//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Homeward Bound // Story: Fancied Apples // by Lack of Tact //------------------------------// Leaving Ponyville as a little filly mayhaps wasn't one of my greatest decisions, and I will admit that. I'd left behind an older brother, and a younger sister who doesn't even know who I am. I'd left behind the duties I'd sworn to do, I'd left behind my dog. But most importantly of all, I'd left behind the one thing that connected me to the small town. I left behind my name. I used to be an Apple. I still am in a way, but I used to be a strong, hardy worker, even if I was just a filly at the time of my departure. Heh, I suppose I just wanted a different scenery, a change in events, a change in faces. I just didn't want to live on a farm all of my life and I knew I wanted to leave. And so, I did. I used to go by another name when I lived there, Applejack Apple, but that was in the past. Now, as I live with my Auntie and Uncle, I am Jacqueline and I am an Orange. What I'm about to tell isn't the most interesting of stories, no, just a story on how I've met and made six intriguing friends, all of whom different from another. All of whom I'd disliked outright from the very beginning. --- By carriage was one of the fastest and most efficient ways of travel within the borders of Equestria; by hoof, the exact opposite. It was no debate what I'd chosen, the former also being more comfortable, I was soon riding carriage towards my old home. I'd left Manehatten days prior, my departure lackluster in terms of sad goodbyes. Wouldn't put it beyond my Auntie and Uncle, the two were waiting for this moment for a while I'd suppose. I didn't mind it however, I was more intent on making my way home... No, home isn't the right term for Ponyville, I'd consider it more of a... a home away from home, for lack of a better word. No, Manehatten was my home, as it was where I was raised all of my young and adult life. Auntie and Uncle Orange had called it seeing my roots and they'd wished me safe travels, they had said they wanted me to know the place where I was born. I knew the truth though, they just wanted some time alone and these next few weeks would be great for them. I was quite rambunctious in my teenaged years, I can still remember the unruly amounts of torture I've given them. I always shook my head in rememberance, that sort of behavior was behind me now. I am a fully grown mare, returning to a place I hadn't been for some time. On the journey, I've often times found myself wondering how Brother Macintosh would feel about an unexpected visitation. Before I'd left I wrote a letter detailing my arrival, but had somehow forgotten to mail it out, hopefully they would be understanding of the situation. What about Grandmother though, assuming she is still with us, how would she act? Surely, given her age, she'd love to see her granddaughter once again? Then there was little Applebloom; shortly after she was brought into the family, mother and father had stopped sending letters. I hadn't received any updates or otherwise since, peculiar, but I will simply ask them when I make myself known. It was amusing, how traveling alone was the one time where I could enter my own thoughts without being disturbed. My mind wandered throughout all different kinds of subjects, but the most occurring were of my family. Normally I would never have thought to entertain such notions as I'd known the Apple Farm was doing quite well last I was told, but something told me I must. The silent, still carriage I sat within kept me in my thoughts, for only a little while longer. I was waiting for the driver to open my door, it was common courtesy in Manehatten, and we've been travelling together for a few days time. Surely he mustn't have forgotten- "You alright in there miss? We've arrived in Ponyville." A calm, yet accented voice spoke behind the windowed door. My thoughts now disturbed, I nodded before realizing he couldn't see me. I scoot myself closer to the door, my suitcase seated directly across me, and gave a small attention grabbing cough. "Ehem, yes I'm fine thanks. Be a doll and get the door for me, would you kindly?" Even after all the years of voice training Auntie had put me through, my voice was not on her level of embellishment, mine sounding like a common Mule Yorker. He reacted in kind and opened the door for me, to my surprise I was nearly blinded by the sunlight. It was rather bright here, but then again I'm no longer surrounded by buildings the size of towers. Bringing a shoe'd hoof to cover my eyes, my other to my suitcase's handle, I lowered my head to his gaze. As I look down at him, he straightens his back, tilts his newscolt hat upwards and smiles genuinely. "Thank you, Mister Bound." I say to him, awaiting for his form to move so I could make way out of the carriage's interior. He gave an embarrassed chuckle, in both realization and what he had to say in return. "Oh please, Miss Orange, Mister Bound was my father's name. Just call me Homeward if you'd like." His response was curt, him moving off to the side, his magical aura still encasing the door's handle. "Oh, if you so insist, but call me Jacqueline in return if you expect me to do the same." I give a lighthearted chuckle of my own, my eyes finally adapting enough to where I could put down my hoof. With my now free hoof, I pull up my sage collar as the true winds begin to hit me. It was nothing like what I was used to back in Manehatten, the constant passing of carriages were the only amount of aerial rush I'd felt then, this was new, though a little chilly. Luckily I had outgrown the need to wander in the buff, now I easily prefer the feel of cloth draped over my hide. "I see we've stopped just out of town as per requested." I nod with an approving look in my eyes, my ears focusing on the birds chirping in the distance. And with that, I take my first step out of the carriage, the dirt road below me creating a small tuft of dust as I step downward. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Homeward, the apricot colored unicorn, was looking at me almost curiously. "It's so I don't make much of a scene, do not fret. You'll still get your pay." With a plop, my suitcase fell unceremoniously at my side. I roll my eyes as he gave another bout of chuckles. Even as I now stood directly in front of him, I still had to look downwards. He wasn't a short stallion by any means, no, I was just rather tall. My diet at home consisted of a lot more greens than it did proteins and I grew up rather lanky. I was sure if I'd have stayed here in Ponyville, I would instead be looking up at him in this situation. He blinks, looking up at me now and straightens his back as he places the newspaper, which I hadn't noticed until now, on the ground next to his hooves. "Oh! Well, I was just curious on what you'd rate your experience." With that, he moved one of his forelegs behind his head and gave a nervous smile. "If you don't mind that is, I'm trying to see if I can make full fledged Taxi Carriage Driver." He adds and I give a knowing smirk. I see his horn light up in a deep blue aura, the color of his eyes, and suddenly a small survey and quill is presented in my view. I raise a brow at him and with a shake of my head, take the floating quill with my teeth and begin to scribble my travels. It only took about a minute, but when I was done he gave me an expectant look. I grin, my teeth showing in a generous manner. "Well, I do hope to see your name branded upon your own carriage service then. Eight horseshoes out of ten, just make sure to take the less rutted path next time around." I give him a wink, letting go of my hold on the quill, and turn my attention to my suitcase. "As for your payment, it'll just be another second." As promised, I unzipped my portable case and pulled from it a small red velvet pouch. Dispensing the golden coins into his awaiting magical aura, I see him wisp away the survey with a happy smile on his face along with the coins. I heard him mutter a "thank you", but I was too busy zipping up my suitcase again to reply. When I turned around to face him again, he was already walking by me to the front of his carriage, beginning to adorn the reins to it once more. "Oh, please stay near the town for the time being. Or in it, if you'd rather. I'll send word for you when I am ready to leave within the next two weeks." I remind him of our agreement and he only nodded, his teeth now clenched around a leading stick as he started trotting away. I truly hoped he succeeded in his career choice, if I were to be honest, he would make a great Coach Driver one of these days. With that last thought in mind, I myself began making way into the small town of Ponyville. The home away from home. --- As I found myself within the town's center, a large fountain lying directly in front of me spewing its water, I've noticed a lot of other ponies were staring at me. Oddly, to tell the truth. If I'd have payed attention, which I was (albeit loosely), I noticed I was the only one who wore any clothes. While I was free to admit it wasn't a requirement, I found it strange, as in Manehatten it was uncommon to be naked. Kind of why I adapted to it as well. Were they all staring at me because I wore a coat? Was it my mane? I rose a brow in return to some of them, causing those ones to simply turn away, going back to whatever their business was. "What a strange lot." I murmur silently, my attention turning elsewhere. I felt my freckled cheeks rise up in nostalgia, my eyes landing upon the one building Grandmother had taken Macintosh and me to when we were both foals. Sugarcube Corner, the best bakery in all of Equestria; self patented. I purse my lips in happy thought, a content sigh escaping my muzzle as my legs moved on their own to the building. Maybe a quick snack before I left to the farm. I'd only taken several hoofsteps before the door in front of me had opened, a pink earth pony mare's back was turned to me as she stepped out. She was carrying a large box upon her back, likely for transferring a cake that was to be delivered. As she finally turned around, the door closing behind her, her eyes locked on mine for only a split second. Her cerulean eyes widened, her mane popped and she shot back into the bakery, I could only hear the last of whatever she said as the door opened and closed once more. "... twice the party!"