Dr. Robotnik attempts to conquer Equestria

by SgtRatapus

Pink-mane'd initiator

It's currently the next morning after the whole Rainbot fiasco Robotnik used in an attempt to capture Spike. Pinkie Pie recently woke up and has started a new plan to get Doctor Robotnik to attend a party of hers. Pinkie knows he's a big meanie pants, but she believes that even the most miserable and obnoxious people just need to be reached out to and given a chance. With one of her parties she might just get a genuine smile on his face. Suddenly Pinkie lifted her head from her plans and scanned the room.


She stood up and started scanning the room with her ears; both ears swiveling the room, eventually honing on-


...the alarm clock I'm next to? Pinkie started sniffing the ground as she made her way over. With a deep inhale her face scrunched up and she-

"Hello? Hello hello hello!"

Pinkie sniffed a circle around me. This isn't supposed to be part of the story. My personal space somehow feeling invaded I decided to see what the other Cakes of this household were doing.

"Wait don't go!-"

Downstairs Twilight stood behind the counter as Mr. Cake was answering some questions.

"So you say this paint was special ordered? The one you were using that you accidentally spilled onto Spike?" Twilight inquired.

"Yes. It has some more dangerous chemicals in it, but it's guaranteed to last five times longer than normal paint." Mr. Cake said.

"Do you have some extra still? I would like to run some..." Twilight inhaled slowly as she scribbled into her notepad and briefly licked her lips. "Experiments."

Pinkie started coming down the stairs sniffing like a track dog. She sniffed around a table and a few chairs before slowly making progress towards me.

"Twilight you did hear me say dangerous chemicals, right? That stuff is dangerous to breathe and incredibly poisonous to swallow! Extended exposure could cause mental problems!" Mr. Cake said. Which probably isn't healthy for Spike, unless his dragon endurance really doesn't-


Pinkie said right in front of me as she tilted her head to and fro, trying to make sense of the voices she was-

"I can't understand you!"

Twilight, slightly distracted by Pinkie talking to a bush in the corner of the store, slowly turned back around and whispered to Mr. Cake while slowly winking. "I know."

"Honey? I think I need an adult!" Mr. Cake said as he called back into-

"That's it I'm coming in!" Pinkie said as she suddenly jumped into the bush and somehow broke the boundaries between reality and wherever I am.

Whoa this is neat! Hello? I still can't see you.


Hi! Oh my gosh, a new friend! I'm Pinkie Pie! What's your name?

... You know? I never really gave it much thought.


I appear to exist just to tell the story, or at least I believe that's my purpose.

Story? Is that why you're invisibly sneaking around people's houses narrating about the things they're doing?

Something like that... What are you doing here?

Talking to my new friend, silly! Or at least, I hope we can become friends.

... Twilight and Mr. and Mrs. Cake argued in the background; it seems the questions involving paint got a bit more heated than-

Whoa so is that what you do the whole time? Your voice is really smooth.

I don't have a voice, you're just hearing my thoughts and your mind is assigning it a voice, or so I assume.

That's deep.



Hey if you don't have a name can I at least give you a nick name? I need something to put on your party invites.

Party? Who would go to a party for me if I can't exactly show physically?

We'll work something out!

Not interested, Pinkie. The story must go on and you're supposed to be a part of it soon.

Okay, fine... Don't think you're off the hook yet though, buddy! Can I at least give you a nick name?

I suppose, what did you have in mind?

Hmm. Pinkie scanned the current room, looking at various baked goods that lined the shelves behind glass cases-

Hey, it's hard to think while you're doing that!



How about Long John? You sound like a tall guy!

Very well. Now hurry up, you may have missed too much! Check upstairs on the baby twins.

Alright, Long John. I'll see you later~

Pinkie jumped out of the bush and made her way upstairs with tiny little hops while humming a tune. Twilight was looking nervous as a guard pony was now in Sugarcube corner asking questions while Mrs. Cake was telling her side of the story with Mr. Cake crying into her shoulder.

Pinkie made it to the top of the stairs and stopped mid-hop as she heard a very unhappy noise. The twins were screaming! Long John had been right when he said she missed too much! With a whip of her tail she rushed forward and nearly catapulted through the door to see what auntie Pinkie could do.

Outside the twin's bedroom window Robotnik was seen holding one baby in each hand while floating off the ground in his ego-matic hovercraft. Pound Cake, a baby pegasus, was slapping Robotnik's big nose with his little hooves. Pumpkin cake, a baby unicorn who was screaming a moment ago, suddenly took interest in his large mustache and started sucking on it.

"You miserable pests!" Robotnik said as he pushed a button on his dashboard that caused two small cages to come out of the bottom of his hovercraft, loop up and around, then closed around the baby twins. The twins started crying in full force.

"Hey! Let them go you big meanie!" Pinkie said as she crouched down and growled.

"Ahh if it isn't the problematic pink pony. Though it wasn't on my mind at the start of this scheme, I can get revenge on you too for ruining my previous plans to capture Sonic!" Robotnik said.

"Oh yeah? What are you going to do, huh??" Pinkie said.

"I didn't have anything extra planned exactly; just the taking of these babbling babies ought to make you uneasy."



Robotnik turned around in his vehicle and took off into the sky as the baby twin's cries and maniacal laughter could be heard fading away.


Pinkie frantically rushed downstairs as she looked around for supplies. She had to go inbetween a few ponies legs to get to the other side of the room. Twilight was frantically trying to defend herself, saying there was a big misundersta-

"Long John!"

Pinkie scurried back across the room and leapt into the bush I'm apparently nearby again. Phasing between realities Pinkie-

Long John I could reeeeaallly use your help right now! The twins were abducted and-

I know, I was there.

Oh, right. Well, can you use some of your powers and help me get the twins back? Pretty please??

It doesn't work like that, Pinkie. If I were to go too far ahead of where the story is supposed to be I won't be able to advance the story until I return to the point it's supposed to be at.

Mmhmm, mmhmm. I think I get it. Where's the story supposed to be now though? Maybe I can hitch a ride!

Well, you were supposed to meet up with Spike at the library and tell him what happened.

Great let's go!

... Alright.

Spike was going around the library watering the plants as he went. He had just finished watering the ones upstairs and was about to start downstairs when-

"Hi Spike!" Pinkie said as her head poked out of a potted fern.

"Ahh!" Spike yelled in surprise as he leapt backward and caused his super speedy legs to run backwards into a bookcase causing the books to rattle and fall to the ground.

"Pinkie?? What are you-"

"There's no time, Spike! Robotnik has captured Pumpkin and Pound Cake and probably plans to do something evil with them!

Spike tried to regain his bearings, shaking his head a bit. "Robotnik? Doesn't this guy ever quit?"

"I know!" Pinkie said. "What do you think we should do?"

Spike and Pinkie pondered for a bit to come up with ideas. Suddenly, with a pop of a teleport, Twilight appeared inside the library and leaned against the door, panting heavily with a few strands of hair jutting out of her mane.

"Twilight? Are you okay?" Spike asked.

Twilight's eye twitched as her pinprick eyes tried to focus on Spike. "Yes, of course. Everything is fine... I definitely didn't cast a really weak version of the want-it-need-it spell on somepony's tie as a means of distraction to get away from the tabloids and local authorities. Nope!"

Then Twilight's horn rang. While ringing her horn lit up and shook a little. The ring sounded like how a older telephone rings with the physical sound of it vibrating and clinking on it's base included. Somehow less stressed than before, Twilight cautiously lit up her horn and attempted to answer it.


A mini display shot out of her horn and projected to a nearby wall with a video image of Robotnik and the twins in a big play pen next to him. Twilight's eyes widened at the unusual magic which she currently wasn't channeling while Pinkie and Spike gathered around and exclaimed together.


"Sonic, how undelightful it is to see you." Robotnik said.

"You better release the twins Robotnik. I've had it up to here with you!" Spike said as dramatically raised his right arm as high as it could go.

"What, you think I want to see YOU you despicable rodent? No, I've called to offer you a proposal. Don't interfere with my plans and I guarantee these drrrooling diaper-wielding dopes will be returned only slightly traumatized. And to prove my point..." Robotnik trailed off.

The video showed Robotnik acting innocent while waving a candy cane in front of Pumpkin Cake. Pumpkin gained a curious expression at first, then her face lit up as she approached the candy to try and take it. Robotnik quickly lifted it and started licking it as he laughed to himself. Instead of getting upset though, Pumpkin pouted then ran her horn as hard as she could through the play pen poking Robotnik right in the butt.

"Doww! Grrr..." Robotnik got really close to the camera and started tapping his fingers together. "Stay out of the way Sonic! Or I'll resort to more fiendish methods..." He said as the image died out and Twilight's horn turned off.


As the transmission ended, Robotnik soon called out an order. "Snips! Snails!"

"Yes oh great one?" Snips said as they both stood at attention.

"Even though Sonic should stay out of my plans, I still want you to go out and catch him! Should you end up proving to be failures at least your distraction should buy me enough time to finish my plans." Robotnik said.

"Dahh, what kind of plan are yah planning Robotnik?" Snails asked.

Robotnik made his way over to his computer. After pulling a lever a slide show started on the monitor. The first slide revealed a weird looking ray gun.

"With this Brain Altering Name Changerizor I can manipulate all the citizens of Mobius I hit with but a single shot! This magnificent weapon is designed to replace the name of whoever the current ruler of Mobius is with my name and face. With it's citizens thinking the great Doctor Rrrobotnik is their leader I will become the new ruler!"

The next slide showed a strange looking yellow plant. "All I need to finish this masterpiece is a couple of these. These are crucial to the success of my plan!" Robotnik finished.

"Whoa. What is that?" Snips asked.

"What do I look like, a horticulterist to you? Now get going!" Robotnik said as he shut off his two frame slide show.

"Yes sir, Doctor Robotnik!" Snips and Snails shouted in unison as they vanished out the front door of Robotnik's fortress.

"Agoo mmm." Pumpkin Cake mumbled tiredly.

"Goo goo poo poo to you too!" Robotnik said as he put on some smooth jazz music and shortly after flew out of his fortress in his ego-matic hovercraft.

The twins seemed to like the music and managed to nod off to sleep. Lucky him, this seems like poor childcare practices.


Spike was guiding Twilight up to her room, gently coaxing her into taking a nap. He knew what built up stress would do to Twilight and it looked like she was about to pop.

"It'll be fine, Twilight, just take deep breaths and rest for a while all right?" Spike said softly.

"Yes. Of course. I'm sure nothing of consequence will happen. The ponies at Sugarcube Corner are probably fine... But what if my horn starts doing it's own thing again!?" Twilight gasped.

"Nonono! Twilight, you're the bearer of the Element of Magic. It's something you'll figure out once you've cleared your mind. Now go in there and take it easy for a while." Spike said as he opened the door to Twilight's room and gestured for her to enter.

Twilight was quietly mumbling to herself as she went in. Once she was completely in her room, Spike quickly shut the door and dashed back to Pinkie.

Spike found Pinkie in a completely different state. Visually anyway. Pinkie adorned a camouflage helmet and face paint while also wearing a clown suit over her body.

"Uhh, Pinkie? What's with the get-up?" Spike asked.

"Well I can't exactly prepare for both situations here, Spike. I need to be ready for our rescue mission as well as a class four party emergency!" Pinkie said.

Spike scratched his head in confusion for a moment, but decided not to pursue a logicical answer to that and became determined to rescue the twins. "So what's the plan?"

Pinkie pulled a map of Ponyville out of her mane and spread it out for both of them to see. "So we're here, and Robotnik's fortress is here. I'll take this path to the outskirts of Ponyville to divert attention from myself. Once there I'll sneak into a carriage going back into Ponyville! After that I'll talk to Bon-Bon about preparing some emergency chocolate and see if Vinyl Scratch can set up some music for the party later!"

Now Spike was concerned about Pinkie's train of thought. "But what about the twins?"

"Taken care of, Spike. You just leave that to Long John and I! As for you, you need to find out where Robotnik is and stop whatever scheme he's trying to complete!" Pinkie finished as she rolled up her map, soluted, then jumped out of a nearby window.

Too much exposure to Pinkie was starting to numb Spike's brain. Spike shook his head hoping it would somehow make more sense then ran out of the library. He didn't know where to begin searching for Robotnik except for Robotnik's lair itself, but weary of the warning given Spike didn't want to risk any more evil-doings to the twins. Not too far out from the library Spike found a peculiar sight and decided it was unusual enough to ask about.

"Snips? Snails? What are you guys up to?" Spike asked.

The two colts had a roped contraption set up involving the tension of a nearby bent tree along with some attempts to hide the circle of rope they had put on the ground.

"Oh hey Spike. We were just setting up a trap to capture Sonic!" Snips said.

"Yeah! We haven't set up traps before, but this one seems to have come out alright." Snails said.

"Only problem is we don't know where Sonic is or what he looks like." Snips added.

"Wait, you guys are trying to help Robotnik??" Spike asked.

"Yeah! All hail the glorious Doctor Robotnik!" They shouted in unison.

Spike started rubbing his temples with his gloved-claws. At least they didn't assume I was this Sonic guy; maybe I can use this to my advantage Spike thought.

"Well good luck capturing... Sonic. Hey do you guys know where Robotnik is right now?"

"Yuh-huh, yuh-huh! He's picking some yellow plants in the Everfree Forest to use in his new weapon!" Snails said happily.

"What about the twins, are they still safe?" Spike asked.

There was a awkward pause before Snips responded. "Well Robotnik assigned us to set up this trap, and Robotnik went to find that yellow plant. I think they're currently unattended to in his lair."


Spike didn't stick around long after yelling that. He had to find Pinkie and let her know. It was a good and bad thing that the twins were unattended to since it meant Robotnik wasn't there to threaten them, but leaving babies, especially those two, unsupervised meant untold destruction could be had!

He found Pinkie shaking hooves with Vinyl Scratch as he rounded a corner and closed the distance. After a brief recap of what happened Pinkie saluted and sprung into action.

"Understood Spike. Long John! It's time to go!" What? Not this again.

"Long John?" Spike asked.

He never got an answer as a Pinkie pulled down her camouflage hat and somehow entirely covered herself. The hat then shrunk and disappeared into-

Quick Long John, let's go!

Pinkie... I can't keep breaking the rules like this. The universe might collapse or something.

Please please please! This time is an emergency! I Pinkie Promise that I won't bug you about it in the future... as much.

Fine, Pinkie. I would like to see the story have a happy ending too. Let's go.


Robotnik's fortress was eerily quiet even with the knowledge that no one was here guarding it. If you focused hard enough though, some faint jazz music could be heard playing deeper into the fortress.

Pinkie poked her head out from behind a machine, checking both ways, before proceeding further in. She strained her ears hoping she might hear a sign of the twins, but no luck yet. Without any other audio cues, she searched high and low for the play pen seen off the screen that came out of Twilight's horn. Deeper in she got as the jazz music gradually became louder.

After a few minutes of searching. "Whew, all this searching has me beat!" Pinkie said as she started fanning herself with her hoof. "This place is so big it might take me years to scope this place out!"

Pumpkin Cake quietly crawled up to her and tried to get Pinkie's attention. "Ahmah!"

"I know! All the missed birthday parties for the twins!"


"You're right, the search must continue. Don't worry babies, auntie Pinkie is coming!" Pinkie got up and immediately found Pumpkin sitting on the ground before her. "Pumpkin!"


"But... Where is Pound Cake?" Pinkie trotted around with Pumpkin riding on her back. It wasn't long before Pinkie found the play pen they were supposed to be in. Only problem among many was that it was empty.

"Pound Cake?" Pinkie asked cautiously. Pumpkin suddenly started giggling at something happening off to the side of the room.

When Pinkie's eyes followed to where Pumpkin's attention currently was Pinkie let out a strangled gasp while wrapping her front two hooves around her head as if to prevent it from flying off. Pound Cake was seen slowly flying towards a big red button that said 'Do Not Touch!'

Pinkie quickly closed most of the distance between them and desperately tried to coax Pound out of approaching that button any further. "Come here, Pound Cake! Come to auntie!"

Pound giggled and kept approaching the button. Once upon it he started poking it with one of his front hooves.

Every poke made Pinkie's face cringe. "Now now, Pound. Auntie Pinkie really needs you to come here. Like, right now!" She said as she continued to slowly approached him.

Seemingly satisfied with the reaction he got out of Pinkie, he turned in the air and started flying towards her. Pound became shocked though as his wings started flapping out of sync mid-air and caused him to backpedal into the button by landing on it in a sitting position. The button pushed in a bit but didn't activate.

Rearing back on one hind hoof, Pinkie used her other three hooves to wrap around herself as she recoiled as hard as she could with a wheezing gasp. Pumpkin and Pound giggled some more as Pinkie finally made it up to Pound. Pound was so happy to see Pinkie that he started bouncing in place; each bounce slightly pushing the button further in. After the second bounce Pinkie quickly scooped him up and started to hyperventilate.

Once Pinkie had a moment to compose herself, she wiped the sweat off her brow with one hoof and said. "Phew. Well I did want to throw a super-funerific surprise party for Doctor Robotnik to hopefully make him a good-pants, but with how mean he's been to my friends I see this calls for a special party. One that will make him second guess messing with the Cakes ever again! Muahahahahaha!"

Pinkie got to work throwing the most prank-filled party she could think of. With Vinyl Scratch and Bon Bon coming soon to deliver music and sweets there was still much work to be done.

Thanks Long John!

Spike was making his way to the Everfree Forest as he dashed through Ponyville. He thought he would have to be quick to be able to find him in time, but it seemed he had gotten lucky. Snail's information about Robotnik's whereabouts ended up being slightly inaccurate.

On Spike's way to the Everfree Forest he usually passed by Fluttershy's cottage. Seen hunched over with Fluttershy pleading next to him, Robotnik appeared to be blatantly helping himself to the flowers growing in Fluttershy's garden. Spike was about to get Robotnik's attention when suddenly Fluttershy spoke up.

"Alright. I didn't want to do this but you leave me with no choice!" She said as she brought the whistle around her neck up and blew into it really hard.

Robotnik finally reacted a bit to that. Both him and Spike a little confused, started looking around waiting for something to happen.

Fluttershy blushed a little bit and looked away. "Um, it'll be a little bit before they come if you could please wait for them."


Robotnik and Spike's eyes met. Spike didn't like the evil grin Robotnik was sporting and got into a ready stance. "I'm going to stop you again Robotnik, you should just stop this and find a new hobby. You owe a lot of ponies an apology!" Spike said.

"Me? The most rotten villain of all? Bahahahaha! Why stop when we're just getting started?" Robotnik said as he pulled out his ray gun and fired it at Spike.

"Whoa!" Spike said as he hopped out of the way where the shot scorched the grass instead of hitting him.

"Who better to test my Brain Altering Name Changerizor on than my arch nemesis!" Robotnik said as he fired multiple rounds. Spike dashed to and fro, dodging all of them. Robotnik never let up and kept firing. "Hold still you blue pest!"

Watching the whole time, something finally triggered in Fluttershy. She flew bit away then charged at Robotnik. "Leave him alone!" With a mighty kick to Robotnik's buttox, Robotnik fell flat on his face as Fluttershy brought one of his feet up and pulled it back while using one of her hind hooves between Robotnik's shoulders to pin his head to the ground, rendering him immobile and at Fluttershy's mercy.

Meanwhile, the ray gun flew from Robotnik's hands and landed on some rocks a distance away. The way it landed caused it to shoot one final time into the air over the Everfree Forest as it shot off into the distance where it eventually started arching back downward.


The Everfree Forest was a pretty dense area. There were a few rare patches where the sun could shine through and hit the forest floor, which is why this particular spot was often sought for.

A manticore was laying on a rock warmed up by the sun's rays as he also absorbed some sunlight for himself. The rock was positioned in just the right spot in the middle of this opening and he had it all to himself. Creatures might come and mooch off his spot when he wasn't there, but when he was there they knew who was the boss of this area.

A strange yellow beam quickly came down and hit the unaware manticore. Hit by the sudden projectile, the manticore jumped up and started growling in every direction. After a few moments and unsure where the threat came from he sat back down.

The manticore continued to sit there. A part of him wanted to lay down and continue to relax on his special rock, but this pressing need to find this new word in his only vocabulary made him anxious. The word came with a face too, somehow. He knew this face was called Robotnik and there was something calling to him to go admire this figure.

He leapt off his rock and briskly made his way into the forest hoping to sate whatever need his brain was demanding.


Fluttershy continued to hold down Robotnik. Every time Robotnik tried to move Fluttershy just pulled on his leg harder causing Robotnik some discomfort. "Are you going to stop being mean now?" Fluttershy asked.

"No." Robotnik casually answered. With another tug on his leg he quickly answered again. "I mean yes, yes! Of course!"

"You're not lieing to me are you?" Fluttershy said as her eyes appeared next to Robotniks and he was forced to look into them.

"Oh no, I'd never lie!" Robotnik said as he crossed his fingers.

The ground started rumbling as various animals and critters started pouring out of the forest. "Good. My friends will help see you off. If I hear you were being mean to my friends again you'll have to answer to me, got it??" Fluttershy said as she let go of Robotnik and hopped off.

Robotnik didn't get a chance to respond as a huge wave of forest creatures were coming out of the trees towards Fluttershy's cottage. Robotnik's eyes widened as they came to a halt and all had their eyes on him, awaiting an order from Fluttershy.

"Sic 'em"

A loud mass of roars, squeaks and chittering followed as Robotnik quickly leapt off the ground and, as a fat man with stumpy legs, put most athletes to shame as he sprinted off at an incredible speed.

"Aahhhh! I hate that hedgehooooog!" Robotnik said as he tried to flee to his fortress with Fluttershy's army chasing him the whole way.

Spike watched the whole scene unfold in awe. "Wow Fluttershy, that was amazing!"

Fluttershy blushed at the praise. "Oh it's nothing. I just hope he learns his lesson."

"Somehow I doubt he has..." Spike said.


Zecora managed to find time to sleep after the previous day's events. Only really having time to clean herself off before heading to bed, the front of her hut was still covered in black soot as well as the hole in her roof still open and exposed. At least at this moment in time, Zecora was at peace and able to regain her energy.

The wall above Zecora's bed suddenly exploded open. A manticore, it's teeth showing and paws spread wide, roared and started swiping more of the wall away with it's claws so it could fit through.

Her eyes widened and she rolled out of bed; grabbing a nearby staff that was fortunately there incase it was needed for self defense. The manticore didn't need much time to pry away enough wall for it to make it's way inside.

"Breaking into my home how dare you heathen! Disrupting my sleep... why would you even?" Zecora asked...? Later she'd reprimand herself for such a weird rhyme, but she would also admit it was probably because she only had a moment to wake up and think.

Growling, the manticore proceeded further in as Zecora slowly backed up with her staff extended to keep him at bay. He creeped in further until the manticore dropped it's aggressive stance and looked up at a shelf on the wall. His strong desire to check here was answered as he found the face of this Robotnik guy on a piece of metal resting there. He didn't know how, but he could smell his scent too.

Finding this behaviour rather unusual for a manticore, Zecora followed his eyes to the shelf where she kept her proof of Robotnik's vandalism causing devices. Hoping to prevent further damage she slowly raised her staff in an attempt to push the items off the shelf and let the manticore have them

The manticore growled, misinterpreting the action, and leapt for the shelf himself. Zecora's eyes widened as the weight of the manticore brought the shelf down and came into contact with various pots and pans below as they all clattered to the ground. With both pieces of metal from Robotnik's devices in his mouth, the manticore quickly fled the scene through the hole he made.

Zecora just stood there for a few minutes. The manticore had left completely and everything returned to a quiet and peaceful state given the circumstances. Giving her hut another look around showed the massive mess on the floor with all her cooking utensils scattered around, the hole in her roof and wall, and the messy paw prints the manticore had left when it walked across her bed. She reminded herself that the outside of her hut looked hideous with the black soot all over it as well.

Her eye twitched. Somehow Zecora knew Robotnik was involved. If she wasn't so busy with repairs she'd go find out about him and give him a piece of her mind. "As much as I'd like to I can't dish out vengeance. For my hut desperately needs my attendance." Seething with anger, she got started on cleaning her hut once again.


Robotnik closed the door to his fortress behind him, panting for breath. A few moments later all the animals chasing him caught up and started scratching and pounding on the door. Robotnik pulled some wooden boards, nails and a hammer out of nowhere and started hammering away to help keep the door shut.


Nearly leaping out of his skin, Robotnik turned around to find Pinkie, Snips and Snails were there to greet him with a banner overhead saying 'Happy Birthday!'.

"Wow, Robotnik, you never told us your birthday was coming up!" Snails said.

"Yeah! If we knew we would've gotten you a birthday present!" Snips said.

Robotnik looked around at all the party decorations in confusion. "It's my birthday?"

"Of course it is silly, and it would be rude to keep the rests of the guests waiting." Pinkie said as she opened the door to Robotnik's lair with ease even with the boards nailed in to block it. All the forest creatures piled in and surrounded Robotnik with upset glares, some also crossing their arms.

"Err-uh, perhaps we could talk about this?" Robotnik pleaded.

"In a minute, but first we need to get you set up!" Pinkie said as she brought him over to a booth and got him sitting in a spot over a pool of water. Robotnik wasn't given a moment to understand what was going on.

A distance away a table covered with pies stood. "Come on over guys!" Pinkie said as all the animals took a spot behind the table along with Pinkie, the twins, Snips and Snails.

Pinkie picked up a pie and said "Take aim..."

Everyone seemed to understand what was happening now, even Robotnik. The twins clapped excitedly while everyone else lifted a pie, ready to throw.


Pie after pie headed for Robotnik as he tried his best to dodge them. He was successful for a little bit. He got cocky and put his hands up by the sides of his head and stuck his tongue out before the first pie to hit struck him square in the face. Soon after multiple other pies hit and he was covered head to toe in pie filling/crust. A target to the side of the booth was hit with a pie as well which caused him to fall into the water below.

After a moment a door to the pool of water Robotnik was in opened up and he spilled out with the water. He shook his head like a dog as Pinkie Pie came up to him.

"Thirsty?" She said as she offered a drippy cup to him. Robotnik tried to drink it but it all ended up on the floor.

Robotnik was given no time to think as Pinkie immediately lead him over to a new area. "I was thinking about setting up pin the tail on the pony, but after some thought I came up with a new idea! Mustache the minotaur! You have such a big mustache it seemed like the perfect game!" Pinkie said as she blindfolded him.

Once blindfolded, Pinkie spun him around and around. Once Robotnik was thoroughly dizzy she handed him a fake mustache and sent him off. Robotnik waddled off but Pinkie's intended destination where she expected him to pin the mustache to the minotaur's butt was not where he was heading.

"No, not that way Robotnik!" Pinkie yelled.

Robotnik didn't respond though and kept going forward. The 'Do Not Touch' button was about to get dangerously close to Robotnik's blindly extended hand holding the mustache.

"Everypony run away!" Pinkie yelled. All the critters and ponies made a break for the door and open windows.

From a distance you could see the strange sight of Fluttershy's army quickly leaking out of the first floor of Robotnik's lair. It only took a few seconds to evacuate the building as they fled out of the door and windows in droves, but the animals and ponies all made it out and got a good distance away before Robotnik's lair exploded and collapsed in on itself.


Pinkie Pie made her way through Sugarcube Corner as she hopped over a bunch of passed out ponies on her way to the stairs. Once upstairs, Mr. and Mrs. Cake were looking around the twin's room getting a little worried until Pinkie came in with the babies on her back.

"Pinkie! Oh thank goodness!" Mrs. Cake said.

"Yeah. We're not sure what happened earlier, but we knew it was too long since we checked up on them. Thank you for taking care of it Pinkie!" Mr. Cake said.

"Aww thank you! Though it wasn't all me; I did have a little help." Pinkie said as she winked at me.

"Well as long as it's all over we can close shop and rest easy tonight." Mr. Cake said.

"Oh I wouldn't be sure it's all over..." Pinkie trailed off.

Mr. and Mrs. Cake shared a concerned look while Pinkie stuck her head under the babies crib and-

Dun dun dun!

... That's one way to sum it up.