404: Signal not found

by Royale With Cheese

Keep your head up, Budd

-10:00AM New York Library-

Josh wanted to be at the library as early as he can, so he won't be caught going in during a later time.

As soon as he gets there, he goes to the 3rd floor as he was told by Ryder. He goes on one of the computers, farthest away from the 3rd floor entrance but him facing it just in case if it's Ryder or one of the ponies.

He goes onto Google and types in 'My Little Pony' and tons of news stories came up about how cartoon ponies invade New York, science journals trying to explain the theory of other universes coming into ours, news stories about how we should let ponies do their job, wait, what? "They're hunting me down for god sakes" Josh whispered to himself.

He read on. He then stumbled on a New York Times article wrote by a pretty familiar name, Bethany Laing. It was a text version about the interview Josh had with her in IHOP, and there was an edit to the news page saying that about exactly 4 ponies checked the IHOP restaurant top and bottom about an hour after the news story was published.

Josh had about three more hours to spare in the library, so he walked around in the library always peaking at the entrance, read a couple books and went on the computer reading updated news stories.

Then it was two o'clock, Ryder walked onto the third floor and Josh waved him over.

"Hey" Ryder greeted "If someone told you to 'stay golden pony boy', then it would make sense" Ryder chuckled.

Josh laughed "Sit down, let's talk"

Ryder sat down "Alright, lets do the talking" he said.

"Yeah, so, how do we fix this site?" Josh asked.

"Okay, so..." Then Ryder went on talking about how to fix the so called 'impossible 404'.

"Wow, so I have to wait 3-7 days until the site goes back up?" Josh asked

"Yeah, it'll be a long wait, but it'll be worth it..." Ryder laughed

Meanwhile outside the library, Twilight Sparkle stands just outside to the entrance of the library. "Wow, this is bigger than my library..." She says in amazement.

"Nerd problems, huh Sparkle?" Spitfire chuckles. "Hey, go in take a look, we need a break from searching, I'll be on the roof taking a nap" Spitfire says before flying up onto the roof of the library.

Twilight walks inside the library, ignoring the looks coming from others. "Woooow, this looks amazing..." She then sees a sign that reads 'New updated books about space and stars constellations, 3rd floor'

"Looks like I know which floor I'm going too" Twilight giggles to herself

She then walks up to the third floor, looks around and asks the librarian which gave her a bizarre look.

"Excuse me ma'am, but where are the new space and star constellation books?" Twilight asks.

"Uhh... umm, I... uh, where the, uh, last set of computers are" She slowly answered.

Twilight looks around confused and asks "Uh, what's a computer?"

Meanwhile at the last set of computers, Ryder notices a purple figure at the corner of his eye. "Josh"

"What?" He then turns around and sees the pony.

"Those things... with the brightly colored screens... the books will be around where those... two boys are..."

Twilight turns around and sees Josh and starts running towards "Stop right there!" She yells

"Oh crap!" Josh leaps out of his chair

"Go! I'll cover you" Ryder replied

Josh then tries to run off without being cornered.

As soon as Twilight runs to there destination spot, Ryder pushes a chair in front of Twilight which causes her to trip over it which gave Josh time to run out of the third floor.

"Oh shoot, I'm so sorry" Ryder acts like he tripped her on accident. "Here, let me help you up..." then pretends to trip over the leg of the chair and lands on Twilight "Oh crap, I'm really, really sorry"

"Get off of me!" Twilight then uses her magic to take Ryder off of her. "Spitfire! Wake up, he'll be running out of the library any second now." She says through her walkie talkie, then gives Ryder a stern look before trotting off.

"On it" Spitfire responds, then spreads a group message through the walkie talkie "Spitfire here, Joshua Budd is at the library, ready to pounce on him"

Josh then exits the library and quickly walks off like nothing happened.

"Hey Budd!" He hears from above.