//------------------------------// // Chapter 14: Escape Changeling Castle // Story: Twilight's Adventures to Oz // by Pinkie Pie Sweets //------------------------------// Since their break in has become a success for like a few minutes. The changelings have already seen the group of friends and now Apple Crow and the others are running away from them. They can see that it's going to be harder to find Twilight with the changeling chasing them. As they run Tin Rainbow panicali asks, "How in Oz did we get caught by the changelings that fast?" "I don't know, but now isn't the time to argue," Apple Crow replies. Then Funny Pie scaredly screams, "Run for your lives!" Funny Pie starts to run faster than the others are and it seems to help her get away from the changelings with that. The others try their hardest to get away from the changeling, but keep running into more as they go deep into the castle. The all need to find Twilight so they can get out of this castle. Just then Apple Crow has an idea on how to do that. It maybe risky, but it's the only way to find Twilight. Apple Crow turns to the others and loudly informs, "Let's split up!" "Split up! What do you mean split up?!" Lionshy scaredly asks. "I mean maybe if we go to different part of the castle, one of us will bound to find Twilight," Apple Crow explains. "That sounds crazy!" Spot scaredly replies. "I know, but it's our only chance to find her," Apple Crow says sounding serious about her plan. Tin Rainbow and the other take into Apple Crow's idea. They know it may some crazy because they'll be in fewer numbers, but might be their chance to find Twilight. After all, she's important to them as much as they are to each other. With that, Tin Rainbow says, "Alright, let's do this." Apple Crow is glad that everyone has agreed to her plan. As they run from the changelings who are closing in their distance, they notice a fork in the hallway. They need to split up right there if they are going to find Twilight. Apple Crow turns to the others and says, "Spot, you Funny Pie and I will go on the left." "Which means, Lionshy, Chinaty, and I will take the right," Tin Rainbow replies to the idea. With the agreement to the plan, they have reach the two hallways. A that moment, the group of friends split their group to cover more grounds of the castle. The changelings starts to follow the group from the two different paths and are not giving in at all. Apple Crow, Spot, and Funny Pie are opening different doors at their side hoping to find Twilight. But they also need to be careful when the changelings are around. Apple Crow opens one of the doors as she worriedly say, "Twilight!" "Where are you?" Spot says while opening another door. Then Funny Pie opens one of the doors and says, "You in there!" The three friends close the door shaking their heads in reply. They know that Twilight isn't in one of those room. Just then the changeling has found them and three friends make a run for it. Apple Crow informs, "Keep going!" They all continues to run from the changelings, but know it might last long enough. At the other side of the castle, Tin Rainbow, Chinaty, and Lionshy are still looking from Twilight. During the search they have come across empty room and changelings. This is starting to annoy them, especially Tin Rainbow. They've been trying to find Twilight, but have no luck t all. Tin Rainow says with annoyance, "How many changeling are there in this castle?" Chianty opens one of the doors to look inside as she calls out, "Twilight, if you can hear us, answer us please!" Tin Rainbow slams open the doors and says, "Come on, Twilight." After closing the doors, they can tell that Twilight is not in any of these rooms. They continue to run through the castle. As they run, they can see that it might be endless to find her. "How can there be so many rooms in this castle?" Lionshy asks with concern. "How are we going to find Twilight in this place?" Chinaty asks worriedly. Tin Rainbow panicky answers, "I don't know! It's like a maze here!" During the whole time on the run, Apple Crow, Tin Rainbow and the others have been opening doors and not seen Twilight. They also been running from the changelings with all their speed and strength. It feels like they are never going to find Twilight in the castle and the pressure is getting to them very quickly. At that every moment, the friends can't take the pressure anymore and what Twilight to be found right now. At the same time the group of the friends screams at the top of their lunges, "Twilight!" Just as all seem lost, Tin Rainbow, Lionshy, and Chinaty hear a familiar voice asking, "Tin Rainbow is that you?" Tin Rainbow and the others hear Twilight's voice and it's coming from one of the room. Tin Rainbow and the others hear Twilight's voice coming from a door that seem to have a fork and knife on the door. Tin Rainbow says, "Yeah. It's me. what are you doing in there?" "Scrubbing the floor with my hooves," Twilight answers. Tin Rainbow and the others are glad to hear Twilight in the room. They are glad to hear she is in there. Chinaty comes in front of the door and asks, "Twilight, are you alright in there?" "Are you okay?" Lionshy asks with concern. "Yes. I'm fine," Twilight calls out through the doors. Tin Rainbow tries to open the door, but it's locked up shut. Tin Rainbow thinks the only way to get into the room and rescue Twilight is to break the door down. Tin Rainbow screams from the other side, "Hold on, Lionshy and I are going to break the door down!" Tin Rainbow face Lionshy and she agrees to the idea of breaking the door down. Tin Rainbow and Lionshy takes a few steps back while Chianty steps out of the way for her friends to storm the room. Tin Rainbow asks with a determined look, "You ready?" "Ready," Lionshy says with a serious look. At that moment, tin Rainbow and Lionshy slam the door so hard that they knock the door off it's hendges. When they slam the door open, they can see that Twilight is scrubbing the floor with a sponge and using her hooves. She is also next to a bucket of water and soap too. Twilight starts to smile to see that her friends are here and runs toward them to see them. Twilight happily says with excitement, "Tin Rainbow. Lionshy. Chinaty. I'm so glad to see you." "Me too," Lionshy says while hugging Twilight with her paw. "We were all so worried worried about you," Tin Rainbow adds. "Thank goodness you're alright," Chinatly says with a smile. Twilight starts to notice that Tin Rainbow is starting to shed some tears. She has a feeling if she asks then Tin Rainbow will deny it like her friend Rainbow Dash. Twilight asks her question and says, "Are you crying?" Tin Rainbow whips the tear from her eyes and says, "No. It's liquid pride." Tin Rainbow and the others are glad to have their reunion together and now they can finally get out of here. Just then, they start to hear the buzzing noise and they can tell it's the changeling. They now know they need to get out of here before the changelings reach them. Tin Rainbow turns to Twilight and says, "We need to get going, now." Just then Lionshy offers them to ride on her back. They agree and hop on Lionshy's back. Lionshy may maybe a bit scared of the changelings, but she is able to move back. After they all reach on Lionshy's back, Tin Rainbow says, "Let's go!" With Tin Rainbow's command, lionshy runs out of the room and into the hallways. Lionshy is running very fast running in the halls, but the changelings are on their tail. As they ride of Lionshy through the halls, they can see Apple Crow, Spot, and Funny Pie at the end of the hall. Twilight calls out, "Guys! Over here!" Apple Crow, Spot, and Funny Pie turn to see the others with Twilight on Lionshy's back. Apple Crow happily says, "Twilight!" "You're alright," Spot says with a smile. "Yeah, but we need to find a way out of here," Twilight replies. "Hop on!" Tin Rainbow orders. With a fast pass, Apple Crow, Spot, and Funny Pie jumps onto Lionshy's back. With Twilight in the group, they think it will be a good idea to get out of the castle with a large changeling population. As they run on Lionshy's back, Twilight asks, "How are we going to get out?" "I don't know, but we need to find a place to hide and fast," Apple Crow answers with concern. Just Funny Pie pontis to one of the doors at the end of the hall and suggests, "Let's try this way." Since they all have no other option, they decide to take Funny Pie's suggestion and go inside that room. They all are able to get into the room without the changeling seeing them. The changelings simply fly pass the door where the group of friends are hoping to find them soon. In the room, Twilight and her friends can hear that the changeling are gone and are safe, for now. When they turn to face the room, they can see that the room is very dark and a bit spooky. Twilight asks in concern, "What is this place?" "I don't know," Apple Crow answers looking a bit spoked. "It's scary," Lionshy says in a shutter state. They look around to see that the room seems to be empty and it only has a window high above the wall. The only other thing the room has is a small door on the other side. They have no idea what the room is for and they don't want to stick around to find out. Just then a calm and sweet mare voice quietly says, "Hello, is someone there?" "Who is that?" Tin Rainbow says sounding alert. The girls and Spot start to look around the room to hear where the voice is coming from. "If someone there, can you please help me?" the voice replys with concern. The group of friends turn to hear that the voice sounds like it's coming from behind the only other door in the room. From the sound of it, the mare seems to be in trouble. "Who are you?" Twilight worriedly asks. "Are you alright?" Chinaty asks in concern. "My name is Crystal Heart, the good witch of south and love. I'm okay, but I've been a prisoner here for some time now," the mare replies. "So you're a prisoner too," Twilight asks with concern. "I'm afraid so," Crystal Heart answers. Twilight ruins to her friends and says, "We need to help her." With a nod from her fiends head, they agree to help the good witch of the south and love to escape the castle like they are. Appel Crow, Tin Rainbow and Lionshy know that they need to break the door down again, Tin Rainbow declares, "Alright, let's break this door down!" Apple Crow, Tin Rainbow, and Lionshy take a few steps back and are ready to break the door down. With that Apple Crow loudly commands, "One! Two! Three!" With that the three charge at the door and it's hard enough to break the door down. When they look through the door they can see the good witch. She has light pink fur, purple light yellow and dark pink mae and tail, light purple pink like eyes and has wings that are a pink and light purple shade. She is wearing a crown with a crystal heart on it and wearing a light blue dress with pink laces on the bottom. Twilight is completely shocked to see that the good witch of south and love resembles her old foalsitter, Cadence. Seeing how beautiful and kind hearted she is, she starts to remember of the good time she has together with the young princess. It starts to make her really homesick and knows she needs to get back. Twilight comes up to her and asks, "Are you Crystal Heart?" "Yes. I am. Thank you so much for getting me out of that prison cell," Crystal Heart replies with a smile. "It's our pleasure mam," Apple Crow says with a smile. "It's very glad to meet you," Twilight replies happily. As they are getting to know each other, they start to hear buzzing noises again and they can tell that the changings know they are in the room. Chinaty scaredly screams, "Here they come!" "Let's go," Appel Crow declares. "How are we going to get out of here?!" Funny Pie asks in fear. They all look around to see if there'sa way out of the room, Just then Spot notice there is another door at the other side of the room. Spot announces, "Look there's a door!" With a second though, the others run towards the door and are able to open it easily. They then find their way to the hallways of another part of the castle. They then see a large door down the halls and hoping it will lead to a way out. They rush to the door and open it. When they all are inside, they close the door behind them. They believe that they have escaped the changeling and are safe and sound. Just then a maniacal and familiar voice says, "Well well well, looks who decide to drop in." Everyone look behind them to see that they are in a room with a throne in the middle and in the room is none other that Queen Cocoon and her changeling subjects. Everyone horribly screams, "Queen Cocoon!" "In the flesh," Queen Cocoon says with a smirk. She then notice that Crystal Heart and Twilight are not being held anymore, but can see they are still unable to use their magic. She says with a smirk, "And I can see two of my prisoners escaped." "Yes. And you're not keeping us here anymore," Crustal Heart says with a serious look on her face. "Is that so?" Queen Cocoon asks with sarcasm and an evil smirk on her face. "That so!" Twilight and her friends scream in anger. Queen Cocoon simply smiles evilly and says, "Well, too bad. Now you all will be my prisoners!" With orders of the queen, the changeling fly over to Twilight and her friends as of hoping to capture them. "Run for it!" Twilight screams while freaking out. With that, Twilight and the other start to run away from the changeling. The changeling soldiers are very fast flies and are casting magical spell. However as they are running, the changeling are able to trap all of Twilight friends in magical gooey cocoon. When Twilight reach the door, she turns to see that her friends have been captured by Queen Cocoon and her changelings. Twilight screams with horror, "Girls! Spot! Crystal Heart!" Queen Cocoon laugh maniacally and says, "Now Twilight let's make a deal, you give me my choker and I'll let your friends gom other wise your friends will become my subjects food." Twilight gasps with horror shear the threat the queen is giving to her. Her friends screams in protest, telling Twilight not to give her the choker. They try to get out of their captivity, but it doesn't seem to be working at all. Then Queen Cocoon evilly asks, "What will it be, Twilight?" Twilight is still very shocked to hear that she has a choice to make. Either give her the choker to save her friends or see them becoming dinner to the changelings. She also remember if she give the choker to Queen Cocoon, she'll become more powerful. She doesn't know what to do.