//------------------------------// // Fall in Manehatten // Story: The Comforting Mountain. // by BlackLight2015 //------------------------------// I still remember the day I met you, and it was my first day of kindergarten. You were so happy, and I was so unsure of everything. "Hi my name is Rusty," you said with a smile on your face. I gave a small smile in return. "Hello Rusty, my name is Black Light, you can also call me Blackie" I finished. you gave me a smile in return. "Well, Blackie lets be best friends" I nodded my head in agreement. The school bell rang, I smiled at my new best friend and we ran for the school. I sat down at my desk. Rusty sat down next to me. We had to draw our family's as an assignment, and I started to make a drawing of my mother, father, and my little brother. I looked over at Rusty's drawing, all he was drawing was himself. I thought it was strange, and I finished my picture of my family. I got up out of my seat and walked up to the teacher and handed her my drawing, and she smiled at me, and I sat back down. I looked over at Rusty, and he finally finished with his drawing. I watched him walk up to the teacher. He handed his picture to her. She frowned at him, and he looked down at the floor. I could see them talking about something. I hoped it wasn't anything terrible. The teacher gave him a quick hug and patted him on the head, and he walked back over to his desk. "Are you okay Rusty?" I asked. He looked over at me and sighed. "No, the teacher heard what happened to me at a young age," he explained. "Well, will you tell me what happened to you at a young age?" I frowned. He sighed and nodded. "When I was young, my parents died, ponies in a cult killed them, my younger brothers and I had no other family other than my uncle. Well, I found out that I could move rocks with my will and mind, well the other ponies in Gallopfornia didn't understand my power. So some ponies would throw stones at my brother's and I, we'd run away from them to my uncle's farm. Well after a while my uncle was abusive towards my younger brothers and me, I also found out he was a part of the cult that killed my parents. I ran away from my uncle, but I left my younger brothers behind" I gave him a hug, no one should ever have to go through that. "I am so sorry that you had to do that," I sighed. Rusty gave me a small smile. The bell rang for lunch, I got up slowly and walked with Rusty to the lunchroom. We sat down and ate our hay cakes with raisins in it, and we also had a salad to eat. I always enjoyed this type of lunch, after we finished with lunch, we went outside to play. I sat on the swing, Rusty stood behind me and began pushing me. "Wheeee," I said happily. My mane was flowing in the wind, and I had a massive smile on my face. The bell rang, I hopped off the swing, Rusty and I walked back to the school. It was time for the fillies and colts in our class to go home, and I hugged Rusty goodbye. I got in my parent's carriage and went back home, and my little brother was playing outside of our townhouse. He was supposed to be a pegasus, but when he was born his wings were developed, so they decided to remove his wings. "Hey, big sis how was your first day of kindergarten?" Bright Flash smiled. "It was a good day, I made a new friend. What about you Bright Flash how was your day?" I smiled. "I learned the ABCs and 123s today," Bright Flash said happily. I ruffled his hair and made my way inside. "Hello honey how was your first day of kindergarten?" my mother Bright Light asked. I smiled at my mom. "I had a good day, and I made a new friend. His name is Rusty, and he said he's an orphan." I sighed. My mother frowned. "Well that's not good, well maybe Rusty will be adopted by a lovely young family, my mom smiled. I nodded and sat down at the table. I ate my apple slices that she made for me. After I finished with my snack I went upstairs to my room, I made my bed and picked out my bows for my hair. "Mom, will you do my hair tomorrow morning?" I yelled down the stairs. "I will my dear" she yelled up the stairs. I smiled to myself and turned on my radio and listened to some music. I could hear my father Black Flash in his office talking to one of his many colleges from the elite weather team of Manehatten. I smiled and hopped off my bed and walked down the hall to my dad's office. I knocked on the door, hoping he'd let me in while he was on the phone. "Come in, it's open," Black Flash said. I opened the door with a smile on my face. "Hi daddy," I was holding my picture I drew for him in class. "Hi honey, I see you made me another beautiful picture," he smiled. "I did, its a picture of you and mommy and me and Bright Flash," I handedit to him. He took it and put it on his wall of drawings from my brother and I. "Well Black Light I think you and your brother's pictures are beautiful, " he smiled. I gave him a hug. "Thank, Daddy, I just wish mommy would put some of our picture on the fridge," I sighed. My father frowned. "I know, but you know how your mother is about her kitchen not being cluttered. That also goes for the fridge, and I know it hurts your feelings. But I'll always put your drawings up" he said while hugging me. I smiled at my daddy and walked back to my room and turned my radio off, and I walked downstairs and outside to see if my younger brother wanted to play with me. I walked out to see him staring at the trees, the leaves on the trees were starting to turn different colors. Yellows, Reds, and Oranges. I sat down next to my brother. "Sis I'm looking forward to the leaves falling, I'm going to play in them all day," Bright Flash laughed "You know what I'm looking forward to little brother? I am looking forward to winter" I said. Big dark rain clouds were starting moving in. I shivered from the chill in the air. "Come on little bro lets go inside," I said turning around to go inside the house. My brother and I went inside, and my mom was already making dinner. I sat at the table with my little brother while we waited for dinner to be ready. It started to rain outside with some thunder and lightning, and I was awestruck by how beautiful it looked out. I sat there and looked at the storm outside, and my brother was staring as well. We get storms all the time, but this storm was big, but it was also beautiful. My mother was making her famous egg drop soup with southern black-eyed peas and cornbread, this meal was one of my favorites. She dished my brother and I our dinner, and we began eating, my father came in. He was part of the weather ponies of Manehatten, and he looked a little frazzled from the storm, he smiled at my mom and made his way downstairs. My mom got his plate ready as he got his cup of coffee, the wind was whistling. I got quite nervous from this, I shuddered. My mom put a hoof on my shoulder. "It's okay honey storms like this happen all the time, and we're by the sea, and the Crystal mountains are behind us. So I'm not surprised we got a storm like this" My mom Bright Light said with a smile. She always knew how to make me feel better. I gave my mom a small smile back as I continued to eat my dinner, my father sat down. "Black Light how were your first day of kindergarten?" Black Flash asked. "It was a great daddy, and I made a new friend today. His name is Rusty" I finished. My brother and I finished our dinner, and I got up and kissed my mom and dad goodnight as I went to my room to go to sleep, my room illuminated with the bright light from the storm. Although it was loud, it lulled me to a peaceful sleep. I awoke to the sound of rain, I sat up and looked outside. ' Boo I was hoping the rain would be done' I said to myself. I got out of bed and headed downstairs to see my mom sitting at the table with her coffee, and I sat down next to her at the table. "Good morning Black Light how'd you sleep?" Bright Light asked. "Good" I smiled. Bright Light gave me a small smile back and got up to get me juice, and I always liked to get up early with my mother and have juice with her. She handed me my cranberry juice and sat back down at the table, I sipped at my juice and sat with my mother in a comfortable silence. All you could hear was the rain and the faint ticking of the clock.