//------------------------------// // A Long Journey's end // Story: Groom of the Moon // by Lil Penpusher //------------------------------// James took a few steps forward, towards the creature that stood not far away from him, staring towards something James could not yet see. He stopped halfway as his eyes drifted off towards his surroundings. He stood in the middle of an open field which was surrounded by a thick line of trees. The leafs of the trees wore a healthy light green color. The trees were not the only thing of interest for James though as he noticed the wide variety of life flourishing in the forest. There were birds building their nests on the trees' branches, butterflies were fluttering around near the ground, landing on the blooming, brightly colored flowers. James even saw a squirrel jumping around between the trees. James didn't notice that his mouth hang open during all of this. That was until his head turned back towards the mysterious, equine-like creature. James watched, still not moving, as the creature stared off into the distance. James, becoming increasingly intrigued, took his first few steps forward again. The creature did not move or react to him approaching whatsoever. As James got closer to the creature, he noticed it was standing at the edge of a cliff. When his head drifted off, he noticed the distant sky had taken an orange tone. James' pace increased as he wondered what it was that caused this. Arriving at the edge of the cliff, to the right of the creature, James came to an abrupt halt. His mouth hang open once more as he saw what was ahead. A beautiful sunset was taking place, coloring the far distant sky in the orange tone which james had seen. The sun itself shone brightly, even now as the day was nearing its' end. James had never seen a sunrise as beautiful as that one. He had often gone out to watch the sunset before, most of the time because his parents got on his nerves. This sunset was not like the others though. It was different. James couldn't get a grasp of why it felt like that but he knew for certain that this sunset, for whatever reason, felt different. It was not like the ones he had seen on earth. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" Asked the creature as they both watched the sunset. James found himself slowly turning towards the creature. The creature, again, did not react to this in any way as it continued watching the sunset. "It is." Was all James said. Only now the creature's head turned. Its' light blue eyes met the brown eyes of James as they found themselves staring at eachother rather than the sunset. "How?" James added. The creature let out a brief, joyful laugh at the question. "I will tell you on our way for we still have a long journey ahead of us." James raised a confused eyebrow. "Journey? What journey?" The creature smiled at him before turning back towards the sunset. "You will see." James' eyes widened as the horn of the creature lit up. It glowed in the same blue tint as its' coat, a dark blue. James could suddenly feel himself getting lighter. He gasped as he looked beneath himself, only to notice that his feet were not touching the ground anymore. He wiggled around in mid air, trying to somehow reach the ground again. However, his struggle only seemed to speed up his ascend as he soon found himself at least 20 meters above the ground. James paniced as he looked down to the ground where he had been standing a few moments prior. He breathed quicker and quicker as he imagined what would happen to him if he fell out of the sky. James was, after all, afraid of heights. James then closed his eyes, afraid to look down. His body began shivering as the cold breeze up in the sky combined itself with his fear. James could feel all of his worries become irrelevant though as he felt something grabbing his hands. He opened his eyes, only to face the creature once more. He looked down, seeing how its' front hooves held his hands. He opened his mouth, only to be muffled by one of the creature's hooves. "Ssshh, you can ask questions later." It said in quiet, soft voice. It pulled back its' hoof from James' mouth to hold both of his hands again. Before James could react, the creature's wings unfolded. He gasped as he was the creature pulled him with it as it flew away. He tried covering his eyes in fear though it proved impossible as the creature refused to let go of his hands. He saw how high they were and gasped. He could feel his heartbeat in his chest, how it got faster and faster. He could feel his fingers become numb from the stress that was building up. Then, they stopped. James looked around hectically but was unable to see much of anything. The ground had disappeared and in its place was a thick layer of fluffy clouds. As James realized that, he saw that he was in fact surrounded by clouds. Snow White clouds now surrounded him on every side, except for the sky. James looked up to see the moon. It was perfectly aligned with the hole that had been created in the cloud layer as the moon was positioned right in the middle of the hole from James' point of view. It was then that he realized something rather disturbing. The creature, the one that had brought him here, was gone. Once again James looked around, only to see clouds. He wanted to panic, wanted to cower as he found himself in an unknown land which he didn't know nor understand. But he couldn't. Instead of panicing, he felt lonely. Rarely had James felt loneliness in his life. He was usually a person to stick to himself anyways, he didn't have many friends. He had always thought it was better for him that way, seeing how most people these days only care about girls, sex and money. He didn't want anything to do with people like that. And, unfortunatly, it seemed to him that his school was filled with those people. Now though, he felt lonely. Like he was actually alone. Like he was...missing somebody, like there was a sudden gap in his life. James was confused at first. For all this time he had felt awkward. He felt like the creature was some weird thing from a third dimension. He even felt threatened by it at times, thought it would let him fall to his death during their flight. Now he realized though...that he was wrong. Completely wrong. The creature wasn't out to hurt him. It was out to make a friend. A good friend. All was silent. All except for James who had begun to sob. He sat down, beginning to cry quietly. He covered his face with his hands, muffling his sobbing. Never had James felt so...helpless. So alone. For once, for the first time in his life, he actually felt like he was alone, like he had lost somebody he knew very well. Somebody he...had a connection to. The clouds behind James moved slowly, opening up like a curtain. James did not hear this however due to his intense crying and sobbing. Neither did he hear the dampened steps of the creature that had just stepped out of the clouds. The steps were almost inaudible due to the soft clouds. It was until a shadow fell over James that he finally looked around. What he saw quickly turned his tears into tears of joy. Before him stood the creature from before in all it's glory as the moon's light shone brighter than ever, sending down a sparkling ray of light that engulfed the creature. James couldn't trust his eyes as he saw her. How she stood in the moonlight as her mane flapped in the wind. He opened his mouth carefully but was unable to say anything. He was simply stunned it seemed. Unable to find the right words for the situation, he fell to his knees in front of the creature. The creature smiled at him, something that gave James he strength he needed. Once again, his mouth opened. This time though, he knew what he wanted to say. "Who are you?" James knew the creature had already told him that previously, that she was some kind of princess and all that, but he knew there was more. He knew there was more to her, a different reason for why he was here. The creature giggled quietly, raising her right hoof to stroke James' cheek. The two looked eachother into their eyes for a moment before the creature replied. "A misunderstood mare." She said."One that has been looking for her special somepony for thousands of years." As sad as it sounded, James couldn't help but feel happy. The soft, calming voice of the creature almost had a hypnotic effect on him. "And..." She continued, "It seems that I've been wrong all this time." James' eyes widened at her statement. "W-what do you mean?" He asked in a very quiet voice. Smirking back at him, Luna replied: "It seems my special somepony isn't a pony at all." James' mouth hang open in sheer shock. He did like what he was hearing, yet his mind couldn't comprehend actually hearing it. Luna came closer to James, looking him deep into the eyes, speaking in a quiet voice: "You feel it too, don't you?" James was surprised at her question. It took him a few seconds to fully realize what she meant with her question. She was referring to the feeling of loneliness. The feeling that had so suddenly plagued James, making him feel horrible and break out in tears. All of that only because of... ...her. It hit James like a truck as he realized how he started feeling lonely as soon as he was all alone, when the creature left him. When he was stuck in a strange place, in a strange world. All by himself without anyone to guide the way. She was the reason for that, no doubt. Now James had to ask himself what it really meant. Was this strange, supernatural creature really meant to be someone special in his life? Was it even real? He was dreaming after all, wasn't he? That's what she said herself, right? And if this was not a dream, why would he happen to be 'special' to someone like her? She was a supernatural being, why would he be special to her? Despite all this though...James felt something he couldn't brush off, something he couldn't hide. This feeling....this loneliness...it was still there, despite Luna standing right in front of him. He felt like she was so close, yet so far out of reach. He felt like she could just disappear at any moment, like nothing was holding her here, with him. James couldn't live with this feeling. It was like a fire threatening to consume him from the inside. He had to do something. He didn't know what, he didn't know how. All he knew was that he had to do something. James nodded silently at Luna, at which Luna could only reply with a slight smirk. "It feels weird, doesn't it? It started a long time ago for me. Ever since I've been wondering what caused it, tried getting rid of it. It has never worked though, even my sister was clueless as to what it was." "And?" James asked, "Did you find the reason for it?" Luna chuckled lightly, stroking James' cheek once more. "I believe so. Me and you both found the reason for this weird feeling, James." James raised an eyebrow in surprise. "We did?" "We are the reason for it, James. It seems unlikely, yet I don't think there is any doubt that this feeling...it must have to do with us. Both of us." James stood still, thinking about what Luna was saying and, more importantly, what she was going to say. "James." Luna began, attracting James' attention once more. "I have met many individuals throughout my life. I have spent thousands of years alone, looking for someone to join me in my lonely life. Someone who would understand and...love me. I have looked in places and worlds you don't know even exist, James. Have tried so much, only to fail over and over again." She paused, looking off towards the sky. The moon mirrored itself in her eyes as she stared at it. Without eye contact she continued. "But now, at last, I have found what I am looking for. My sheer endless search has found an end. And for that, James." She said as she turned back to James, "I want to thank you." James couldn't help but smile. He didn't resist nor intend to do it, it just... happened. Luna continued on, turning back towards the moon which now shone brighter than before. "However..." She began in a slightly saddened voice, "I am afraid that after all this, even after I've found the one for me, I am met with disappointment." James' eyes grew in shock. Had he heard right? Was she suddenly calling him a...disappointment? That couldn't be right, could it? "Disappointment? Why?" Luna sighed as she stared upwards. "We live in two completely different worlds, James." She shook her head. "It's not meant to be." James felt his legs become weaker as he felt his heart starting to ache at her statement. "But...I'm here, aren't I?" "It's only a dream, James..." Luna replied quietly. James froze as Luna confirmed what he had hoped not to be the truth. A dream. It was a dream. All of this...a dream. "But I saw you using magic." James remembered, "Can't you use your magic to somehow fix this?" James knew she would say no, he himself thought it to be absurd. Yet he had to say something. He had to. "Unfortunatly that's not how it works. Even I am not powerful enough to do such things. I am afraid there's simply no way to make this work, James." Luna said. Her head slowly sank as tears began forming in her eyes. James watched as a single, small tear flowed down Luna's left cheek. James wanted to sit down and cry once more. Finally, when he thought to have found the one for him, he finds out that it's not meant to be. That it is impossible. That the very appearance of his special somebody is just a dream. He wanted to be some kind of a bad joke yet...he knew it wasn't. He knew Luna was serious, he knew she was right. Deep within he knew she was right. A human and a supernatural creature from a different world...truly, it was not meant to be. Even then, their connection was strong. It was there and they could both feel it. James resisted the urge to cry. He instead did what he knew what was right. He took all that was left of his courage and kneeled down next to Luna. As Luna opened her watery eyes, James used his right hand to sweep away the tear which he had seen. The two simply sat there for a brief moment before it was James who now looked up towards the moon. Luna quickly did the same. "I don't know how you found me or why I am special, but I know that it has been the best thing in my entire life." He paused, waiting for a reply from Luna. As Luna did not reply, he continued. "My entire life has been lonely and isolated, I have been the outcast all my life, a misunderstood freak. Until now. You..." He started, turning towards Luna who did the same. "You finally understand me." Luna's eyes shimmered in the moonlight as she looked up towards the moon again. She saw how the moon was ever so slowly moving. Luna saw how the first parts of the moon disappeared beneath the clouds. Luna knew what would happen when the moon fully disappeared. The sun would rise, and with it the night would find its end. "We don't have much time." Luna said to James who remained facing her. James shook his head. "No." He said. Luna turned towards him once more, this time in surprise. "We have all the time we want." Luna looked at him in confusion. "I don't understand. We-" Was all she managed as she was interrupted by James as he pressed his lips against hers into a warm, loving kiss. Her confusion turned into joy as she embraced the kiss. For that moment, those few seconds, all of their problems became irrelevant. All that mattered was them, right here and now. As their lips parted, their eyes were locked onto eachother. It seemed to them that the eyes of their partner were talking to them as they could seemingly see a message within the eyes of their counterpart. The message was: I love you. Eventually time caught up to the two as the bright moon light disappeared beneath the clouds. The two looked up to see that only a tiny bit of the moon was still visible to them. They had only a minutes, if not mere seconds left. Despite this, they were not sad. No, not this time. This time they knew that their feelings were true, that they had found their soulmate. As they watched the moon, James grabbed Luna's left forehoof with his right hand. Luna and James turned their heads towards one another for one last time. "Maybe one day we'll meet again." James said. Luna smirked as she replied: "Maybe. I would prefer to meet at night though." The two laughed briefly as the moon fully disappeared. Not a second later James' vision became blurry. Even then, he stayed calm, in the hands of his loved one and gave his last goodbye: "I love you." As Luna faded away he could hear her distant voice for one last time as it echoed through his head. "I love you too." Then all went silent. For one last moment, everything around him was hulled in darkness and silence. Then he could hear a soft breeze, then voices in the distance. He could hear the voices become louder as a stomping accompanied them. Suddenly, he could hear them clearly as he heard his name being shouted. Then...he woke up.