The orphan

by BrittyFIM


"Mama!?" Scootaloo cried, pushing on her mothers arm. "Wake up! Wake Up!!" She screamed tears streaming down her face. She ran around to the other side of the room, and up to her father. "Dad!? Please! Wake up!" She received no answer. Her voice was hoarse and difficult to make out through the whimpers, her heart thumping heavily. She didn't pay any attention to the pain in her back, fore her focus was only on her parents who were lying still on the floor.

A cool, night time breeze forced itself in through the broken window and to where the nightmarish scene stood. The small orange filly, no older than 7 felt the chill on her diluted eyes, making it blurry and difficult to see. "Mama! Dad! Plea-ea-ease!" She screamed as loud as her voice would allow. Her head became hot and dizzy as she screamed, and a wash of sadness and fear enveloping her thoughts. Her mind drew blank of thoughts as she pushed up against her father. "Please!" She cried. "Celestia, Please!!!"

Scootaloo knew that her screams and crying was useless, she had no magical tears or, special elixir like in her movies. She knew this was not to end with a little fix for the situation coming out of nowhere, saving her and her parents as they sing a song about what they learned. This was not a movie. This was real. Her parents were dead. She felt the pain in her back getting worse as she herself fell to the ground.

As the pain encompassed the small pony, her ears caught the sound of a door opening. Yelling and shouting swamped the room. Stallions and mares in dark blue suits busted into the room, one dropping to his knees to look at Scootaloo. Scootaloo tried to speak but no words came out, only but a squeak could be heard. Blackness slowly draped over her vision, then all at once, all the noise stopped.