Dragon's Treasure

by Bahamut0

Chapter 1: More precious than any gem

"Ah. It's days like this that make getting up even more worth it.", Inferno thought out loud as he entered CHS. Not just because he got to see all his friends, but because he got to see Rarity. Red Eyes picked up on his good mood and decided to pay him a visit.

"She's your treasure.", Red Eyes said with a smile.

"I thought dragons from the monster realm didn't have huge hoards of gems and gold.", Inferno replied jokingly.

"No. But we do have items that we hold close to our hearts. Ones that we would guard with our lives and risk everything to protect. Whether they're items that have a lot of sentimental value, or friends and family. They're our treasures. And we'll never let them go."

"That's deep Red. And I guess it also sums up how I feel about Rarity.", Inferno said with a smile. Soon he noticed her and decided to speak to her. "Hey gorgeous."

"Why if it isn't my handsome dragon.", Rarity said in a slightly flirty tone. "Here to walk me to class?"

"It'd be my pleasure to escort you.", Inferno said with a bow. As they left, Rarity didn't know she was being watched. And the one watching her was none other than the guy who was voted as best looking in the school. His name was Adonis Marble. And he had his sights set on Rarity.

"Soon my lovely maiden. You shall be mine."