spike, and even offers him a dark and crafty deal.

How will Spike and his friends fare against the Black Dragon Knight this time, and what proposal has she for Spike?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Dragon’s Honour.”)