//------------------------------// // Five, Introductions // Story: Rick's mission on Equestria // by Scorppio500 //------------------------------// The six ponies as they called themselves, introduced themselves to me, cautiously. All the while a crowd was forming. I learned that this happens a lot. I learned the lavender one is named Twilight Sparkle, the blue one was Rainbow Dash, the white one was Rarity, the orange one was Applejack, the yellow one was Fluttershy, and lastly the pink one was Pinkie Pie. Dear Maker Pinkie has a motor mouth. If I were human I bet I wouldn’t have understood her, and despite the fact they all had put on brave faces, I could tell they were scared to the bone. I told the seven I was not alone. A few other men had come with me, and had come before me. Twilight, despite her obviously covered up fear of me, seemed more focused on meeting my squad. I simply told her and her friends to follow me. It would be a half-day’s walk. We somehow walked out of the town without without causing complete and utter chaos. I started thinking as to why the ponies took to my presence so well. I asked Fluttershy why, as she was the only one who wasn’t wary of me. She told me that her little bird friend told her she saw me and my friend on the mountain with the weird L shaped contraption, and giant binoculars. I told her the little bird, as odd as this sounded, was referring to the sniper rifle and the target scouter scope. I pointed to the sniper rifle, still slung across my back. Before I could ask about the missing men, I noticed the ponies were beginning to slow down. They had scared looks on their faces. I was walking backwards so I could still talk and lead at the same time. Rainbow Dash pointed with a hoof and said “Behind you...” I swung myself around. I balked. What stood before me was a pack of wolves made out of sticks. “T-timber wolves!” came the frightened stammer of Fluttershy. They jumped me. The timber wolves tore through my body armor, but my metal body stopped them from completely gutting me. I deployed my arm cannons and fired some plasma at two of them, but that only made them angrier. I resorted to busting their sticks. I grabbed a wolf by the tail, turned around, windmilled the wolf through the air turning it head over heels, and slammed it on the ground in front of me, killing it instantly. Then the ponies joined in. Spike resorted to burning the timber wolves. I made note he was a dragon, not just a lizard. Twilight shot magic from her horn, and Rainbow Dash basically ninja’d the poor wolves to submission. I ended the wolves with blasts from my arm cannons. Twilight set fire to the sticks that once made up the wolves saying they’d just come to life again if this isn’t done. I admired their prowess in eliminating the wolves. They’d prove to be a great asset in battle, I’m sure. I then realized we are not six hundred feet outside of town. I chalked up this attack to just dumb luck.