//------------------------------// // Harmony Mission II: Bonding Agent (part 1) // Story: Sometimes They Call Me Super // by KorenCZ11 //------------------------------// Applejack         “Applejack, ya have a call!” Ah heard Applebloom say from the other room. As Ah arose from my homework induced slumber, Ah stumbled my way ta the apartment livin' room, where Applebloom was impatiently holdin' the phone. Uncle Blood was watchin' somethin' on the TV, Macintosh was doin' somethin' on his computer by the table, and Ah had just woken up. Judgin' by the light, it was about five or so in the afternoon and Ah wasn't quite ready ta be awake. As if the world was covered in a haze of some kind, Ah slowly took the receiver from Applebloom, who quickly escaped back ta the couch with Uncle Blood.         “Hello...?” Ah said through a yawn.         “Oh, good afternoon Applejack. Can you come by the office? I need you to sign some paperwork.” Ah was too tired ta discern who Ah was talkin' ta at the moment. Everypony sounds different over the phone.         “Office? Who is this?” Awareness was comin' back ta me now, but Ah still wasn't quite up yet. The audible huff on the other end of the line gave me an idea. It was almost the sound version of rollin' yer eyes.         “Applejack, come to the castle when you get a chance,” Ah figured Twilight said.         “Oh, right. Yeah, Ah suppose. Oh, and Ah've got a question. Ya don't happen ta be some kind of history buff, do ya?” Ah heard some muffled sounds, then a receiver move on the other end.          “Pfft. Am I a history buff. Have you seen my library?” She said, all sarcastic like.         “No actually, but sure, whatever. As long as ya can help me with this, then it doesn't matter. I'll be over in a bit.”         “Good. I'll see you then.” Twilight hung up and Ah put the phone back on the charger. Who still has a land line? We do. And nopony else. Goddess, Ah cannot wait ta get paid.         “So who was that?” Uncle Blood asked.         “My manager. She's never called before, so Ah couldn't quite recognize her voice.” Ah said without battin' an eye. After doin' it fer so long, it wasn't hard ta lie ta them anymore, as much as Ah hated it.         “Oh. Are you friends with her?” he asked, just as stone voiced as Ah was.         “Sorta. She's a real bookworm, so Ah ask her for help with homework when Ah need it. Anyways, Ah should probably get goin'.” Ah headed back ta my room ta grab my hat and jacket.         “Sis, don't forget ta take the shoppin' list with ya. It's yer turn after all,” Ah heard Macintosh say after Ah finished puttin' everythin' on. Ah sighed. Ah made my way ta the kitchen and ripped off the newest page of writin' on our hangin' yellow pad and threw it in my bags.         “Okay y'all, Ah'll be back probably some time in the mornin'.” Ah was about ta exit the door when Applebloom stopped me.         “Oh, wait! Let me put somethin' on that list before ya take care of it!” She ran over, grabbed the list out of my bag and went ta work writin' a few lines on it.         “Eggs, sugar, strawberries, cream...? What do ya need all that stuff for? You know we don't have the money ta just blow on thin's.” She rolled her eyes and shoved the list back in my bag.         “Oh, just take care of it! We're just about out of eggs anyways since ya eat em' all the time.” Ah sighed again.         “Ah'll see what Ah can do. See y'all later.” They all said bye and Ah shut the door behind me. Now my real problem wasn't my homework, but how Ah was goin' ta afford all this extra stuff fer Applebloom. Ah'm not dirt poor, but Ah don't have a black bit's worth of grocery money ta spend here. What is she up ta anyways? Ah made my way down the staircase, actin' like a normal pony fer once. Today is September the second, and Ah'll get paid in a week based on what Rarity told me. It should be nice ta actually have a regular income fer once. Ah took the shoppin' list out of my bag ta check over everythin' we needed. Ah don't really have enough fer everythin' on the list right now, so Ah guess Ah'll check the bounty board after Ah get done with Twilight... Ah put the list away and trotted out of the apartment complex.         Ah made my way across town and watched as the dusk turned ta night. Ah always enjoyed the orange hued sky as it turns ta violet. Knowin' the princess who represents that kinda sours it though. Ah have ta wonder how she got like that in the first place? Bah, it doesn't matter. Ya know what? Why don't Ah try usin' those bands ta get around town? It would be nice if Ah didn't have ta walk fourty minutes just ta get ta the castle out of costume...         Ah took a side alley that Ah knew ran through town and Ah found the bands in my bag. Ah... slipped? each of them on and locked all the clips on my bags. Okay... here goes nothin'! Ah got a runnin' start and leapt off the ground. Ah shot left first and hit the corner of a tall apartment buildin'. The wire zipped and yanked me close toward the apartments and at just about half length Ah stopped it and shot the other at another buildin' further down. Ah reeled the first wire back and once Ah made it about half way up the second wire, Ah halted it and shot the first again. Within' ten of minutes of enjoyin' how fun this actually turned out ta be, Ah realized that Ah'd already passed Central Park. After a quick back track and almost slammin' my face inta the side of a buildin', Ah made my way inta the park.         If this was like, on a harness or somethin', normal ponies might just be able ta use it as is. That may make it a little more obvious if yer wearin' one, but it would certainly be safer that way. Used ta fight beasts in the forests huh? Even if that's the case, Ah don't really think these need ta reel all the way in when it's first shot. It's easier ta pull out of stuff if ya've still got momentum too. Ah'll have ta get Twilight ta send her a message...         Ah made my way through the forest and inta the field until finally Ah was on the castle grounds. A knock once and a trip down the long hallways later, Ah was in the main room where the big table was.         “Twilight? Where are ya? Ah'm here!” Ah yelled. Not a second passed before Pinkie was right next ta me.         “Hey there!” Don't react, it's just Pinkie. Don't react, it's just Pinkie. Don't react, it is just Pinkie. Ah let out the breath Ah didn't know Ah was holdin' and replied,         “Howdy Pinkie. Ya know where Twilight went?” She nodded and pointed at the western hall.         “Oh, she's just in the library. Three doors on the left side of the bedroom hallway. She practically lives in there, so be prepared to face some kind of book-sea.”         “Thanks.” Ah nodded ta her and trotted away as fast as Ah could without lookin' suspcious. Pinkie makes me nervous in a way that no other pony on this earth could, and Ah just don't know why. Ah walked down the hall until Ah reached the third door, which was far larger than all the others and met at an intersection with another hall. She really needs ta get some lights in here. Maybe Fluttershy can navigate in the pitch dark, but the rest of us can't, and nopony else has lived in a castle fer twelve years! Ah opened the large, and oddly enough, real light weight doors ta find what looked like a cocoon of books around a particular spot on a large blue crystalline table. It looked similar ta the one in the livin' room, but it wasn't like a raw crystal at the bottom and had legs like a normal table.         “Twilight, are y'all somewhere under that pile?” The books shifted and the mare in the center stirred.         “Oh crap you're already here!” said the violet coated alicorn from behind the wall of texts. A violet ball of lightnin' started ta form around the books and after a flash, Twilight was standin' inches in front of me. “Hello, Applejack.” It took everythin' in my will ta keep from lashin' out and hittin' her. Don't react, it's just Twilight. Don't react, it's just Twilight. Don't react, it is just Twilight. Ah let out the breath Ah didn't know Ah was holdin' and replied,         “Look, y'all really need ta stop doin' shit like that because Ah'm liable ta punch at things that just pop up in front of me.” She lost her smile and took a step back.         “Oh-kay then... right. I'll keep that in mind. Well, I have two things to talk to you about today. Will you follow me to the second floor?” Ah shrugged.         “Yeah, Ah don't see why not.”         “Great!” Twilight turned on a dime and headed toward the back of the library. Gettin' a better look at it now, the place was huge. There were four floors that Ah could see, and there were rows and rows of shelves, all full of books. Damn, she probably has a copy of everythin' that exists in print here! Twilight must of caught me starin' at her collection.         “Impressive isn't it? There are over ten thousand volumes in here. Every magic study and theory ever printed, every textbook used in schools all throughout the run of standard academics, as many history books and chronicles I could get my hooves on, and a copy of everything Mother would let me have from the whole Royal library. Some of the texts in here can only be found in one of two places. However, Mother won't let me have anything she deems dangerous, so some of the magic I really want to study is locked away in Canterlot. I've read everything in here, so if you need a book on something, I'm sure I can find what you're looking for.” She was very clearly proud of what she had here, so Ah simply nodded and continued ta stare at the collection. We made it up a floor, and Ah finally could see some of the details on the ceilin'. This place was massive, and it looked like it made up fer half the castle. We wandered back ta the front of the library and instead of bein' lined with books, this part was covered in filin' cabinets.         “Luna has decided to keep all her secret records here since only she, Mother, and I know this place exists. She encrypts everything she puts away so I can't read it though, but that's what all this is for. My own records are kept in last one on the far left. I've left the paperwork I need you to read on that table over there.” There were about six tables in rows of three and a few arm chairs at each one. It struck me as odd that this place looked so much like a typical library mixed with some kinda royal ballroom. Like, when is this place gonna accommodate more than seven ponies at the most? And that's if her Aunt and her Mother are here at the same time.         Ah made my way ta the spot where all the papers were laid out and started ta look through 'em. There were a whole bunch of charts with columns of numbers and letters at the top that Ah didn't know what ta make of. On the last page was a legal agreement fer me ta sign.         By signing this document, you agree to the following terms of the enlisted pony's benefits of government backed dental and health care, and the rank of O-4s. You swear your loyalty to the Royal family and the nation of Equestria. If your services are needed for the survival of this land, then you will answer the call to arms, even at the cost of your life. To keep the freedom and peace of this nation, you will do anything and everything your Princesses ask of you, and you will obey the law down to the last letter.         For the Special rank in which you possess, those with an equal or lower rank than yourself are to obey your every command, and you are to obey the commands of those above you. You are subject to the code of honor and every action you take while representing your country must have Equestria in mind. Acts made against the country in uniform will be considered as treason, and you will be prosecuted for your misdeeds.         The next part was different than the computer printed legal type set. It was written in calligraphy, somethin' Ah don't think Ah've ever actually seen outside of a computer font.         Dear Applejack.         If you are reading this then that means you're now knowledgeable of the oath you've sworn to my daughter, my sister, and I. Some of the words on this page may sound a bit extreme, and with the honesty I sensed in you I could hardly believe you would ever do something like that, but formality is formality, and giving out a rank like this isn't something that normally happens outside of a promotion for at least four years of service.         For undertaking the difficult task of leading Twilight's special operations team, I am awarding you alone the rank of Major above your peers. I believe you to have the experience in battle equal to that of my majors, and I believe you to be a leader of the friends you make here. Take your team in the direction you believe to be right, and never will your decisions lead you astray.         For the work you've already done, Twilight and I have decided to give you an advance on your pay. As you already have the brand, this document is nothing more than a reference and a letter of my thanks. I look forward to the things you accomplish in the future. Yours truly, – Princess Celestia          Wow. She really expects a lot from me doesn't she? “So, what exactly does this 'O 4 S' thing mean exactly?” Ah asked. Twilight was diggin' around in one cabinet until she found the form she was lookin' fer.         “It means you're ranked equivalent to, but above, a Major. We will get you a proper Equestrian army badge once all of this is filed in the system. Anyways, were it not for you the other day, I don't know who out of my team would even still be alive right now. Based on what I could gather from Fluttershy, you not only went head to head with the Crow, but the Beast as well, on top of completing the mission. They still have their lives because you were there, and I'm truly grateful for that. The form I needed you to sign is actually right here and it's just for a direct deposit to your bank. Your pay that we wanted to give you early is right here.” She popped a burlap sack out of nowhere and set it on the table. Sittin' right there in the bag were twenty gold bits.         “Twenty grand!?” Ah exclaimed.         “That's right. Our Majors are actually paid a little less than this on a monthly basis, but more often than not, they're not in constant combat like you are. That's why we add the special rank to you guys. You all work harder than half the military does, and we want to show that. Especially considering all the crazy stuff that Luna has us do. You deserve it.” Ah was just about in tears.         “Ah... Ah don''t know what ta say. Thanks Twilight. You're the best.” Ah said through a few sniffs and then Ah gave her a hug. She patted me on the back.         “Don't thank me too fast. I've got another job for you today.” Ah let go and wiped at my face.         “Well, whatever it is can wait. Can Ah have one of these cabinets? Ah don't need my family seein' any of this stuff on accident, and thinkin' Ah went and enlisted.” Twilight frowned.         “Umm... technically... Oh, never mind. All the ones on this row are just about empty. Everypony else keeps their paperwork here too. All the drawers on this cabinet have things in them, but the next row is completely empty, so pick whichever one you like.” Ah stacked up all the pages, and realized that there was a chart with a list of base pay rates fer the military since my O-4s was listed on the front page right in the middle. Ah took the drawer on the bottom and put pages away.         “You'll be doing this assignment with Pinkie so I'll brief you both once we get down to the living room.” We started fer the stairs at the back of the library when Ah realized that Ah didn't know what she was talkin' about.         “Wait, which one is the livin' room?”         “The one with the big table. All the important halls are connected to it.”         “Oh, alright.” We walked the rest of the way down and ta the hall and then after obtainin' Pinkie from whatever it was she was doin', we took our seats at the table in the livin' room.         “For the last time Pinkie, will you please lock your door if you're going to do that?” Twilight groaned, her face a bright red now.         “I was alone and I didn't think anypony was about to come barging into my room! Have you ever heard of knocking!? Geez,” Pinkie said, irritated. Ah didn't see what was goin' on, but Ah could guess it was somethin' private.         “You know what? Fine. I'm sorry I didn't knock. Anyways, this time we have a request from Mother.” Twilight's horn lit up and once again and her 3-D map of Manehattan spawned on the table. It moved and went to focus on the harbor on the southeast side of town. “Lately there have been reports of muggings by a gang that call themselves the Boneheads. They weren't seen as anything more than common thugs until these last couple of weeks when they stole some cargo from an Argent ship. Now they're running around robbing ships that come into the harbor like there's no tomorrow.         The local police have captured a few of them, but every time they run into the boss of this gang who goes by the name Goose Fang, our police are completely destroyed. There hasn't been a casualty yet, but some of the force has come back with severe injuries all the way up to paralysis. Your job is simple. Figure out what they stole, recover it, and arrest Goose Fang. Once their big bad leader is gone, the Boneheads should disband.”         “Hmm... Ah actually think Ah'd heard of them before. That Goose Fang guy was worth a good sum on the bounty board before Ah joined up here. Ah think he was gonna be my next target provided nopony else got him first. Y'all don't happen ta know if any other heroes went after this guy do ya?” Twilight thought, then her map disappeared and a list popped up in it's place. She slid it over ta me with her magic and Ah took a look at it. There were six names on the list, two of which I recognized.         “Hell, he took out Iron Tail, and Colorless? Those guys are good at their jobs... Well, at least they're not dead...” Twilight nodded.         “As far as we can tell, he's become serious business after he looted that Argent ship. His groupies that have been arrested all say that he got some new power recently, so it has our attention. I would send Rarity or Fluttershy with you as back up, but they're both still recovering from that nerve damage. You two are the only ones left, so to speak.” Pinkie frowned.         “Oh, gee, thanks for the vote of confidence Twilight, I'm sooo glad you believe in us,” she said, rollin' her eyes all the while. Twilight beamed.         “Oh no, silly, I believe in Applejack! I'm just sending you in case she needs a rag doll again.” Twilight shot back. Pinkie got up, opened her mouth, raised a hoof, let out a breath, and sat back down.         “Damn it. Alright fine, I promise I will not get thrown through a roof or two this time.” Twilight laughed.         “Pinkie, you know I don't mean that. But all the same, don't get hurt like that again please? If it weren't for the fact that your joints have so much of your unique cartilage, you probably would have had much more than a broken rib and light internal bleeding. And you be careful too, Applejack. We don't know what his power is, or what powers he has in his gang.” Ah shook my head.         “Don't you worry none about me. Ah've got a shoppin' list ta fill out and now Ah have the bits ta do it... and a phone plan ta sign up fer. Thin's are finally lookin' up fer me, so Ah;m not about ta get killed in some gang fight.” Ah took my suit out of my saddle bags and started ta get dressed.         “Let me know when you get there, and keep in touch. Be safe you two.”         Within the hour, the sun had been swallowed up by the horizon completely, and it was night time in Manehattan. Ah'd taken a likin' ta these wristbands, flingin' myself around like some kinda jungle ape in the middle of the city. Of course, Pinkie, or Blur Ah guess, wanted a ride so I figure it's not quite as easy when you're doin' this with a passenger. After a few adrenaline inducin’ moments, we finally made it ta the harbor. We landed by one of the many piers, but somethin' was off. There weren't any boats docked here.         “Blur... what do ya make of this? Have you worked a pier before?” Ah asked.         “Well, one, this is weird. Not just because it's unusual for any ships to set sail after dark, so normally they will stay docked overnight till sunrise, but also because this is Manehattan port. There are always boats docked here. Even the little ones that the rich ponies own.” Ah guess that means she did work at one of these. Ah wonder which coast she did that at?         “Guys, you have company. I don't know how they did it, but you're surrounded right now,” Twilight said. Alarms were goin' off in my head and Ah felt it too. Both Blur and Ah were lookin' at our surroundin's, but nothin was addin' up. Just then, a thin fog started ta roll in. As it did, it ran ta about the edge of some invisible like walls and started ta fold in on itself.         “Shit.” Ah bit my lip.         “Oh. Oh, we're trapped aren't we?” Blur said.         “No, no, you're not trapped, you just can't be on the pier right now. But I must ask, what are you two fine ladies doin' 'round here on this lovely evening?” Said a voice from where we entered the port. From a similar kind of invisible wall that Twilight had around her castle, walked in a pale green-yellow coated Earth pony stallion with a spiky two tone black and white mane under a beige fedora. He had orange irises and he was wearin' a silver chain around his neck that had an emblem of a unicorn skull engraved in it with white striped black clothes.         “Me and my boys here are doin' a lil' biz 'round here, and we can't just have ponies walk in on that kinda stuff, especially a pair of fine thangs like your selves.” Ah could tell by his cocky attitude that he had yet ta get punched in the face fer bein' such a prick. Ah aim ta fix that.         “Well, not all of us gals like to be excluded. You're the Boneheads' boss right? Goose Fang ain't it?” He smiled a mouth full of shark like teeth and shrugged.         “Guilty as charged. What can I say? I'm pretty popular these days. But baby, you can call me Goose. The fangs come out when we play, if ya know what I mean. I'd be happy to give you and your cute friend there a ride on the G-stick, but we're a little busy right at the moment, so if you could come back in about an hour, that'd be best for all of us.” He keept his smooth talk up and it was almost impressive. This stallion didn't miss a beat, and it was almost... allurin'.         “Wow. Hey, Marevelous?”         “Yeah?”         “Can I punch this guy in the dick?”         “Be my guest.” In less than a second, she had rocketed off and aimed for the sensitive part of the stallion. To both of our surprise, she was caught. It was almost like Goose blinked in and out of existence for even less time than it took Blur ta travel just a few yards. Goose pinned her down and looked her in the eye, never flinching, never losing that grin.         “Baby, I'm a stallion who's been around. You can't pull tricks like that and act like it's consensual. Now, if you wanna lick my rod, be my guest, but I'm not about to do something obscene to a mare without her permission, that just ain't right!” Ah was pissed off now.         “Get off her, ya prick!” Ah started my charge in, but he just turned and smiled at me.         “Ooh, feisty. I love commanding mares. Yes Ma'am!” Goose did what appeared ta be a teleport of some kind, and flashed from one spot ta another. In my current arc, Ah was about ta land on Blur, so Ah quickly shot at the ground and reeled myself ta where Ah shot. “It's Marevelous right? You're pretty popular around here too. I like to make it my point to get to know all the pretty mares in my city, but I haven't gotten to know you...” Goose blinked from his spot ta holdin me in a tango dip. “Up close and personal just yet♥” Ah reacted just about as quick he warped and managed ta graze his cheek before he warped away again.         “Touch me again! See what happens!” Goose smiled and raised his chin.         “I think I just got permission to touch a super gal. This is beautiful consent! Oh be still my heart, lest it throb♥” Goose warped again, and Ah figured he'd try ta touch me immediately. Ah wasn't right though. Instead of showin' up from behind like Ah expected, he popped up above me and hugged himself ta my back. “Oh sweet goddess do you smell good. Apples? Oh baby have mercy, I might just bust a vein♥” Ah took advantage of him bein' a creep and elbowed him in the stomach before he could get away. He coughed once and Ah used the chance ta give him a full force punch in the face. But of all the thin's that coulda happened, Ah didn't expect him ta just block it. The punch got him ta slide back a few feet, but the only thin' that was scathed were the sleeves of his jacket.         “What the hell!?” Goose shook his forelegs of the steam that the punch left on him and straightened his fedora.         “Woo, wasn't that a punch!? Ya know, my old man said he once ran into a guy like you before said guy kicked his ass and put him in prison. You're way better than those last two guys that showed up, but I'm not about to hit a mare, that's just against my code of honor. Unfortunately, you're tough and smart enough to at least go toe to toe with me, so we're gonna play a little game instead. My boys are just about the biggest wussies you'll find in Manehattan, but my Honeys? They're the kinda jealous type and you just happen put me at half mast just by showin' up baby. So here's the deal. If you and your little friend can take down my seven Honeys, I'll go all quiet like. But if you two lose, you both get to be my Honeys. Then you can touch the G-stick all you want cutie♥” He winked at Pinkie durin' that last bit and she was furious.         “What the!? Marevelous, let's just kick this cocky cock's ass and be done with him already.” Blur she instantly made her way over ta me, but nly got more irritated as she looked at this guy. She was about ta make a move, but Ah stopped her.         “All we have ta do is beat up yer girls?” Ah asked. He shrugged.         “I wouldn't say it like that, but that's about the gist of it. I'm the chivalrous type, so I don't really like to watch ladies fight, ya dig?”         “Wha-? Chivalrous!? How in the fu-” Pinkie began before Ah cut her off.         “And you'll just come quietly?” He nodded.         “Like a sleepin' baby.”         “You'll tell us everythin' we wanna know?”         “Baby, I'll tell you anythin' you wanna know for a piece of that apple bottom, oh so sweet♥” Ah immediately put my hoof ta my forehead. Goddess damn it. He doesn't even know how ironic that is.         “Okay.”         “Okay!?” Blur exclaimed.         “Okay?” Goose asked.         “Okay,” Ah nodded.         “Not okay! Not okay!” Blur pleaded.         “Okay!” Goose clapped his hooves. “You heard her Honeys! Marevelous here either wants to be part of Goose's gaggle of chicks, or make the Goose man her precious little Gosling♥ So ladies, come on out and show her who's the alpha Mare on this port! She wants a seven on two nine-way, and I'd be happy to make it ten when she loses♥” From all sides of the invisible cube that we were in came seven different mares all wearin' the same chain around their necks Goose was. Goose blinked from inside the cube ta on top of the cube and started ta give us the rundown on his 'Honeys.'         “The first member of my harem, the poisonous rose, Petal Dance! This green pegasus gal from Galvastallion packs one hell of a punch with her knock out touch. I hope you brought your brownies, because you're about ta trip!” Like he said, she had a pale green coat and a pink mane with streaks of violet in it. She was wearin' lots of dark red and violet makeup, and her tail was bare, lookin' more like a rose stem with thorns and all rather than a tail. She was wearin' some black skin tight outfit with holes in all the suggestive places, save fer the most important one, but that just had a zipper over it.         “Hey girls... I hear you wanna piece of my boy Goose. Sorry, but I don't like ta share♥” she said. Damn slut.         “Next up is my lady of the night, the bat outta hell, Heat~ Wave! A bat pony babe from the cave side city, rescued by yours truly, and given a new place to be! Watch out, she's as hot as they come♥” Much like the last mare, this one was dressed equally, if not more slutty, but was far more... attractive. She had a pure orange coat, and a bright red mane and tail with yellow tips at the end of each lock. She wore a shiny red mini skirt and top that were probably a little greater than or equal ta ribbons. Her wings were almost black at the top and faded ta red, orange, and yellow as they went down.         “Listen here, bitches. I don't know who you are, but you tried to hurt my Goosey, and that is a crime that comes with Capital Punishment!” Her wings lit up and flared ta life in flames.         “Third and preferred, The bitch with the kick, Volt Switch! This little unicorn tart used to be just like you two ladies are right now, but she lost to the then four Honeys and fell for the G-stick herself! Keep your eyes on the prize because that hair is just like a wet power cord, it'll give ya a shock!” Probably the most modest so far, and even then, she was still wearin' a jump suit with a bunch of holes in it. Oddly enough, it reminded me a lot of Diamond's suit. Her coat was a pastel yellow, darker than Fluttershy's, but not the sunburst yellow on Heat Wave's mane. Her mane and tail were almost exactly like black telephone wires, casing and all, and Ah could swear she might have been the hero Jump Start if Ah remember correctly.         “I'm... sorry I have to do this, but Goose... He's just... He fills me in just the right way! Every time he-” Ah cut her off.         “Woah there partner. Ah don't need, or want, ta hear that.”         “As long as you understand. I uh... I'm a big fan of yours, Marevelous. I'd love to see what your... apple bottom tastes like♥” she said and winked. Blur busted out laughing, and Ah but my lip. Don't react, it's just Pinkie. Don't react, it's just Pinkie. Don't react, it is just Pinkie. Ah let out a breath and sighed.         “Fuckin' nasty.” Volt Switch bit her lip in that other way and Ah just looked away this time. Damn horny teenagers.         “Well that took a hot turn, and we haven't even started yet! Next up is the Ice cold pegasus queen, the frozen mistress, Aurora Veil! Crystal city born and raised, this babe is my dirty dominatrix! She likes it hot and she gets cold when her toys are naughty♥ She'll stimulate you senseless with her ice shape powers!” This one wasn't wearin' anythin' that drew attention ta her parts, but Ah'm not sure if that was because she didn't want ta, or fer convenience. She had a pale blue coat that was almost white and had a two tone true blue and dark blue mane and tail.         “Mmm... I smell intact hymens... I think we might fix that...♥” The air swirled around her and Ice started ta form inta the shape of whips on each tip of her wings.         “That one sounds SUPER rape-y. I hope this is what you wanted Marevelous, because this is what you're getting us into!” Blur whispered ta me.         “Will ya just trust me? We'll get out of this just fine, Ah promise,” Ah whispered back. Blur huffed and Goose continued.         “After that, we've got the Earth Pony babe from the beach, the water warrior herself, Whirlpool! A beauty from across the sea, this mare comes from Cheval and she'll show ya how to use water the way it was meant to be!” Of course she's wearin' a bikini. There's a theme ta this harem and Ah do not want ta be a part of it. Whirlpool had about the reverse of Aurora Veil in terms of coat and mane, bein' dark blue coated and a pale blue mane and tail with yellow streaks in it. Her bikini was bright orange though and did exactly what it was designed ta do. Draw attention.         “Ever see a pony drown above water? I can show you exactly what that looks like!” Orbs of water started ta form above her raised foreleg.         “Ooh, forgot to mention, Whirlpool is a pretty hard core sadist masochist combo! She likes it rough and dishes it out just as hard! Coming in at number six is the lady darkness, the shadow in the abyss, Dark Pulse! This Earth Pony mare will show ya things ya never thought you'd see in your own life time with her crazy dimensional portals!” This mare had a dark black coat and was wearin' a multicolored orange and blue zig-zaggy suit that also reminded me of Diamond's suit. Ah should talk ta her about that next time Ah see her. Dark Pulse had a dark yellow mane and tail and bright red irises.         “Goosey used to use me to warp everywhere, but ever since he got his new power, he doesn't play with me as much anymore,” She pouted.         “Hey now baby, we'll get to play again. You know I'd never ignore anypony in my harem. Speaking of, the final member of Goose's gaggle of chicks, Synchro Noise! This Applewood born unicorn was made to be a star and doesn't she just shine like the sun! Watch out for those light beams, they're absolutely dazzling!” Huh. Well, at least we can say he doesn't discriminate. He's got about two of every kind of pony here. Synchro Noise had on a similar ribbon like outfit that Heat wave did, but it was green against her more magenta coat. Her mane was blue with streaks of red in it. Her tail didn't have hair on it outside of her coat till the end of the tip, where it was short and curly, but colored just like her mane. She had that slutty eye make up on with way too much eye shadow. Her horn charged up and it was almost like mornin' light was shinin' from it.         “Latest and the greatest, Synchro Noise is here to blind and blind side♥” Those words sent a shiver through my spine.         “Blur, these girls creep me the fuck out. Let’s get this done as fast as possible. It looks like the most dangerous ones fer me are the green one and the black one. Keep the others occupied while Ah try and knock em out one at a time.”         “What!? You expect me to fight all five of these horny creeps, alone!?” She just about yelled in my head.         “Nopony said fight, all Ah want ya ta do is keep em busy. Be annoyin'. Draw their attention away from me and everythin' will be just fine. It won't take long. Trust me. Ah've got a plan.” Blur sighed.         “If that's what you want, Major, I'll do it.”         “Now that the gang's all here and everypony's gotten their introductions, Goose's Gaggle of chicks, fight!”