Eternal Magic

by Ereg

Chapter Three

 After the end of classes (well, now I almost certain, that miserable levels of magical power among the modern unicorns can be caused by the quality of education, not only by the fact that magic is slowly fading from Equus), I was sitting near the principal's office and thinking about what awaits me.

So, my actions accidentally caught Celestia's attention. If Celestia really was such tyrant and manipulator, which she seen by some ponies and I would have been in trouble (or, if she'd tried to escalate conflict, she would be in trouble as well). Fortunately for both of us, Celestia is demigoddess. Demigoddess, that had been brainwashed by public opinion long time ago.

Of course in the old days Celestia bore the traces of a classical alicorn behavior with our lust for power prescribed at the genetic level, racism and general disdain for the lesser species. The fact that she has collected a lot of mortals, turned in stone in her garden (by the way there are, two statues of my past incarnations), or fact that in the past her favorite dish have been griffins roasted alive, speaks for itself. But, like all entities gifted with divinity, she is exactly what those what her worshipers think of her. In our case, she is fair and kind ruler. And this is good.

Well, back to the meeting with our little Daybreakerr, and to the fact that from this meeting I can expect other troubles. The first problem, is also most important, and also is the only one. Celestia looks very similar to her mother, the mare, who was stripped of her name by my divine order, and, perhaps, the only pony that I ever loved in my life. No, I have nothing against our little Princess, but her appearance stir a very old memories...

Yes, it would seem, that nothing so important... but those are not the memories that I want to stir. Because the pain, the hatred, and almost childish resentment, caused by what she did to me, was so strong that in a moment before my death, I Ascended, but nevertheless...

"You offered me your heart? Well, I'm happy to accept this gift." This phrase, uttered in this kind, sincere caring tone, bright smile, full of joy, sparkling of hers magneta eyes, shimmering of her horn, and cracking of my ribs, mercilessly torn open by golden telekinetic field, and my heart, still beating, and still not willing to give up to the death, which was covered with magical patterns right in my chest... This scene were imprinted in my memory for centuries...

I began to tremble, when I felt my chest start aching. Usually pain is a great pleasure to me, but not this one...

Now imagine, that my worst nightmare would look at me, with her pink eyes, with that damned motherly smile, and speak to me in this kind voice. Instantly I was enraged, and my nose was hit by the smell of burning marble. Glancing back, where my front hooves were, I found two tiny hoofprints, filled with molten stone. Taking a deep breath, I cast repairing spell to the floor, returning marble slab its usual color and texture.

And while I understand, that Celestia definitely not her mother, but... they are looks alike, and this is enough to sway my fragile mental balance.

"We are quite able to avenge her daughter, for all that we have experienced. Turn her into a disembodied but omnipresent ghost, so she could enjoy the suffering of her subjects while we..."immediately Archmage proposed to me.

"Spark, keep Archmage under control until our meeting with Celestia end. Do not let her hurt anypony. " I said to my Light Aspect.

"We have already caused her enough grief, Archmage..." her voice rang in my subconscious. At the same time there was a clanking of chains, humming of magic, and they both are vanished in the depth of my mind.

So now, when my mind is as free as the wind, I should wait for Celestia.

What Celestia want from me, is a mystery hidden in darkness. But, just in case, I prepare some tricks, that will allow me to to distract Celestia. Rather a single, simple trick. My appearance.

As I mentioned earlier, Luna is my niece. She and Celestia have one mother, but different fathers. Celestia's father turned in something disgusting, and now he imprisoned in the ugly statue of himself in the Royal Garden. Luna's father is actually my younger brother, Artemis, who has been killed in the battle with Discord.

Now compare me to Luna, and then set the task to find the ten differences. In general, my snout is quite reminiscent of a similar part of of the Moon Princess, except that my skull shape now similar to that of the unicorn. In general, the differences we have, only the colors (Luna have dark blue coat, and mine is pitch black), haircut, my temporal lack of wings, and the fact, that I'm little more chubby than "Woona" in the equivalent age. And I even have this marks on my rump, although they are too dark and it not so easy to notice them. Now a little strain, to copy the motility of little Lulu, and all I have to do, is just wait for the Princess to saw me, pull a picture out of her perfect memory, compare two fillies and got totally distracted, from weirdness of my behavior.

Realizing, that I have to wait a couple of hours, I decided to gather my knowledge about biomancy and Blood Magic.

Somepony gasped preventing me from comparing data necessary for changing magical core of mere unicorn into apotheosis of spellweaving, that every alicorn possess. Mowing my attention to the source of the sound, I saw her. Celestia.

Oh, she was so huge and oppressive. Like a ivory tower she stood over me, evoking a certain envy (I've never been so big and dominant, and, truth be told, I was smallest alicorn mare I ever seen). Her alabaster fur seemed to emit light, and a non-existent breeze flowed through her ethereal mane, causing the association with the northern lights. And her pink eyes, usually filled with warmth and confidence, which are transmitted to all around her, were now filled with astonishment, recognition and bitterness. And her usual smile, the one, that makes me, almost omnipotent Goddess of Magic, shivering in the immeasurable animal fear, or tremble because of boundless hatred, now are sliding from this perfect face.

However, centuries in the company of aristocracy was not in vain, it took her only a moment to regain her usual composure, and there was that smile again, and now I had to restrain myself, from having to not rush. To the fight or flight, it's not important. Just stay still. Stand up! Bow! When my horn was aimed at the Princess, I barely managed to keep myself from the use of dark magic, to shatter her bright, powerful, and, I'm sure, very tasty, soul into hundreds of agonizing shards.

"For me it's an honor to meet you, Princess." I said. My voice wasn't trembling, and it was good.

"No need to bow down, my little pony." Huh? Is she trying to get herself in trouble? It's contemptuous phrase. "Little Pony". Wordplay that in the alicorn language, mean comparison with dirt. Of course, the Equish does not provide such opportunity, but... She did not seeking trouble. She does not even know, that her words offended me.

"You're Shift?" I nodded, pretending that I'm embarrassed. "Come with me."

And than the Princess, went to the principal's office. I trotted after her, trying to distract myself from dangerous thoughts. For example, let's focus on the delicious rump of young alicorn, that was directly in front of me. And I don't care what Celestia only two and a half thousand years old, for alicorn this age is still not much.

One way or another, but the attempt to push my thoughts from a ritual dismemberment of my body by pony I loved, to my gutter succeed. Now I do not compare Celestia to her mother, and just staring on her flanks. I must say, very seductive, and perfectly shaped flanks. I cocentrated and looked through natural magic, that usually hide alicorn private parts from unwanted glances.
Oh! She even have that cute pink birthmark in the same place as... Great... Once again I start thinking about Her gorgeous flanks...

Next to the principal's office were located a small, cozy room, with a rather nice paintings depicting Equestrian landscapes, several cabinets, filled with all sort of small things, that you need for specialized magic exercise, bookshelves, a small, round tea table, and a certain amount of pillows, on which you can seat to have a little chat. Apparently, this room is often used by Princess, to communicate with her students, to train them, and to relax after that trainings. Not very logical, but alicorns of Seelie Court always do that, having a place to relax, near their worcspaces.

Celestia lay down on a pile of pillows, enchanted with incombustibility (useless charms, fit only for the fabric, and in general I would prefer soft, fluffy cloud in its place) on one side of the table, pointing me to the other side. I nodded and climbed on a soft pillow, with my death aura cleansing it of dust mites living there. Princess smiled, and watched as I twirled in place, before lying down on the pillow, and her smile got a bit wistful and sad. And you know what? That smile is much better than her brand "mothernal" grin. No offense, Princess, just bad memories. There was an awkward silence. Princess clearly was deep in her thoughts, and I easily can not move for entire weeks and keep silence for years.


Maybe she just waiting for some action from me? Because so far I've just stared at Celestia portraying admiration. Silence start becoming even more heavy and awkward.

"Princess?" Finally, I decided to draw the mare's attention. "You wanted to talk with me about something, aren't you?"

"Yes, my little pony." said demigoddess, finally focusing her gaze on me. And along the way I was offended again. What kind of rudeness it is? I'm, for example, in several centuries didn't call anypony "savage" or "little pony". It's just not polite! "It's about that game, that you showed to foals. Please, tell me, where did you get such an idea?"

Obviously, all my attempts to teach pony the Great Art of Magic, always end badly, for me and for them. At least the previous time, when I taught them the basics of magic, and one mortal worm dare to get me drunk with love potion, take me to his bed and... And then I break the charm, I almost eradicated the tribe of earth ponies, and created the Sea of Woe (now named Celestial Sea), between modern Equestria and Griffin Kingdom... Or now, because of simple trick taught to unicorn foals, I have to deal with the mare, which I don't want to see in general.

"It's my idea." Without batting an eye I lied. And continued under questioning look of Princess, who completely switched her thoughts on me. "Well, it's such a simple idea! Normal movement of the stones is simply, but to move the stone that moves somepony else, it's hard." And I made such an expression on my muzzle, if I voiced the Sympathetic Principle or the Teory of Harmonious Magic.

"Well, you're right, Shift, it's definitely more difficult. And, maybe you can even come up with games like that?"

Hmm? It's a great opportunity establish myself as a foal prodigy, show a talent in magic, or reveal some unusual magical feats...

"Well, I know one game, but it's boring, and horn starts to hurt from that." I closed my eyes, tried to emulate more concentrated expression on my muzzle and lit my horn. After that, from the tip of my horn appeared the end of the blue thread, that hung in the air, while I set up another thread, and another. And then I started to intertvine them, but not allowing threads of magic to merge with each other. What I'm doing now is a very basics of magical weaving, very perverted magical style (although the "weavers" will say the same thing about formulaic magic I'm using) that does not operate on the basis of formulas, or, if you prefer simplier definition, mental images, like almost all types of the Equestrian magic, but on the magical constructs. Unicorns and alicorns are, by the way, almost incapable to use that type magic and what I'm doing right now, is a "wonders of magical control", ability that is impossible even for experienced magicians. Not to mention the foals. "Princess, see what I can do!" Princess saw. Princess appreciated. And the Princess's jaw dropped.

"Incredible..." that's all she could say. Although, if I saw this trick performed by filly eight years old, I would have experienced... mixed feelings. Generally a mixture of admiration, wonder, and the feeling that I should surrender my godly mantle to my new Goddes.

"Princess?" I asked "fearfully", allowing the weaving to collapse with a small blue flash.

"It's amazing, Shift! How did you come to this ?!" During the three weeks I tortured human mage, who dared to visit Equus, demanded from alicorns to call their boss and then met the Archmage of Unseelie Court. But these details, I'll leave for me.

"Well, I noticed that the strings are pretty hard to do. And yet in all the books written that subtle charms improve control. So I thought..." and trying to emulate shyness.

"That's right, my little pony." Call me that again, in the next day, and, I swear by Eternal Light, I'll send you to the Moon vacation! Celestia for a moment lost her train of thoughts, clearly feeling my threat, and then continued. "The more you cast subtle spell, the easier you to control your magic." And suddenly she changed the subject. -"Oh, Shift, and who you want to be?"

Somepony else, but not me. It sucks to be me. And be the Goddess sucks too. Especially the Dark Goddess. Generally, my decision to become a Goddess was the most questionable decision of my entire life.

I pretended that I thought. And then I start to speak...

"I want to be a magician like Starswirl the Bearded." Shure, being like a unicorn, which have earned his fame, by stealing achivements of other ponies, is the apotheosis of my dreams. "Learn magic, find patterns, create spells." Now I should use the option "manifestation of the Eidos". "I want to reveal how interconnected different aspects of this world, and learn how to put these links in the service of myself and others. This is what I want." And with these words I let my Eidos go, allowing two tattoos, to break through the magical seal, and reveal himself on my flank.

Cutiemark. All life in equestrian society revolves around thise funny pictures on the pony rump. So it was with alicorn society, so it is now, so it will be in the future. Cutiemark is a visible display of talent pony possess, constant part of every one, manifestation of aspects of his soul, a visible, and indestructible spark of divinity, which can lead you to your own godhood.

Once upon a time, long ago, long before the birth of the Royal Sisters, one little filly answered to the question about who she wants to be, suddenly given out a speech, about how she wants to subjugate the mechanisms of the Universe. She wasn't mocked, because in this same moment on her rump in a flash of white light, appeared cutiemark. Three gears. Three simple gear. And how pony would call this? Perhaps talent in mechanics? Nope.

Links that connect everything in this world. Their understanding. Their ability to subdue, bind, seemingly incompatible. That filly, whose name was Trabea was the first in the world Magician of Links.

As time went on, the filly grew and conceived plan, neither more nor less, to defeat destiny, throw off the shackles of death and become a Goddess of Magic. But, how if her talent hasn't connection with magic?

That pony did what previously considered impossible. She changed her "destiny". She changed her cutiemark. Not steal or switched. No, actually changed. And world repaid her for this, making her something more than she was before, and three gears were joined by five magical sparks. And talent changed too. Now the power of the mare was in the connection of all things through magic. Since that, her cutiemark, her talent, remain unchanged. And in her innumerable incarnations, this pony has always carried the same symbol.

Short white flash, a slight burning sensation on my flank, Celestia politely indicates to me, that I no longer Blankflank, and I jump in a sincere joy. Because, getting cutiemark is a Great Event! Even if you are experiencing it not in the first time!

"Congratulations..." Celestia paused for a moment, apparently unconsciously fearing lunar holidays. Then she coughed, looked at me, bouncing around her, and continued. "Ahem! Congratulations, Shift. Getting you own cutiemark is a great event. I will no longer detain you, especially in such important day." At last. It will be possible to pull the leash on Archmage, and finally relax. "However, I certainly must talk to the parents of such a promising filly." Buck!