Cutiemark Crusaders 10k: The fourth deity

by The Psychopath

The forest beckons

Abstract, preferring to remain outside with his chrysanthemium, amused himself with the magic he stole from Celestia. Had she not touched that crystal, he thought, then she would have never started the downfall of Sombra, for crystallions are stubborn, and to steal from their race while the most powerful of them all recovered his powers after centuries of focus and absorbing the darkness around him meant certain doom, or so one thought.

The inner lights of the city were dimmed just enough to create a simulacrum of morning for the inhabitants just waking up, and the CMC were always the first to do so, for important reasons. However, Empress Scootaloo found Abstract's obsession with the magic he stole worrisome. He had been tinkering with the magic in the crystal the whole 'night', and it didn't look like he was about to stop any time soon.

"What are you doing?" Scootaloo asked him.

"None of your concern, pony."

Scootaloo ignored his aggressive response and sighed. "You should get some sleep."

"Crystallions do not require sleep like you organics do."

The Empress blinked a few times. "Is this how you were capable of fighting and conquering the races in the past?"

"No. It was but a minimal advantage."

Scootaloo smirked. "Really? I hardly believe that such a tremendous advantage over us 'organics' would have been just a 'minimal' factor in your conquests."

"It was. Having no use for sleep does not grant one the ability to scale walls or travel deep moats."

The orange pony nodded in agreement and pursed her lips. "Fair enough."

Abstract did not continue the conversation and continued to fumble with the crystal containing the magic orb. Being so close, Scootaloo had a better vantage point from which to see the crystallions work. His two horns would occasionally zap the crystals, changing their shape and molding the magic inside in a similar manner. Some protrusions on the crystalline surface would disappear while others would grow out. The magic would also warp in appearance and sometimes change color. It appeared Abstract was trying to smooth the crystal out, but wasn't successful so far.

"Listen, I have a team prepared to go into the Night Woods to search for anypony there that isn't corrupted by the creeping miasma. I--"

"Do not care."

"But it would create a good image with the ponies when you succeed me."

"I am not interested in creating a 'good image'. I am only interested in preventing rebellion."

The pony sighed and facehoofed. "Okay. This forest is filled to the brim with darkness, and I recall you saying you need that for survival, and the--"

"More the better." He stopped fumbling with his crystal and faced the 'small' pony. "Fine. I will go with your rescue team."

Scootaloo her head. "Thank you. Before you leave, however, if you come back without them, don't expect to come back inside."

"I can force my way inside."

"But nopony would ever trust you afterwards, then how would you 'rule' over the remaining, non-corrupted ponies?" Scootaloo smirked.

Abstract stared at her amused expression and became irritated. "Fine," he growled. "If any losses are incurred I will tell you, but I will not be protecting them indefinitely."

"Are you going to take those four you rescued from Sombra?"

"No. Let them continue their menial activities without me," he huffed. "When do we leave?"

"In one hour. They'll wait for you outside."

Spike, now a well grown adolescent dragon, was a bit on the scrawny side, but he was still a strong reptile. His green spines had grown and one now hung in front of his face like an angler fish's bait. One thing that made him stand out from the crowd was -aside from him being a dragon- his left arm. Completely blackened with a purple sheen, it denoted a partial corruption by the Night Woods from which he was found by the CMC. Charming though it may be to find an old friend, it never explained what he was doing there or how he only came to be partially corrupted, and his memories that lead to that point were nonexistent. He and five ponies armed with rifles and carapace armor awaited the alleged 'Supreme Being' outside the gates.

"I bet he won't even come," one of them commented.

"Even if he does come, it'll be three hours late or something," another complained.

Sure enough, Abstract was arriving, but not by hoof. His chrysanthemium vaulted over the tremendous walls once more and stopped in front of the ponies and single dragon.

"I have no time to waste," Abstract said. "Get upon this creature and direct me to these 'Nightly Winds', or however you ponies name things."

The chrysanthemium lowered itself, allowing the rescue group to hoist themselves onto the gigantic beast and nearly tumble over when it got back up. Spike wasted no time directing Abstract.

He pointed towards the horizon. "It's down there," he said. "Just follow the black glow."

"You keep talking about this 'black glow', Spike, but we never see it, especially with Equestria being completely engulfed in this dome of darkness. Grand Inquisitor Belle already told you it's all in your head." The dragon didn't respond, creating some concern amongst the ponies. "Spike?"

The chrysanthemium started moving in the direction Spike pointed at, attracting the ire of the same pony.

"What are you doing?" he yelled.

Abstract turned his head slightly to face the pony that would yell at him, and his 'eye' glowed intensely for it. "Do not speak to me with such a tone."

"E-E-Empress Scootaloo told you not to k-kill us."

"Perhaps, but there are ways other than death that can put someone in line." He looked path to the path. "And I can see this 'light' he talks of."

Spike crossed his arms and smiled. "See?"

"It means you're tainted with darkness," Abstract explained.

Spike rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I know that."

"Then you should also know that you will be overtaken by it eventually. Creatures not born into it do not live through it unscathed."

The dragon gulped. "A-and what does that mean?" he stammered.

"It means you'll likely become a mindless beast and serve whatever spawned that creeping black. No need to worry," he said. "You probably have a decade or so before it overwhelms you."

Abstracts words had no hint of teasing or mockery, terrifying both Spike and the ponies.

"I-is there a way to reverse it?"

"I can absorb it."

Spike threw his arm at the crystallion. "Then do it. Please!"

"No," Abstract replied.

"Why not?!"

"I have no obligation to do so nor am I interested in the little clump of protracted disease that passes for a corruption by darkness."


"If the darkness of the forest fits my tastes and, more importantly, my needs, then I will reconsider, but until then, you will have to sit about my refusal."

Spike frowned. "You know, if I become a monster, then I'll certainly destroy the city. Dragons are--"

"Mighty creatures? They are no more mighty than their size gives. Clumsy and dramatic. Any dragon can be easily killed with the right attacks at the right places at the right time. You are no more a threat to me now then you will be as an adult. You aren't the first dragon I fought."

The purple dragon scratched his chin and grinned mischievously. "But you never fought one of us without the help of the others like you, have you?"
