Fairy Tales

by HorsesandMOARGaloar

Into the Woods

Every day for these two witless Ponyta stallions consisted of grazing, plowing, feeding, and going to the stable for each night. Sometimes, their irresponsible Master would just leave them there for a few days, stocked and crammed with hay, fruit, and chew toys, so that he can go out and catch wild Pokemon.

In one of those evenings, the two frustrated Ponytas, "Snob" and "Slob", burned down their dilapidated stable, and ran into the forest just next door. Even though they already had fire on their manes and tails to light their path, they still relied on moonlight to guide their way through the undergrowth, hopefully to avoid predators -- even though their light might lure some towards them.

Being the clumsy buffoon he is, Snob tripped and fell down a slope. His absent-minded friend chortled, "Wait for me!" and jumped. Slob's adamant hooves broke through the ground. Its impact was strong enough to throw his friend through several trees, and cause the topsoil to collapse.

"Snob! Snob!" he barked to his miserable friend, which got himself up. He found Slob to be in the middle of a big hole. "LOOK AT ALL THIS CANDY!" Slob bit on a lump of the "candy" lodged on the wall. He struggled to pluck it out of the wall, but to no avail.

"Candy in wall is rock, Slob," Snob answered. "Is always too hard to pull out, boy." Slob let go of the "Candy" and followed Snob out of the mine. Their eyes got fixated at a blinking light at the distance, just beyond the bushes, but they were drawn by its sugary smell. As they galloped towards the light they sound several Rare Catcherons, wrapped in glistening blue foil. Their eyes swelled, and their mouths drooled, from such a delectable sight before them.

"CANDY!!!" both Ponytas bellowed. They greedily wolfed down every single sweet.


Dang-dong-dang-don, dong-dang-deng-don.

They heard something like bells chiming around them. They were dragged forward by their jaws by some unseen force, and it realeased of them as it coalesced into a tall, slender fairy. Clad in purple and black, in their eyes she is much more terrible than the night and its threats around them: from her corvid wings, to her hair of dark flames, her clothes, and her skin. When the light around her faded, the Ponytas' fires, and those shooting out and around the being's eyes, horn, and the tips of her legs, were the only lights remaining. Her broad eyes glared down at them. The two equine Pokemon slowly backed away, frightened by her magnificent terror.

"I want to know much about Pokemon, and of Ponytas, like you two," she cackled. "Both of you two will come with me, to be my newest test subjects."

As fearful as he is now, Slob turned his head sideways, fascinated by her strange appearance. "Why you is have horn," he asked. "You is Rapidash become human? And why is you not yellow like Rapidash?" Meanwhile, Snob was munching some grass.

"That's what I always look like," the fairy replied. "Terrible as I am to others, that is just what I am!"

Snob looked up. "And why you is live in candy?" the Ponyta spluttered and grinned. "Candy fairy, you is give many candy to make us grow into Rapidash? Also, can I try your wings? Do they look delicious?" The fairy grew more irritated than an overheated kettle by his ridiculous questions -- she wanted to commence her plans now, as soon as possible. Meanwhile, Slob slowly tried to take a bite at one of her shoes, mistaking it for some more Candy.

"FOOLISH BRUTES!" she furiously boomed. Her figure burst into blue flames, searing into Slob's otherwise-immune skin. This, and her sudden disappearance, scared the two Ponytas into fleeing into the forest. Both of them started arguing over each other's poor choices.

"Slob! You is make big mistake, expecting Candy in wild forest, when is bad human fairy use Candy to catch us there!"

"Then why is you go to forest? We is should go to mountains, because there is less human at night. Better is Zubat flock, instead of go to wild forest for short way out of humans!"

Just when they thought that they were safe from her, and any predator or human ...


She appeared in front of them out of thin air in a flash of blue and black. Her wings grew into a jet-black barrier, and surrounded them, closing up any available avenue of their escape. Amid her seemingly endless laughter ringing through their ears, Snob and Slob had to stand their ground against the dreadful being before them.


"You think I could let you go so easily? Not a chance."

"You is let us have no choice, but fight you, monster!" Snob neighed.

"Bring it on." the fairy smirked. "What are you two against all my powers, anyway?"

Snob and Slob tried with each move to kick, bite, bash into, or burn the monstrous being before them, but she kept dodging every one of their clumsy moves. Amused by this, she burst into another fit of laughter, rolling around and banging her fist on an imaginary floor on mid-air.

"Again," she chuckled, wiping tears from her eyes, "what chance do you two clowns have against me?"

They ignited their manes and leaped towards her. The fairy shoved her hands and froze them in mid-air. She flicked her right hand, and the Ponytas continued their screaming, until they realized that they cannot move. The barrier that surrounded them receded back into wings.

"Let me go, fairy!" Slob cried. "I is want get out!"

"Me?" she asked. "I am no ordinary fairy. I am, however, Schwannhilde Midnight Sparkle!" Her appearance and her voice became more terrible as she continued. "I am Queen of the Fairies, Empress of Equestria, the Master of a Million Forms of Magic!" Her face grew a round snout as that of a teddy-horse, and her ears struck up into two lavender petals. She closed her two hands into fists, which melted into something like hooves, and reached out to the two Ponytas like a predator leaping towards her prey.

Just as she was about to touch their heads, they released a strong blast at her face, before she could even have a second to think of a spell to protect herself from their flames. She wailed in pain from the searing burns, and covered her melting face. From the deep sockets of her exposed skull, two raging red embers quickly scowled at Slob and his friend.

"I'M NOT FINISHED WITH YOU TWO!" she shrieked, as she pointed at them. "I'LL BE BACK!" The fairy vanished, and the two Ponytas landed on the dirt.

Slob looked up at where the fairy once flew. "Get close, and you is burn some more!" he taunted.