//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: Sweet Dreams // Story: Loved by the Sun and Moon // by Bahamut0 //------------------------------// Inside Moon's dream.... Nightmare had taken over Equestria. Except the ponies were replaced with humans. She had actually gone into negotiaions with Celestia and Luna to confine them to certian areas of the castle and they were to be her advisers. Eternal night never fell, and life more or less carried on normally. While she was a bit more intimidating that Celestia and Luna, she wasn't the monster the myths had painted her to be. However, the same could not be said of her generals and her chief adviser Nexus. Against her orders, they had began a hostile takeover of Equestria. While she still held power, Nexus had pulled the excuse that this was all "Necessary for the public's protection." Moon decided to play along, but only long enough to expose Nexus. What Nexus and the generals didn't expect, was a resistance. A extremely small resistance made up of only five to seven fighters who had taken down one of their armies without so much as destroying anyone. Moon smiled at the generals receiving a thorough beating, but feigned concern so none would suspect her. More reports came in saying that this lone group had decimated over half the army, and they were apparently making their way toward Canterlot. And then, it happened. Nexus came rushing into the throne room with a mad grin on his face. "Queen Moon! Our last base close to Canterlot has fallen!" "And you're happy about that why?" "We captured the leader of that blasted resistance group that had decimated over ninety-percent of our forces! The noble fool covered his comrades escape, and we were able to overwhelm him! Bring in the prisoner!" A figure was walking in chains and surrounded by a squad of soldiers. "I give you the leader of the resistance. Burst Stream." Burst looked at Nexus with a cold stare, and then he turned his attention to Moon. She found herself lost in the sapphire orbs that were his eyes. "Your highness. I didn't expect to get an audience with you so soon.", Burst said with a small smile. "Heh. You make light of your impending doom fool?", Nexus said with a sneer. "Nexus. Look me in the eye." Nexus complied. "The next time I see you, one of us is going to be out cold on the floor. I believe you fine guards will be showing me to my cell?" The guards were puzzled by this, but weren't going to complain since he was more compliant than they thought he would be. He had even surrendered without a fight. "I trust you have a suitable punishment planned my queen?", Nexus asked with a crazed grin. "Of sorts.", Moon said with a small smile. Meanwhile, the captain of Nexus' guards stopped to mock Burst in his cell. "So you're the one who's been a pain in Nexus's butt?", she spat. "Hah! You don't look so tough from where I'm standing! How did you and a bunch of punks defeat most of our army?" Soon, music began to fill the air. Song that plays for this dream "Stay right there, and I'll show you.", Burst said with a smirk as he raised his arms, and broke out of his chains. He then kicked off the cell door knocking the guard out. Then he activated his com-link. "Inferno? Do you read me?" "Loud and clear Burst! Did your plan work?" "Better than I thought! Now the real fun begins." Burst summoned his weapons: Two blasters and a sword modeled after the Blue Eyes White Dragon. He twirled his blasters before holstering them. "Let's rock baby!", Burst said as he went into impound and picked up his red coat that the soldiers had taken away to spite him. It came as no surprise that the whole dungeon was alerted to his escape and a battalion of guards were waiting for him as he stepped out into the open. "Well boys?" Burst unsheathed his sword. "Who's first?" The guards all charged him at once, but one by one they fell knocked out cold! Burst had struck them with the side of his sword, and not the edge! One guard was left quaking in his boots as Burst approached him. "Hey! Could you do me one little favor?" "Y-yes?" "You run off to Nexus and tell him I'm headed towards him and her royal highness. Can ya handle that?" "Y-yes! But I have to ask something." "Yeah?" "Why didn't you kill anyone? Are we just not worth your time? Or do you not even see us as threats?!" "I just don't want to hurt anyone. I'm pretty sure most of you are just doing your jobs. So I'm just gonna do mine. Now be a good boy and deliver my message!" The guard hastily complied and dashed off the inform Nexus. "Now to give myself a little guided tour of the place.", Burst said with a smirk. He had made it to the main castle, and was greeted by the whole of the elite guard when he opened the doors. "Well ain't this rolling out the red carpet?" Burst made sure his blasters were set on stun. "Let's rock!" The elites charged him, but Burst dodged with little to no effort and responded with a hail of blaster fire that knocked them out cold! More tried to come at him from the air, but they were all grounded with a flurry of blaster fire! Some were even crazy or stupid enough to charge at him with just their fists! And they were slugged out one by one! Only one guard was left standing, and he made a mad dash at Burst with his sword! Burst leaned back, and twilred one of his blasters against the edge creating sparks as it made contact! He then kicked the guard into a wall! "Now onto the final boss." Nexus was with Moon when the guard Burst had left conscious came barging in! "Adviser Nexus! The prisoner has escaped form the dungeons and taken down all the guards! No casualties are reported, and he had a message for you!" Moon's eyes flashed full of interest at hearing this. "And that would be?", Nexus growled. "He's coming for you." Then a knock was heard at the throne room door! Soon, the door was kicked down and Burst walked in! "Must be a slow day in the royal court.", he said as he casually strolled about the room. "Oh. Didn't see you there Nexus. Hey guard? Why don't you head home for the day? Things are gonna get messy." The guard bolted out of the room! "Now then, I'm here to ask for your surrender." "Insolent fool! Do you think the great Queen Moon would give up without a fight?!", Nexus scoffed. "I meant your surrender Nexus. You're the one behind the hostile takeover. Now come quietly or there'll be some consequences." "Surely you don't believe such nonsense my queen?", Nexus asked nervously trying to hide the fact Burst was telling the truth. "I would never-" Nexus was soon struck by a lightning bolt and a stun blast from Burst's blaster. He then fainted on the ground. "Shut up Nexus.", Burst and Moon said in unison. Moon then walked up to Burst with a smile on her face. "I must applaud you for such bravery. Coming here on your own and taking down almost every guard here. All to expose those who were using my name to do horrible acts. Burst Stream was it?" "That's my name alright. By the way, thanks for shutting up Nexus. He got really annoying. So what're you going to do now?" Moon smiled as she had one of her aids have the citizens gather for an announcement. "Citizens of Equestria!", she declared. "My head adviser and generals have been detained for using my name to enact a hostile takeover during my rule! I hereby return the throne of Equestria to Princesses Celestia and Luna and restore the diarchy!" All of Equestria was shaken by Moon's announcement! When she met with Celestia and Luna, she told them of what had occurred and the one who had been instrumental in exposing Nexus. "In light of all this, I'd like to be confined to my chamber in the castle. I trust these terms are favorable?" "Indeed they are. And if you like, I can ask Burst Stream to be your supervisor.", Celestia said with a warm smile. "I can tell you like him." "I'd like that very much." Over the next couple of days, Moon's chamber was set-up and Burst had come to watch over her, and was wearing his signature outfit complete with his red coat. As she was reading a book, she noticed Burst was also occupied with his own entertainment. "What's that you're playing?" "I'm playing my DS. In specific, I'm playing an old gameboy game. Metroid Fusion." Burst then decided to ask the burning question on his mind. "If you don't mind me asking, why did you pick me to watch you?" "Well...I....I might have feelings for you.", Moon said with a timid smile as she blushed. "It became clear when I first looked into your eyes. I was entranced by them. You probably think it sounds silly." "Not really. You've got a lovely set of eyes yourself.", Burst said with a smile. "In fact, you look quite beautiful as a whole." "Same to you handsome.", Moon said with a flirty smile. "So are you and your friends some sort of special unit Celestia and Luna set up?" "Nope. Just a bunch of friends who don't like bullies.", Burst said with a chuckle. "Call me crazy, but I think I'm falling for you. But enough about me. What're the things you're into?" The two had worked up a conversation, and before they knew it the day was coming to an end. "Huh. Would you look at that. Sleep well Moon." "I will see you tomorrow right?" Burst turned around and gave her a loving smile. "It's a date." Over the next couple of weeks the two of them got close and then, it happened one day as Burst came to watch her. "Hello Bur-", Moon cur her sentence short when she noticed Burst had no shirt under his coat. Burst seemed to notice how she was looking at him. "It's rude to stare.", he said with a small smile. "But I don't mind if it's you." Burst then made his way over to Moon. And for the first time, he actually looked nervous. "C-could I kiss you?" Moon grinned and pulled him into a deep kiss. "Did you even have to ask?", Moon said as she pulled out of the kiss. Then an idea came to her. "If you want to take things to the next level, meet me here tonight. Let's just say you'll be having a restless night.", she whispered into his ear. "We don't have to go that far. At least, not if you don't want to. Just kissing you is enough for now. I'd rather we let what we have grow." "Of course. But my offer is always open to you. Remember that.", Moon said with a warm smile as she made-out Burst for a short while. A month or two passed, and their relationship had seemed to grow at a steady rate. And then, one particular day stood out among the rest. "Moon?" "Yes?" "I think I wanna take you up on your offer.", Burst said. "That is, if you're not doing anything better." "Last I checked I had nothing planned. I'll be waiting for you.", Moon said with a sexy smirk. "See you tonight." That night, Burst was greeted by a sight that could only be described as divine. "Hope you weren't planning on going to bed early.", Moon teased as she led him to bed. She made the first move by pulling Burst into a long kiss, and he began trailing kisses down her neck. "Hmm. I think we're ready for the next part.", she cooed seductively. Before either of them knew it, they had made love under the moon's pale glow. "You know Moon, this was my first time.", Burst said blushing from their night of passion. Moon giggled. "Then I'm glad I made it good for you." She then pulled him into a loving kiss and they fell asleep in each others arms. Back in the real world... Moon had just embraced in the same intimate position. Sleeping soundly as she held him close to herself.