The Return of the Ursa Minor

by MyMindrigUniverse

Chapter Five: Fight Of The Eldest

This chapter follows Celestia's battle with Canis, The Great Dog, and Taurus, The Bull.

This all happened during the events of last chapter.

Celestia lightly flapped her wings as she flew high enough to be face to face with the Constellations. She watched the Ursa Major and it's remaining companions hesitate from her arrival, which followed her sister, who still stayed in quite the impressive clash of magic with Aquila the Eagle. She allowed herself a glance towards Twilight's Castle, and watched as Starlight and Trixie made way into the now chaotic, Ponyville. Worry filled the princess at the thought of these two ponies, she knows next to nothing about, undertaking a task of up-most importance.

Why was it so important? Well some ponies overlook motive and reason, and would love nothing but to go and win their battles with brute strength (like her sister). But Celestia has lived and ruled long enough to know that understanding an opponent can very well be the most important factor in their defeat. Sometimes, the didn't even need to fight. Both sides could come to an agreement or understanding. So this task, was probably the most important role she could give anypony right now. Especially if her suspicions were correct.

The thought deepened her worry.

Celestia shook her head in defiance to this growing unease. You promised yourself and Twilight that you were willing to trust her judgement. Plus she did save all of Equestria, alongside win over the Changeling empire, leading a group with Discord in it's midst. That in of it's self deserves merit. Reassured, the princess returned her attention to the Constellations. However, three were missing.

Aries the Ram had headed over to Luna, while it seemed that Discord was able to catch the attention of Leo and the Ursa. Leaving Canis and Taurus. The latter looking about ready to charge head on. However, Canis made the first move, surprising the bull and the princess.

"Let's begin then," Celestia said to herself while gathering magical energy around her horn. Now beginning a quickened flight to the dog, who now ran within the Everfree Forest, trampling trees and wildlife alike in it's charge, Taurus was running side by side with the dog.

Celestia let out a sizable ball of destructive magic as she neared the two creatures. Her opponents reacted by dodging the ball, allowing it to pass in between them. Leaving a gap.

Good. the princess thought as the ball turned direction and made way towards Taurus's backside, unsuspecting of the magic in it's onslaught.

The attack hit, sending the bull to the ground, destroying many trees and shrubs. Canis only allowed it's downed companion a momentary glance before returing it's attention to Celestia. Fury plain in it's expression.

But, the Princess of the Sun, did not falter as she then enveloped herself in magic, strong enough for the coming clash. The great dog did so as well, moments before the two collided.

The impact finally came and showed even greater force and power than Princess Luna's bout with Aquila, which has seemed to have ended with the latter crashing into a nearby mountain.

However, showing obvious dominance in power, Celestia pushed the beast back with her superiority. Almost too easy. Celestia thought, before turning a suspicious glance to where Taurus should be laying on the ground. But the Constellation was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, before the princess could react, an immense force crashed into the side of Celestia's magical shield, which resisted for only a short while before breaking and sending her deeper into the forest, pain throughout Celestia's body.

Steadying herself with her wings, still feeling dazed by the blow, Celestia was caught off guard by the suddenness of the two Constellations. Who where already on-top of her location.

It's too late. Was all the princess could think as she prepared herself for the creatures, who had triumphant sneers across their faces.

A sudden flash of light had lit the surroundings of the battle. Noticing it, the two Constellations briefly glanced skyward, towards the source. Irritated faces were quickly replaced with horror as the two stopped and shielded themselves with magical power. Celestia, still in shock, was confused before she too directed her attention towards the source.

An immense ball of magic, similar to her own, although not quite at the level she had displayed minutes before, was seen closing in on their location.

Luna. Is all that came to mind as the purple and blue ball of energy closed in on her location. Fear took the princess for a moment as she readied as shield, uncertain of it's efficiency.

However. The soil, only a mere 5 meters away in front of her, parted. As an immense object sprang from the ground covered in chaotic dark magic, and crashed into Luna's seemingly misfired ball of destructive magic. Throwing it into the air and finally exploding, covering the night skies in blue and purple fireworks.

Discord? Was all that came to mind as Celestia stared at the object. It's magic dissipated and showed it's almost normal form (aside from a crude paint job done only minutes before).

Celestia straightened in realization, and turned to watch the two Constellations, beginning to notice the lack of any true impact upon their shields.

I need to regain control! Celestia gathered at least half of her magical powers and released it in a beautiful blaze of ferocity. Shattering the dog and bull's defenses and sending both creatures flying into the air.

There, that should give me time. The princess hoped as she forced her tired self to look upon the stars. Hoping to find her sister.

But Luna was gone, nowhere to be seen. She needs to know. Her hotheadedness almost got me killed. Plus, any evidence Starlight could gather would be destroyed if Luna doesn't know to hold back in this forest.

Ready to move but fearing the return of her opponents, Celestia fought within herself, unsure of any option being risk free.

Celestia then remembered Discord's help with the poll and searched around for it instinctively. Of course it wasn't there anymore. But she was already with a plan. The princess struggled to get up, but was able to manage at the thought of her ponies welfare returned to her. It scared her that, within these woods, the state of Ponyville was unknown to her.

One thing at a time. Concentrate Celestia, and hope that Draconequus answers. Resolved, the Princess of the Sun began to gather what was left within herself and put it all into getting the attention of a certain Spirit of Chaos. It only took a few seconds before she got a response.

You know, I am a bit busy right now. Leo and this Bear really do hate talking. Barely got anything out of fact we are fighting right now. So out with it! Came the familiar baritone voice of Discord within the princess's mind.

"Can you by any chance tell Luna our plan, if you don't remember, she ran off before i could appoint Starlight her mission. This could get even worse if she stays ignorant of these things, especially if she does not know I wish to not harm the Constellations beyond incapacitation." Celestia answered, although struggling to keep her regal way of talking.

You are extremely lucky that if I didn't have to waste my time saving you and this forest earlier, I would have denied you my help. But since Luna has shown her reckless nature to be an eyesore for even me. I suppose I could send out Copy Discord to inform the brat of her faults. Thus lowering her self-esteem....hey this might be fun.

"Thank you Discord." Celestia sighed, hoping Discord would go easy on her sister.

As she felt the Draconequus leave her mind. Celestia returned her attention to her surroundings. Empty.

Could I have hit them harder than I expected. She mused, as she continued her search, on the ground, for the two eldest Constellations. Hoping she did not do, in turn, what she wishes to prevent her sister from doing.

Suddenly. A voice came to her, feminine, annoyed, and tired. But respectful. Starlight. "Princess? Princess? Damn, is my spell still up?" The mare's voice now raising in volume.

"Maybe it turned off, or you exhausted all your magic. It happens when you keep a spell on for thirty minutes without using it. Kinda just goes away."

"Trixie," warned Starlight. "Magic doesn't work like that, plus even if it did, thirty minutes would not be en-"

"My little ponies?!" Celestia said in shocked surprise. It was truly great to know that they could contact her. The lack of alarmed ponies in the background indicated their presence in the forest.

"It works!" Starlight said in excitement, cutting off her argument with Trixie. "Princess Celestia. We have entered the forest after much difficulty, but we almost died from some magical orb, and Trixie is increasingly getting more annoying." Starlight stopped to possibly snuff another rejection from her companion before she continued. "I need to know why I am here again? I could be helping you or Princess Luna fight the Constellations instead of...whatever it is I am here for!" The ponies habit of raising her voice was resurfacing in Starlight's little rant. But, Celestia seemed to ignore her behavior, and responded with the truth.

"Not only have you shown a remarkable ability to lead, but even Twilight often praises your genius. But it seems you have much to learn. Allow me to share with you my most important secret in handling threats of any kind." The princess paused.

"Yes?" Starlight asked, allowing her bookworm curiosity to take over.

"A ponies motivation. What makes anything do anything. Learning about ones opponent could give us a substantial advantage over any creature. Take your past escapades into account. I was informed by Twilight your bout with her, a Alicorn mind you, nearly ended with you winning. Now how do you think that was possible against somepony superior in magic and capabilities than yourself?'

"I...followed Twilight everywhere she went. I learned her habits, her fears, likes, dislikes, how she handled a situation, with prep and without. I collected data, calculated outcomes, and practiced." Starlight seemed more and more ashamed, with a hint of embarrassment too, as she continued explaining. Trixie watched in slight shock at her friends confession.

"Exactly. You made a seemingly impossible task seem possible. You did so much by yourself and was so close to coming out on top. Now imagine what two princess's, a nearly all-knowing Draconequus, and yourself would be able to accomplish if we could gain information on all six Constellations. As I admit, I seem to not have made as much of an effort to learn more about these beings other than their name in the past thousand years." Regret clear in the Princess of the Sun's voice.

"I guess your right," the pony sighed in defeat.

"Wait a minute," interjected Trixie. "Those events are completely different. She basically stalked Twilight night and day, she is worse than me when I spied on her. It would make sense for her to have the upper-hand on somepony. But this? This is just waltzing into their home and taking a look. Not much can be learned from just that...I speak from experience."

"That may be true Trixie. But if my suspicions are correct. Just simply searching their residence will be enough to find validation, to them of course, to attack and blame us." The princess lowered her voice. "I may be wrong, but I suspect we were set up."

Celestia noticed a flicker in the distance as she finished her sentence. She began walking to the location of the occurrence. Which was a single tree with a hole in the center.

"What do you mean set up? Who would want to do that, who could do that. This-"

Starlight's voice suddenly cut off.

"Starlight! Trixie! Are you there? What happened." Worry took the princess as she feared for the ponies life. And as her "suspicions" had suddenly seemed even more plausible now then before.

This is not good. If what I expect is happening, is happening, then those two may be in worse trouble then any of us. I nee-

But before she could finish her thought. The flicker re-occurred. Brighter and fiercer than before.

Celestia, who has been regenerating magic till now, let out a blast of explosive magic. Hitting the tree and sending chunks of burnt wood flying into the air.

The princess watched what was left of the destroyed tree before approaching with caution, readying her magic to prevent any surprises. And, as if on queue, the spark of light exited the remains of tree in a blazing fury. Escaping deeper into the woods.

You're not getting away this time. Celestia thought, as she violently flapped her wings, picking up immense speed, and quickly closing in on the speck.

Noticing the princess on it's trail. The speck of light stopped as Celestia was within a hundred feet of her, and to her surprise. Grew. First into one, then into two. Making the distinction between bull and dog noticeable.

So they wish to fight me. Give up everything in a final showdown. They are lucky i intend no bloodbath. She thought. But that did not stop her from preparing a magical ball, in which she surrounded herself in. Better and strong than before.

The beasts, however. Reacted in a way that surprised and baffled the princess. She witnessed something new, something unseen in all her life. The two constellations combined into one, nearly shapeless entity.

Oh sweet maker. Was all that came to mind as she felt it's power ooze from it's being.

And as if to prove Celestia's fear were well placed. The fusion of Canis, the dog and Taurus, the bull caught the princess inches before her magic connected. It struggled for a few moments before taking completely control of it and throwing Celestia.

Trapped in her own magic. Celestia's body was challenged within the ball, as she felt immense pressure begin to destroy her muscles, which strained against the power of the new Constellation's throw. Unwilling to completely give in to gravity.

As she traveled, barely able to think, the princess noticed something as she flew in the air. Two new, unidentified beings were now strewn across the Everfree Forest. Looking and feeling just as powerful as her opponent.

"What is going on?" She managed. Beginning to rapidly descend towards the ground.