Fifteen Days

by UnluckyReaver

Day Seven

Dash slowly limped around the cave in a futile attempt to stave off her boredom; the rain had continued throughout the night, and was showing no sign of stopping. Eventually she plopped herself down next to Strider, who was passing the time by literally banging rocks together.

Watching him work, it quickly became apparent to Dash that, like everything else she saw him do, Strider had a very clear goal in mind. With each strike, the smaller stone chipped away at the larger one until a distinct shape emerged. Once he was satisfied with the shape, Strider scraped the worked edge against a large stone, refining the edge even further.

“So.... this is your plan?” Dash asked. “Sitting here, playing with rocks?”

Strider set the the rock he was working on and produce both the chipping rock and a longer, thinner rock. He spoke a few words and held them out so Dash could take them. Rainbow looked the items over for a moment or two before taking them. After a brief tutorial, Dash was soon absorbed in her work. The simple task with a clear goal was a pleasant distraction from the last week.

Strider would periodically look up from his own work to watch Dash, giving her the occasional, usually unintelligible, tip. Eventually, he showed Dash how to use the large stone, covered in grit and a little water, to hone the knife’s edge. See that Dash had understood him, Strider took a mostly round piece of wood and put a split into one end with his stone.

Setting both stick and stone to the side, Strider collected long strands of the vines that hung from the cave’s mouth. Removing any leaves and tendrils, he carefully wove the vines together. Dash subconsciously slowed as she watched Strider, impressed that he had enough strength to chip away stone yet dexterous enough to perform precise tasks. Sliding the stone into the notched wood and binding it in place, Strider finished assembling the axe.

Realizing that she had been staring at Strider, Dash quickly returned her attention to the knife she was supposed to be working on. Passing the knife of the slab a few times, Dash risked a quick glance over at Strider, who was now busy etching a series of strange symbols into the axe’s head and haft.

Noticing that Dash had stopped working, Strider stopped his own work and turned his attention towards the pegasus. Looking over Dash’s work, Strider nodded in approval. Giving Dash some of the woven vines and a short piece of wood, Strider instructed her on how to attach the blade to the handle.

“So, what do you think?” Dash asked, presenting the finished product. Strider carefully took the blade from Rainbow and slowly turned it over in his hands. Testing the bindings and finding them to his liking, Strider retrieved his engraving stone and carved several strange symbols into the blade and handle. As a finishing touch, he found a feather that Dash had shed during the night and attached it to the bottom of the handle with a small vine.

Placing the knife to the the side, Strider collected some bark and the remaining woven vine. Dahs watched as he bound the bark together, creating a simple sheath for the knife. Moving next to her, Strider held the sheath against Dash’s barrel. Trying her best to hold still as he worked, Dash allowed Strider to tie it in place. Finally he slid the knife into the sheath, then spoke a few words.

Dash looked at the knife that was now hanging from her side, a sense of fulfillment and pride rose up as she did. This was something that she had made, something that only through her, and a little bit of Strider’s, effort was made.

“It...great.” Dash smiled, guessing at what Strider had said.