//------------------------------// // The Story // Story: The Siraxe // by Angel of Fire //------------------------------// The Siraxe It was another fine day in Ponyville the birds were chirping happily as Fluttershy was rounding up her critters at her house on the edge on the forest and tended to their every need, Rainbow Dash was teaching Scootaloo to fly in an apple field. “Come on kiddo you can do it this time.” Rainbow cheered confidently. They had been practicing all day and the best Scootaloo could do was a cross between gliding across the ground and lightly hovering. Truthfully Dash was getting bored, but Scootaloo was determined to fly so RD helped the young filly. “I’m no good I can’t do it.” said Scootaloo lowering her head in disappointment. “Even if I could I’ll never be as good as you Rainbow Dash.” “Hey! Don’t talk like that you’ll be able to one day if you keep trying and stay focused.” Rainbow Dash protested. Scootaloo raised her head abruptly “Really!” “Yea now come on lets get you inside Apple Jack’s house; it’s too late to be out on the streets now.” Scootaloo yawned loudly. “Yea lets I’m really tired.” At that moment it started to rain, Rainbow Dash held up her left wing and covered Scootaloo; she looked up at RD with a big smile on her face. They started giggling as they ran back to Apple Jack’s warm house. The two of them raced inside and rolled onto the floor laughing so hard that then had trouble breathing. Apple Jack heard the racket and came to see what all the fuss was about. She found the two pegasi rolling around on the floor and shook her head with a smile. “Y’all aint ever gonna learn are ya’.” She trotted over to Rainbow and looked down at her. “You really shouldn’t be keeping her out this late…” she was cut off by the sound of Apple Bloom running down the corridor and into the living room “Scootaloo!” She shouted. “Apple Bloom!” Scootaloo shouted back. The two friends embraced. Rainbow stood up and leaned close to Apple Jack. “Remind you of anypony AJ?” Dash said in a hushed voice. “Just like the good ol’ day’s aye Rainbow.” Dash blushed intensely. “Reminds me of a thing or two that happened.” “Makes ya’ think doesn’t it” Apple Jack said looking down and swinging her hoof side to side “we’ve been friends since well heck forever just about.” She was looking at Rainbow Dash with a nervous smile. Rainbow grabbed AJ’s hat and put it on “and not a day goes by were it’s not the same old story of us having fun,” Apple Jack laughed. “Come here you.” AJ jumped on Rainbow and they rolled on the ground giggling crazily. The two fillies watched as the mares rolled around happily. “Well I’m gonna hit the hay wanna sleep in my bed it’s a double?” asked Apple Bloom. “Really gee thanks.” Scootaloo replied. The fillies walked off as AJ and RD were laughing on the floor and that is where they lay for the remainder of the night. The next day Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo left the Apple families house saying their goodbyes and then they headed off. Dash dropped Scootaloo of back at her house and then left to perform her daily duties as she was moving the clouds to there places in the sky she saw Vinyl Scratch walking down the street by herself and Rainbow saw she was holding a USB in air with her magic and so RD went down to investigate. When she reached the ground Vinyl yelled. “Hey Dashie come here a sec.” so RD did as she was asked to. “Hey, how my favorite DJ?” “Not bad, yourself?” “Better now, so what’s up?” Vinyl took of her glasses. “I’ve got those songs you wanted do you want them now or later?” “Now’s good.” “Ok here you Go-wow.” CRASH “What the…” CRASH Green fire sparked on the ground around the plaza that they were standing in. “RUN!” screamed Vinyl. Rainbow flew up to get a better look at every thing there were bug-like monstrosities invading Ponyville. They looked like changelings that Rainbow Dash, Apple Jack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle had fought in Canterlot a few months ago. But these were a new threat and they looked angry and fierce with their black bat wings, orange tail, blue or red mane and green tail that moved like rippling water. Royal guards charging the attackers but there were too many of them and soon the guards were over thrown. RD being a daredevil decided shed take them on and started fighting some of the monsters but it didn’t mater how many she took out for every one she could see there were five she couldn’t. She was outnumbered and was being attacked from all around and couldn’t defeat them all but she kept fighting even though all hope was lost. Then a flash of light came past and knocked some of the life forms down. “Move, NOW!” the pony was orange and red coloured as for his mane and tail they were a rainbow of reds, yellows and oranges. He bucked at the beasts and fire appeared out of his hooves knocking them back to the ground meanwhile he shouted. “Get back siraxe you’re not having this town or any others in equestria you hear me. Now LEAVE!” Fire shot from his mouth and lit a few of them on fire the others galloped away. He turned to Dash with a face full of delight and asked. “The siraxe are rather fond of making nests around pony settlements and feeding of the towns food supply so…” “Hang on a second.” Rainbow had cut him off mi-sentence “who are you anyway and why should I trust you.” He looked surprised. “Well that’s a first. Ponies usually just do what I want and are scared witless anyway I’m Fire Bolt hence the fire powers etcetera, but more importantly were do you get most of your food from I need to know so I can help you.” “Apple acres down the road I’ll show you the way.” They started off down the road why do I always get stuck with the ponies that don’t trust me. Fire Bolt thought. my brother doesn’t, actually I wonder were Blue Smoke is now. They continued down Apple Lane. “Again I ask: can I even trust you.” Asked Rainbow a little bit concerned. “I just saved your life and you’re going off your head at me.” Fire Bolt was grinning happily he really enjoyed doing this to other ponies. “Well I still don’t know you.” She could tell how much he enjoyed this conversation. “OW!” Fire Bolt screeched Rainbow was smiling intensely as she hit him over the head. “You could have done that a little softer or just told me to shut up!” “Stop whining we’re here, welcome to Apple Acres.” Rainbow had a gigantic smirk on her face. “Rainbow would ya’ mind tellin’ me who your new ‘friend’ is” Apple Jack was confused as she looked the pony up and down as she walked up to the two ponies. “and what exactly he is doin’ on mah’ farm.” “Hey chill out AJ, he’s a pretty cool guy.” This time the pony to speak was a mare with purple glasses and a crazy multi-coloured mane. “Oh Vinyl good to see your unharmed.” “Yea I kinda ran for it the second I saw those…those things.” She shuttered unhappily. “Those things are called Siraxe and they’re deadly in large numbers, they eat everything. They starve ponies and leave them homeless. After that they eat your soul and they use your soul to…well even I don’t know what it’s even a mystery to me.” Fire Bolt replied. “Well that’s just lovely isn’t it!” Rainbow Dash said. “Hmm have fun without me are we little brother?” they all turned to the newcomer and Fire Bolt was the first to speak. “Blue Smoke, well took your time didn’t ya.” He did think this was funny on the account that he was older and more serious of the two brothers. Blue Smoke had a blue and gray body, mane and tail. “Well I’m here and so are your friends.” “Well we aint exactly friends yet, I for one just met him.” Apple Jack said. “Not you beautiful” Apple Jack blushed. “I mean them.” He pointed to the sky where the friends saw a dreaded sight. A swarm of monstrous bug-like creatures heading strait for them. “Well we’re boned.” Vinyl Scratch whispered. Within minutes the Siraxe were upon them. The 5 ponies started fighting. “Protect the apple’s that’s what they want.” Blue Smoke shouted. “I’m on it.” Rainbow did a saluting action then flew into the air and started herding the creatures towards the other ponies to avoid letting the Siraxe near the apples. Meanwhile Apple Jack was bucking their heads in and basically destroying everypony that went near her. “Get away from mah apples ya’ stinkin’ vermin’s.” Apple Jack shouted her voice rough yet reassuring. She seemed to be enjoying herself. “Hell yea.” Vinyl Scratch was dancing and beating the hell out of the Siraxe at the same time. It was random but effective. “Oh I love this song.” She shouted as she put her other headphones in. Her headphones were strange they came up through her hoodie and went down to the side pocket of the hoodie near her flank. “On the left.” Blue Smoke Shouted. Dash ducked as one of the Siraxe tried to spear tackle her but missed and got a face full of AJ’s back hooves. They galloped up to each other and did a brohoof. The Siraxe were getting worried and tired but then again so were the ponies, but they kept going at it until Apple Jack got bucked right in her muzzle. She was instantly knocked unconscious. Another of the Siraxe double the normal size of a pony grabbed Rainbow Dash and threw her against the back wall. She hit the wall then the floor she tried to get up but fell back against the floor and there she lay for the rest of the battle. Fire Bolt was covered in a swarm of Siraxe and so was his brother they tied Blue Smoke up and kicked dirt in his face and laughed at him. This drove Fire Bolt into a frenzy he kicked fire everywhere but knew it was useless and he was shortly after also tied up. Vinyl being the last one standing kept fighting until one stupid Siraxe hit her ipod. This was not a wise move she looked in horror as the crumpled ipod lay on the ground in pieces then she throe her glasses on the ground and opened her eyes revealing her magenta eyes that had a fiery touch to them now. “You. Are. Dead!” she turned to the Siraxe that broke her ipod and warped in front of him with a strange ‘wub’ sound. She poked him with the tip of her hoof and he went flying across the acres and acres of apple trees. Then she bucked with a loud BOOM a pile of bodies scattered along the orchard. She kept…wubbing them (am I saying that right) into different areas. Soon she was the last one standing. All around her lay the bodies of hundreds of Siraxe. She was breathing heavily and by that stage Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash were just waking up. “Aw hell AJ no more liquor and late nights.” Rainbow shook her head “Wait that was real oh ok he he um I didn’t say anything.” Rainbow said whilst blushing. “What never mind can you get me down now?” Fire Bolt asked, confused. “Ah’ could use a drink actually.” Apple Jack said in a low voice as she untied Blue Smoke. “Yea lets I'm up for a round or two myself actually.” Blue Smoke quickly replied. “Anypony else wanna come.” AJ asked. “No thanks Apples you two have a good time.” Rainbow said. “Hey RD wanna come back to my place for lunch?” Fire Bolt asked. Rainbow Dash looked back at him with a slight smile. “Are you asking me out?” He raised an eyebrow. “Are you going to say yes?” “I think I might actually.” Rainbow replied. “Then yes I am asking you out hot stuff.” “Stop it.” Rainbow said playfully. “I'm gonna go hang with Tavi have a good time guys.” Vinyl Scratch said as she wandered off down the road. So the friends saw each other off and went their separate ways and had a great night. As it turns out they defeated the Siraxe Queen in the fight and therefore stopped the Siraxe from returning… or so they thought. “Oh you poor darling I’ll look after you.” Fluttershy said in an extremely quite voice as she picked up the abnormally large creature. “You’re going to be just fine.” The End!?