//------------------------------// // Sleep Talker // Story: The Sleeping Doctor // by RupertBlueFox //------------------------------// My name is Derpy Hooves, and I live with the Doctor inside Ponyville’s premiere laboratory, which is also his home. Late one night, the atmosphere is nice and peaceful around Ponyville, and all of the residents seem to have retired for the day and are all sound asleep. Well… except for one mare… me! At around 2 in the morning, I awoke with a question in mind for my best friend, so I came across his bedroom door and knocked. I questioned as I slowly entered his bedroom, “Hey Doctor! Have you seen my pillo---?” That's when I have heard it. “Oh Ditzy. Oh… Ditzy… I love you so much,” a familiar British-accented voice said in a dreamy state. It belonged to none other than Doctor Whooves, a really nice and gentle brown stallion. He has a real knack for time travel and all things “science-y”. I’m also really glad to be his companion. *giggle* Anyway... “Doctor?” I hesitantly walked forward to investigate my brown-coated friend, where I can see him lying down snuggling up in his twin bed, accompanied with a long pillow and several sheets, and he was sleeping. I think... The Doctor continued to talk in his sleep. “I never want to leave your side, ever. You are the only mare who truly understands me. And you are just too irresistible, I say. And I love everything about you, my companion. You have such gorgeous hair, such smooth and gentle fur…” He then began to slowly caress the long pillow, as if the object were me. This left me with goosebumps! “Ehh…?” I observed from the sidelines as the snoozing pony continued to speak in his slumber, “Your eyes are simply amazing! And my, oh my! The way your body curves is just lovely. I could just cuddle you and hold you close and kiss you and love you forever and ever...” All the while, the Doctor was swooning, hugging and kissing the pillow that was supposedly me. I was left perplexed due to what I’ve just seen and I became even more derp-eyed from what I believed was going on before me. “Oh dear...” I said as I shrugged. “Hmm. You're truly remarkable, Ditzy Doo. Hmm…!” He then started chuckling in addition to his kissing and swooning methods, and all while he was still sleeping on top of that body pillow. I would never ever imagine that the Doctor would be this… weird. Especially in his sleep! From there, I decided that I have had enough. “That's it. I'm getting the air horn.” I stormed off to a nearby cabinet and grabbed a handy air horn with my mouth. I looked back at him and thought I knew I would have to wake him up right then and there so I can explain what he was doing, and I sighed. To my surprise, the Doctor uttered in a much more comforting tone than earlier, “Oh Ditzy. Oh… Ditzy… I am truly thankful that you're my companion. I would've never understood who I was until I’ve met you.” I heard this as I walked over to him with the air horn still in my muzzle. “Huh?” I dropped the air horn, knowing I was supposed to avoid the topic before me, but I had grown curious as to what else he was dreaming about. I figured that if it had something to do with me, then it'd be best to hear the other parts of it. “You've always showed me that you will be there for me, no matter how bad things may get. Even when I'm down, you have always helped me out in my darkest hours, and you've showed me what it's like to have friends like you. That's what I love about you, Ditzy. You're a very special pony, and I don't know what I would do without you.” I began to imagine that whatever he was dreaming, he really did want me to feel safe, loved and appreciated. Already, a stream of tears started to roll down my face. He must really care about me to say such meaningful words. “Aww…!” I cooed. “I just want you to know that no matter what happens, I will always return the favor and save you from your own darkest hours, the same you'd do for me. Because that's what friends are for. And I really hate hearing what those other ponies say about your eyes, and that they'd call you such mean and hurtful names. But… Ditzy. I don't care what those other ponies think. You mean much more than that to me.” I was deeply inspired. The last statement he really had me choked up, I just wanted to cry happy tears right then and there. But I tried my best to keep it all to myself and listened to him some more. “You're amazing and special, and I can never replace you. I will never let anypony bring you down, because we will always be very best friends, and I love you so much. I am so thankful that somepony like you has come into my life and showed me the meaning of friendship.” Nopony has ever told me the things that my Doctor had just said. Even though he was just sleep talking, he was right about everything. He really does love me as a friend and he would do anything to make sure I was safe for whenever we go on adventures together. This made feel really special to know that I am his very best friend and companion. I wanted to hug him so tightly and so bad…, but I didn’t want to wake him up until sunrise. I slowly walked out of his bedroom, quietly whimpering as my face was matted in tears, and I exited the door. “And I love you too… my little Ditzy Doo.” He remarked as he kissed his pillow just before I closed the door softly. Throughout my time with Doctor Whooves, and despite all the hurt and all the name calling and all the degrading from the other ponies I had to go through, he was always there to see that I am able to look past all the pain and sorrow that I must go through on a regular basis. He meant that much to me as I mean so much to him, and I always knew that the Doctor and I were meant to be lifelong friends, and we will always be until the end of time. “I… I mean something!” I stated as I cried and smiled, not just from what he just said tonight… in his sleep… but also for everything that he has done for me since we both met. And as long as he is on my side, my diary will never ever be complete. For there are so many adventures to explore, things to discover and so many friendship lessons to learn… together. I then walked off to bed. END