//------------------------------// // Epilogue // Story: Dragon's Treasure // by Bahamut0 //------------------------------// It was just another day for Rarity. Things seemed to go about as they normally would. Until she got a text from Inferno. It read:There's some place special I wanted to take you. No need to bring any money. It's on me. And there's also a present I want to give you. See you after school! 'I wonder what he has planned?', Rarity thought to herself as she read the text. 'Well, there's only one way to find out!' The rest of the day passed by slowly as Rarity anticipated what Inferno's surprise would be. She met up with him once school was out. "You ready?", Inferno asked with a smirk. "Always darling.", Rarity said with a smile. They walked to where Inferno had wanted to take her. When they arrived, Rarity's jaw nearly dropped! Inferno had taken her to a jewelry store! "Is this where you wanted to give me that present you were talking about?" "You'll just have to step inside and find out." Rarity was in awe of all the gorgeous jewelry on display! "Inferno, darling! You really didn't have to go this far just to make me happy!" "I didn't. None of this jewelry is your present." "Why's that?" "There's no gem in this world that's as beautiful as you are. Inside and out." Rarity nearly swooned at Inferno's words. "Any more talk like that, and I just might melt." "Keep in mind I said any gem in this world.", Inferno said as he reached into his pocket. "So Red Eyes was instrumental in helping me get this." Inferno pulled out a necklace with a brilliant, blazing ruby as the main focus. "It's a fire ruby. Red Eyes picked it out because it shows how bright my love for you burns. And how much you light up my life." Inferno wrapped his arms around her after he put the necklace on Rarity. "You're my treasure. And I figured I should get you something that shows just how precious you are to.." "Enough sweet talk.", Rarity said as she pulled him into a kiss. "You've already said more than enough.", she said with a smile as she pulled out of the kiss. "And now it's time for me to show you just how much you mean to me." Rarity led him outside. "Isn't this behavior un-lady like?", Inferno asked with a smirk. "Does it really matter?", Rarity said as she pulled him into a deep kiss. "Your name fits you quite well. You ignite my passion my handsome dragon." "And I love you above all else my treasure.", Inferno replied as he returned the kiss. Both of them were thinking the same thing at that moment. 'There's nothing in the world that'd make me give you up.'