//------------------------------// // Epilogue 2: Worlds Will Collide // Story: Spiders and Magic: Dimensional Crisis // by MetalJrock //------------------------------// One year after Discord's plan... Starlight Glimmer trotted around her hideout. Ever since Discord and Tirek's Sinister Six plans fell apart, she had to hide out until the initial search for her ended. The unicorn knew that it may take a while, so she at least resided in a small shack hidden from civilization in a forest. She had to live on her own until she could enact her own plans to stop Spider-Mane and the Elements of Harmony. But she looked at the paper Discord gave her. She received it after the Legion of Doom was defeated. Knowing that, she lit up her horn, creating a small vortex. "Let's see if this works." Starlight muttered, seeing the purple vortex open up at last. A metal clang was heard, revealing a foot. "Yes. Finally. I see that you have summoned me." greeted Sigma. "My name is Sigma... I thank you for calling me back here, Miss Glimmer. Discord told me about you when we made our agreement. Speaking of, is he still around?" Starlight shook her head, "No, Spider-Mane foiled his plans and he gave up his plans from what I heard. It has been a few years since you last spoke to him." Sigma clenched his fist, his form not changing when he arrived in Equestria, "I see. For me, it feels as though little time has passed. I see even I can breach time and space at my convenience. But that is not why I am here. I assume you are allowing me to use this world for my purpose." Nodding, Starlight continued, "That's right. Discord said you were able to fulfill my goal: Equality in all of Equestria." Sigma smirked, "Yes, that's correct. But before I elaborate, I feel as though I should introduce you to my allies. The ones who helped build the Unity Engines." Three figures stepped out of the breach, revealing themselves at last. The first was a large yellow monster with a spiky turtle shell. Starlight honestly couldn't figure out what it was. Next to him was a tall human, wearing a red coat and a brown bushy mustache under a pink nose. On his bald head were goggles. Finally, there was another scientist, shorter in stature and older judging by his gray side-hair and mustache. "Starlight Glimmer. Meet Bowser, Dr. Eggman, and Dr. Wily. The three of them will prove in fulfilling our goals." Sigma introduced. Bowser laughed, his claws holding his shell, "Bwah ha ha! I didn't think we'd up in a world of colorful ponies!" Eggman crossed his arms, "Another world of animals. Feh, first the hedgehog and now ponies." "Well, it beats the blue helper robot." Wily growled. "Anyway, Sigma hasn't said much about this world anyhow." Starlight raised a brow at the odd team, ignoring their rude remarks, "What do you plan on using Equestria for?" Eggman raised a finger, "Ah, yes. The Unity Engines. Think about it, Miss Glimmer, a chance to make all worlds equal. Not just Equestria. I come from Mobius, Bowser comes from the Mushroom Kingdom, and Wily and Sigma come from a separate Earth in two separate points in time. These worlds and Equestria will be the starting point of a merge that will unite the dimensions as one." "Sounds tempting." Starlight admitted, "So these worlds will merge together with these engines?" "That's right!" Bowser responded, "I'm not much of a scientist, but even I can't wait to enact this plan." "But like you, we have our own enemies." Wily continued. "But we have a plan to stop them and Spider-Mane. Mario, Sonic, Mega Man and his successor..." he growled the last word, "Mega Man X. They are called the Deadly Six, and under Sigma's control we can bring them down. The plan is brilliant." "What about Spider-Mane? Once he finds out you're here, he'll want to stop you." Starlight realized. "Ah, yes." Eggman said, "What you don't know about Wily and I is that we are robot builders. I have created a robot that can match the heroes in speed and power, Mecha Sonic, the upgrade to my other robot, who is looking for something else. Once we bring them down, we want to turn them into robots so they can place the Engines in these worlds while we watch." "And I have minions." Bowser added, "Should they turn back to normal, they'll have to face our armies." Sigma chuckled, "What do you say, Starlight Glimmer, do you wish to aid us?" "How can I not?" Starlight replied, "And perhaps I can help you. You wish to find more worlds to merge. I know of one that has a small number of heroes like yours. And with you here, the rifts seem to have opened our worlds again." Sigma opened a portal, "To where you wish, Starlight." said unicorn used her horn to mark the location down, creating a rift window, where they're able to see the world but not actually enter. "Hm. Another Earth. What makes this one so different?" Suddenly, the sound of thwipping got the villains' attention, revealing a hero swinging off a thread of web on the side of a building. She wore a white hoodie costume with black covering her arms, chest and legs. She wore a white bug-eyed mask under her hood. "Gentlemen, this is the Earth of Gwen Stacy, the Spider-Woman of her universe. Her world has very few heroes, her being the most prominent." "I see." Sigma said, putting a finger on her chin. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Miss Glimmer." Starlight smirked, "You're welcome, Sigma. As long as I get a part of this world order." "Yes." agreed the robot. "Finally! Let's get this over with!" Bowser yelled. Mobius... A blue hedgehog wandered the forest, using his superspeed to cover as much as possible. On his gloved hand he held a radar, it beeping as he moved forward. He hopped off the side of a tree to push himself forward. The beeing got louder and more repetitive as he moved ahead, and he knelt down. Sonic pushed aside some leaves, discovering a small glowing gem. "Finally. An emerald. Hopefully I can find the other six before Egghead does, wherever he is." With that said, Sonic zipped off, Chaos Emerald in hand. Unknown to him, a strange metallic creature was watching him, crossing its arms. "Little does he know. The emeralds are scattered across worlds this time." it said. "I'll strike once I head to Equestria." Mecha Sonic muttered, using the emerald in his possession warp away to the other world.