//------------------------------// // Ch. 4 How Am I Gonna Get a Kiss from Fluttershy? // Story: Family of Discord [OLD] // by Sonic Gamer //------------------------------// All of the resistance ponies got together for a meeting, and Twilight Sparkle was planning the attack on Lord Tirek, and the changeling army. She set out figurines of themselves as a visual aid. “So here’s how it’s gonna go,” she said, “when I give the signal, we will bombard them, and, afraid to say, assassinate Tirek.” Everypony was shocked by Twilight’s statement. “But, we never had to kill any villain to stop them,” Fluttershy said. “Well, except for King Sombra of course,” Rainbow Dash added. “I’m sorry, but there’s no other way now.” said Twilight. “We have to keep the Elements of Harmony inside the Tree of Harmony, and Tirek stole all of our magic which we are unable to take back until he dies. Now, back to the plan; and as the smoke clears…” she then notices a figurine that she didn’t put on the table. “Wait, what’s this?” “Oh, that’s my cherry chonga stand,” Pinkie answered, “Yep, I turned them into an actual thing now!” “Uh, no Pinkie, we won’t be needing that.” “Trust me Twilight, everypony is gonna very hungry after this ambush. Now finish what you were saying.” “Alright, as I was saying, when the smoke clears, Lord Tirek will be dead, and the cherry chongas will be eaten, and all of Equestria will be free! Now let’s get to training!” Everypony cheered, and went off to do some training. “Wow, this is serious.” Mothball said. “Tell me about it,” Discord replied. “How am I gonna get a kiss from Fluttershy by sunrise?” “I was talking about the revolution.” “Oh yeah, the revolution.” “Boy, if I was working as a spy right now, I would’ve stopped them by now. C’mon Discord, why not tell Fluttershy what you told me? That you’re her true love, and you came from an alternate universe.” “Oh sure, and while I’m at it, how about I tell her that I also broke your mother’s heart causing her to remove it along with her subjects’ hearts as well so that she wouldn’t have to go through that pain ever again?” “Wait, you did what?” “You saw what happened, she’s gonna think I’m crazy.” “We changelings had no hearts in your universe?” “Actually, y’know what? If I got Fluttershy to kiss me once,” he then used his magic to make a gift basket appear, “then I can do it again.” Discord went to Fluttershy’s hut to go see her. Mothball spoke up, and said, “Hey Discord, how did you break my mother’s heart anyway?” Discord opened up the curtain of the hut, and said, “Hello,” but no one was home, except for Fluttershy’s pet rabbit, Angel. He hopped to Discord, and gave him a dirty look. “Who are you looking at, carrot breath?” Angel kept glaring at him suspiciously. “Look, I’m not trying to invade anyone’s privacy, I’m just here to get a kiss from your owner, Fluttershy.” Fluttershy overheard Discord as she was coming back to her hut, and she replied with, “Excuse me?” Discord turned around, and said, “Hey, Fluttershy.” “What are you doing in here.” “Well, you know how stressful it is setting up a revolution could be, organizing the troops, and all that, so I brought you a little something to ease attention.” Discord then showed Fluttershy the gift basket. “Oh, thanks I guess.” “You’re welcome. Now let’s see what you got. A heart-shaped box of chocolate. Mint scented candle!” Discord then sniffs the candle, and acknowledges it’s freshness. “This is thoughtful and all, but…” Discord interrupts Fluttershy, and says, “Oh, what’s this? Coupons! One for one free hoof massage, a mud facial, and here’s one good for one free kiss. Let’s cash it now!” He then puckers up, but Fluttershy stops him while looking nervous. “Look, I’m sure you’re a nice guy and all, but for one, I haven’t known you for that long, and two, I’m not interested in getting into any relationships at the moment. I’m sorry.” “Wow, I’m sorry too, I just wanted to be friendly.” He put out his paw, and said, “No hard feelings?” Fluttershy shook his paw. “And a apologetic hug?” He gave Fluttershy a hug, and Fluttershy gave him a pat on the back. “And a quick kiss goodbye!” He then tried to kiss Fluttershy, but Fluttershy screamed and resisted. Rainbow Dash then barged in, and said, “What’s going on in here?!” She then sees Discord with Fluttershy, restrains him, and leads him out of Fluttershy’s hut. “Stay away from her, you sicko!” Discord was then thrown to the ground. Mothball walked up to him and said, “Didn’t work out, huh?” Mantis rushed into Lord Tirek’s throne room to give him some news. “My Lord,” he said, “the bounty hunter, she’s here!” “Excellent!” Tirek replied. “Bring her in.” She was a unicorn whose fur was a light shade of purple, her mane was a darker shade of purple with baby blue stripes, and her cutie mark was an equal sign. “Starlight Glimmer,” Tirek acknowledged. “Hello my Lord,” Starlight replied. “So, how is she gonna help us?” Mantis asked. Tirek put in some ear plugs, and said, “Show them, Starlight.” Starlight Glimmer then played music from her horn, and it caused all the changelings to dance uncontrollably. She busted a few moves herself except she was in control. Bombus was nervous, and said, “Why is my body moving on its own?!” When the song ended, Starlight had the changelings in a funky pose. “Does that answer your question, bug boy?” “This is the perfect plan.” Tirek said with an evil chuckle. “There’s one thing I’m confused about though,” Mantis said. “How did you know that she can do that?” “Nevermind that. You know what to do, Ms. Glimmer.” “Yes Lord Tirek.” Starlight replied with an evil grin.