//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 Persuation // Story: The Forgotten Sister // by MStardust //------------------------------// Quite some time had passed since Celestia and Asari had left the battlefield that once was the throne room. It already looked like a ceremonial room again, since all the wounded soldiers had been carried to the Canterlot Hospital and somepony even had the heart to pick up the colored glass splinters, that had been produced by the escapists. During that same time Luna and Sprite even arranged a place for the former Tandrian citizens to stay and rest until there is further detail on their future. They were already sitting at the breakfast table, trying to get to know each other further. “Alright, Ill play along!” Luna laughed, still not very convinced, “If you indeed were carried out und born to my sister, why do you look so differently? Were is your father? And most importantly, why are you both alicorns?” “Our father, the king, was a very powerfull unicorn from this world.” Sprite explained calm while magically keeping his sister away from the crystal vases all around the room, “With the influence of both of their magic, we sort of became like this. Unfortunately, he died during the first experiment in cleaning the nature. Vines everywhere! It was terrible.” “You were born alicorn, weren’t you?” she asked, “Until now this was not considered possible. Not even with Asaris influence.” Sprite wanted to answer, but stopped surprised by a sudden and inexplicably fast sunset. “Now, they will soon present their results.” Luna figured. Indeed, the sisters entered the room just a minute later. They looked everything, but happy. Celestia had a tired and apathetic expression, while Asari was trotting behind her like she just witnessed the insolence of her lifetime. Instinctively, Sprite magically grabbed Dust Ball, to get her out of the danger zone. “Now, did you finally figure out, how to behave around each other?” Luna asked strictly. But they would both just silently sit down on opposite chairs, Asari softly patting both her children on the way. “I trust, Firefly is in good hooves?” she asked, trying her best, not to sound angry. “She’s with the royal advisor and hopefully still asleep.” the prince explained, then turned to Luna, “Our youngest sister. She’s still a baby.” “Another child?” Luna cried surprised, “My, my! You must have had an enlightening love live, dear sister.” “Well-“ the queen got a little red around her nose, “They are blessings. Each one of them!” Celestia led out a single, but bloodcurdling growl. “We are only talking about nineteen towns, each more or less two thousand citizens.” Asari tried to calm her, “This simply has to be possible somehow.” “Its not the how” the ruler answered frustrated, “Its the why! Why would I be so generous with you? After everything you did-“ “Celestia!” Luna intervened furiously, “This is not about the two of you, but the faith of a whole country! Get over your royal pride for once and just help her out!” “Look, I’m sorry I was difficult as a teenager, but we’re both adults now.” Asari said, “Cant we just forget what happened a millennium ago and concentrate on the now?” “The now is not better!” Celestia argued, “The first thing you did, when entering my court was to knock me out!” “Why did you loose your memory now anyway?” Luna asked. “When I went through the mirror, we both new the empire couldn’t stand, loosing another princess so shortly after.” Asari explained. “So since we both agreed, that we never wanted to see the other again, I would erase her from this world and she promised to never come back.” Celestia “So that whole thing was your fault to begin with?” Luna figured. “Sort of.” “Then be an adult and fix your misbehavior, by allowing them to stay!” she demanded. Celestia led out a deep sigh. She knew exactly what was going to happen and there was no use fighting it. “Tell your citizens to set camp at the food of the mountain.” she said without emotion, “We will negotiate over the terms of their integration, and I MEAN integration, during the next days.” Asari gave her a soft and rewarding smile. “Thank you!”