Starlight's Shadow

by Bahamut0


Starlight was finally happy. Her mind was no longer plagued with doubts about whether she was really forgiven, and it felt like a huge weight was lifted off of her shoulders. Not to mention she had a loving boyfriend and plenty of good friends who accepted her no matter what. But she always wondered one thing. Shadow loved her no matter what, but she couldn't exactly figure out what he saw in her when she had doubted herself. As luck would have it, she saw him in the hallway and decided to ask him the burning question. "Hey Shadow?"

"Yeah Star? Is there something I can help you with?"

"When I was doubting myself, just what was it that made you stick with me?"

Shadow gave her a loving smile. "It's simple Starlight. It takes a shadow to see hoe bright the light in someone truly burns.", he said as he pulled her into a hug. "I'd like to carry this on longer, but shouldn't we be getting to class?"

"Oh man! Gotta run!" Starlight made a mad dash for her next class, and Shadow couldn't help but smile at how cute she looked when she was embarrassed. Starlight smiled to herself as she rushed to class. 'Thanks for always being with me Shadow.'