//------------------------------// // About // Story: The Industrialist V2 // by Woodrow Wilson //------------------------------// Chapter 7 The Beginning “Wake up, It’s time for breakfast,” A female sounding voice said. I open my eyes to find the zebra-like S’Fentuinian primitive, kneeling next to me and pushing me, telling me to get up. “You need to get up or no food.” “Fine … What’s for breakfast?” I ask, but still wary of my injury in my torso, and get up to walk from the teepee. “We have,” she looks back out the entrance of the small skin teepee,”ceriggen with sneiffen.” I look at her with a blank stare. “Basically the human version of a ‘mountain man’ or whatever they call it.” “Oooh, that sounds grete!” I said giddily”, what’s a ceriggen.” “Meat, which might not fit your dietary needs for plants …” She didn’t notice my accidental use of the word great in Anglo-Saxon English. “I don’t generally eat much as such, since i don’t think nuts and a few other things containing protein, like some fruits in the Galileian system. Plus, there’s no Equians to judge me, so why not try meat for the first time?” “Your own species does not trust you with this knowledge? What led to them watching you?” [======\==============/======] I stood at the pristine white quartz doors of the palace that stood hundreds of metres tall, from the ground from which it rose, to the highest steeple piercing into the air of the sky. I opened the doors, and sat at the end of the halls, where a pair of pristine, singularly-godly beings, to which stood, with such profound necessity for their inability to help themselves, after another. “What is it you need now?” “I need everything you have.” “I’m sorry, but we don’t understand what you mean by that. Could you elaborate further as to what exactly it is that you’re requesting from us?” “Die.” A shot rang out as my Clicker went off, and left a mark on the horn of the two beings where they sat, and then heard them scream in pain. “Guards! Guards! Arrest this … Monster!” Equians of white and grey ran up and grabbed me as I stand up on two legs with an arm which held the clicker extended. I, however, stood frozen as I started to realize the consequences of what I have done. “He will rot in the dungeons!” I was dragged off to an iron-clad door, but as I passed the godly Equians, I saw their horns as the damage was a very significant deal. It took half of their horns off and fragments of the horns lie across the ground and on the rugs of the Throne Room Little drops of blood could be seen, slowly dripping out of the base of the horns as that is where I had hit them, taking a chunk off the base. I pulled out my little cactus amulet and pulled a spike out and threw it at the rulers of these lands. They fell and left little spots of saliva spread unevenly among the ground, as they lied unconscious on the beautifully designed quartz-granite floor. Everything went black as my view darkened and I collapsed to the hard crystal floor. [======/================\======] “Life is a story just waiting to be told. That’s all you need to know.” It was a mystery to me as to why I was experiencing these visions. Were they memories of the past? Did they really happen? Or were they visions of what might have been, or what could still be, if I don’t change the way that I live my life? The machinations of the mind is a mystery to us all. “Well, you gonna tell?” She looked curiously at me, “No, that’s a story for another time and another place, and it’s not here and it’s not now,” I explained to her. “What’s your name? I still haven’t been told it yet, I don’t believe.” I asked, avoiding the previous question, trying to get away from my past. “Oh, I haven’t told you yet?” I shook my head, in a fairly universal response for ‘no’. “That’s surprising, well, my name’s Sarina.” “Does it mean something in your language?” I questioned her. I like the name, it’s got a ring to it, it kinda reverberates a feeling I very rarely feel, and haven’t felt in thousands of years. “Sympathy.” I said, absentminded. “How did you know the translation?” She looked curiously, since she knows that I know nothing of their language. I can’t even properly pronounce the word castle, still. “I didn’t?” I was curious as to why that word was the same as the word sympathy. “Yes, my name directly translates to the human word of sympathy.” I looked at her, still questioning how she knows these words, and even successfully pronunciating these, even I still have bad grammar, and I’m supposed to be the smartest being in the universes. “English is complicated, my child,” said an outside voice, familiar to all Equian ears. “Where are you?” I asked. Sarina was in the clearing meditating for the day. She always did this a little bit before she woke me up, and I would watch as animals would sometimes walk up and she would pet them like dogs. I was just talking to her future self. But how? That’s not even possible in any universe, that I’ve discovered, anyway. The possibility of her walking here and then asking me these questions, her future self travelling back through time and manifesting in the past is confusing and extremely complicated. More than a neutrinos ability to go through atoms with ease. Especially since that … thing, could touch me, to wake me up. This confusing and irrelevant situation is a complex image to look at. As a creature of logic and reason, I wish to know how these things are possible in the universes. The other Sarina was gone. “It’s okay my child, we still love you. Your deeds have been evil unto us, but some have done good in spite of that.” Please visit us sometime, would you? The voices of The Pristine rang around in my mind. My vision grew hazy and went black once again … .[b/] I awoke with a start and instantly wondered what I was doing sprawled out by the mountainside. On a dirt path with a few of the S’Fentuinians around me, staring, as I was still naked, but my coat covered me so none could see nothing of my unmentionables aside from my Mark on my thigh. A child. “Caruled, def sergh kii?” the child seemed to have asked a question from the significant curiosity in the child’s brain signature. The neurological patterns in the S’Fent child’s brain told me so of the curiosity. And body language. “Cargh dex se Equian lu commun.” I recognised the word Equian in the sentence and stood up, but slowly and unsteadily, much like the unsteady wobbling of a drunkard, but my back arched as I slouched. “I am Corrupted … *Cough* Industries …” I collapsed again as all the S’Fentuinians gasped, as the name seemed to hold significance in their lives. They wore tuxes and gold gilded outfits. Black and white … Black … And … White … .