//------------------------------// // A Normal Day // Story: The New Elements // by Nightstar //------------------------------// The New Elements 1-A Normal Day The day started like any other in Ponyville. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, the- "Good morning, Ponyville!" Unst unst unst... And a certain unicorn was giving the sleepy village their alarm clock. Vinyl Scratch bobbed her head out the second-story window, a manic grin on her face as her lavender eyes watched ponies drift out of their house and wave to the white mare. The loud blasts of the resident DJ's home had actually become routine in the morning, and was now welcome to the ponies; they depended on it and liked it. Except one mare. Vinyl smiled and counted the precious seconds. "One, two, three, four, fi-" "VINYLSCRATCHYOUBUCKINGMARETURNOFFTHATINFERNALRACKETYOUCALLMUSIC!" Vinyl was impressed. She had gone almost five seconds. "VINYL!" "Yes, mother?" The white mare snorted. Celestia help anypony who was offspring to that- Vinyl's train of thought was interrupted by a hoof in the face. As the white filly fell to the ground, she saw that the mare she had been dreading had actually come downstairs. Vinyl smiled weakly. "Hiya, 'Tavi." Octavia growled. "I HATE that nickname. Would you like it if I called you 'Iny'?" "Actually-" "Shut up!" Octavia closed her eyes in rage. But it had given Vinyl all the time she had needed. While Octavia was distracted, the unicorn's horn glowed with magic and quicker than the earth pony could say: 'Buck, I didn't want that to happen', she was pinned to the ground with a hoof prepared to have a nice meeting with her face. Please, princess. Save me from any form of fate that I have gotten mysel- "Vinyl! What the buck are you doing?" Vinyl paused while Octavia let out a sigh of relief that her other roommate had shown up. "Oh, uh, hey Bon Bon. I, er, you see..." Vinyl nervously scratched her head, thinking of a good excuse. When none surfaced, she settled on a classic, whiny; "Octavia hit me!" The tan earth pony shook her head. "Honestly, you too are sometimes just as bad as Lyra," she said, prying Vinyl away from Octavia. "I wonder where she is now..." Lyra was, in fact, having the most boring day of her life. She struggled to keep her eyes open as another pony trotted up to the stall. Lyra silently groaned as she took his bits and placed them in the small box. Next to her, Carrot Top smiled and waved to the stallion. "Thank you, come again!" Lyra groaned at her friends cheeriness. "Carrrrrot," she whined like a boss. "How are you not tired? We've been out here for ages!" Carrot Top sighed. "Lyra, I know you don't like being out in the hot sun, but I need all the help I can get. We need magic, I'm an earth pony, and obviously I can't recruit Vinyl. Remember what happened last time? I lost 400 bits repaying the town to clean off carrot from the buildings." "Carrot, I remember, but-" "It's only for one market day. And it's not even a Sweet Apple Acres market day! Buisness is booming! I can't be slowed down! I needed two ponies!" "I understand, but th-" "And I need to keep an eye out for critters! Fluttershy is a sweet pony and a good friend, but she is completely blind to the actions of her thieving bunnies. I swear, one day I'll-" "CARROT TOP!" Said pony was stunned out of her rant. "Y-yes Lyra?" "The market closed a while ago." Sure enough, their stall was the only one left in the deserted square. "Oh. Heh heh, whoops." Lyra sighed. "Let's just go home." Derpy Hooves lay in the sky, white-hot sun rays shining on her feathers. She happily snoozed away, brushing puffs of cloud with each breath. Suddenly, her head shot up as her wings propelled her towards her home. Far underneath Derpy's cloud, three young fillies watched her speed off. The first one lifted a white hoof to her forehead. "So, crusaders," she squeaked to her friends. "Do you think that we should follow her? The second, a yellow earth pony, shook her head. "Nah, she's obviously busy. I say th' we find 'nother pony for their cutie mark story. Whaddya think, Scootaloo?" The young one turned to the last filly. "Yeah," the one named Scootaloo replied. "C'mon crusaders! Let's go find Merry May!" Scootaloo hopped on her scooter, the other two following suit. A few hours later... Bon Bon glanced around the room. Lyra was sitting in her 'normal' position, slouched over in exactly the way a pony doesn't sit. Carrot Top was staring at her food and poking it, like it would turn into carrots. Vinyl was eating like a pig, much to the disgust of the ladylike Octavia. And Derpy... was being Derpy: Food Edition. Bon Bon sighed. There were two times of mealtime in the house. The first was rowdy, bickering, and over all, loud. The second was the quiet, nopony talking, uncomfortable type. The one where the silence was deafening. Tonight was one of those nights. The cream mare had enough. Standing up, she said, "I'm gonna take a walk." It wasn't very loud, but the mares at the table seem to had heard Bon Bon's declaration. They waved goodbye to their friend before turning back to their plates. Outside, Bon Bon breathed a sigh of relief. The country air was wonders on her lungs. Bon Bon hazily remembered growing up a rich filly in Manehatten. No. Bon Bon blearily shook her head, accidentally bonking herself with a streetlamp. Forget Manehatten. You left for a reason, Bonnie! Bon Bon, trying to forget all that, turned to the sky. Pink clouds drifted across the inky black sky. Bon Bon smiled. I love how the clouds turn pink at sunse- "Night?" Yep. The sky was pitch black, with tiny pinpricks of starlight and a fat moon. No sunset to logically turn the clouds pink, but Logic seemed to be playing poker with Physics and Pinkie Pie at the moment. Bon Bon wagged her head around like a dog, trying to make heads or tails of the situation. Pink clouds? The last time that happened... When the realization hit her, Bon Bon's heart dropped to her stomach as the first drops of chocolate rain plopped down on her head. "I'm back!"