Canterlot High Chronicles

by Shadowsnake89

Starlight to Starlight

It was a normal, busy Saturday in the bustling streets of Canterlot as many of the citizens went about their business. Some were on their way to lunch from work, others off to meet friends for planned activities, still others like eco-kid Starlight were simply taking a stroll. The girl walked through the streets, taking in the familiar sites, the Sweet Shoppe, the Leaf family flower shop and everywhere in between, greeting all the faces she'd become accustomed to seeing as she went. She continued on her way until she'd reached the park where the county fair was being held.

As she strolled through the fair grounds she spotted a contest being set up, an obstacle course where several contestants had already lined up. Indigo Zap, Heath Burns, Rainbow Dash, Teddy and Cloudy Kicks were all lined up, ready to win the grand prize for the event, a twenty-five dollar gift card. “Sweet,” she said as she walked over to Cheerilee who was organizing the contest. “Ms. Cheerilee, are there any openings left for the obstacle course?”

“Sure, just line up right over there and we'll get started in a few minutes.” She guided Starlight over to the open starting line position as she stood next to Indigo Zap.

“What's up?” the hippie girl greeted the competitor to her left.

Indigo's gaze never strayed from the path ahead as she seemed to psych herself up. “I'm gonna bowl through you like a freight train.”

“Cool.” Starlight's simple, almost clueless statement caused Indigo to falter for a moment just as Cheerilee made her announcement.

“Racers, on your marks. Get set. Go!” the contestants bolted off the starting line as they leaped over hurdles, crawled through tunnels, and scaled a wall. By the time they'd reached the final obstacle, a rope swing over a tank of water, Indigo was neck and neck with Dash for first place. Starlight found herself in behind the others, doing her best to keep pace with the rest of the group. She finally reached the swing for a last place spot. She swung to the best of her ability as her foot just glanced the landing zone which left most her body suspended over the pool before her arms gave out and she fell into the water.

Her soaked head popped up seconds later as she looked up to see Dash offering her hand to help her out. “You okay?”

“Yeah,” she took Dash's hand as the athlete pulled her from the water. “I needed a bath anyway.” she joked as Cheerilee offered her a towel and Starlight attempted to wring the water from her clothing.

Dash gave her a pat on the back. “ Hey, you never gave up. That's a winner in my book.”

“Thanks Rainbow Dash.” After getting dried off, Starlight went to get a snack. “This isn't made from real elephant's ear is it?” She asked as the vendor gave her a bizarre look.

“No... it's not.”

“Cool. Never can be too careful these days.” she merrily skipped away before being stopped by a strange voice.

“You there,” she turned her head as a woman wearing a purple veil and hood called from a nearby stand with a sign that read simply “Advice”. “Yes you. Come over here for a moment.” Starlight shrugged innocently as she walked over.

She passed two young men who were just leaving the stand. “Dude, that was some heavy stuff.” One of them said as they walked off.

The woman addressed her as she drew near. “I saw you over there in the race. I'd like to congratulate you. You gave a spirited performance.”


“Yes, it's just too bad that you didn't win after giving it your all. There's always someone out there who just has to show everybody else up and prove that they're the best.”

“Yeah, I guess it doesn't feel all that groovy after wanting something so bad.”

“Wouldn't it be great if we were all equal, no one better than anyone else? That way no one would feel superior, no one would ever have to feel bad about their limitations, what they can't do compared to someone else. Wouldn't that just be the perfect place to live?”

Starlight stopped to think for a moment. “Hmm, not really.”

“What?!” the woman shouted in stunned surprise as Starlight got up to leave. “Aren't you angry that people like that are running around?” she pointed out Indigo Zap mocking two other contestants at a dart throwing booth. “Doesn't it make you depressed that you'll never be as good as them as long as everyone and everything isn't equal?”

“Nah, it kind of mixes things up. Well see you around.” The eco kid waved goodbye before paying her three dollars and going on her merry way. This left the veiled female in an annoyed silence as she finished out her day of giving out “advice” at her booth before closing up and heading out. Walking down the street she promptly tossed her head coverings into her backpack, revealing herself to be no more than a teenage girl with purple and aquamarine hair. As she made her way down the streets she couldn't help but keep thinking about the girl she'd met earlier. “How can someone be so positive? This world is full of so much unfairness and a me first attitude.”

“Watch it kid!” A man said as he cut her off rounding a corner. She glared at him for a moment before continuing on to her destination, an abandoned three story building in the center of town. She quietly made her way around back and carefully stacked a set of crates that allowed her to reach the fire escape and let herself in through an unlocked second floor window. The teen made her way through the darkness with a small flashlight before she rounded a corner where a dim light shined. The source was a small lantern and near it were two cots, one occupied by a girl with frizzy magenta hair with a pair of round barrettes in it.

The girl was rolled on her side toward the light source reading a book as the other entered the room. “Hey Glimmer,” she greeted as the other girl dropped her bag on the ground and simply rolled onto her cot. “Did things not go well?”

“They went fine,” Glimmer responded as she lay face down. She then extended her left arm out, a bag in hand toward the other girl. “Here Sugar Belle, I got you these. I know they're your favorite.”

Sugar Belle squealed in delight as she grabbed the bag and stuck her hand in, pulling out a large, round chocolate frosted doughnut. “Thanks, I love these.” she excitedly stuffed her face as Glimmer was still face down.

“I had some extra money left from my booth after I got some essentials. Luckily no one noticed I wasn't supposed to be there. We'll have everything we need to head to the next town. Hopefully there won't be so much red tape when it comes to finding a job there.”

“I wish we could stay in this town. It looks like a fun place.”

“Don't let the place fool you. It's the same as all the other towns we've been to. All those people thinking they're so much better than everyone else. Except...” Glimmer stopped as she remembered the hippie girl she'd talked to earlier.

“What's wrong? Did something happen today?”

“Nothing, let's just get some sleep. I've got big plans tomorrow before we head out.” Sugar Belle reached over and shut out the lamp as Glimmer went over somethings in her head.

The Next Day

Starlight grabbed her backpack from behind the front door as she headed out for school. “Bye Gram Gram. I'll see you after school.” she said to her grandmother who waved to her from the kitchen. As she headed down the streets of the city eyes were upon her, carefully hidden behind a mailbox just a block away. Glimmer emerged, tailing her for a good while until she stopped and watched the girl enter Canterlot High as the five minute warning bell rang which signaled all students to pick up the pace lest they be tardy.

Patiently, Glimmer waited for all the students to file into the school before stealthily making her way in as well. She caught sight of the eco-kid just as the bell sounded and Starlight entered her first period class. Luckily for the stalker there was a small window on the closed door leading in and the teachers desk was against the same wall so there was no danger of being spotted by him. It also had the added benefit of giving her a clear view of Starlight with only the minimal chance of being spotted. She watched as the teacher handed out last weeks graded papers. He laid Starlight's paper on her desk as she looked at the C- on the paper.

“Cool.” she said with a relaxed smile.

“Why is that a good thing?” Brawly, who sitting next to her asked.

“I got a D on my last trigonometry test. I can only get better, right?”

“Guess I never thought of it that way. Rock on.” Brawly held out his hand and the two shared a brief fist bump.

Glimmer continued to look on before realizing something didn't feel quite right. She turned to see a tall dark skinned woman standing behind her. “Oh hello Miss....”

“Vice Principal Luna. Forgive me but I keep a strict watch over this school and I don't believe I've seen you.”

Thinking quickly the girl came up with the first thought that came to mind from a poster she spotted on a billboard on the wall behind the vice principal. “I'm...Raspberry Swirl. I'm from the Everton Institute for Independent Studies. Pleasure to meet you.” she extended a hand with a fake smile as Luna accepted.

“Everton? Well I must say this is a surprise.”

“Forgive my sneaking around and for not calling ahead. I simply wanted to scout out a few of your most promising students without causing too much of a commotion.”

“Of course. If you'd like you could sit in on the classes as a student for better observation.”

“That would be perfect. Thank you.” After a bit of work and a short introduction, Glimmer was in the back of class after class, waiting and watching the hippie girl like a lion would watch an injured gazelle in an attempt to figure out what gave the girl reason to be so joyful. By the time it came around to gym Glimmer had watched the girl for more than four hours as Starlight performed moderately in her classes.

The girl kept a journal as she cataloged everything to put the pieces to this mystery together. As Glimmer wrote she failed to notice the shadow looming over her. “Heads up!” someone shouted as she looked up at the last second only to be greeted by a dodgeball to the face. After the unfortunate incident in the gym, Glimmer, now sporting a swollen left eye, cautiously followed Starlight down the hall as she stopped to talk to two of her friends.

“Hey Paisley, Sweet Leaf.”

“How's your day been so far?” Leaf asked.

“Pretty good. Did better in math class and I wasn't first out in gym. Other than that not much else except letting some girl I met at the fair follow me all day.”

“What?!” Glimmer shouted as she appeared from behind a pillar and approached the trio. “You knew I was following you this whole time? But how?”

“You have this little tendency to flex the pinkie finger on your left hand when you gesture like you did when you introduced yourself to the class. I noticed you did the same at the fair. Also, that was the worst Gypsy accent I'd ever heard so it wasn't to hard to recognize your actual voice.”

“Wow, that's pretty impressive Star.” Paisley admitted.

“Yeah, I've been told I'm really observant.”

“You know what,” Glimmer shouted as the girls backed up a bit. “I followed you all day so I could figure out what makes you so upbeat when things don't work out for you but now I couldn't care less.” she huffed off as Starlight pardoned herself from her friends.

Starlight found the girl dejectedly walking down the hall of the school and called out to her. “Hey.”

“What do you want?” Glimmer asked, refusing to turn to her.

“You want to know more about me, why I'm so upbeat when things don't exactly seem ideal?” This caused Glimmer to turn around before giving a quiet nod. “Wanna sleep over at my place?” She almost fell over from the last question.


“Meet me at this address Friday night.” Starlight handed her a sheet of paper as she smiled. “I'll explain everything then. Hey what's your name anyway? Your real name I mean.”

“Glimmer, Starlight Glimmer.”

“Huh, what a coincidence. Well I'm just gonna call you Glim Glam. See ya later.”

Glimmer shrugged her shoulders as she watched the strange girl skip away. She took a look at the paper in her hand before shuttering as she sensed a cold chill running down her spine as a voice came from behind her. “So Ms. Swirl,” The girl turned to see a none too pleased Luna behind her. “I just got off the phone with the Everton Institute to thank them for sending you to scout some of our most promising students and they informed me that they had done no such thing. Care to explain?”

“I um, well you see...” Glimmer took a few nervous steps back as Trixie casually walked passed. She quickly snatched the girl's bag and used one of her smoke bombs to escape.

“Can you believe that?” Trixie asked as Luna stood dumbfounded for a moment before turning her attention to the silver haired girl.

“I know. I told you not to bring those things on school grounds. I'll see you in detention Ms. Lulamoon.” This left Trixie herself in stunned silence as she attempted to comprehend what just transpired.


“Starlight, you're little friend's here.” the eco kid heard her grandmother call as she made the final preparations in her room.

“Thanks grandma. Send her up.” She looked around the room excitedly as she had set up plenty of refreshments and activities for the entire night. “Hey.” she greeted Glimmer as she watched another girl follow her in.

“This is Sugar Belle,” she introduced the other girl as she shyly crept in. “I hope you don't mind. I didn't want to leave her on her own tonight.”

“Nah, the more the merrier. Well pull up a bean bag chair and make yourselves at home. I've got plenty of...”

“Oh my gosh. Look at that spread!” Sugar Belle instantly perked up as she saw the wide array of foods, helping herself to the many snacks.

“Gotta appreciate a healthy appetite,” Glimmer said with a nervous smile. “So I was hoping we could finish our discussion from earlier.”

“Oh, there's plenty of time for that. For now let's just enjoy this party!” Starlight said as she guided her guests over to some of the activities she'd planned. After a few hours of games and food, the three were soon asleep, Glimmer and Sugar Belle in their sleeping bags and Starlight with a simple blanket on the carpeted floor.

“Psst,” Glimmer opened her eyes as she heard the hissing sound. “Glim Glam, you awake?” She turned her head and nodded in the dim light provided by the moon through the sole window in the room. “If you still want to talk follow me.” The two quietly tiptoed around Sugar Belle, who was snoring rather loudly in a pile of candy wrappers. Glimmer followed closely as Starlight lead her up a ladder. Before she knew it the two were on what seemed like a little patio on the roof.

“Cool huh?” the girl asked Glimmer as she offered her a seat. “I used to come up here when I wanted to do some thinking. I still do from time to time.” After taking in a deep breath she sat down and turned to Starlight. “Ask away.”

Glimmer, although previously having a memorized list was caught slightly off guard. “You want to know why I'm the way I am? Why I can see the light side in any situation?” The girl gave only the slightest of nods as a reply. “Well believe it or not I wasn't always this mellow. When I was little I was a bit...scrappy.”

“You?” A raised eyebrow came from Glimmer as Starlight continued to explain.

“I guess it's like you said, we're not all equal so I guess it's not surprising that not all of us get an equal start in life.” She paused for a moment and gazed up at the stars. “I don't remember my mom, and my dad...well he loved me the best he could but he had his own problems. He left me a letter before he went to who knows where. 'You're gonna be staying with grandma for a bit because, right now, daddy can't do what's best for you. Daddy can't even do what's best for himself.'”

“I'm sorry.” Glimmer said she watched the girl wipe tears from her eyes.

“It's cool. We didn't have a lot but grandma always gave me what she could. It wasn't until I started my next year of school that I had problems.”

Six Years Ago

“Starlight, this is the third time you've disrupted the class,” Ms. Chickadee said as she sat at her desk watching the young girl opposite her. “I know you've been having some trouble with the other students but we can't keep doing this.”

“They shouldn't have made fun of my clothes then.” Starlight muttered as she crossed her arms.

“Honey, I know it's been hard for you and I've let things slide before but this time I can't. You sent someone to the hospital. Now I've talked to your grandmother and you're going to be suspended for the next week but get into trouble one more time and I'll have no choice but to expel you. Is that understood?”

“Yes ma'am.”

“Alright. All your assignments will be brought to your home so you don't fall behind as well. You can go now.”

Starlight closed the door to the office and walked out into the hall just in time for the final bell to ring. She headed outside to wait for her ride to show up as the other students pour out of the building. Looking up for a moment she spotted two girls whispering, giving her an occasional glance before they began to laugh. It didn't take her long to deduce who they were talking about. Balling her fist she made her way over to them.

“You two got something to say?” she was startled as a young boy with light blue hair asked the two, inadvertently stepping between her and them. “Well, if you got something to say to her say it to her face.”

“Ah, nothing. Never mind.” The two excused themselves as the boy turned to Starlight with a smile on his face. “You okay?” He received a punch in the arm for this.

“I was fine before you got in the way.” she said with a scowl.

“I just wanted to help. I heard what Ms.Chickadee said.”

Starlight opened her mouth only to pause for a moment, realizing she'd almost earned herself a one way trip out of the school. “Oh boy,” She put palm on her face before looking back at the boy. “Thanks I guess.” She found herself stunned as he placed a hand on her shoulder.

“It's okay to be mad sometimes. You just got to know when to let it out and when to let it go. And sometimes having a friend to talk to can help.” Just then a car horn sounds as a white car pulls up. “That's my mom, I gotta go. See ya around.”

“Bye.” Starlight managed to mutter as she watched the kid leave.

Later That Day

At the local hospital Starlight's victim, Curly Winds sat in his bed, busy discussing what happened to his friend Wiz Kid. His left leg was in a cast and his head wrapped tightly with bandages. “I tell you Wiz if I ever see that little stick figure of a girl ever again she's gonna get it. Hand me that juice.”

“Here you go boss.” The scrawny nerd handed him a juice box as he continued.

“I'm serious if that low down, dirty, no good savage ever shows her face around me again and you're around, boy oh boy, I hope you just turn away. Just turn your head and close your eyes because you're not gonna want to see what I'll do.” As he finished the nurse cracked the door and stuck her head in.

“You have a visitor.” She left as Starlight stood in the doorway with her backpack.

“She's back to finish the job!” Curly screamed as he tried to get out of bed. “Quick throw me out the window!”

“I'm sorry,” Her humble statement caught both boys off guard. “I'm sorry that I punched you and knocked you down. And I'm really sorry for ripping your hair out with my teeth. I need to learn to keep my temper under control.”

Curly relaxed for a moment before speaking. “Um...apology accepted.”

“Here, I got you these,” Starlight handed him a canned soda and a bag of chips. “And this in case you get bored.” She also handed him a book of cross word puzzles.


“Oh and I almost forgot,” Reaching back into her bag she handed him a plastic zip lock bag that had the large chunk of hair that she'd earlier ripped out. “I found most of it. Well, I should go.”

Curly and Wiz watched as she lightly nodded her head and exited before the former looked down at the bag in his hand. “Quick Wiz, get me a bottle of glue.”

“Well I think it'll grow back on it's...”


“Yes boss.”


“I still had some problems to work on but after a while I mellowed out a bit and gave the friendship thing a chance.”

“Would never have figured you as someone so ruff and tumble.” Glimmer admitted.

“Yep, I was a bit of a bruiser but now it's all good. Now I volunteer at a little counseling center in the city where I can help kids who are like I used to be. It's funny how things work out though, sometimes one person can make all the difference.” Starlight held a small picture of her and Brawly Beats at the recent 'Girl's Choice' dance as she chuckled. “Even if they don't remember.”

“Still, not all of us are so lucky.” Glimmer turned her gaze downward.

“Can I ask you a question?” the eco kid's inquiry was received with a slight confirming nod. “What's your story?”

Glimmer sighed heavily before deciding to share her story. “Not much to tell. My parents died when I was little, didn't have any family so I ended up in an orphanage. That's where I met Sugar Belle. We were in the same boat so we looked out for each other. The orphanage itself was poorly funded and hilariously managed thanks to some fancy pants who thought that money would be better spent elsewhere.”

“Heavy.” was all Starlight could say as the other girl continued.

“Tell me about it. After some deliberating we decided we'd stand a better chance on our own, so one night we just up and left. That was about three years ago. Since than we've been traveling from town to town, city to city, trying to find a place where things were different. Kind of gives you a clue that we haven't exactly found the right place yet.”

“So what know?”

“We're catching a bus up to Appleloosa in the morning.” She turned to see a bit of disappointment in Starlight's eyes. Glimmer managed to brush it off as she yawned. “Well we better get some slip. Sure we've both got a big day ahead of us.” She excused herself, heading back into the house as Starlight lingered for a bit before heading in as well.

The next morning Starlight awoke at her usual time on Saturday to find that her guests had already cleaned up after themselves, folded up there sleeping bags and departed. “Bummer.” She got to her feet and prepared herself for the day, knowing that there was plenty to do. After getting fed and dressed she made her way to the counseling center, greeting volunteer and visitor alike. “Hey Sour Sweet, Lemon Zest. How's the day going?”

“Oh absolutely wonderful,” she said with the brightest of smiles before her usual sourness kicked in. “That is until this dummy dropped my favorite pair of earrings down a sewer grate.”

“Uh-uh. What did we discuss last week?” Starlight said in a mellow yet somehow still stern voice.

Sour gritted her teeth as she spoke. “Before I make my harsh words real, think about how they'll make others feel.”

“There you go,” She went happily down the hall to receive her assignments. “Hey Ms. Tree Hugger, what you got for me today?”

“Well we've got some new volunteers which is always groovy,” the woman said as she greeted her from a doorway. “So maybe they could hang with you today and you could show them the ropes. Not the ropes we keep in the storage closet but you know, how to do stuff.”

“You got it.”

“Alright girls, come this way,” Tree Hugger waved the girls from her office out into the hall. Starlight was stunned as she saw Glimmer and Sugar Belle emerge. “Well I'll let you girls get to it.”

Not being able to hold herself back, Starlight dove at the two and embraced them in a tight hug. “Glim Glam, Belle!”

“Good to see you two,” Glimmer said as she pried herself from the vice like hold. “Thought we'd come see how you get things done.”

“So what do we do?” Sugar Belle inquired.

“Right this way.” Starlight gestured as she gave them the two. “We do all manner of assistance and counseling. From relationship problems,” They walked passed a slightly opened door where Indigo Wreath and Buzzsaw were in an argument.

“Come on it was an honest mistake.” Wreath said as the girl turned away from him with her arms crossed. “You and your sister look a lot alike.”

“So now yer sayin' there's nothing special about me.”

“You're putting words in my mouth again!” he shouted as Starlight guided her compatriots onward.

“We also help with self esteem problems.” They pass a room where Glimmer recognizes the vice principal who almost busted her a few days ago laying down on a couch as she talks to resident psychiatrist.

“It just seems like my sister gets all the admiration from the students,” she said as the doctor listened, occasionally writing in his notebook. “I mean I have to be firm with the students, it's part of the job but I don't want them to see me as unapproachable.”

“And then there's,” before Starlight could finish door in front of them swung open as another staff member rushed out, her eyes full of terror.

“I can't take it! That's not a girl. That's an unholy abomination. I quit, I quit, I quit!” She raced down the hall and out of the building as the three peered into the room to find Pinkie Pie seated in a chair with a bright smile, playfully kicking her legs.

“There's whatever Pinkie is. We lose more helpers that way.” As they moved on, Sugar Belle dashed down the hall as she spotted a table of refreshments.

“I swear that girl's gonna rot her teeth out with all those sweets.” said an embarrassed Glimmer.

Chuckling, the eco kid decided to make an inquiry. “It's great to have you girls here but I thought you were catching the train this morning.”

“Well we were but then I thought: We've gone from place to place over the years and nothings really panned out. And this town may not exactly be equal but there's at least one person here trying to make a difference. So I thought maybe I'll hang out with her and learn a thing or two. That and Sugar Belle loves it here.”

“Well, looks like you've taken your first step in understanding this crazy train we call life,” Starlight happily put an arm around her new friend. “And you know what that means?”

“Um...not really.”

“You girls are staying at my place. Hey Sugar Belle, you're moving in with me.” The other girl, her mouth stuffed with food simply turned to them giving a muffled “okay” as the duo laughed.