//------------------------------// // Final Crisis, Part III // Story: Spiders and Magic: Dimensional Crisis // by MetalJrock //------------------------------// Canterlot... Luna finally arrived at the captial of Equestria, only to see it already ravaged by the Chitauri that had plagued Ponyville. "Oh no..." she whispered, using her magic to strike down a few soldiers targeting civilians. "I pray I'm not too late." The Moon Princess ran forward and watched her sister handle the aliens the best she could on her own with the guards doinf their best to aid her as well, using various tactics. "Sister!" Luna called out, getting Celestia's attention. "Luna!" she yelled back, happy to see her sister alive and well. "Do you know what is happening here?" Luna shook her head, "Barely, i have a feeling the pony behind this sent these creatures to attack us. Though, the two of us can't handle off this on our own. There's a lot more here than in Ponyville, and we only have so much magic." "Then I guess that's where we come in." The sound of a sword slash echoed across the battlefield, surprising the princesses. Standing on the rooftop was Pinkamena, her trusty sword held by the hilt in her mouth. She placed it in her hooves as she spoke again, "Peter and Miguel sent us here. I can see why. These things are uglier than the changelings and Atrocity." Future Sweetie used her hoof which wielded Twilight Arms in order to strike down a few aliens without the need of a weapon, crushing them with ease. "Yeah. Honestly, I wish he called for a picnic and not an alien invasion! What are these things anyway?!" "Before I explain... Weren't there more future counterparts than just the two of you?" Luna asked. Future Sweetie glanced at the ground in silence, "They aren't here because of... complications. It's a clone thing. I'll explain when the world isn't in danger." she shrugged off, not wantkng to focus her thoughts on the topic. "Anyway, what is even happening right now? Who are these creatures?" "A group of villains calling themselves the Legion of Doom have been attacking Equestria for a while now. Peter has already rallied some friends from his world and the world where the Legion reside. They have sent aliens in order to divert our attention." Luna explained, shooting more aliens with her magic. "I see." Sweetie groaned, raising a hoof to punch another Chitauri. Pinkamena hopped onto the floor, "Then I guess we're on our own for now." And with that, the princesses and future ponies began to fight for Canterlot, changing the tide on their side. Crystal Empire... Twilight watched as the last of the ponies got onto the train, leaving herself, Shining Armor and Cadance as well as a few guards to fight the Chitauri. "We have to get back into the city." Cadance realized. Shining nodded, "Yeah. Let's hope they got something done while we were here." Twilight sighed, "I can only hope so." she watxhed as the guards attacked the aliens. She then used her magic to shoot them, wanting to spare any advanced spells for later. Rainbow Dash shoved Rival while they were flying, making him jerk to the right. "So, you're playing dirty, huh? I guess you're not a true rival after all." "Shut up about having a rival!" Rainbow hissed, elbowing her opponent in the face. The Rival chuckled darkly, "I'll do it just to annoy you." Gritting her teeth, Rainbow spun around, hovering just above his body. Instantly, she drove both of her hooves down on his back, forcing hm to stop flying and making him crashland. The cyan pegasus followed the black-clad speedster as he descended, flying down at a slower pace to see where he landed. Staggering, the Rival hissed, using the Speed-Force to tackle Rainbow when she landed. "It's time I showed you who is the fastest once and for all!" Growling, the cyan mare kicked off her rival with ease and watched as he flipped onto his back. "Yeah, there are other speedsters who say otherwise." Rival smirked, "Oh yeah? Well--" he stopped talking once he felt something in his chest. Rainbow gasped at the sight, seeing a yellow hoof coming out of his barrel. The vibrating hoof disappeared, leaving a hole, and the Rival's body fell, revealing Reverse-Flash, who had a smug grin on his muzzle. "I was getting tired of his ego." Thawne mocked, "I did you a favor honestly." "Y-You didn't have to k-kill him..." Rainbow studdered, doing her best not to get sick at the sight. Even she couldn't stand the sight of somepony dying and she was really disgusted at the idea. She scowled, her hatred for Reverse-Flash growing. Then, Thawne was tackled by a silver blur. Quicksilver rammed his hoof into Reverse-Flash's face. His anger was evident despite his eyes being masked by goggles. "He didn't deserve to die! Even a scumbag like him!" he yelled. "He thought he could one-up me! I'm the Flash's true enemy!" Eobard shouted back. The Flash appeared grabbing Reverse-Flash and tossing him, his body tumbling on the floor before Quicksilver caught it, dragging his body on the floor. The Flash spoke as Maximoff threw his body again, "This has gone too far, Thawne! You didn't need to do that! This is between us and no one else!" Reverse-Flash laughed, "As if you truly cared whether his life was spared or not, Barry!" he cackled, using the Speed-Force to punch Quicksilver hard in the cheek. "This is war! There are casualties!" he added, "He didn't deserve to breathe after he gained his powers." The Flash screamed, uppercutting Reverse-Flash and jumping, doing a backflip-kick to his barrel, yellow lightning covering his hooves and making his attacks stronger. "No more, Thawne!" he declared, spinning Thawne by a hindhoof, throwing him directly into Quicksilver, who threw his hoof down directly into his face. "So much for the Legion of Doom, huh?" Reverse-Flash slowly brought a hoof up, coughing. "This isn't over, Flash... I'll be back to torment you soon." Flash scowled, "I'll be waiting... But for now, say goodnight!" he and Maximoff decked Reverse-Flash in the muzzle before kicking him in the stomach, taking him out of the fight. Quicksilver turned around, seeing Rainbow Dash shudder, her gaze never leaving the Rival's dead body. The speedsters zipped by to make sure she was alright. "Hey... You alright, Dash?" "N-No... I've never actually watched anypony die right in front of me..." she sniffled. Barry sighed, "I-I'm sorry you had to see that, Rainbow... Reverse-Flash has no remorse. Death isn't wasy to watch for anyone. Sadly, it's a part of the hero business and that's something I don't like to admit easily or often." he comforted. Quicksilver slowly nodded, "Yeah... It's tough. Believe me, even as a hero it's tough to watch, whether friend, stranger, hero, and in some cases villains. Rival was harmless for the most part, he didn't truly deserve the fate he was given." Rainbow wiped her nose, "A-Alright..." The Flash patted the mare on the back, "So, to get your mind off this, how about we take down some aliens?" From the sadness, a confident grin was seen on Rainbow's face, "Let's do it!" Meanwhile, Batman continued his battle against Deathstroke, the Dark Knight used his gauntlet to punch the assassin's helmet. "I am your superior, Batman! I am a super soldier! What chance does a man like you have?" "Plenty!" Deathstroke was unprepared for a round object to whack him in the face. Captain America held his shield proudly in front of him, his eyes narrowing at the sight of Slade. "I've heard of you, Slade Wilson. A soldier given a serum to enhance his abilities. That's something we share. But unlike you, I'm not a heartless killer." Slade chuckled, "Captain America. I've heard of you as well. It's a shame what you do with your powers." "I use my powers for what's right! You use yours for a profit!" Cap snarled, charging after Slade. The assassin pushed him back, using his strength to hold Cap back. Batman threw a batarang at Slade, making him turn his head in confusion, and he added onto it with his Batclaw, clinging onto Deathstroke's hoof, forcing him to release. "You should really focus on your opponents, Slade." he taunted, bringing his hindlegs directly into Slade's barrel, then Cap slashed his armor with his shield, causing the assassin's armor to scratch up. Using his REC, the Dark Knight shocked Deathstroke, who's armor protected him from most of the vaults. He thrusted his staff in Batman's direction and he blocked it again, taking hold of it and spinning it around, but Slade managed to land a good whack to Batman's side, making him jerk in pain. Captain America then kicked Slade, using his shield to trip him. Deathstroke then performed a sweep-kick, mirroring the Captain's actions before standing up. "Predictable, Captain. I expected better from one who leads the Avengers." "Then you don't know me well enough." Cap growled, headbutting Slade, denting his helmet even more. Even though Steve may have hurt himself doing that, he believed it to be a necessary tactic. "I am capable of many things, Slade." Slade charged after Cap, but the soldier whacked him, allowing Batman to use his Batclaw again, lunging him directly into his hoof with ease, which collided with his head. Batman then kicked Deathstroke's backhooves and forced him into a kneeling stance. Cap then instantly attacked Slade before he could stand up. Deathstroke attempted to strike back, and successfully decked Cap and Batman in the jaw, but they recovered. The Captain was the first to attack, throwing his shield, it bouncing off of Slade's head, where it was caught in Batman's hoof. The Dark Knight proceeded to whack Deathstroke repeatedly in the face. While he did that, Cap continued to pummel Slade and the assassin managed to swipe his blade, cutting Cap's suit a little on the arm. Once he was done, Batman threw the shield back into Cap's hoof, and he swiped it upwards, hitting Deathstroke's barrel. The assassin attempted to recover by stabbing Batman's shoulder and succeeded. Painfully, the Dark Knight yanked the blade out of his shoulder and tossed it onto the ground.  Batman blocked Deathstroke's sword. Cap attempted to strike from behind, but he was kicked aside, luckily his shield absorb most of the kick and he only slid across the floor for a few seconds, getting his bearings fairly quickly. Deciding they had enough, Batman somersaulted next to Cap once he threw Slade's sword aside. The two reared their hooves back and punched Deathstroke, who was sent flying into a wall, where he struggled to get up. The fight was over once Batman used Captain America's shield to hit him hard, knocking him unconscious. The two heroes panted in exhaustion. Captain America inhaled sharply, getting his breath back. He saw First Spider, Winter Soldier, Pinkie, Deadpool, and Scarlet Spider fight off the aliens with Falcon, Iron Man, Rainbow, Flash, Quicksilver, Anti-Venom, and Nightwing joining not too far away. "We should help them. The rest of the Legion is out of our league." Batman nodded, "We should focus on the aliens. Captain Marvel, Sinestro and Grundy should be down soon." In the air, Hal continued to duel Sinestro, using their ring constructs to counter each other. "It's hopeless, Jordan! This war shall be won by us today!" Hal smirked, "Sure, Sinestro. Remember when your whole Corps did that against us? Didn't work out well. Now, it's just you and me! And I've always come out on top!" Sinestro screamed, creating a chainsaw construct, which Green Lantern blocked with a large sword. The constructs faded, but Hal managed to create a car to hit Sinestro. He realized his ring was running out of energy, so he had to pull out his lantern in order to recharge and gain the power necessary to stop his nemesis. "You will die here, Jordan!" Sinestro cackled, creating a missle strong enough to kill Hal on impact. But Green Lantern was too focused on charging his ring. "In Brightest Day... In Blackest Night... No evil shall escape my sight..." he closed his eyes, knowing that Sinestro's construct projectile neared him faster than he anticipated. "Let those who worship evil's might... Beware my power..." he continued, the lantern and his hoof glowing as he said the oath that the Green Lantern Corps preached. As the missile was about to reach Hal, his eyes opened, them glowing green. "...Green Lantern's Light!" he finished, gaining a green aura and constructing a barrier to protect his body from the explosion created from the projectile. Sinestro went wide-eyed at Hal, who was seeminly back to full power. Hal created a construct fist to punch Sinestro faster than he can react. The Yellow Lantern hissed and he tried to construct another weapon, but Green Lantern created a mallet which he used on Sinestro's barrel, knocking him out of focus and breathe.  As Sinestro fell, Hal created a baseball glove to catch him. He saw that Sinestro was unconscious and sighed in relief, satisfied in knowing he has the ring energy to spare for the rest of the battle. Flying near Hal, were Wonder Woman and Thor, who avoided another one of Captain Marvel's attacks. Thor felt the force of the Chosen Champion's hoof, but Diana came through and swiped her shield upwards, hitting his muzzle as a result. "You always were a tough child, Marvel." she sighed. Thor spun his hammer in his hoof, "But we will free him from Loki and Luthor. My brother has gone too far, taking the mind of a mere child for his manipulations!" he shouted, bringing Mljnoir down on Marvel, who blocked it with his mere hooves, the lightning bouncing off their bodies as a result. Wonder Woman flew forward and gave Marvel a right hook to the barrel and slashed her sword which lightly cut his body, which she knew would do without harming him too much. "Thor, I need you to hold him down.  I can only pray to Athena that this works." Nodding, Thor shot a bolt of lightning in Captain Marvel's direction, which he countered with ease with a swipe of a hoof. The God of Thunder wrapped his hooves around the champion. Diana spun her lasso and wrapped it around Marvel, when Thor released his grip and tightened the rope onto his barrel. Wonder Woman held onto her end of the rope as tightly as she could. "Say the word that gives you your powers." she ordered, seeing thr Lasso of Truth glow at her command. Captain Marvel struggled in the rope's grip, but after another hit from Mljnoir, his mind caved in and he shouted the word that made him Captain Marvel. "SHAZAM!" a bolt of lightning struck his body and he changed form, turning into a colt as a result. Thor and Diana swooped down and caught the child before he was able to land on the floor painfully. "Woah..." slurred Billy Batson, "What happened? And where am I? This is new..." he pointed out his hooves, his eyes widening at the sight and the desire to scream growing. "Do not worry, friend Marvel." Thor assured, "We are in a unique realm. Your Justice League allies are here as well. The Legion of Doom put you under a strange spell by my brother, Loki. Wlll you aid us in the final battle as Captain Marvel?" "I-I don't know... I'm..." Billy was about to speak, but Wonder Woman cut him off. "Do not worry about your reserve status, young Batson. As dire as things are, you are permitted to join." she assured, earning a grin from Billy. "Okay then... SHAZAM!" he screamed, lightning covering his body and turning back into Captain Marvel. He saw a whole bunch of other heroes fighting aliens. "Let's take care of these guys first..." The last Legion member standing, Solomon Grundy continued his assault on the heroes. Hawkeye shot another taser arrow at Grundy who stumbled in his spot while Wolverine continued to slice him with his claws. Drax did the same with his swords, digging the blades into his shoulders as well. Black Widow flipped, shooting more taser darts his way before settling with a powerful low kick. "He's durable that's for sure." she pointed out. "Getting on our damn nerves is more like it." Wolverine growled. Suddenly, Ant-Man revealed himself from his shrunken state, flip-kicking Grundy's jaw and Spike hopped forward slicing more of Solomon Grundy's suit and a little into his skin. "Dragon rip favorite suit..." he whined. "He's very childish." Ant-Man quipped, holding up Grundy's hoof, which nearly met his face. Scott then shrunk down punching the zombie as he grew back. Wolverine gritted his teeth, "I remember what he could do, but I was hopin' not to do this. Bats told me about what he did to 'em once before. The kid needs to look away. Things are about to get really ugly over here." "I can handle myself." Spike snapped. "Don't argue, kid. Go fight the Chitauri." Wolverine ordered. "Like I said, it's not gonna pretty fer anyone here, especially nursery rhyme zombie here. You should know somethin'. I'm the best there is at what I do, but what I do isn't very nice." he smirked darkly, "Now, do you wanna see that fer yourself?" Spike gulped and relunctantly nodded before he walked away, taking the fight to the soldiers instead. "Clint, Natasha, Drax. I need the three of ya to keep him still. Use more tasers and stabbing." "I like that plan." Drax admitted, jumping into the air and punching Grunty with a hoof, but Grundy grabbed him and threw him onto the ground, leaving him down. "Hey, what about me?" Scott wondered, after running up Grundy's arm before decking him in the face while growing back to speak and attack at last. "Just keep doing that, Scott." Hawkeye said, using the last of his taser arrows on Grundy which stunned him. On top of that, Natasha attacked him and used her tasters to keep him down long enough for Wolverine to do what was necessary. Wolverine jumped, digging his claws directly into Grundy's body and chest, ripping off the shirt, revealing a strange thing where his heart should be. "Artificially jump-started again. Eh, he'll be back to life next Monday or somethin'." he quipped, ripping his hooves directly into Grundy's chest, making him scream in pain. He yanked out the heart and Grundy fell with a powerful thud. The five looked at each other for a moment, seeing Grundy's unmoving body. "He's a zombie. He'll be fine, that's what Batman said when we met before." Hawkeye assured everyone. Wolverine scowled, "The rest of ya fight the Chitauri, I'm goin' after Loki myself." Drax crossed his hooves, "Very well." The X-Man nodded and stormed into the crystal castle, ready to face Loki once and for all. Loki chuckled as he watched the heroes fight his aliens on the balcony. "Look at them. They're basically my puppets. The Legion of Doom may have fallen, but I will still prove victorious in all of this." he stod on the balcony of the castle, enjoying the show. "Discord would be really amuaed by this point." "LOKI!" The Trickster God turned around, only to see Spider-Mane and Wolverine lunge at him, the three of them falling off the top of the castle. "It's over! Tell us where Luthor's at!" Peter warned, puncing Loki repeatedly in the face. "Honestly, Spider-Man. Not even I know." Loki revealed, using his staff to hit Peter while they were in freefall. Grunting, Wolverine stomped his hooves on Loki's barrel, using him as a makeshift cushion as they met the hard floor. Spider-Mane reared his hoof back, "Liar! This has gone on long enough! What do you gain out of this?" "Power!" Loki snarled and lied not wanting the heroes to learn about Discord's involvement, using his staff to shoot at Peter and Logan who dodged it with ease. Nearby, a portal opened, revealing Superman and Hulk at first. "The aliens... The others have it covered. C'mon big guy, we can handle Loki" the Man of Steel said. "Not so fast." Ghost Rider said, stopping his motorcycle as he arrived in this world. Superman yelled, "I told you to stay! You're too dangerous to have in this world." Ghost Rider remained calm, "News flash, boyscout. I'm on your side. I'm not gonna be ripping apart everyone here even though I could. I'm only here to make sure Loki and Luthor pay for their sins and that's it. You can do whatever you wish to Luthor, but I want to be the one to make him suffer." The Man of Steel groaned, "Fine. Just don't do anything that would be cruel." Then, Twilight, Shining and Cadance ran back into the battlefield, "W-What have we missed?" asked the lavender alicorn. The Spider-Mobile parked nearby as well, revealing Spider-Mane 2099 as he stepped out from the vehicle. "What the shock is going on?" "It looks like the Legion of Doom is down. But Luthor is nowhere to be seen and your husband and Logan are fighting Loki. It'll be best to leave it to those two. Unless things get out of hand. We need to control the swarm here." Superman revealed. Relunctantly, the three nodded, joining in the battle. Back with the fight, Wolverine snarled and tackled Loki, the two of them rolling on the floor while they fought. Loki shot Logan off of him with his staff, the X-Man flying as a result. The burn wounds healed as he got back on the floor. Spider-Mane shot more webbing on the Trickster God's hooves, trying to yank the staff off of him. "Where are your clever quips, Spider-Man? I thought you were a jokester." "Sorry, but I'm a little pissed off." Spider-Mane snarled, "You joined the Legion of Doom, put my friends under mind control, attacked Equestria, made me put my clone brother in a coma, put us in a wild goose chase, and now you're seeking to destroy our worlds! So I apologize if I'm not my usual self!" he punched Loki and flipped, his hindlegs colliding with his face. Recovering, Wolverine swiped his claws in various directions, the Trickster God using his staff to block each attack. Spider-Mane used his webbing to pick up some debris and threw it at Loki, who erected a forcefield to cover him. The trickster then duplicated himself into two more versions. Spider-Mane and Wolverine stood back-to-back, as the clones circled them. "Any ideas, kid?" Logan asked as the two stood on their hindlegs, their forehooves stretched out. "Yeah, Spider-Sense." Peter revealed. "Don't move or attack until I say so." "Followin' yer lead, kid." Logan assured. One of the Lokis shot at them, but Peter's Spider-Sense didn't trigger and the projectile phased through them. Another shot at them, but they refused to move. The third one striked, and the two jumped at him, rolling on the floor. Spider-Mane punched Loki's barrel and Wolverine headbutted Loki, injuring him greatly. The two hopped off his body while Loki struggled to get up. "You think you may have won... But I am a god! I will conquer--" his boasting was cut off. The sound of a loud snap was heard across the battlefield, all was silent now, and the Trickster God's head snapped to the side and he dropped, his body unmoving. The ponies gasped at the sight, getting disgusted at what they witnessed. Spider-Mane, Wolverine and the Justice League shuddered at the sight. Thor, though, he was nearly driven to tears at the sight. "L-Loki..." he whispered, seeing his brother dead right there. His anger took over and he tried to strike the culprit, who merely smacked him aside. The culprit was Lex Luthor, who was no longer in his battle armor. He picked up the staff and muttered, "Puny God." Superman's eyes glowed red, and he used his heat-vision to attack, "LUTHOR!" he screamed, the crystals shattering at the mere loudness of his voice. He punched Lex, but the scientist managed to block his attack. He zipped away, attacking Cap, Green Lantern, Batman, Hawkeye, Black Widow, and Drax instantly. He knocked each one of them out, excpet for Batman, who remained standing. "How...?" he struggled to ask. "Why did you do that?" "Simple. Loki and I captured Superman. I gained a sample of his DNA and used his magic to perfect a formula to replicate the powers of a Kryptonian. It's temporary right now, but it will last long enough to destroy each and every single one and you standing here." Lex revealed, putting his hooves behind his body. Rainbow screamed, lunging after Lex, her anger reaching a high point. The superpowered pony grabbed her wing, pulled her down and knocked her out in one punch. Deadpool and Pinkie came next, "You meanie!" cried the pink pony, "You can't kill!" she stomped on him with no effect. Yawning, he threw her down, hard enough for her to leave some bruises and unconscious. Deadpool shot at Lex, the bullets bouncing off of him. "No one hurts my friends!" he yelled, but Deadpool felt his hoves ripped apart, making the ponies almost vomit at the sight. "H-Hey, it will grow back soon enough!" he assured everypony, earning some sighs of relief. Lex inhaled, using his new ice breath to freeze Star-Lord, Applejack, Rarity, Trixie and Sunset all at once. "Y-You... Monster..." Applejack said while shivering. "Asshole." Trixie and Star-Lord muttered, unable to move their legs. "I am a god." Lex announced. He flew up and knocked out Human Torch and Iceman instantly before he targeted Vibe, who attempted to counter to no avail. Luthor responded by shoving him three buildings over and taking him out of the fight. Captain Marvel was placed in a chokehold. Before his neck was snapped, Marvel yelled, "Shazam!" turning himself back to normal to free himself, but the lack of air made him pass out. Wonder Woman was tossed aside by Luthor, after she tried to strike him down. Luthor used his ice breath and heat-vision to distract her long enough to punch her unconscious. "It's hopeless. I have the power to kill you at last. Just as promised. Humanity will be preserved yet." Ghost Rider and Hulk joined forces, the former shouting, "You will suffer, Luthor!" his chain wrapped around Lex's body, but Blaze was thrown back by his wind breath before being spun around by Lex. "You cannot kill me. I am devil incarnate." "Sure." Lex bragged, shoving Ghost Rider aside.  Hulk screamed, "Hulk smash puny Luthor!" Lex smirked, and pummeled the Hulk. The green hero proved resiliant, but Luthor managed to block each attack, and punched Hulk as hard as he could, creating a soundwave and a crater, and as a result turned Hulk back to Bruce Banner. "Weak..." Thor came back and struck Luthor again, "You dare kill my brother! No matter how evil is was! He was family! You will be done with by my hand!" he boasted. The superpowered being threw his hooves down and knocked Thor into the floor. "Pathetic." he used his freeze breath on  Wolverine, Shining Armor, Spike, and Cadance freezing them. The Flash and Quicksilver landed a few hits on him, but Lex struck their hooves, breaking them instantly, and they screamed in pain at the sound of a loud crack. Lex then attacked the clones, knocking them all out with ease before they can even react. Lastly, Iron Man, Winter Soldier and Falcon were taken out with ease. The only heroes left standing were Spider-Mane, Twilight and Superman. "Do you think you three can stand a chance against me at this point?" he asked. Twilight's eyes began to glow and she exerted most of her magic on attacking Luthor, surprisingly he dealt some actual damage from that, but that seemed to wear out the alicorn, who panted after using the beam attack. "It seems you're quite tired, princess. How about I put you to sleep for good?" he suggested. "No!" Spider-Mane punched Lex clean in the face, cracking sounds were heard. 'I don't care if I break every part of my body. I don't care if I die here. I'm not leting anyone else get hurt under my watch!' he thought, screaming as he held his aching hoof. "T-Twilight... Use your magic... Thaw out the frozen heroes... And get the injured heroes to safety... Superman and I will hold him off." Peter ordered. The alicorn gulped, "But Peter..." "Just go! I'm not letting anyone else die today!" Peter screamed. "Not now!" Nodding, Twilight started to thaw out Sunset Shimmer. Peter went back to focus on Lex, who was fighting Superman. "Just die, Superman! Do you know how long I've waited for this moment?!" he asked loudly, punching the Man of Steel in the face, actually bruising him. "Too long. This ends here, Lex. I'm making sure no one dies while you have this power." Superman sighed, punching Lex in the barrel, his attack doing nothing. Lex headbutted the Man of Steel, making him reel back in pain. "How are you able to--" Lex then revealed his trump card, kryptonite, and Superman felt himself weaken and kneel down in pain. "I knew you could counter my abilities. So I decided to make it fair for me." Lex boasted. The Man of Steel pushed through anyway, willing to fight to the end, Superman countered with a spin-kick, but Lex used his heat-vision to burn  him slightly. The Man of Steel tried to chop Luthor, but Lex held his hoof up and punched him. Superman recovered in time to use his weakened wind breath to push the superpowered human back. "I'll make you pay." grunted Lex, using his full power to beat Superman to a living pulp. Superman countered a few punches, but Luthor attacked him with his newfound speed before the Man of Steel could do anything to counter it, the scientist proving too durable. Collapsing, Superman's bruised face was seen by Lex, who smirked in satisfaction. Spider-Mane swung back connecting two strands of webbing on the scientist's shoulders. Peter wasn't prepared for Lex to deck him in the face before kicking him in middair. Spider-Mane coughed some blood as he looked up. "Look at this, Spider-Man. Look at Superman..." he boasted, kicking Peter while he was down, making him cough more blood. "You failed. That's what you always do. I've heard about your life. How it's nothing but a chain of mistakes. Add this to the list. Of how you failed the new world you live in." Lex sneered. Peter tried to punch back in rage before using impact webbing, but none of the attacks had any effects. Lex pushed him down and pummeled him. "Equestria will fall... Your friends will die, and I will make sure no more superpowers seek to end human evolution." "H-Hypocrite..." Spider-Mane spat, struggling to get up, "Using... power for that... reason..." "Shut. Up!" Lex ordered, feeling Spider-Mane attempt a sweep kick. In response, Luthor kicked Peter again and he spat and screamed. Lex continued to kick and punch Peter while he was down, not wanting him to attack. Peter felt as though every part of his body was being broken, and yanked apart. His chest stung and his breathing was weak. Spider-Mane finally collapsed, all the pain bringing him down. Lex ripped off his mask, revealing his bruised and bloody face. "Now... It's over, Spider-Man." he grabbed Peter by the collar. "And the same could be said for you, Superman." he held Superman by the cape and flew up, their beaten bodies in his grasp. "Equestria shall know its greatest hope has fallen."