Starlight's Shadow

by Bahamut0

Chapter 3: Girl Talk

As Shadow sat down with the guys, Starlight went to meet up with the girls. "Hey everyone!"

"Hi there Starlight!", Moon greeted. "Care to sit with us?"

"Sure. In fact, there's something I want to ask all of you."

"Ask away darling.", Rarity said. "We'll be glad to help answer any way we can."

"How do you know that your boyfriends really love you?", Starlight asked as she blushed.

"Starlight. Shadow charged in to save you from Paradox and carried you out in his arms. If that isn't love I don't know what is.", Sunset said. "As for how I know Gold loves me, I told him about my past and he didn't care a bit. And to show me how much I meant to him he gave me his late adopted mother's ring. The last one isn't as important though."

"I think not Sunset!", Rarity said shocked. "I think it's rather romantic that Gold gave you such a sentimental item! In my case, Inferno beat back an unwanted suitor for my affection. He was willing to fight for me no matter what." Rarity sighed blissfully at the memory. "And he gave me the most beautiful necklace!" Rarity was nearly drooling at this point.

"Well she'll be out of this world for a moment.", Moon giggled. "I suppose my case is quite similar to Sunset's. I told Burst about my past, and the things I tried to do. I was sure he would hate me for it, and that he'd want nothing to do with me. But to my surprise, he held me close and told me that none of that mattered. That I had a fresh start here, and as long as I had him I'd never be alone. He was my first friend, and he introduced me to the best girls I've ever known." The whole table collectively 'aawwed'.

"Speaking of Burst, isn't he also dating Celestia?", Starlight asked.

"Actually he's dating both of us.", Moon replied with a smile. "Celestia was more than willing to share, but I did luck out in one area."

"And that is?"

"I share a bed with Burst.", Moon said with a sly smile. Everyone else at the table immediately was speechless. "He makes a great pillow. Plus I'm more pleasant to wake up to than an alarm clock. Of course the best part of our relationship is when he, Celestia, and I go out. He's usually between the both of us, so we both get to be close to him."

"My turn!", Sonata chirped. "With me and Ace, it was when took me out on our first date. I was worried that he was still under my family's spell after the Battle of the Bands, but he wasn't. I found out he really loved me when he first kissed me. In fact, him loving me no matter what gave me back my singing voice. And since then, I really can't imagine myself with anyone else."

"That's so sweet!", Starlight said. "What about you and Steel, Rainbow?"

"W-what?! No! I-It's not like I like him!", Rainbow stuttered as she blushed furiously. Everyone couldn't help but giggle at the sight.

"Face the facts sugarcube.", Applejack said with a smile. "You've got a thing for him. Is this because he stole a kiss? Maybe you're more of a mushy stuff kind of girl than you think."

"Sh-shut up!"

"Well thanks girls. I think I've got a good idea of telling how much Shadow loves me."

"And if you need help planning a date, I've got that covered!", Pinkie chirped as she pulled out a notebook. "I've kept track of your relationships and the first dates you've went on!"

" kept track of our dates? Why?"

"In case a situation like this happened silly! Also, because I want to know just how to patch your relationships up if you hit a rough patch.", Pinkie said with a smile.

"....Pinkie. Never change."

"Before we consult Pinkie's record book. Can any of you give me some ideas of a good first date?"

"Well you currently don't have a deck, so dueling is ruled out.", Sunset said. "You could convince him to go shopping with you."

"Sunset. I know no guy would want to go through that. I wouldn't want to go through that AND I'm a girl.", Rainbow countered.

"I think I'll leave before this escalates.", Starlight said nervously.

"Good plan.", Applejack whispered.