//------------------------------// // It's definitely not her day // Story: Playin' the Golden Record // by Ponycrafter //------------------------------// The first thing that came to Twilight was a pounding headache. A very, very painful headache. She carefully cracked her left eye open. Almost immediately her pupils were bombarded by bright lights. "Ah!" She cried. Twilight shut her eyes again and tried to sit up. No music filled her ears, no ponies cheering or dancing. Just... Silence. As Twilight craned her back to sit up, her muscles screamed in protest. She tried to ignore the pain, and she carefully opened her eyes again. The light hurt her eyes, but not as much as it had before. Her stomach felt like it was holding molten lava. Her mouth was dryer than a barren desert. All of her muscles ached profusely, and it even hurt to move her eyes. When she finally gathered the courage to look around, she started to calm down. She was back in her bed at the penthouse. A tall glass of water sat ready on the side table, as well as a bucket. She wondered what the bucket was for, but her stomach seemed to know why. She felt herself gag, and quickly pulled the bucket over with her magic. Just in time as she began to throw up. When that torture was over, she felt slightly relieved, but parched. Carefully she grasped the glass of water next to her in her hooves and brought it to her lips, drinking it all down in a big gulp. Her eyes rolled back at the relief, and she collapsed onto her back, letting her muscles relax. What happened last night? Twilight didn't hear anypony snoring, nor did she smell anypony. The only thing she smelled was her breath, which smelled of... alcohol. "Ohhh, no..." She moaned aloud. "I didn't, did I?" She smelled herself again. Definitely alcohol, and the smell of another pony. She hoped she didn't do anything she would regret. "Hellooo?" She called out. Nopony answered, but she heard heavy metallic clanks approaching the closed bedroom door. Twilight saw the doorknob turn, and the door swung open, revealing AKOSS in all of his gleaming white glory. In his hoof was a tray of breakfast foods. "Good morning, Ms. Sparkle," He said in his metallic voice. "Had an exciting night, didn't we?" "Oh, I didn't... You mean, I... And you...?" Twilight studdered at AKOSS' wording. AKOSS chuckled before going on. "It is but an expression, Ms. Sparkle. Rest assured I did not do anything to you last night." "Last night..." Twilight pondered aloud. She couldn't remember exactly what had happened last night. Although, she did recall a few things. She remembered going out and searching for Fluttershy. Dancing with a random zebra. Taking drinks from her water. Water... Water. Instantly, the bouncer's words echoed in her head. Watch your drink. Twilight facehoofed when she realized what the stallion had said. She must have either taken the wrong drink, or someone had drugged it. AKOSS cleared his throat (Not that he needed to), and Twilight remembered the breakfast tray he was holding. "Oh, thanks." "Do not mention it," AKOSS said. "I am only doing my job, Ms. Sparkle." AKOSS turned to leave. "Wait!" Twilight called. AKOSS turned his head around to look at her. "Yes?" "Where are my friends?" AKOSS turned around completely now. "They have gone out to the dancing club to find the zebra you slept with." Twilight's stomach turned again, and she threw up once more into the bucket. AKOSS came over and held her mane back, stroking her back. Twilight had slept with another person?! Twilight felt her sickness reside and tried her best not to studder when she addressed AKOSS again. "I... I really slept with somepony?" "That is what Ms. Dash told me." Twilight couldn't believe it. Now not only had she been drunk, but she couldn't remember anything that had happened last night! She could faintly recall the zebra's appearance, however. A black-and-blue striped zebra with a similarly colored mane and tail. A pair of crossed bones for a cutie mark. Tasty-looking lips. And those flanks, those heavenly fla- wait. Oh no. She had slept with a mare. GWAAAAAAAAAAGH! Twilight bolted upright and screamed bloody murder. All around her, her friends jumped up and screamed as well at the sudden outburst. Fluttershy was the first to scream, as well as the first and only to cower under the covers. The room was dark, and Spike sat upright, clutching Stephano close. A surprised AKOSS burst through the bedroom door, a tazer gun sticking out from both shoulders. "What?! What is it?!" He yelled, his normally kind voice now replaced with one of a military sergeant. The tazers clicked to life, sending electric bolts jolting from the metal poles on either end. AKOSS' camera scanned the room before his tazers whisked inside of his shoulders again, with no trace of them even being there. "Well?" He said. Twilight's friends all looked at her expectantly. Her heart was caught in her throat. "Umm... Bad dream," She said. "It was just a bad dream!" Her friends groaned in annoyance, along with Spike, who shoved his pillow over his head. Fluttershy's eyes emerged from under the blankets, while the other ponies all went back to sleep. AKOSS trotted out of the room with heavy thunks. "Twilight?" Fluttershy asked. "Yes?" She whispered back. "What was the dream abo-" "You don't want to know. Twilight woke up bright and early the next day. The morning sun shone through the windows in the bedroom, gently waking all of the mares. Spike didn't even budge. She looked at the clock - 8 AM. She had a while to get ready before her friends. But had she really passed out at the dance club? She would have to ask later. As she did every morning, Twilight took a shower, combed her mane, the usual. After toweling off, she trotted to the mirror and checked her reflection. Everything seemed normal. The only exception was her breath - It stank. She went back into the bedroom to search for her suitcase amongst the other baggage. She cautiously approached the closet and quietly opened it with her magic. Inside sat seven various suitcases. It wasn't the gem-encrusted suitcase, that was Rarity's. It wasn't the cupcake filled one either. That belonged to Pinkie Pie. Apples? Nope. Sun lotion? That was Fluttershy's. However, when she finally found her suitcase, she noticed something odd. Two suitcases that looked exactly the same. Both were purple, and neither had a name tag on it. Twilight sighed quietly. All she wanted to do was find her toothbrush... Sure enough, she zipped open one of the suitcases. Inside she found a Wonderbolts poster. This suitcase definitely belonged to Rainbow Dash. But when she tried to close Rainbow Dash's suitcase, something fell out onto the floor. Curious, Twilight levitated it to her face. It resembled a flashlight, but without the bulb anywhere to be seen. It was also curved at one end - The other was flat. It was pinkish-red in color, and there was a switch on the bottom. Twilight's instincts came to her and she clicked the switch on. Immediately the contraption began to vibrate at a crazy speed. It made a loud Bzzz! Then, as Twilight smacked it with her hoof in a frenzy to shut it off, she felt something on it. Something sticky. Twilight then realized what she was holding. Gagging, she whipped (And I mean, WHIPPED) the vibrating monstrosity back into Rainbow Dash's suitcase. The buzzing noise was still going, but now muffled. Casting a glance over her shoulder, Twilight was relieved to see everypony still in their beds. Everypony but Rarity and Rainbow. "Hey!" "EEP!" Twilight whisper-shouted. Rainbow Dash flapped into view. She wore a confused expression, and her mane was frazzled. Her wingfeathers were no better. "What're you doing in my stuff?" She asked aloud. Twilight put a hoof to Rainbow's mouth to quiet her. "Nothing!" She whispered, smacking the suitcase with her hoof. Finally, the buzzing stopped. "Ok, first I drag you back here from the club, then I find you-" "Sssh!" Twilight hushed. "You'll wake everypony!" "Sorry..." Rainbow whispered back. "But still, why?" "I was looking for my toothbrush." "Oh. Is it an electric one?" Rainbow asked. Twilight's blood turned to ice. "I thought I heard it revving up." "Umm, well, it kind of... You wouldn't..." Twilight began to panic as she searched for an explanation. "Wouldn't what?" Rainbow mumbled. Suspicion spread across her face. "Never mind..." Twilight cut Rainbow off by turning back to her own suitcase and unzipping it, yanking out her toothbrush. "Aha!" "Found it?" "Yep!" Twilight replied, galloping to the bathroom. Pushing the door open, she slowed her pace in the hallway. At least she wasn't being pursued by Rainbow. "Madam?" "SWEET LUNA!" Twilight yelled. She quickly covered her mouth with her hoof. She glanced to the source of the voice. "My apologies," AKOSS mumbled. "But are you actually going to drink your coffee this morning?" Twilight calmed down. This really wasn't her morning. She nodded quickly. "Sorry about the last time, AKOSS. I was in a hurry." Twilight put on an apologetic look for AKOSS. "No worries, madam. I'll have your coffee ready in a moment." AKOSS then cantered over to the kitchen, flicking on the coffee maker and pouring in the beans. Twilight allowed herself a minute to relax. Clutching her toothbrush in her mouth, she walked over to the bathroom door and pushed it open. "Aiiie!" Rarity yelled, covering herself with a towel. SLAM! Twilight put her back to the door. She had just walked in on Rarity. With no make-up on. Scarred for life. Never again. Taking slow sips of her hot coffee, Twilight waited for her friends to arrive. AKOSS sat with her, the elegant chair creaking with his weight. Twilight knew it was going to break any minute now. Before brushing her teeth in the kitchen, Twilight scrubbed her hooves and horn thoroughly. After touching Rainbow Dash's "toy", she swore to never mess with Rainbow's stuff again. Rarity emerged first, make-up on this time. She cast a wary glance at Twilight before seating herself next to her. Later followed Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. Applejack was arguing with Rainbow over who would get to shower first. "Well, I was here first!" Rainbow yelled. "Horseapples ya weren't!" Applejack retorted. "I was!" "Ya weren't!" "Was too!" "Was not!" "Was not!" Rainbow smiled at her little tactic. "Ya were, and that there's final!" Bingo. "Okay," Rainbow said as she pushed open the bathroom door, triumphant. Applejack stood shocked. A faint click was heard as the bathroom door was locked and shut. "Why, you cottonpickin' darn tootin' racka frackin'..." Applejack walked away slowly, back into the kitchen. She helped herself to one of the cucumber sandwiches that AKOSS had made. After taking a bite, she had a brilliant idea. Cranking the kitchen sink's cold water faucet, she listened to the satisfying shriek from Rainbow Dash in the shower. She burst into hysterical laughter. "APPLEJAAACK! "So," Twilight said, turning to Fluttershy. "Explain to me exactly what happened last night." "Oh, okay..." Fluttershy mumbled, taking refuge behind her adorable pink mane. As Fluttershy carried on with the story, Twilight found out that she had in fact gotten a bit drunk off of somepony else's drink. It was an honest mistake. Twilight only passed out at the table because a loud bass boost faltered her thoughts, rendering her unconscious. She had no idea how that worked, but that's what Golden Record had told Fluttershy. Later on Twilight had danced a bit and had some fun with Fluttershy and Yugo, but after that, she just went home and fell asleep on the couch at about 9:00 PM. AKOSS carried her to the bedroom, where she slept all night like a baby. That is, until her nightmare, of course. "So I didn't buck anypony?" Twilight asked. "No," Fluttershy replied. "No bar fights, no touching anypony?" "No." "Thank Celestia!" Twilight said. Rainbow Dash emerged from the bathroom, staring daggers at Applejack, who burst into tears with laughing. "You mule..." Rainbow mumbled as she made her way to Twilight, her mane uncombed as always. However, something else showed on the multicolored mare. Twilight's heart skipped a beat when she realized what. Anger. Rainbow trotted up to Twilight, pulling herself close to Twilight's ear. "We need to talk," She whispered through clenched teeth. Twilight gulped audibly. She knew exactly why Rainbow Dash was angry. Rainbow Dash led her to the bedroom, where Twilight shut the door behind her. Turning to Rainbow, she braced herself for the scolding of her life. Rainbow reached into her suitcase, pulling out the smashed mare's toy. "Explain." "And that's why it's broken!" Twilight finished. Rainbow sat on her flanks, listening in to Twilight's story. When she had finished, Rainbow stood. "So my toy is broken because you found it by accident?" "Yes," Twilight admitted, blushing furiously. "... You're sure it was an accident?" "Yes," Twilight mumbled. "I didn't know what it was." "You didn't... Ya know..." Rainbow Dash leaned in closer to Twilight. "Test it?" "Rainbow!" Twilight hissed before giggling aloud. Rainbow giggled along with her. "Well, Twi," Rainbow finished before heading towards the bedroom door, "If it was an accident, then I forgive you." "You do?!" Twilight said loudly. "Oh, thank you so, sososo much!" Twilight's smile beamed brightly at Dash. Twilight swore that Rainbow had to shield her eyes a bit. "How can I ever repay you?" Rainbow turned to Twilight just as she was exiting the room. A grim smile adorned her face. "Buy me a new one," She said simply before leaving Twilight stunned. "Horseapples," Twilight cursed under her breath. This was not going to be easy. Twilight and the girls agreed on their day plan. First they were going shopping, then they would meet up at the food court in the mall. After lunch, they would go to the pool and relax for a bit. Sounded fair enough. Twilight really wanted to go back to the dance club, which she later found out was named Golden Dreams, but she was outvoted six to one. Even Spike wanted to go to the pool. "Let's go!" Twilight said enthusiastically as she skipped out of the door happily, Spike on her back. Her friends followed in close tow. Calling the elevator, the girls started to chat about what they were going to shop for. Rarity was going to shop for dresses - obviously. Applejack and Rainbow Dash decided to head on over to EQ Games to pick up a few games to entertain themselves. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were going to check out the jewellery with Spike. Twilight was going to the Dragon Exhibit to watch the brilliant red dragon, Sharptooth, demonstrate the different species of dragons. Twilight was also going to a special place to find Rainbow Dash a new toy. Ding! The elevator arrived, and the girls happily stepped in at the sight of no other passengers. Pinkie pressed the "G" button with her nose, and the elevator's loud motor whirred into action. When the girls reached the middle of their elevator trip, the doors opened quietly to reveal a tall, white diamond dog. He squeezed in next to the girls, who shuffled uneasily at the stranger's appearance. He wore a cheetah-style pink fedora and pink coat, and he walked with a limp, using a fancy golden cane to stay upright. Rarity was crammed in closely to him, enough to catch the smell of heavy cologne. Twilight found herself occasionally eying him, expecting him to attack. His large, wolf-like face served no better in calming her down. However, he instead turned to the ponies. He tipped his hat as a greeting. "Well, 'ello thaya." He smiled the best he could with his sharp fangs. "Hello," The girls and Spike replied. "Name's Limpin' Pimp." He said. "Good ta meetcha." Limpin then turned his gaze to Fluttershy, eyeing her flanks warily. "Heya, baby." He smiled as he had before. Fluttershy gave the diamond dog the stare. "Uhh, actually, nev'a mind." The diamond dog waved his paw and looked back at the door. When the casino floor opened up, the girls were pushed over a bit as the diamond dog left, limping away with his fancy cane. After his departure, the girls instantly felt a lot safer. "Ugh!" Rarity scoffed. "Does anypony have any idea what he smelled like?" "No," They all replied. "He smelled like wonderful flowers," Rarity mumbled. "And utter scariness!" The girls laughed to themselves quietly as the elevator dinged to a halt. After a short walk and avoiding several speeding carriages of death, the ponies and Spike reached their destination. The mall's tall white sign hung above their heads, gleaming in the sunlight. Races of all kinds entered and left through the shiny glass doors. The crew were all stunned when they saw a gigantic pair of glass doors open, revealing the same red dragon Twilight had seen earlier in the trip. Pinkie bounced up and down excitedly, while Spike clung for dear life to her mane. "Ooh, this is gonna be great! I'm gonna buy gems and diamonds and cakes and cookies and toys and trinkets and baubles and games and..." The rest of the girls did their best to ignore Pinkie's ranting. Spike didn't have much of a choice, seeing as he was stuck on her back. What the ponies saw before them was amazing. A tall building big enough for a dragon (Literally) filled to the brim with stores of all types. Candy stores,output stores, barber shops - Everything you could imagine. The floor was a ceramic tiled gray and the walls were a deep red, with several colored lines leading to different locations. The ponies continued on their way to the food court without any trouble. When they reached the food court, Twilight walked ahead of the group. "Ok, everypony," She said. "We'll meet back here in three hours for lunch. Got it?" The ponies and Spike all agreed and set off on their paths. Pinkie almost bounced straight into a mean looking griffin, but she bounded upwards just in time to bounce harmlessly over her. The griffin paid no heed. "Ok, Twilight Sparkle," Twilight said to herself. "Dragon Exhibit first. Then to look for Rainbow's toy." Twilight took a look at the colored lines on the walls. DRAGON DISTRICT > FOOD COURT - YOU ARE HERE RESTROOMS > < CLOTHING < ELECTRONICS < FOODSTUFFS CHILDREN > It was a bit difficult to read, but Twilight read that the Dragon Exhibit would be held in the Dragon District in fifteen minutes. Tightening her saddlebags to be safe from pickpockets, Twilight trotted off. It's a lot bigger than I imagined. Twilight stood in the Dragon District's main center room. Everything there was huge - The chairs, tables, and stores were sized for all dragons to shop easily. Up about fifty feet were more stores, accessible only by winged dragons or pegasi. Not that pegasi would want to shop there, anyway. Twilight was surrounded by the chattering of excited ponies, and not too far in front of her was a big metal stage, decorated to compliment a dragon's appearance. Sharp spines and fake scales stuck out all over the stage. Twilight could see perfectly from her location, and she saw several labels on the stage, listing the different dragon types. After waiting for a few minutes, Twilight heard the crowd quiet down before applauding loudly. Turning her attention to the stage, Twilight spotted a rather small dragon, about the height of a diamond dog. His scales were a deep crimson and his spines were jet black. He had shining green eyes and fangs that jutted out from his lower jaw. He had a rather bulky posture, similar to Spike's, and he was wingless as well. He wore a monocle and a fancy red tuxedo top. He bowed to the audience before adressing himself. "Good afternoon, everypony, griffin, dragon and diamond dog out there!" His voice was regal and confident, somewhat similar to AKOSS'. "My name is Dr. Razor Sharptooth MuD." The crowd murmured in anticipation. "Today, I will be showing you five different species of dragons!" He said with enthusiasm. The crowd seemed to enjoy his charisma, but Twilight found it kind of annoying. "First, let's start with my species of dragons: Wingless Terror!" The crowd once again applauded Dr. Sharptooth. "Now, don't get me wrong, the names for all dragon species are supposed to sound menacing. But I assure you, we're perfectly harmless!" Twilight saw Dr. Sharptooth crack a small smile. "That is, if you call pony-roasting harmless! Hah!" The crowd shared a short laugh with the Doctor, but Twilight saw a few ponies shuffle nervously. "Ahem! Now," Sharptooth said, "We have no wings, but we're prominent in our fire breath." Sharptooth blew a small flame to demonstrate. "By the time we're adults, we can blow fire up to one hundred feet away!" The crowd ooh-ed and aw-ed at the amazing fact. "Next up, we have the Aerial Dominator..." After about an hour of rambling, the Doctor had explained five different species of dragons to the crowd. There were Wingless Terrors with their excellent fire breath and the Aerial Dominators with their tall, sharp horns and claws. That was the kind that had attacked Twilight and her friends up on Dragon Mountain. Next was the Brawlin' Buster, which was also wingless, but had a muscled body strong enough to crush boulders. It was about the size of Dr. Sharptooth. Then there were Big n' Bads, which were even bigger than Aerial Dominators, but they lacked fire breath or sharp razors. They were the kind of dragons that were ambassadors to Equestria. Lastly were the Mini Monsters, which were tiny dragons with amazing fire breathing skills. They looked akin to Aerial Dominators, but much, much smaller. It was no bigger than Spike's head. Ugh. Boring! Twilight set off after the show to search for an "Adult Playground". Consulting the map, Twilight found one - "Red Light Paradise". Twi cantered away towards the Pony District and looked for the store, often referring to the map. She also bumped into Applejack and Rainbow Dash, who were literally bouncing with excitement at the new game they had just purchased: Haylo 4. Applejack said a quick hello, and Rainbow winked at Twilight. "Remember the deal!" She whispered. "I will, I will..." Never again would Twilight go through Rainbow's stuff. Ever. Ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever. EEEVER. For doing so would mean she could break another of Rainbow Dash's toys. That would mean coming back here. And Twilight did not want to go back in that store. Ever. ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever. While Twilight was in there, she spotted many horrifying toys of Discord's making. Penis-shaped sticks, long strings with beads on them... Riding crops... Saddles and double-dildos. Everything that made Twilight gag was in that single, small, dimly lit room. And what could be worse than that? Well, try asking the cashier for something you can't find. Especially if that cashier is your cousin. That's right, the owner of the love shop was Glimmer Sparkle. Now, imagine a typical high school bully. Big, tough and cocky. Now imagine the attitude of one, but trapped in the body of an idiotic, sex-crazed mare. Now imagine that mare having a crush on other mares that were related to her. You think that's bad? Now imagine that same mare with one eye and an eyepatch. Even creepier. Now, try to even comprehend the fact that she had lost her eye in an accident that involved a toy from the store she owned. Terrifying. Disgusting. Combine that with a twenty-year-old filly-fooling virgin and you had Glimmer Sparkle. Creepy as buck. Now imagine trying to make a deal about a sex toy with her. Yeah. That's how it went for poor Twilight. Awkwaaard! At first, Glimmer didn't recognize Twilight. She was too busy helping a griffin with a "problem". Twilight went to the checkout to ask where to find Rainbow Dash's special toy, but then she realized that her cousin was running the store. She tried to back out. She was almost at the door when Glimmer spotted her. "He-he-heeyyy, if it ain't old Twispark!" "... Buck," Twilight swore under her breath. "Now what's a sexy young cousin like you doing in my sexy shop for sexy... stuff?" "Look, Glimmer, I know that yo-" "Go on," Glimmer interrupted. "... Okay," Twilight mumbled. "I've just come to pick something up for a friend." "A friend?!" Glimmer shouted. Twilight blushed as she felt several gazes on her. "Twispark, I didn't know you swung that way!" "Glimmer!" Twilight hissed. "Shut up!" "Sorry," Glimmer mumbled. "I need a..." Twilight tried to push back the blush that was burning her ears and cheeks. "A..." "Lemme guess," Glimmer mumbled. She leaned with one foreleg on the counter. "A vibrator." "Why, yes. How did you kno-" "Ssh," Glimmer hushed. "Glimma knows everything, sweet cheeks." Like I said. Creepy as buck. Several minutes later, Twilight walked triumphantly out of the store with Rainbow's new toy. It wasn't so bad after all. She did get to see her cousin for the first time in years. Perhaps it would have been better if she didn't run horn first into Rarity on the way out. "Oof!" Rarity cried out from Twilight's sharp horn. A small trickle of blood ran down her side. "Twilight, you must simply watch where you're going!" Rarity then eyed the small brown bag that Twilight picked up from the ground with her magic. "Sorry, Rares. I was a little nervous." Twilight made sure Rainbow's toy wasn't broken from the random drop. She then looked up at Rarity, who was staring at Twilight's cargo with a suspicious look. "What were you doing in there, anyway?" Rarity asked. "I got lost!" Twilight replied quickly, stuffing the brown bag into her saddlebags. Rarity simply shrugged before cantering away from Twilight. Twilight sighed in relief. "Alright then, dear. Meet you at the food court in a few minutes!" "Food court?" Twilight gasped. "By Celestia's shapely flanks... Today is not my day." Twilight threw herself onto the bed. Her friends followed soon after, along with Spike and the Stephano statue. AKOSS stood guard outside the door tonight. Applejack flopped onto her bed, saving room for Rainbow when she decided to come to bed. Fluttershy gently laid herself on the bed next to Twilight, snuggling under the covers. Rarity laid down on her bed, followed by an exhausted flat-haired Pinkie Pie. Spike climbed into bed next to Twilight, who hadn't even bothered to cover up. The ponies said a tired goodnight and were almost asleep when Rainbow pushed the door open, letting the evil, burning light into the eyes of the unprotected group of snoozers. "Psst! Twi!" She whispered. Twilight craned her neck at Rainbow and grunted. "I need you for a sec!" Twilight groaned reluctantly and climbed over Fluttershy, narrowly missing her poor wing. She lazily trotted off to follow Rainbow into the kitchen. AKOSS tailed them, his heavy metal frame making loud clanks on the floor. Rainbow Dash turned around to face Twilight. "Kay, you got it?" She asked. Twilight grinned and levitated a brown bag from her magical inventory. Rainbow returned the smile and took it from Twilight's magical grasp. Immediately she sat her flanks onto the floor and opened the bag with her hooves. After seeing the contents inside, Rainbow looked up quizzically at Twilight. "Why did you buy two?" She asked. "Just in case I wanted to test it." Twilight giggled and dragged her tired hooves into the bedroom, leaving a very surprised multicolored mare in her wake.