//------------------------------// // Chapter 5: A New Deck // Story: Starlight's Shadow // by Bahamut0 //------------------------------// Starlight and Shadow's date had gone on into the night. Fortunately, things were looking up. The rest of the date was going better than when it started, and the stars were just starting to come out. "You know Starlight, your name really suits you." "What makes you say that?" "Your eyes twinkle a little when the stars come out. It's pretty cute!" Starlight blushed at hearing this. "Th-thanks. Hm? Is it me? Or is one of those stars shining really brightly?" Starlight said as she pointed at a bright blue star that seemed to be glowing brighter than the others. "I think you're right. Wait. Why does it look like it's moving?" Shadow had no idea how right he was. In fact, the star looked like it was headed right towards them! "Star. I think we might want to step a few hundred feet back!" The star was heading for them at top speed, but came to a halt in front of Starlight. "What the? Why did it just stop in front of me?" Starlight's question was answered as the light condensed into a new form. A dragon that seemed to be made of light formed once the light fully condensed. Its eyes were swirling galaxies. "Are you Starlight Glimmer?", it asked. "Y-yes. That's me. Who are you and why are looking for me?" "Nice to finally meet you! Name's Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon! And starting today I'm your new monster partner. Even brought a new deck with me for you to use.", Photon said with a goofy smile. "Um? Thanks?" "No problem!", Photon said as he returned to card form. Starlight smiled as she looked over her new deck. "This one definitely feels like a much better fit than the malefics. Can't wait to see what it can do!" "Maybe we should wait until tomorrow. I'd better get you home. And there's only one way to get you there fast. Come on out Dragluon!", Shadow shouted as his monster partner was summoned. "One express trip coming up. Hold on tight lovebirds!", Dragluon said as Shadow and Starlight boarded him. Dragluon took off like a rocket! Arriving at Starlight's home in under a minute. "Thank you for flying Dragluon Air. We apologize in advance for any discomfort. I always wanted to say that.", Dragluon said with a grin. "Thanks for a good time. Despite, you know, how bad things started.", Starlight said as she kissed Shadow goodnight. "See you tomorrow." "Sweet dreams Starlight.", Shadow said as he rode Dragluon home. The next day... "Lets see what your new deck can do!", Shadow boasted. "Bring it!", Starlight said as she activated her duel disk. Shadow: 8000 Starlight: 8000 "I've got the first move!", Starlight said. "I special summon Photon Thrasher since I control no monsters! Now I can also summon Photon Crusher! Then I'll set a card and end my turn." "My turn! I draw! I summon a monster in defense mode and end my turn!" "I think my Photon Thrasher should take a stab at it! Attack his face-down monster!" Photon Thrasher charged at Shadow's monster, but it's attack didn't destroy his monster! "Must have good defense. I end my turn with another face-down." "My defense mode was Keeper of the Shrine! Now I tribute him to summon Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon! Now I'll special summon Clear Vice Dragon from my hand! Now I'll attack Photon Thrasher! And when Clear Vice attacks a monster his attack becomes double the attack of the target during damage calculation! Reflector Stream!" Clear Vice let out a white stream of energy that obliterated Photon Thrasher! "I'll set a card and end my turn." Shadow: 8000 Starlight: 6900 "My turn! I play Trade-In to discard a level eight monster to draw two cards! Now I summon Galaxy Knight and I can normal summon him since I control a "Photon" monster! Now I'll activate his effect! I'll target Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon in my graveyard and special summon him! The only downside is that Galaxy Knight loses 1000 attack points. But I'm not done yet! I play Galaxy Expedition to special summon a level five or lower "Galaxy" or "Photon" monster from my deck in face-up defense mode since I control a level five or higher "Galaxy" or "Photon" monster! I special summon Galaxy Dragon! Now I overlay him with Photon Crusher to xyz summon Starliege Paladynamo! Now I'll detach his two overlay units to activate his effect! I target Red Eyes Darkness Metal and make his attack zero and his effects are negated! Paladynamo destroys REDMD, Galaxy Knight will take down Clear Vice, and Galaxy Eyes attacks you directly!" Paladynamo and Galaxy Knight destroyed Shadow's monster with swift strikes from their blades while Galaxy Eyes unleashed a beam of pure light that collided with Shadow's life points! "I end my turn. Now Galaxy Knight's attack points return to normal. Hope you're not upset that your girlfriend is handing your butt to you." Shadow: 1200 Starlight: 6900 "You kidding? I like a girl who can kick my butt!", Shadow said with a smile. "I play the Return of the Dragon Lords that I set earlier to revive Clear Vice Dragon! Now I can normal summon Parsec, the Interstellar Dragon at no cost! Now I overlay my two monsters to xyz summon Number 46: Dragluon!" "He won't be here for long! I activate my face-down card! Photon Stream of Destruction! And since I have Galaxy Eyes Photon on my field, I can activate this card during your turn! I target and banish one card you control, and the only one on your field is Dragluon!" "Not a bad move. I set a card and end my turn." "Time to finish this with a bang! I draw! I play Galaxy Cyclone to destroy your set card, and now I overlay my two monsters to bring out Galaxy Eyes' true form! Come on out Number 62: Galaxy Eyes Prime Photon Dragon! Attack him directly! Prime Photon Stream!" "How's this for lightening up?", Galaxy Eyes Prime said as his whole body glowed with blue light, and unleashed a gigantic stream of photon energy that wiped out the last of Shadow's life points! The attack was so powerful that it even knocked him down. "Starlight. I think I'm in love with you more now. Especially since you were able to nearly OTK me." Starlight giggled at this as she helped him up. "Glad to hear you're not a sore loser.", she said with a smile. "How about ice cream to celebrate my victory?" "And risk you getting brain freeze again?", Shadow said with a smirk. "You're never going to let me live that down are you?" "Nope!" "Well at least it was a memorable first date."